Antony Hickling

Antony Hickling

Nascimento : 1975-11-08, Johannesburg, South Africa


Antony Hickling was born on November 8, 1975 in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is an actor and director, known for One Deep Breath (2014), Little Gay Boy (2013) and Where Horses Go to Die (2016).


Antony Hickling
Antony Hickling
Antony Hickling
Antony Hickling
Antony Hickling
Antony Hickling
Antony Hickling


An Afternoon with Patrick Sarfati
A documentary in the form of an encounter with French photographer Patrick Sarfati, who, from the 1980s onwards, magnified the male body and portrayed many iconic artists.
An Afternoon with Patrick Sarfati
A documentary in the form of an encounter with French photographer Patrick Sarfati, who, from the 1980s onwards, magnified the male body and portrayed many iconic artists.
Hard Skills
The Biggest Fan
Gérard Lanvin has an important role in a new blockbuster! Filming is about to begin in the South of France. On site, he meets Momo Zapareto, the pool boy at the house he is renting for the duration or the shoot. But Momo is a fan, a big fan… an uberfan! He has seen all his films and is soon doing all he can to make himself indispensable to his idol and the technical crew. For Gérard, the nightmare has just begun…
Down in Paris
Richard Barlow
Richard, a 40-year-old filmmaker conquered by an unexplained anxiety attack, lets go of his current shoot and wanders through nocturnal Paris, in search of answers, solace and inspiration. During this sleepless night, at random encounters, sometimes warm, sometimes disturbing, crossing foreign figures, unknown bodies or familiar faces, Richard will face his fears and question his deep desires... until dawn.
Down in Paris
Richard, a 40-year-old filmmaker conquered by an unexplained anxiety attack, lets go of his current shoot and wanders through nocturnal Paris, in search of answers, solace and inspiration. During this sleepless night, at random encounters, sometimes warm, sometimes disturbing, crossing foreign figures, unknown bodies or familiar faces, Richard will face his fears and question his deep desires... until dawn.
Down in Paris
Richard, a 40-year-old filmmaker conquered by an unexplained anxiety attack, lets go of his current shoot and wanders through nocturnal Paris, in search of answers, solace and inspiration. During this sleepless night, at random encounters, sometimes warm, sometimes disturbing, crossing foreign figures, unknown bodies or familiar faces, Richard will face his fears and question his deep desires... until dawn.
Down in Paris
Richard, a 40-year-old filmmaker conquered by an unexplained anxiety attack, lets go of his current shoot and wanders through nocturnal Paris, in search of answers, solace and inspiration. During this sleepless night, at random encounters, sometimes warm, sometimes disturbing, crossing foreign figures, unknown bodies or familiar faces, Richard will face his fears and question his deep desires... until dawn.
The Butcher’s Daughter
Sid Kharish
Charly is the editor in chief of a fashion magazine. When her father dies, she inherits the family business: a butchery. Not exactly her passion in life... She’s about to sell it when Mar- tial, who worked for her father, wants to take it over, but she is having second thoughts. These two opposite characters will have to get used to one another.
Caixa Preta
Collaborateur 2 ASSA
O que aconteceu a bordo do voo Dubai-Paris antes de bater no maciço alpino? Técnico na BEA, autoridade responsável pelas investigações de segurança na aviação civil, Mathieu Vasseur é o investigador principal desse desastre aéreo sem precedentes. Teria sido um erro do piloto? Falha técnica? Ato terrorista? A análise minuciosa das caixas pretas fará com que Mathieu conduza secretamente a sua própria investigação. Ele ainda não sabe até onde vai a sua busca pela verdade.
Queer I
This short film addresses the relationship between nature, the organic and the various bodies that answer the question "what is queer?"
Queer I
Director of Photography
This short film addresses the relationship between nature, the organic and the various bodies that answer the question "what is queer?"
Queer I
This short film addresses the relationship between nature, the organic and the various bodies that answer the question "what is queer?"
Queer I
This short film addresses the relationship between nature, the organic and the various bodies that answer the question "what is queer?"
Le Making of Frig
Le Making of Frig
Le Making of Frig
Frig — a film in three parts (Love, Shit and Sperm) — is an experimental drama beginning with the end of a love affair. Love and the resulting experience are presented as a metaphor that goes beyond the personal and into a deeper consideration of life’s cycles, ultimately becoming a reflection on life, death and rebirth. Opening with a personal poem and accompanied by fragmented images, the film plunge into Sade’s universe in “120 Days of Sodom” and charts the descent into one’s own, personal hell, revealing the hidden face of society.
Frig — a film in three parts (Love, Shit and Sperm) — is an experimental drama beginning with the end of a love affair. Love and the resulting experience are presented as a metaphor that goes beyond the personal and into a deeper consideration of life’s cycles, ultimately becoming a reflection on life, death and rebirth. Opening with a personal poem and accompanied by fragmented images, the film plunge into Sade’s universe in “120 Days of Sodom” and charts the descent into one’s own, personal hell, revealing the hidden face of society.
Male Shorts: International V1
The first volume of an international collection of five short films focusing on men, including: Just Past Noon on a Tuesday (2018); Neptune [Netuno] (2017); P.D (2014); The Mousetrap [La tapette] (2016); The Storm [La tempête] (2017).
Where Horses Go to Die
Daniel is an artist who has lost his desire to paint. An unexpected meeting with three « working girls » one evening marks the beginning of a surreal adventure. Later that night, the wildest dreams and the worst nightmares of his three new muses unravel in his imagination.
Where Horses Go to Die
Daniel is an artist who has lost his desire to paint. An unexpected meeting with three « working girls » one evening marks the beginning of a surreal adventure. Later that night, the wildest dreams and the worst nightmares of his three new muses unravel in his imagination.
Where Horses Go to Die
Daniel is an artist who has lost his desire to paint. An unexpected meeting with three « working girls » one evening marks the beginning of a surreal adventure. Later that night, the wildest dreams and the worst nightmares of his three new muses unravel in his imagination.
Louise by the Shore
Tom (Voice)
On the last day of summer in a small seaside resort town, an older woman named Louise realizes that the last train has departed without her. She finds herself alone in the town, abandoned by everyone. As the weather turns for the worse and with no one to keep her company, louise must rely on her past to help her survive the present.
Par-courts Gay, Volume 5
Pour l'amour de Valère
Antoine is a young comedian and musician. He lives with his wife who loves him, although she knows he is having an affair with Valère, his lover comedian.
The Parisian B*
William (voice)
Thirty-year-old Camilla, realizes that she doesn't have the life she deserves and decides that the only destiny worthy of her is that of a royal princess.
Le ciel au-dessous de Bastille
Derek Anger
Derek and Theo, mad about poetry and cinema, exalt their love by making films and filming each other, alternately subject and object. "But life separates those who love each other ...", fate hits hard. How to survive the disappearance of the loved one, how to distinguish now reality, dream and cinema?
Le ciel au-dessous de Bastille
Derek and Theo, mad about poetry and cinema, exalt their love by making films and filming each other, alternately subject and object. "But life separates those who love each other ...", fate hits hard. How to survive the disappearance of the loved one, how to distinguish now reality, dream and cinema?
Le ciel au-dessous de Bastille
Derek and Theo, mad about poetry and cinema, exalt their love by making films and filming each other, alternately subject and object. "But life separates those who love each other ...", fate hits hard. How to survive the disappearance of the loved one, how to distinguish now reality, dream and cinema?
One Deep Breath
Eros and Thanatos. One deep breath: this is what Maël might need to cope with his partner Adam's suicide, a tragic event that, apart from great sorrow, has caused him to have a physical breakdown. He is troubled by his doubts about his lover's last drastic act, by how he put an end to his life and to their difficult relationship. But his grief turns into anger when he discovers that Adam had a secret long-term relationship with a woman called Patricia: he digs deep into his own memories, recollecting past events and eventually meeting his rival. On her part, Patricia will have to face unexpected dangers. A claustrophobic melodrama, with an unstructured and evocative narrative style. Here, South African director Antony Hickling, 34, confirms his visionary talent and ability to adopt a fresh point of view on queer cinema. All the performers are strictly gay and transgender, including Manuel Blanc, who was once André Téchiné's muse.
One Deep Breath
Eros and Thanatos. One deep breath: this is what Maël might need to cope with his partner Adam's suicide, a tragic event that, apart from great sorrow, has caused him to have a physical breakdown. He is troubled by his doubts about his lover's last drastic act, by how he put an end to his life and to their difficult relationship. But his grief turns into anger when he discovers that Adam had a secret long-term relationship with a woman called Patricia: he digs deep into his own memories, recollecting past events and eventually meeting his rival. On her part, Patricia will have to face unexpected dangers. A claustrophobic melodrama, with an unstructured and evocative narrative style. Here, South African director Antony Hickling, 34, confirms his visionary talent and ability to adopt a fresh point of view on queer cinema. All the performers are strictly gay and transgender, including Manuel Blanc, who was once André Téchiné's muse.
One Deep Breath
Eros and Thanatos. One deep breath: this is what Maël might need to cope with his partner Adam's suicide, a tragic event that, apart from great sorrow, has caused him to have a physical breakdown. He is troubled by his doubts about his lover's last drastic act, by how he put an end to his life and to their difficult relationship. But his grief turns into anger when he discovers that Adam had a secret long-term relationship with a woman called Patricia: he digs deep into his own memories, recollecting past events and eventually meeting his rival. On her part, Patricia will have to face unexpected dangers. A claustrophobic melodrama, with an unstructured and evocative narrative style. Here, South African director Antony Hickling, 34, confirms his visionary talent and ability to adopt a fresh point of view on queer cinema. All the performers are strictly gay and transgender, including Manuel Blanc, who was once André Téchiné's muse.
A cruising area takes on majestic proportions as we discover Greek-esque male bodies in the forest. The sonnets 18, 57, 20 by William Shakespeare add to the Midsummer Nights Dream like ambiance of the film.
A cruising area takes on majestic proportions as we discover Greek-esque male bodies in the forest. The sonnets 18, 57, 20 by William Shakespeare add to the Midsummer Nights Dream like ambiance of the film.
Boys On Film X
Boys On Film presents the tenth volume in the world's most successful short film series. All boundaries will be broken as Boys On Film X promises to take it further than ever before, showcasing eight of the most sexy, unique and brilliant new short films, including: Jacob Brown's "Blinders" starring Nathaniel Brown, Byrdie Bell, and Luke Worrall; Fabio Youniss's "A Stable For Disabled Horses" starring Daniel Swan and Daniel Simonsen; Antony Hickling and Amaury Grisel's "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead" starring Gaëtan Vettier; Till Kleinert's "Boys Village" starring Benjamin Thorne and Andrew McQueen; Lukas Dhont's "Headlong" starring Jelle Florizoone and Thomas Coumans; Evan Roberts's "Yeah Kowalski!" starring Cameron Wofford and Conor Donnelly; William Feroldi's "Inflatable Swamp" starring Francis Beraud and Paul Huntley-Thomas; and Dominic Haxton's "Teens Like Phil" starring Adam Donovan and Jake Robbins.
Boys On Film X
Boys On Film presents the tenth volume in the world's most successful short film series. All boundaries will be broken as Boys On Film X promises to take it further than ever before, showcasing eight of the most sexy, unique and brilliant new short films, including: Jacob Brown's "Blinders" starring Nathaniel Brown, Byrdie Bell, and Luke Worrall; Fabio Youniss's "A Stable For Disabled Horses" starring Daniel Swan and Daniel Simonsen; Antony Hickling and Amaury Grisel's "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead" starring Gaëtan Vettier; Till Kleinert's "Boys Village" starring Benjamin Thorne and Andrew McQueen; Lukas Dhont's "Headlong" starring Jelle Florizoone and Thomas Coumans; Evan Roberts's "Yeah Kowalski!" starring Cameron Wofford and Conor Donnelly; William Feroldi's "Inflatable Swamp" starring Francis Beraud and Paul Huntley-Thomas; and Dominic Haxton's "Teens Like Phil" starring Adam Donovan and Jake Robbins.
Boys On Film X
Boys On Film presents the tenth volume in the world's most successful short film series. All boundaries will be broken as Boys On Film X promises to take it further than ever before, showcasing eight of the most sexy, unique and brilliant new short films, including: Jacob Brown's "Blinders" starring Nathaniel Brown, Byrdie Bell, and Luke Worrall; Fabio Youniss's "A Stable For Disabled Horses" starring Daniel Swan and Daniel Simonsen; Antony Hickling and Amaury Grisel's "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead" starring Gaëtan Vettier; Till Kleinert's "Boys Village" starring Benjamin Thorne and Andrew McQueen; Lukas Dhont's "Headlong" starring Jelle Florizoone and Thomas Coumans; Evan Roberts's "Yeah Kowalski!" starring Cameron Wofford and Conor Donnelly; William Feroldi's "Inflatable Swamp" starring Francis Beraud and Paul Huntley-Thomas; and Dominic Haxton's "Teens Like Phil" starring Adam Donovan and Jake Robbins.
The End of Cruising
A documentary about gay male cruising and public sex and how it has changed over the years.
The End of Cruising
A documentary about gay male cruising and public sex and how it has changed over the years.
Holy Thursday (The Last Supper)
Jean-Christophe, about twenty, meets his father for the first time. In a forest where they have decided to meet, reality transforms itself and takes the form of a fantastic tale. For Jean-Christophe, the hour is of disappointment in front of the fantasized father who turns out to be very different from what he had dreamed.
Holy Thursday (The Last Supper)
Jean-Christophe, about twenty, meets his father for the first time. In a forest where they have decided to meet, reality transforms itself and takes the form of a fantastic tale. For Jean-Christophe, the hour is of disappointment in front of the fantasized father who turns out to be very different from what he had dreamed.
Holy Thursday (The Last Supper)
Jean-Christophe, about twenty, meets his father for the first time. In a forest where they have decided to meet, reality transforms itself and takes the form of a fantastic tale. For Jean-Christophe, the hour is of disappointment in front of the fantasized father who turns out to be very different from what he had dreamed.
Holy Thursday (The Last Supper)
Jean-Christophe, about twenty, meets his father for the first time. In a forest where they have decided to meet, reality transforms itself and takes the form of a fantastic tale. For Jean-Christophe, the hour is of disappointment in front of the fantasized father who turns out to be very different from what he had dreamed.
Little Gay Boy
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
Little Gay Boy
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
Little Gay Boy
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
Little Gay Boy
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
Little Gay Boy, Christ is Dead
Jean-Christophe lives with his mother, an English prostitute, in Paris. He dreams of becoming a model. Over the course of a day, he endures a series of abusive encounters that will change him forever. He goes from innocence to experience as he, and his dreams, are destroyed by those around him. The violence of the film is accentuated by the use of BDSM, Performance Art and Dance.
Little Gay Boy, Christ is Dead
Jean-Christophe lives with his mother, an English prostitute, in Paris. He dreams of becoming a model. Over the course of a day, he endures a series of abusive encounters that will change him forever. He goes from innocence to experience as he, and his dreams, are destroyed by those around him. The violence of the film is accentuated by the use of BDSM, Performance Art and Dance.
Little Gay Boy, Christ is Dead
Jean-Christophe lives with his mother, an English prostitute, in Paris. He dreams of becoming a model. Over the course of a day, he endures a series of abusive encounters that will change him forever. He goes from innocence to experience as he, and his dreams, are destroyed by those around him. The violence of the film is accentuated by the use of BDSM, Performance Art and Dance.
Little Gay Boy, Christ is Dead
Jean-Christophe lives with his mother, an English prostitute, in Paris. He dreams of becoming a model. Over the course of a day, he endures a series of abusive encounters that will change him forever. He goes from innocence to experience as he, and his dreams, are destroyed by those around him. The violence of the film is accentuated by the use of BDSM, Performance Art and Dance.
Além da Liberdade
BBC journalist (voice)
Filha de um herói da independência da Birmânia, Aung San Suu Kyi (Michelle Yeoh) foi morar no exterior ainda jovem. Na Inglaterra se casou com Michael Aris (David Thewlis) e teve dois filhos, Kim (Jonathan Raggett) e Alex (Jonathan Woodhouse), mantendo contato com o país através de livros publicados e o acompanhamento das notícias locais. Ao saber que sua mãe está internada em um hospital, Aung decide voltar à Birmânia para revê-la. Logo ao chegar ela é procurada por vários líderes locais, que desejam que ela coopere com o movimento pela implementação da democracia no país. Aung aceita o convite e, pouco a pouco, torna-se um ícone do movimento. A situação não agrada à ditadura militar local, que passa a acompanhar todos os seus passos e tenta impedi-la de promover manifestações. Até que, na esperança de fazer com que o povo se esqueça de Aung, o governo ordena que ela permaneça em prisão domiciliar por 15 anos.
Birth 3 - La mort d'un triptyque
The final chapter in a trilogy by Antony Hickling. The theme of sexuality still predominant the film explores the abuse of the central character Irina as she reveals her sexuality to a hostile society. Ultimately saved by her relationship with man who allows Irina to finally escape her Tormented past. The film remains theatrical in its style and form.
Birth 1
Inspired by "Homosexuality or the difficulty of expressing oneself" by Copi
Arthur e a Guerra dos Dois Mundos
Maltazard, agora com dois metros de altura, está aterrorizando os humanos. Ele pretende formar um exército de capangas gigantes e dominar o mundo. O corajoso Arthur, reduzido ao tamanho de duas polegadas de altura, não consegue enfrentar o vilão nesse estado. Com a ajuda da princesa Selenia e do amigo Betameche, ele tenta encontrar o elixir do avô, que o levará ao tamanho normal. O problema é que Darkos, o filho de Maltazard, fará o possível para impedi-los.
Birth 2