Geoffrey Rivas

Geoffrey Rivas


Geoffrey Rivas is an actor and producer, known for La Bamba (1987), Walk of Shame (2014) and The Thirteenth Floor (1999).


Geoffrey Rivas


Detective Franco
A mentally ill woman who's been submerging her violent impulses for years unravels after she marries a controlling older man and relocates to his suburban home.
A Minha Casa Caiu
Store Owner
Meghan Miles (Elizabeth Banks) é uma repórter que sonha em assumir a função de âncora de um telejornal. E o sonho está prestes a ser realizado. Entretanto, uma louca e romântica noite lhe deixa vagando sozinha pelo centro de Los Angeles, sem telefone, identidade, carro ou dinheiro. Ela possui apenas oito horas para superar todos os problemas e comparecer à uma importante entrevista de emprego, que pode mudar sua vida.
Crossroads - A Story of Forgiveness
A tragic street racing accident kills a wife and her child leaving her husband to pick up the pieces and pursue justice against the boy that killed them.
Sob o Sol da Toscana
Head Mover
Uma comédia romântica em torno da personagem de Frances Mayes (e da sua obra autobiográfica com o mesmo nome), uma escritora recém divorciada que compra uma casa na Toscânia à espera de começar uma nova vida e ultrapassar o bloqueio criativo a que a conduziu o trauma do divórcio. E as coisas correm-lhe bem...
Minha Pequena Assassina
1981: Marita Lorenz checks into an Havana hotel and, in a flashback, remembers 22 years' before. At 19, visiting Cuba from New York, she comes to the attention of Fidel Castro, the country's rebel president. He invites her to be his secretary and to be part of the making of the new Cuba. She accepts, but soon learns he already has a capable secretary; Marita's duties lie elsewhere. She becomes pregnant. She's also come to the attention of the FBI and the CIA, so when she wakes up in a US hospital after what may have been a botched abortion against her will in Cuba, her government presses her into service as an assassin: her job, to go back to Cuba and kill her former lover.
13º Andar
Security Guard
Um homem acorda e descobre uma camisa ensanguentada em casa. Seu chefe foi assassinado na noite anterior, e ele não consegue se lembrar de nada. Esta ficção científica explora a possibilidade sinistra e assustadora de universos simulados por computadores, onde as pessoas apenas acreditam que são reais.
Ameaça Vermelha
Afastado dos anos de guerra, Gregori refez sua vida na Califórnia. Quando seu passado na elite do exército soviético parece enterrado, chega uma ordem ameaçadora de um antigo comandante para que ele assassine alguns traficantes de armas.
The Right to Remain Silent
Pedro Amendez
Bright and eager to hit the streets in search of bad guys, rookie cop Christine Paly is disappointed when she's instead assigned to process criminals. Under the supervision of a tough but likable mentor, Christine quickly learns that hers is like no other desk job in the world.
Julgamento de Fogo
Mt. Garcia
A high-school teacher tries to help one of her troubled male students, who misinterprets her interest.
Above Suspicion
Dempsey Cain is an honored cop, a loving husband and father, and mentor to his handsome younger brother. Then a drug dealer's bullet paralyzes him for life and Dempsey's world is shattered. Suddenly, his wife and brother seem to care less about him than for each other, and a million-dollar insurance.
In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco
Religious fanatics are barricaded in a building, and surrounded by police. But they're not going to surrender, they prefer to die.
Marcados Pelo Sangue
Prisão, drogas e guerra de gangues tocam três jovens (Damian Chapa, Jesse Borrego, Benjamin Bratt) no leste de Los Angeles de 1970 a 1990.
Chantagem Fatal
A couple visits Mexico to scout a new location for their furniture manufacturing business and hit a cop with their car on the way back stateside. Realizing that if they report it they could land in a Mexican jail (guilty until proven innocent) they clean up the car and return home. A few days later an insistent man shows up wanting a job and insinuating that he saw something in Mexico that he would not want to report, and the couple must make a decision about how far they will allow themselves to be blackmailed. Written by Ed Sutton
Justiça Implacável
Sgt. Julio Melendes
David Nash has lost his son and his will to live. But the boy appears in his dreams, as well as his Robosaurus toy ! A mythical figure will help Nash to turn the Robosaurus into a real creature in order to avenge his son's death.
When You Remember Me
Fact-based story of Mike Mills, a teen with muscular dystrophy, who is placed in a state nursing home by his destitute single mother. There he must contend with being the only young person in the clinic and with an abusive head nurse.
Uma Estrada Sem Limites
Sandy Youngblood
Two Northern Cheyenne men take a road trip from Montana to New Mexico to bail out the sister of one of them who has been framed and arrested in Santa Fe. On the way, they begin to reconnect to their spiritual heritage.
Perfect Victims
Raul Esuardo
A psycho who has contracted AIDS blames women for his disease, and begins to stalk and kill beautiful girls.
Nascido em Los Angeles
Immigration Aide
Rudy, an American of Hispanic descent, whose south-of-the-border looks show him no mercy during an immigration raid in a migrant worker factory. As his luck goes, he is caught with neither money nor his ID and is deported to Mexico - without speaking a word of Spanish!
La Bamba
La Bamba descreve a ascenção meteórica de um rapaz de 17 anos, de descendência mexicana, desde seu trabalho no campo até ser um astro do rock nos Estados Unidos, mostrando seus grandes sucessos e o seu encontro com o destino. Impulsionado pelos hits de Richie Valens, nas interpretações ganhadoras de um Grammy pela banda Los Lobos, bem como de clássicas dos anos 1950, La Bamba recria os emocionantes primeiros dias do rock e presta uma homenagem ao legado de um inesquecível talento, cuja música ultrapassou todas as fronteiras.