Production Design
Zoe (Amelia Haberman), considerada uma menina estranha, tem um amigo imaginário que não é nada comum. Krampus é o demônio que acompanha São Nicolau, figura que deu origem ao Papai Noel. Durante o Natal, ele solta sua ira sobre os moradores da pequena cidade em que Zoe mora.
Art Direction
When Collin Bastrow is found in the forest, alone and afraid, he has a shocking story to tell. As he struggles to recount the events of the previous night his memories return in a series of horrific flashes of what became of his friends and fiancée. What started as a simple camping trip in the mountains of Northern Arizona quickly descended into an amazing and terrifying story that is truly out of this world. As the sole survivor of this deadly close encounter Collin must try and explain the unexplainable
Art Direction
A College professor finds his life unraveling when a new student joins his class, a student who may or may not be the very subject of his darkest secret. His obsession could kill him and his family.
A College professor finds his life unraveling when a new student joins his class, a student who may or may not be the very subject of his darkest secret. His obsession could kill him and his family.
Production Design
O marido de Tricia está desaparecido há sete anos, mas ela reluta em declará-lo morto. Sua irmã mais nova Callie passa a morar com ela para ajudá-la a superar. Mas um túnel misterioso, próximo da casa, e estranhos acontecimentos sugerem que o desaparecimento teve causas sobrenaturais e o marido dela pode estar sofrendo um destino muito pior do que a morte.