Hugo Dijkstal


Dearest Fiona
As a voice reads letters from a father to his daughter off camera, 20th century archival images from the Netherlands are shown. Fiona Tan touchingly explores what potential emerges when sound and image diverge.
Dearest Fiona
Sound Designer
As a voice reads letters from a father to his daughter off camera, 20th century archival images from the Netherlands are shown. Fiona Tan touchingly explores what potential emerges when sound and image diverge.
Sound Designer
A journey at high altitude seen through the eyes of three mysteriously connected hikers. After their coincidental meeting we follow these three on their personal odysseys. The levels of concentration they exhibit in trying to avoid mistakes makes their experience of the overwhelming landscape even more intense.
Sound Designer
Uma reconstrução dramática do infame caso Groningen, no qual três homens drogaram e infectaram convidados com sangue contaminado pelo vírus HIV durante festas sexuais. Desdobrando-se em sete vinhetas individuais, Feast mostra as repercussões e reverberações desta chocante série de eventos.
Sound Mixer
In a village in Thailand, Pomm works in a care center for Europeans with Alzheimer's. While she is separated from her children, she helps Elisabeth during the final stages of her life, as Maya, a new patient, is on her way from Switzerland.
Sound Designer
In a village in Thailand, Pomm works in a care center for Europeans with Alzheimer's. While she is separated from her children, she helps Elisabeth during the final stages of her life, as Maya, a new patient, is on her way from Switzerland.
Original Music Composer
Through a grey blanket of clouds, we barely discern the contours of Mount Fuji, a volcano with many faces. 4,500 exceptional and diverse photographs from the past 150 years form the basis for Ascent. Made entirely with stills, it is a filmic experiment balancing between documentary and fiction, photography and film, where an English woman and her deceased Japanese partner, Hiroshi, lead the way. As Mount Fuji is climbed across geographical, temporal and cultural divides, the narrative unfolds, exploring unexpected paths.
100 jaar Schiphol: Luchtzaken onder de zeespiegel
Sound Mixer
Documentary about the development of the national airport over the past hundred years. With conversations with relatives of aviation pioneers such as Albert Plesman and Jan Dellaert, with virtually all Schiphol directors of the past decades and with local residents.
Os Cavaleiros do Rei
Sound Designer
Tiuri é quase um cavaleiro. Ele só tem de passar em um teste e ele vai ser condecorado. Ele só tem de dormir uma noite na capela, sem falar e sem abrir a porta. Então, alguém bate à porta da capela e pede ajuda. Arriscando seu título, Tiuri abre a porta e ajuda o indivíduo. Tiuri tem que entregar uma carta a um cavaleiro na floresta, que contém uma mensagem importante para um rei aliado. Quando Tiuri encontra o cavaleiro, o cavaleiro é mortalmente ferido e pede Tiuri para entregar a carta. Tiuri hesita, mas aceita a missão. A aventura começa …. Tiuri conseguirá entregar a carta na hora? Qual o conteúdo da carta?
Stand van de zon
Sound Designer
Facing Forward
Sound Designer
In reframing and re-editing existing ethnographic films, Tan exposes their anthropological underpinnings and questions the conventions of filmmaking. What is the relationship between the observer and the observed? How can one ever know another? The voice-over, a fictional dialogue taken from Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, may offer an answer. The explorer Marco Polo and Emperor Kublai Khan are speaking about travel and looking back on the past, when Polo observes, “The traveler recognises the little that is his, discovering the much he has not had and will never have.”
2 Minuten Stilte a.u.b.