Larry Pennell
Nascimento : 1928-02-21, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, USA
Morte : 2013-08-28
Lawrence Kenneth Pennell (February 21, 1928 – August 28, 2013) was an American television and film actor, often remembered for his role as "Dash Riprock" in the television series The Beverly Hillbillies. His career spanned half a century, including starring in the first-run syndicated adventure series Ripcord in the leading role of Skydiver Theodore "Ted" McKeever, as well as playing Keith Holden in Lassie. He was also a baseball player, playing on scholarship for the University of Southern California (USC) and later professionally for the Boston Braves organization.
Charles - Butler
The three Naibert children, in their teens and early twenties, inherit a vast estate from their grandmother Rebecca. But unknown to them, the family inheritance has passed from grandmother to granddaughter for centuries-and Rebecca has a long reach from the grave to assure that the line is unbroken. The first weekend in the mansion is a party for the three Naiberts and their friends-but one by one, they vanish without a trace. Is death the punishment for violating Rebecca's spell? Are the demons that beset the young people real-or only reflections of their own fear? Is it murder, violence from another dimension, or madness? The answer lives in the reflections.
Bubba Ho-Tep narra a história "verídica" do que realmente aconteceu com Elvis Presley (Bruce Campbell). No passado, o Rei do Rock trocou de identidade com um de seus imitadores e acabou impossibilitado de trocar de volta. Assim, todos acreditam que o Elvis que morreu é o verdadeiro, quando na verdade era apenas mais um dos fãs do astro. O Rei vive agora num asilo para velhinhos, onde faz eventuais apresentações. Seu melhor amigo é Jack (Ossie Davis), também morador do local, que garante ser o presidente John F. Kennedy, pintado de negro pela CIA. Os dois valentes heróis geriáticos seguem normalmente suas vidas até que descobrem uma terrível ameaça que precisam impedir juntos: Uma maligna entidade egípcia que volta à vida e decide alimentar-se dos moradores da clínica.
It's death-by-fear (aka scared-to-death) in this deceptively psychological thriller. The hero, Mike brings his friends to his grandparents' house for a Halloween party wherein they will all dress up as their innermost fears. Mike's fear is that he's inherited a homicidal legacy from his father. Mike's father was a serial killer who murdered his mother right in front of him when Mike was five before committing suicide. Mike's fear manifests itself in his inability to commit to his girlfriend of 4 1/2 years, Peg for fear that he will kill her too. Everything gets rolling when an ancient Indian totem wooden figure named Morty comes to life and starts killing off Mike's friends by making their worst fears come true. The ultimate confrontation comes when Mike has to face his greatest fear - his own father.
Trainyard Laborer
A rich boy desperate for attention makes friends with the dinosaurs of "Prehysteria!". Prehysteria! 2
Howie Gold
Jack Elliot, a one-time MVP for the New York Yankees is now on the down side of his baseball career. With a falling batting average, does he have one good year left and can the manager of the Chunichi Dragons, a Japanese Central baseball league find it in him?
Captain Scarcelli
Um extraterrestre é condenado a viver na Terra na forma humana, mas periodicamente precisa substituir seu corpo. Para isso, ele mata qualquer um que cruze seu caminho.
Clark Gable
A womanizer tries to redeem himself to win over the girl of his dreams.
In an old Hollywood mansion, the spirit of an old family retainer inhabits an old grandfather clock. When a movie company uses the mansion for a film, the spirit inhabits the body of an alien and persuades the two filmmakers to track down an old house that will resolve a family scandal.
A seeker named Dogen rescues Dhyana after her father is murdered by the evil Jared-Syn. To avenge her father's death, Dogen must find Jared-Syn's hideout in the mysterious "Lost City", but the only person who knows where it is an aging, burned-out seeker named Rhodes. Along the way, they will need to do battle against the hunter Baal and his Cyclopean minions for engaging Jared-Syn in a final encounter.
Chief Barrett
A group of random individuals get stranded on a bridge that begins collapsing at both ends. Not only that, but there's a gun-wielding bank robber using the bridge as his means of escape refusing to let any of the rescuers draw near the survivors. Time is running out ...
George Leahy
A witch put to death in 1692 swears vengeance on her persecutors and returns to the present day to punish their descendants.
Rick Cahill
Young sprinter Chris Cahill is having difficulty reaching her potential as an athlete, until she meets established track star Tory Skinner. As Tory and her coach help Chris with her training, the two women form friendship that evolves into a romantic relationship. Their intimacy, however, becomes complicated when Chris' improvement causes them to be competitors for the Olympic team.
Clark Gable
The story of the life and times of the legendary Hollywood blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe, from her meteoric rise to stardom to her marriages and untimely death.
Paul Beaulieu
"Elvis Não Morreu" é um filme biográfico produzido para a televisão nos Estados Unidos em 1979, escrito por Anthony Lawrence e dirigido por John Carpenter, com Kurt Russell no papel do Rei do Rock, Elvis Presley.
A hotshot junkman decides to go to the moon with his two young companions in a homemade rocket to recover millions of dollars worth of discarded space equipment in this pilot to the series.
Lee Dockerty
A small-time talent agent discovers an amazing boxing kangaroo and figures to use it as his stepping-stone into the big time.
Captain Cyril Simard
A batalha de Midway ocorreu em junho de 1942, apenas seis meses depois do fatídico ataque japonês a Pearl Harbor. Midway mostra as histórias dramáticas dos homens que lutaram bravamente na batalha dando suas vidas por sua pátria. O elenco estrelado por Charlton Heston (Ben-Hur) e Henry Fonda (Era uma vez no Oeste) é garantia de muita emoção e talento em cena. Imperdível.
Sgt. White
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".
Vaqueiro vê a família ser massacrada por bando de índios e ladrões de cavalos, liderados por dois homens brancos, que fogem para o México e escapam da polícia americana. O vaqueiro arregimenta seis fugitivos da prisão e parte para a vingança.
Na Dakota do Sul, um grupo de jovens índios, vivendo na reserva Sioux, começam um protesto contra o governo americano e anos de mentiras e decepções chegam a um final violento.
Keith Holden
Sally gets surgery for her hearing. Lassie gets lost after having to hide out in the back of a laundry van.
Bill Holmes
A group of 21st-century colonists inhabit an underwater city called Pacifica. Originally intended as a purely scientific installation, the U. S. government wants to stash all its gold reserves from Fort Knox there, along with a fantastic new radioactive element. The brother of Pacifica's returning former commander plans to steal the gold and on top of that, the city faces destruction by an asteroid from outer space!
A black champion boxer and his white female companion struggle to survive while the white boxing establishment looks for ways to knock him down.
Gen. Jack O'Neal
Old Surehand chega a Mason City seguindo uma nova pista sobre o assassino do irmão, um bandido conhecido como “O General”, que procura há três anos. No entanto, Old Surehand vê-se envolvido num conflito latente entre os colonos e os índios Comanches em estado de guerra e de vingança devido ao assassinato do filho do Chefe. Na companhia do seu fiel amigo Old Wabble, que os as autoridades julgam ser o assassino do irmão de Surehand, e com a ajuda do seu amigo e irmão de sangue de sangue Winnetou, o afável Chefe dos Apaches, Surehand tudo fará para impedir a guerra…
Ken Stewart
The FBI sends agents to Jamaica to investigate arms smuggling to revolutionaries in Santo Domingo.
George Crandall
O veterano agente do FBI, John Michael "Chip" Hardesty, narra a história da organização, iniciando com o caso de Jack Graham, psicopata que explodiu o avião que viajava a mãe dele, em um voo de Denver para Portland para ficar com o prêmio do seguro de vida dela. A solução do caso após minuciosa investigação é mostrada como um exemplo da evolução técnica daquele órgão policial norte-americano.
Maj. Thomas
A glowing brain-like creature arrives on a beach near a rocket test site via a teleportation beam. The alien communicates telepathically with the children of scientists. The kids start doing the alien's bidding as the adults try to find out what's happening to their unruly offspring.
Johnny Jargin
Cocky car racer Nick Jargin has retired since he nearly caused the death of his brother at a hairpin bend on a circuit. He now holds a trendy café who keeps him busy full time until one day, Tony Boari, a new champion racer, challenges him.
Buddy Lewis
The pilot, co-pilot, and crew of a bomber try to hit a Korean bridge in bad weather.
Wild Eagle
Virgínia, 1803. Depois que os Estados Unidos da América adquirem da França o vasto território da Louisiana, uma grande expedição, liderada por William Lewis e Meriwether Clark, é enviada para explorar as novas terras e ir aonde nenhum homem branco foi antes.
Oliver Brown
Rise, fall and execution of John Brown, fanatic abolitionist.