David LaDuca

David LaDuca


David LaDuca


Endgame 2050
Patient Norman Baker
What will the future be like in the year 2050? Endgame 2050 is a feature-length documentary that gives us a glimpse into that future, and it does not look good. Featuring musician Moby along with leading scientists, and created by physician turned environmentalist Sofia Pineda Ochoa, Endgame 2050 is an urgent call to action to tackle the existential crises bearing down on the planet.
Decisão abrupta
Denis entrou no escritório na sexta de manhã. Dez minutos depois, ele foi demitido e seu mundo inteiro mudou. Como um homem em crise de meia-idade, ele acreditava que deveria haver mais na vida do que isso. Um cão vadio no parque abre os olhos.
When Guy Simms is yanked out of his mundane routine mopping floors at the gay cabaret and accused of burning down the evangelical church by the town preacher, Guy overcomes his fear of authority to prove his innocence in this sardonic film about Leathermen, the Bible and fighting for freedom.