Dominick Brascia


(My) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys
Himself (archive footage)
Corey Feldman's message regarding the pedophilia problem in the movie business.
Breaking the Cycle
Jason's idea of romance is planning anonymous gay hookups through a chat room, while his roommate Chad wants to find Mr. Right. When a friend shows Chad how to access the chat room, he meets someone named "Hook-Up Boy" who seems very familiar. The two men are soon falling for each other online, but what will happen when they finally "meet"?
Evan Howe
In the town of Amity, the cops take crime off of the streets and put it into the police station where it belongs.
Escola de Mergulho
Chef/Bosun Jack
Sam e Dave estão vivendo uma vida chata até que eles vão para a Ilha do tio de Sam. Quando eles chegam lá (ainda sem saber ao certo como isso funcionava), eles são coagidos por belas mulheres e um terrível inimigo da Ilha. Depois de acidentalmente convencer o tio de Sam a renunciar aos direitos de sua ilha, eles devem resolver o problema de alguma forma.
Rush Week
Toni, a journalism student, transfers to a new college, where several coeds begin to disappear under suspicious circumstances. She decides to investigate the mystery on her own, and soon finds herself becoming embroiled in a twist filled saga of deeply buried secrets which attract the attention of a sadistic killer who will stop at nothing to hide the truth...
Doin' Time on Planet Earth
The Jock
Ryan Richmond is an eccentric teenager living with his mother, father, sister and brother in the Holiday Inn they own in Sunnyvale, Arizona, the prune capital of the world. Is it any wonder that he wants to go to Saudi Arabaia for college and leave Sunnyvale far, far behind? He spends his days at school with his sex-obsessed best friend Dan Forrester and lusts after Lisa Winston, the sexy lounge singer who his parents have hired to perform at the Holiday Inn. Stuck without a date for his brother's wedding to a senator's daughter, Ryan goes to a computer dating service, which asks him such questions as "Can you breathe foreign substances?" Soon, Ryan is told that he may be an alien stuck on Earth along with thousands of others. Soon, Charles and Edna Pinsky show up and tell him that he may an alien prince meant to lead his brethren home. And that's when things get out of control...
Hard Rock Nightmare
A young boy named John is tormented by his grandfather concerning vampires and werewolves, until he believes his grandfather is actually a vampire. This of course, leads to John killing his grandfather with a stake. Fast-forward and John is now the lead singer of a rock band who can no longer practice in their garage so they're forced to a house in the middle of nowhere, left to John by his Grandmother. They soon begin to be picked off and Josh is convinced the stories his grandfather told him all those years ago may be true.
Hard Rock Nightmare
A young boy named John is tormented by his grandfather concerning vampires and werewolves, until he believes his grandfather is actually a vampire. This of course, leads to John killing his grandfather with a stake. Fast-forward and John is now the lead singer of a rock band who can no longer practice in their garage so they're forced to a house in the middle of nowhere, left to John by his Grandmother. They soon begin to be picked off and Josh is convinced the stories his grandfather told him all those years ago may be true.
Evil Laugh
A group of medical students take a weekend to fix up an old house where a mass murder occurred 10 years earlier.
Evil Laugh
Evil Laugher
A group of medical students take a weekend to fix up an old house where a mass murder occurred 10 years earlier.
Evil Laugh
A group of medical students take a weekend to fix up an old house where a mass murder occurred 10 years earlier.
Evil Laugh
A group of medical students take a weekend to fix up an old house where a mass murder occurred 10 years earlier.
Águia de Aço
Harold (uncredited)
Um piloto da Força Aérea Americana é abatido em uma missão perto da fronteira de um país do Oriente Médio. Ele acaba se tornando prisioneiro e, após um rápido julgamento, é condenado por espionagem, sendo enforcado em três dias. Assim, seu filho adolescente Doug Masters, é ajudado por seus amigos e elabora um arriscado plano, que consiste em pegar dois jatos da Força Aérea fortemente armados para resgatar seu pai. Para esta missão ele convence o coronel Charles "Chappy" Sinclair, um piloto de caças reformado, para ajudá-lo na missão.
Procura-se Rapaz Virgem
Young Man Buying Ice Cream
Uma vampira com 400 anos, a Condessa (Lauren Hutton), está tendo um problema: para ter uma aparência jovem e bela ela precisa se alimentar três vezes com o sangue de um virgem antes do Halloween. Está cada vez mais difícil achar rapazes virgens em Los Angeles, mesmo com a ajuda do vampiro Sebastian (Cleavon Little), seu mordomo e motorista. Paralelamente Mark Kendall (Jim Carrey), que tem 21 anos, mas ainda é virgem, anseia em transar com sua namorada, Robin Pierce (Karen Kopins). Será a primeira vez para ambos, mas ela não pretende fazer amor dentro de um carro e pede para o namorado esperar um pouco. Mark então vai para um casa noturna com dois amigos, onde conhece a Condessa e logo vai para a casa dela. Quase ao amanhecer ele vai embora e não se lembra de quase nada, mas começa a comer carne crua e dormir dentro de um baú. Para piorar Robin descobre que Mark esteve com outra mulher e termina a relação, mas a Condessa ainda precisa dele.
Sexta-Feira 13 - Parte 5: Um Novo Começo
Jason está de volta, com sua máscara e tudo o mais. Lá vem ele de novo com seus velhos truques diabólicos, nesta sequência. Desta vez, ele parece ter lançado seus olhares sobre os jovens pacientes de um isolado sanatório. E um pouco mais que seus alvos adolescentes acabam em metades, pedaços... Pode inventar que Jason bota pra quebrar.
Brincando com Fogo
A married college professor decides to seduce her student, whom she hired as a handyman for her yacht. The hesitant student succumbs to his buxom professor, but their romance is interrupted by her corrupt husband and a masked murderer.