Smitty é um cachorro abandonado e Ben é um jovem problemático que precisa passar as férias na fazenda de seu avô. Não será fácil para Ben se adaptar, mas ele terá a ajuda do avô, do vizinho dele e do cão.
Inspired by a true story about a young German woman prepares to leave her war-ravaged city to begin a new life in America with her G.I. fiance. But standing between her and a hopeful future is a relentless police inspector, determined to prevent her from escaping her past. He pushes her to face the truth about a child, whose secret the woman has kept all this time. Before she can leave for her new life, she will be forced to confront the past she has been trying to leave behind.
Depois do desaparecimento de seu filho de quatro anos, o casal Bryn e Paul Shaw muda-se para o charmoso prédio Beacon, osde tenta refazer a vida. É quando ela começa a ver o espectro de um menino muito parecido com seu filho. Aos poucos essa visão vai se tornando mais real. Bryn e dois vizinhos, um excêntrico professor e uma ex-atriz, procuram entender o que se passa. Será que aquela criança poderá levar uma mensagem para o filho desaparecido?
Henry, um executivo que trabalha em uma fábrica que comercializa frutas de cera. Uma certa tarde, quando Henry está voltando para casa, ele troca, acidentalmente, sua maleta pela de uma outra pessoa. Parando em um bar descobre, para sua surpresa, que ela contém cinco milhões de dólares. Antes que o verdadeiro dono descubra a troca, ele tenta comprar uma passagem de avião para a esposa Carol.
King David é um traficante de drogas que volta à sua cidade natal buscando uma nova vida, provocando uma guerra de quadrilhas. Meio pregador, meio Diabo, ele terá um impacto muito grande na vida do jornalista Paul, para quem deixou as fitas contando os detalhes de sua vida.
The true story of two African-American teen radio reporters and their documentary investigation of a notorious child murder.
The early years of a television sports powerhouse are chronicled as ABC becomes a player in the NFL coverage by putting their full resources into a major showcase. Executive Roone Arledge (John Heard) recruits former Dallas Cowboys quarterback 'Dandy' Don Meredith (Brad Beyer), along with Keith Jackson (Shuler Hensley), and the combative Howard Cosell (John Turturro) as commentators for the broadcasts, which become funny, odd trio events to millions of viewers. Jackson departs the show after the first year to take over the network's focus on college football, and former New York Giants star Frank Gifford (Kevin Anderson) takes his place, ruffling Cosell's feathers. Then things get really crazy!
Jimmy Bones (Dogg) é um lendário protetor e patrão de sua próspera vizinhança. Bacana, sensato e muito respeitado Bones é o benevolente guarda destas pessoas, até o momento em que ele é traído por uma pessoa muito perto dele. Vinte anos depois, o crime e a violência desintegraram a vizinhança e Jimmy Bones se tornou um carismático símbolo dos bons tempos. Mas seu espírito esta pronto para voltar.
It's millennium eve. At the stroke of midnight the Y2K computer bug kicks in, causing widespread chaos in the US.
Em 2025, O ESPORTE DO FUTURO é o esporte organizado do planeta. Mas alguém mais está se organizado, e o jogo deles é a guerra. Agora, o super astro da competição, Tre Ramzey tem muito mais a carregar ...
"Fact-based story about the sexual harassment suit filed by Anita Hill during the appointment trials of Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court during the George Bush Presidential administration. The film gives both parties a fairly even presentation and does not try to assess blame. It does, however, show a lot of background political maneuvering that took place, particularly on the part of Kenneth Duberstein, an administrative spin doctor."
A aventura, a fantasia e a magia se unem neste épico único original. Adaptado do clássico A Tempestade, de William Shakespeare, Fúria da Tempestade mostra a saga de Gideon Prosper (Peter Fonda). Traído pelo seu próprio irmão, o ganancioso Anthony (John Glover), ele é forçado a abandonar suas terras e fugir através dos pântanos do Mississipi. Durante anos, Gideon, sua filha Miranda (Katherine Heigl), e o ex-escravo Ariel (Haold Perrineu Jr.) enfrentam os horrores da fuga, das privações, e da Guerra Civil, numa aventura repleta de emoção, magia negra e efeitos especiais.
Jim Natter, the leader of a violent Kuk Klux Klan lodge, is shot dead. His teenage son Eric Natter is found nearby, and taken into police custody for his protection pending the investigation. While four cops drive him to a safe-house, they are ambushed. Three of them shot dead, including Deputy Lawrence, and his black partner Jerry Robinson is accused of the murders.
This is the tale of two young lovers who flee from the miseries of their homelife to make it on there own. Nineteen year old Chris, rejected by his family, hopes to go to college and into forestry once he's out of the Army Reserves. Holly, who is fourteen, lives with her divorced, overprotective mother and her brother. She runs with an older crowd and soon attaches herself to Chris. Holly's mother is dead set against Chris because of his age, and she and Holly are at odd's over him. When she forbids them to see one another, and boots Chris out of her yard, Holly convinces a doubtful Chris to run off to the promises of California. The Trip West, with the couple penniless, avoiding the law, a lecherous trucker and other routine incidents, shows them that life will not be easy.
Ao ser trazida de volta á vida, Lilith, a rainha dos vampiros, abre um bordel nos subterrâneos de uma funerária para atrair suas vítimas, Após o desaparecimento do irmão de uma linda jovem, o esperto detetive Rafe Guttman descobre o sangrento covil da morta-viva e desvenda sua conexão com o pastor Jummy Current-dono de um milionário império religiosos e patrão da irmã do desaparecido
Primeiro longa-metragem baseado no seriado Contos da Cripta. Numa pequena cidade no Novo México, o demônio persegue um homem, escolhido para guardar uma chave que tem o sangue de Cristo. A perseguição os leva até uma pensão, onde o demônio acorda algumas criaturas para ajudá-lo a adquirir a chave..
Bandit (Brian Bloom) gets an unexpected and unwelcome visit from his eccentric Uncle Cyrus.
Bandit returns home for a family reunion. Mel Tillis, forced to make an emergency landing when his plane malfunctions, joins in on the fun
David Nash has lost his son and his will to live. But the boy appears in his dreams, as well as his Robosaurus toy ! A mythical figure will help Nash to turn the Robosaurus into a real creature in order to avenge his son's death.
David Nash has lost his son and his will to live. But the boy appears in his dreams, as well as his Robosaurus toy ! A mythical figure will help Nash to turn the Robosaurus into a real creature in order to avenge his son's death.
A security guard is enticed to scam a businessman for his insurance money by the man's attractive wife. The trouble begins when he discovers that the husband has ties to the mob.
Rudy, an American of Hispanic descent, whose south-of-the-border looks show him no mercy during an immigration raid in a migrant worker factory. As his luck goes, he is caught with neither money nor his ID and is deported to Mexico - without speaking a word of Spanish!
Doc Jenkins may be one of country music's most beloved stars, but his private life is a wreck. He's split up with his longtime partner, Blackie Buck, a country outlaw with a heart of gold. Doc's singer-wife, Honey Carder, has thrown him out of the house. And now he's gotten involved with a sleazy music manager, Rodeo Rocky, who's out to steal his material. Teaming up with Blackie, Doc takes drastic measures to win back his family and reclaim his songs.
Assistant Editor
A team of Arctic researchers find a 40,000 year-old man frozen in ice and bring him back to life. Anthropologist Dr. Stanley Shephard wants to befriend the Iceman and learn about the man's past while Dr. Diane Brady and her surgical team want to discover the secret that will allow man to live in a frozen state.
Benson is a police detective. After a series of murders in the Gay community he is ordered to go undercover with a gay police clerk named Kerwin as his partner. In order to be noticed they have to be flamboyant enough to attract attention which Benson finds rather disturbing. Can an uptight heterosexual and a mousey homosexual form a meaningful relationship?