Vladislav Abashin

Vladislav Abashin

Nascimento : 1979-06-28, Ryazan, USSR (Russia)


VLADISLAV ABASHIN was born in 1979 in Ryazan, Russia. He studied to become a locksmith, played in the rock band “Sabateus Charabede”, and worked numerous jobs before a car accident in 1997 left him with serious head injuries. During his convalescence, Abashin started to read classical literature and developed an interest in theatre. In 1999, now fully recovered, he moved to Moscow and enrolled in the directing course of The Russian Institute of Theatre Arts. Upon graduation, he began his career with appearances in TV series before moving quickly into feature films. Notable credits include “In the Fog” (Sergey Loznitsa, 2012), and “Territory” (2015) and “Terra Nova” (2008), both directed by Aleksandr Melnik.


Vladislav Abashin


After experiencing a terrible tragedy, the hero leaves his former life. Everything that seemed important goes into the past — work, success, the usual rhythms of a big city. But the world of people refuses to let him go, bursts into his chosen solitude, beckons with new opportunities. Unexpectedly for himself, the hero finds a new home, where he seems to find peace, love and answers to his painful questions. But are these the right answers? And what price will you have to pay to survive and remain yourself?
Apple Tree
On his son's birthday, Kolya gives an unexpected and strange gift, which becomes fateful in the child's life.
Chernobyl: O Filme
Três heróis silenciosos prontos para arriscarem suas próprias vidas para evitar uma catástrofe ainda maior na usina nuclear de Chernobyl.
O Vigia
A vida normal do zelador de um sanatório abandonado é perturbada pela chegada de um casal estranho que pede para ficar num dos quartos. O casal costuma brigar aos berros e fica claro que eles estão ali se escondendo de alguém. Certa noite, três homens ateiam fogo em algo perto do sanatório e atraem o vigia para fora. Quando ele surge, é atacado e ameaçado. Algum tempo depois, no meio de uma bebedeira, a mulher diz que seu filho de apenas dois anos havia morrido há pouco tempo e que seu marido está fugindo de seus antigos parceiros de crime - de quem ele havia roubado uma grande quantia de dinheiro. Este é apenas um dos segredos que o deserto gelado revelará.
The Factory
When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.
I Am a Teacher
This war drama is dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). It revolves around Pavel Zubov, a school teacher whose village was occupied by the fascists. Being a teacher is his calling in life. He believes in such basic human values as love and family. However, a certain chain of events changes the way he perceives life and leads him to a darker view of reality. In this time of war, as the enemy shows its true face, he must make an uneasy choice to either survive and adapt to the new regime or fight for his family, love, homeland, ideals, and beliefs.
Three Days Till The Spring
During the siege of Leningrad a Nazi bombshell destroys the storage of an experimental medicine institute where deadly dangerous viruses were kept. Severe winter weather prevents an epidemic from breaking out in the besieged city. But the spring is coming, and Leningrad is on the brink of bacterial catastrophe. Doctor Maritskaya and NKWD officer Andreew have only three days to save the city.
Zhora Apryatin
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Dark World - Equilibrium
As sombras espreitam do Mundo das Trevas para o mundo humano. Esta força é o portal entre os dois mundos e só a força do amor verdadeiro será suficiente para restaurar o equilíbrio
The main characters are above the law. They are a group of police investigators wallowed in criminal activities. But the criminal scheme worked out by the experienced d team begins to fail. There appears to be a mole reporting directly to FSB. When Pepl finds himself in a life threatening situation he starts thinking about the existence for the first time ever. Once he begins to think he can not go back to his former self. The team begins to suspect that he is a mole. The former coworkers turn into mortal enemies.
Na Neblina
O filme é uma adaptação do conto de Bykaw Vasil '. A ação é definida em 1942 no território da Bielorrússia ocupada pelo exército alemão. Os alemães enfrentam forte resistência por parte dos Partisans e o ódio da população local. Os Partisans suspeitam de Sushenya, um espião, que colabora com os nazistas porque ele foi preso pela primeira vez e, em seguida, subitamente liberada depois de terem explodido um trem alemão. Dois deles capturam Sushenya e levám-no para a floresta, onde eles vão matá-lo como um traidor. Eles caem em uma armadilha preparada pelos alemães que são severamente feridos por um dos partisans. Sushenya tenta salvar a vida de seu algoz, através da investida dos Partisans ferido nas costas para a aldeia mais próxima. No entanto, Sushenya está sob suspeita. Ele lamenta que ele era um bem-respeitado e confiável residente da aldeia, vivendo com a família em paz, no entanto, a guerra mudou para sempre.
Once there was a woman
A chronicle of the life of an illiterate Russian peasant woman between 1909 and 1921, focusing on her private life and major historic events in the country.
Céu em Chamas
Durante a 2° Guerra Mundial, uma aeronave soviética cai em território ocupado pelos nazistas. Mas o piloto Grivtsov e a operadora de radio, Katya, sobrevivem milagrosamente. Linko, o navegador, é ejetado antes da queda e também acaba sobrevivendo. Cada um terá que cumprir tarefas militares, encontrar o caminho de volta a base e simplesmente manter-se vivo. A descoberta de um ato de sabotagem praticado antes da decolagem da aeronave agrava profundamente a situação de Grivtsov, que acaba se dando mal com o coronel Smersh, ao defender seus amigos. Ele seria condecorado com medalha “estrela” pelo seu milésimo voo, mad, é declarado traidor e esta prestes a ser executado.
A portrait of modern-day Moscow seen through the eyes of five women: a lawyer, a merchandiser, an interpreter, a marketing expert, and an actress.
Reverse Motion
A mother is informed that her only son, who is serving in a military combat zone, has gone missing in action. A soldier who served alongside her son soon arrives to confirm that he has probably been killed. Nothing interrupts the everyday course of events. After a short while, the mother notices a homeless boy - an immigrant worker with an injured hand. She takes him in, but doesn’t realize that in some way she has decided the fate of her son, who is actually about to return home.
The House of Sun
brigade of construction crew
The whole world of a young girl Sasha is changing after she meets Sun - a hippie leader.
Yuri's Day
Before leaving Russia and moving to Western Europe, famous opera singer Lyuba travels to her hometown to say goodbye and show her teenage son around. But Andrey, Lyuba’s son, disappears and she must stay in the place she hates the most to search for him. A piercing exploration of identity and transformation, against the backdrop of a Russian hinterland, surrounded by Orthodox churches and snow.
Terra Nova
A story, which takes place in 2013, describes the world overflowing with "dangerous" criminals due to the official termination of death penalty. The UN "blue helmets" under the directive from the central authority (i.e., One World Government) decided to conduct a social "experiment" by forcibly dumping the outlaws on the deserted island...
Contemporary Russia. A humiliated bank executive takes revenge on his adulterous wife and corrupt employers.
Bummer 2
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
Countdown: Ataque Terrorista
journalist in press center
Ação é o que não falta nesse filme que faz parte de uma nova leva de produções do cinema russo, com filmes mais e com acesso mais popular do que as tradicionais obras artísticas que seguem a tradição cinematográfica local. Um grupo de terroristas quer mudar o rumo da humanidade com um plano ousado: eles pretendem destruir Roma, o berço da civilização ocidental, transformado a histórica cidade em um grande cemitério. Um grupo de agentes russos especiais formam uma coalizão com agentes ocidentais para tentar derrotar perigosos bandidos. Homens e mulheres treinados vão dar a própria vida se for preciso para salvar o destino de toda a humanidade.