Anne Werner

Anne Werner

Nascimento : 1982-01-01,


Anne Werner


Blind & Ugly
MTU-Patientin 3
Ferdi thinks he's ugly – but likes the fact Jona is interested in him. Maybe because she's blind. What Ferdi doesn't suspect: She's just pretending to be blind to be able to live cheaply in subsidized housing. How long can she maintain her charade? Can love, which is supposed to make you blind, even work out that way? Director Tom Lass takes a closer look, shooting with blind actors and old Berlin buddies, acting the lead himself – paying tribute to a way of life beyond our way of seeing the world.
Martina gets pregnant from her selfish boyfriend. Without knowing exactly what to do, she travels to Berlin to find her own father, the one she never met.
Breaking Horizons
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” Lara can hardly believe what the doctor has just told her. The 25-year-old spends her nights hanging around Berlin with best friend Nora, having lost interest in her architectural studies long ago. She has no idea what to do with her life – she does a lot, but nothing properly. She now finds herself pregnant after a night of passion with a charming barman she met at a party. Nora is thrilled by the news though, proclaiming: “we’re having a baby!” After some initial doubts, Lara too begins to see her pregnancy as a chance. Together with Nora, she sets about painting the nursery and goes in search of the baby’s father. Then the gynaecologist gives Lara some bad news…
Rumpe und Tuli
Deixa Chover
A escritora Agathe Villanova é candidata às eleições pela região onde cresceu, de onde saiu mal pôde e onde agora regressa por via da lei da paridade. Assim, volta à casa de família um ano após a morte da mãe e reencontra a irmã, o cunhado e a velha empregada argelina. O filho desta, que fez em tempos um curso de vídeo, é recepcionista num hotel e resolve com o antigo professor iniciar uma série de documentários sobre "mulheres que venceram", pegando na vida de Agathe. É assim que professor e aluno, o desvairado Michel e o lúcido Karim, vão entre peripécias várias entrevistando a candidata que, pouco a pouco, vai olhando para si. E em dez dias a vida de todos os personagens muda de rumo…