Nicholas Beauman


Dream Baby
Trapped in a remote Caravan Park, little Elvis thinks up a scheme to break free, determined to make a better life for herself.
Women He's Undressed
Hollywood stars, historical footage and stylized reenactments tell the story of costume designer Orry-Kelly, who ruled Tinseltown fashion for decades.
How many working class Balmain boys grow up to be showgirls? Not just any showgirl but a household name, a legend of Kings Cross, a daytime TV star, and a symbol of generational change.
Love, Lust & Lies
The fifth film in the documentary series about the lives, hopes and dreams of three lively, working class Adelaide girls since they were fourteen in 1976.
Atos que Desafiam a Morte
O famoso ilusionista Harry Houdini (Guy Pearce) chega a Edimburgo e oferece US$ 10 mil a quem conseguir entrar em contato com sua mãe no além. Mary McGarvie (Catherine Zeta-Jones), uma médium bela e trapaceira, aceita o desafio. Porém à medida que Houdini ocupa seu tempo em companhia de Mary ele percebe que sente-se cada vez mais atraído por ela.
Amor Sem Fronteiras
Sarah Jordan (Angelina Jolie) é uma socialite casada com Henry Bauford (Linus Roache), filho de um influente empresário americano. Após conhecer Nick Callahan (Clive Owen), um médico que se dedica a causas humanitárias na África, Sarah se dispõe a ajudá-lo. Ela arrecada fundos para comprar medicamentos e comida para refugiados na Etiópia, aonde vai para entregá-los à equpe de Nick. Ver o sofrimento e a miséria do povo etíope de perto faz com que Sarah decida mudar de vida ao retornar a Londres, passando a trabalhar para uma ONG que ajuda causas humanitárias.
Charlotte Gray: Paixão Sem Fronteiras
Em 1942, em plena 2ª Guerra Mundial, Londres está bloqueada e diversas bombas são lançadas sobre a cidade durante a noite. Disposta a ajudar no que lhe for possível, Charlotte Gray (Cate Blanchett) decide por deixar a Escócia e partir rumo a Londres. Ao chegar ela logo conhece Peter Gregory (Rupert Penry-Jones), um piloto da força aérea britânica, por quem se apaixona. Mas o namoro dos dois é bruscamente interrompido quando Peter é convocado para uma missão aérea na França, onde seu avião é abatido e ele fica desaparecido. Acreditando que Peter ainda esteja vivo e escondido pela Resistência Francesa, Charlotte decide partir rumo a França. Como fala francês fluentemente, ela consegue ser recrutada como uma agente secreta e é enviada justamente para ajudar a Resistência Francesa.
Mãe Incomparável
When a meddlesome mother enrolls in university with her son, old and new worlds collide with awesome consequences.
A Bright Shining Lie
Something in his past keeps career Army man John Paul Vann from advancing past colonel. He views being sent to Vietnam as part of the US military advisory force a stepping stone to promotion. However, he disagrees vocally (and on the record) with the way the war is being run and is forced to leave the military. Returning to Vietnam as a civilian working with the Army, he comes to despise some South Vietnamese officers while he takes charge of some of the U.S. forces and continues his liaisons with Vietnamese women.
Oscar e Lucinda
Depois de uma infância de abuso por parte de seu pai evangelista, o desajustado Oscar Hopkins se torna um ministro anglicano e desenvolve uma obsessão divina por jogos de azar. Lucinda Leplastrier é uma rica herdeira australiana que compra em Londres materiais para sua fábrica de vidro recém-adquirida em seu país. Decidido a viajar para a Austrália como um missionário, Oscar conhece Lucinda a bordo do navio e uma obsessão mútua floresce. Eles fazem uma aposta que vai alterar cada um de seus destinos.
Lewis, a young amateur theater director, is offered a job with a governmental program for the rehabilitation of mentally ill patients in a Sydney institution. His project is overrun by one of the patients who wants to stage the opera Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart despite the fact that none of the patients are able to sing and none of them speak Italian. A comedy of errors ensues, but one which unifies the patients and their director in unexpected ways.
Adoráveis Mulheres
Durante a Guerra Civil, uma mãe com 4 filhas passa por graves problemas finaceiros, enquanto o marido está na frente de batalha. A mais intelectualizada das irmãs, que sonha ser escritora, é cortejada por um rico vizinho, mas quando este se declara ela o rejeita e vai morar em Nova York, onde se envolve com um professor. Mas quando chega a notícia de que o estado de saúde de uma de suas irmãs piorou consideravelmente, ela retorna para casa.
Vida no Campo
Adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" set in rural Australia in the 1920s. Jack Dickens and his niece Sally run the family farm to support brother-in-law Alexander as a (supposedly brilliant) literary critic in London. Action begins when Alexander returns with his beautiful young wife Deborah, revealing himself as an arrogant failure and wanting to sell the farm out from under Jack. Blakemore introduces themes about Australia's separation from England, as well as expanding the pacifist and ecological philosophies espoused by the local Doctor Max Askey.
Os Últimos Dias em Que Ficamos Juntos
The story of sisters Vicki and Beth, when Vicki begins an affair with Beth's intriguing French husband.
Areias Brancas
Um pequeno xerife do sudoeste da cidade encontra um corpo no deserto com uma mala e US $ 500.000. Ele se faz passar pelo homem e se depara com uma investigação do FBI.
Wallace is an efficiency expert, managing the high-profile downsizing of a major auto parts factory. But when he is hired to evaluate a small moccasin factory which seems from another era, Wallace has to reconsider the rapid modernization he advocates, as he is confronted by the human faces such plans hurt.
The Last Crop
Ann (Kerry Walker) cleans for a living. She confronts problems like a vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt from the carpet. She shares everything she has with her two moody children (Noah Taylor, Sarah Hooper) and her equally erratic neighbours. She also shares everything her rich and constantly out-of-town employers have. While Ann vacuums her clients’ penthouses, her friends enjoy the million dollar views, luxury appointments, home gyms, cocktails by the pool - the things they have always wanted, but could never in their wildest dreams afford.
Blood Oath
On an obscure Pacific Island just north of Australia, the Japanese Empire has operated a prisoner of war camp for Australian soldiers. At the close of World War II, the liberated POWs tell a gruesome tale of mass executions of over eight hundred persons as well as torture style killings of downed Australian airmen. In an attempt to bring those responsible to justice, the Australian Army establishes a War Crimes Tribunal to pass judgement on the Japanese men and officers who ran the Ambon camp. In an added twist, a high ranking Japanese admiral is implicated, and politics become involoved with justice as American authorities in Japan lobby for the Admiral's release. Written by Anthony Hughes
Bingo, Bridesmaids & Braces
The third film in a documentary series from acclaimed director Gillian Armstrong, about the lives of three working class women. as they grow up from the age of 14. They're now at the ripe old age of 26, and we witness the women confronting the very real issues of teenage pregnancy, and love versus sex, marriage and career.
Rewi Rapana returns to the small country town of Te Mata after his family has left the district. His arrival rekindles old tensions as well as renewing family ties. He is seeking an identity and a permanent place to call home yet desperately hiding a secret from his past. Oddly enough there is one person with whom he finds peace of mind. She is an old woman known as Kara. A special relationship develops between Rewi, Kara and Kara’s great granddaughter Awatea.
The Place at the Coast
Teenager Ellie is distressed by forces that threaten the special family holidays she shares with her widowed father. These threats are posed by a new coastal development and her father's new relationship with a local woman. Ellie desperately clings to memories and places that preserve the memory of her late mother.
Em Busca do Passado
História de uma Back-Vocal de um imitador de Elvis que reencontra o passado quando sai para dar uma volta em uma pequena cidade e encontra sua filha em um parque de trailers. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Mrs. Soffel
História real de duas vidas, duas prisões. A primeira é do simpático Ed, que junto com seu irmão Jack espera por seu terrível destino. A outra é Kate, que além de conviver com as grades da prisão, também vive com as grades de sua própria vida. O amor entre eles transforma-se em poder para romper as barreiras da prisão — e surge uma esperança ruma à liberdade.
A Sydney teen tries to make it as a rock singer, with help from her odd 14-year-old cousin.
Hoodwink is based on the true story of an Australian con artist who briefly won the hearts of the media (if not the authorities). John Hargreaves stars as a criminal serving time in a New South Wales prison. He's not partial to the physical labor required of the convicts, so he hits upon a labor-saving plan. Hargreaves pretends to be totally blind, thus lightening his work load....and carries off the hoax for years.
The Earthling
Recently diagnosed with a terminal illness, a man returns home to Australia to die in the wildness. His plans become complicated when he meets a young boy and decides to take him under his wing.
As Quatro Irmãs
A young woman who is determined to maintain her independence finds herself at odds with her family who wants her to tame her wild side and get married.
Benny Hill Down Under
A one-off special starring Benny Hill, filmed entirely in Australia. Includes a sketch about "Benny Kelly," son of infamous Australian outlaw Ned Kelly; "Hold Back the Wind" (a Tennessee Williams parody); "Archie's Angels" (a spoof of Charlie's Angels); and "Lady Godiva." Also: a vagabond dreams of moving up to the high life; an interview with Chow Mein; a dance routine set to the themes from The Avengers, M*A*S*H and Hawaii Five-O; and closing hijinks around the beach.