Élodie Hesme

Élodie Hesme

Nascimento : 1973-05-10, Troyes, Aube, France


Élodie Hesme


Os Opostos Sempre Se Atraem
La psy
Reunidos depois de uma década, dois policiais muito diferentes investigam um assassinato em uma cidade dividida que é palco de uma grande conspiração.
Meurtres à Blois
Ana de Navelle
Um Banho de Vida
Marcus' lover
Bertrand está no "auge" dos seus quarentas anos e sofre de depressão. Depois de usar uma série de medicamentos que não surtiram nenhum efeito, ele começa a frequentar a piscina municipal do bairro em que vive. Lá ele conhece outros homens com histórias semelhantes a sua. O grupo se junta e forma uma equipe de nado sincronizado masculina, algo incomum dentro do esporte. Sob o comando de Delphine, uma ex-atleta vitoriosa, Bertrand e os novos companheiros decidem participar do Campeonato Mundial de Nado Sincronizado, encontrando, enfim, um novo propósito para sua vida.
Éric and Patrice have been friends since high school. Over the years, they have both taken very different paths: Éric has become a hedonist, has a string of girlfriends and is always on the look out for a new one; Patrice has become a monogamous father with a very ordered life. After a drunken evening, the two childhood friends find themselves cast back into 1986, when they were 17 years old. This return to the past is a dream opportunity to try to change the path their lives will take. What will they do with this second chance?
"Kidon" begins in the morning of the 18th of February 2010 in Tel-Aviv when the whole world wakes up discovering, on the front page of all the newspapers, pictures of the Mossad agents caught while killing Mahmoud al Mabhouh in Dubai a month earlier. It was the first time that simple security cameras of a hotel caught secret agents red-handed, what's more Israeli agents. But without doubt, the most surprised of all were the Mossad leaders who were the only ones to know for sure that the 3 men and the woman, whose faces were in all the newsrooms of the world, had nothing to do with them. From then on, a race against time is undertaken hoping to understand why everything is aiming at them.
David et Madame Hansen
David is an occupational therapist who has recently arrived at a clinic for wealthy patients. One morning, he is entrusted with Madame Hansen-Bergmann, a wealthy woman suffering from transient amnesia and post-traumatic stress , with the mission of taking her to the nearby village to buy a new pair of shoes. Against his will, he embarks with her on a breathtaking chase during which he discovers the past life of his patient and the origins of the illness from which she suffers.
JC Como Jesus Cristo
JC's mother
Garoto cineasta que recebe a Palma de Ouro em Cannes aos 15 anos de idade tem a sua vida cotidiana filmada por uma equipe documental: Jean-Christophe Kern, aos 17 anos de idade, é um cruzamento entre Justin Bieber e Jean-Luc Godard. As suas relações interpessoais, quando filmadas demonstrarão ou contestarão a sua genialidade precoce? As imagens e sons responderão a esta pergunta!
Demain, je me marie
La Maison
Malo has separated from his wife and a divorce is in the works. His children leave with his wife on holiday, and he is lonely and depressed. His friend Rémi drags him to a party in the country, and driving back they see by chance a notice of a house being sold at auction by creditors. The low reserve price surprises them and they go round to have a look. Finding the door open, Malo picks up a letter from a little girl to her father saying she misses him - moved by the resonance with his own daughter, Malo accidentally takes the note with him when they leave in a hurry. He then resolves to return the note to the now grown-up little girl Cloé, but of course it's awkward to explain how he got it. He learns that she really doesn't want to sell the house, which is all that remains of her childhood. The relationship between them develops, and emotions run high at the auction. Ultimately the film explores whether Malo can give both or either Cloé and his daughter what they want/need,