Post Production Coordinator
Quando políticos frustrados nomeiam uma figura histórica para ser o próximo presidente, um homônimo humilde e honesto se torna o líder da Itália.
Post Production Coordinator
On 8 August 1991, an Albanian ship carrying 20,000 people reached the port of Bari. The ship was called the “Vlora”. Mooring was difficult, and some of the passengers jumped overboard to swim to land, while many others chanted “Italia, Italia”, making the victory sign. On 7 August 1991, the ship, returning from Cuba, the “Vlora” had arrived at the port of Durrës with 10,000 tons of sugar in its hold. Work on unloading the sugar was underway when an enormous throng of thousands of people suddenly assailed the ship, forcing the captain to head for Italy. The next morning, waiting for the “Vlora” was an incredulous and stunned city and an empty football stadium where the Albanians were held before being sent back home. Twenty-one years have passed since that day. Most of the people who boarded that ship were sent back to Albania, but the crossings continued and many of them had another go. Today, 4.5 million foreigners live in Italy.
Post Production Coordinator
Carlo partilha um apartamento em Roma com a sua mulher Silvia no bairro fino de Parioli: não esconde nada da sua relação com Lù, que alberga na sua casa de campo, e aceita que Silvia possa ser cortejada por outros homens. Quando se encontra no campo com Lù, Carlo tem como hábito falar longamente ao telefone com a sua mulher, e é no decurso de uma dessas conversas que descobrimos que um jovem rapaz procura seduzir Silvia. A aparição desta quarta personagem marca o ponto de partida da história: a de uma obsessão, cujos longos diálogos investigarão o mistério de Silvia, levando progressivamente Carlo à verdade.