Adam Jones já foi um respeitado chef em Paris, mas o abuso de drogas e álcool destruiu sua carreira. Depois de passar um tempo em Nova Orleans, ele tem uma nova oportunidade em Londres, quando é contratado por seu antigo maître para ser o chef de cozinha de um restaurante requintado. Exigindo a perfeição da sua recém-formada equipe, o amargo e temperamental Jones tem uma segunda chance para realizar seu sonho de ganhar uma terceira estrela Michelin.
No ano de 1945, os nazistas montaram uma base secreta na Lua, antes do final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, onde se mativeram escondidos planejando o seu regresso ao poder. Em 2018 eles estão retornando!
The story of Peter McGowan, a chain-smoking, impotent, insomniac playwright who lives in Los Angeles. Once very successful, he is now in the tenth year of a decade-long string of production failures. He finds himself bonding with a new neighbor's lonely young daughter who has mild cerebral palsy; and during one of his middle-of-the-night strolls, he encounters his oddball doppelgänger.
The story of Peter McGowan, a chain-smoking, impotent, insomniac playwright who lives in Los Angeles. Once very successful, he is now in the tenth year of a decade-long string of production failures. He finds himself bonding with a new neighbor's lonely young daughter who has mild cerebral palsy; and during one of his middle-of-the-night strolls, he encounters his oddball doppelgänger.
Roger Mason is a prisoner locked away in a futuristic fortress of a jail. Desperate to escape and see his daughter, he keeps making attempt after attempt to break free, but each one is foiled just as he's about to gain his freedom. As his punishments include being frozen in suspended animation for years at a time, he stays the same age while his daughter grows older. As more time keeps being added to his sentence, he despairs of ever getting out.