Quin Davis


The Grimm Backward
Krista (Megan Davis), a cocktail waitress, and Dean, her slacker boyfriend, have plans to spend some time alone together. That is until Dean hears a disturbing voice mail message from his roommate Micah which forces the couple to abandon their weekend getaway to look for him instead. Ominously, when they follow Micah's trail, the remote, desert town reveals no trace of him. As the mystery deepens, the young couple comes face-to-face with their worst nightmares (The Grimm). And learn the hard way that not all nightmares end when you wake up. - (They are to be offered up as sacrifice to a sinister force, not of this world)
Na esperança de encontrar a prova do paranormal, cinco estudantes de cinema a documentar o Hospital Queen lendário Cobre. Mas quando o sol se põe, eles experimentam algo muito pior do que jamais poderia ter imaginado e eles se vêem perseguidos por um maníaco sedento de sangue.
Na esperança de encontrar a prova do paranormal, cinco estudantes de cinema a documentar o Hospital Queen lendário Cobre. Mas quando o sol se põe, eles experimentam algo muito pior do que jamais poderia ter imaginado e eles se vêem perseguidos por um maníaco sedento de sangue.
Dead West
Makeup Department Head
Dead West - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. The story of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make it big in a western film studio and theme park, when a 'new management team' takes over the park and turns the film studio into a fright-fest for the month of Halloween. Haunted by the image of his dead western movie hero, who appears to him on the little screen, Johnny unravels the real intent of management and its opening night 'spectacular', which takes place in the depths of the park's cave.
O Reino
Special Effects Makeup Artist
O agente Ronald Fluery é o encarregado do FBI para investigar um atentado fatal contra cidadãos americanos em um país do Oriente Médio. Na difícil tarefa de encontrar os verdadeiros culpados, o líder da missão terá de armar uma estratégia mirabolante para passar por cima dos obstáculos culturais e das burocracias do outro lado do mundo.