Jan Klusák

Nascimento : 1934-04-18, Prague, Czechoslovakia


Jan Klusák is a Czech composer and actor.


Naughty Young People: Chytilová, Kučera, Krumbachová
Documentary about the making of Vera Chytilová's film DAISIES
I Served the King of England
Millionaire #1
Prague, Czechoslovakia, during the inter-war period. Jan Dítě, a young and clever waiter who wants to become a millionaire, comes to the conclusion that to achieve his ambitious goal he must be diligent, listen and observe as much as he can, be always discreet and use what he learns to his own advantage; but the turbulent tides of history will continually stand in his way.
Cimrman in the World of Music
Cimrman in the World of Music
Bohemia Docta or the Labyrinth of the World and the Lust-House of the Heart (A Divine Comedy)
A labyrinthine portrait of Czech culture on the brink of a new millennium. Egon Bondy prophesies a capitalist inferno, Jim Čert admits to collaborating with the secret police, Jaroslav Foglar can’t find a bottle-opener, and Ivan Diviš makes observations about his own funeral. This is the Czech Republic in the late 90s, as detailed in Karel Vachek’s documentary.
The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night
Original Music Composer
An allegory set in an archetypal Czech village, it tells of what happens when a sequence of mysterious events take place, including the disappearance of the stationmaster. While everything has a rational explanation, collective paranoia takes hold and everyone’s worst instincts are released. Interrogations, the abolition of rights and the search for scapegoats ultimately lead to murder
Nothing Really Happened
An overprotective mother plagues her daughter out of guilt over unintentionally scarring her daughter's cheek.
Dimensions of Dialogue
A three-part depiction of various forms of communication.
The Fall of the House of Usher
In this animated version of Edgar Allan Poe's story, a traveller arrives at the Usher mansion to find that the sibling inhabitants are living under a mysterious family curse: The brother's senses have become painfully acute, while his sister has become nearly catatonic.
Variations of a Theme by Gustav Mahler
Documentary short about the title composer, born in what was called "Czechoslovakia" when the film was made.
Prince Copperslick's Thirteenth Chamber
A meat-eating monarch marries a vegetarian princess.
Město mé naděje
Original Music Composer
Koncert pro mantinely
Královské usínání
Original Music Composer
What I Didn't Say to the Prince
This original adaptation of Oscar Wilde's sad, socially conscious fairy tale, The Happy Prince, hinges on the conflict between fact and dream, reality and poetry. The contrast is reinforced by the film's visuals, confronting modern art with Gustave Doré's old engravings.
Hliněný vozíček
Original Music Composer
Otevřený kruh
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Five Men and One Heart
Original Music Composer
In modern hospitals are carried out intensive cardiac surgery. Daily operations individually comments attendant Cajthaml ... Stylized ,, dream "scene are combined with documentary footage of actual operations, which were filmed at the University Hospital in Hradec Králové. The unique cinematic experiment theater and TV director after only a few years remind viewers.
Dogs and People
Original Music Composer
Valerie e a Semana das Maravilhas
Valerie acaba de deixar a infância e, mergulhada em seu sombrio mundo de fantasia, inicia as descobertas da vida sexual dos adultos. Na verdade é duro explicar esse belo filme tcheco. Um filme de arte surreal e carregado de simbolismos que podem ter interpretações diferentes dependendo de quem assiste. Valerie vive em um mundo de bruxas e vampiros, e carrega para ele as pessoas de sua vida real. O difícil é distinguir o que é real do imaginado no mundo de Valerie, onde ela pinta tudo a sua volta com suas próprias cores.
Fruit of Paradise
Robert (voice)
An experimental retelling of the story of Adam and Eve which then progresses into an allegorical depiction of the loss of innocence.
Sochařka z Poličky
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Gedanken eines unkoncentrierten Violinstudenten
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Prague Nights
Rabbi Neftali Ben Chaim (segment "Poslední golem")
Prague - mystical city. It was here in the Middle Ages, alchemists and magicians gathered. Rumor has it that the house of Prague hide secret obtain the philosopher's stone, and complex multi-level labyrinth of underground tunnels and cellars keep many unsolved mysteries and untold treasures. Prague just full of ghosts and phantoms. Let us slightly lift the veil that hides the secrets and little to satisfy your curiosity, get acquainted with some legends of Prague.
Prague Nights
Original Music Composer
Prague - mystical city. It was here in the Middle Ages, alchemists and magicians gathered. Rumor has it that the house of Prague hide secret obtain the philosopher's stone, and complex multi-level labyrinth of underground tunnels and cellars keep many unsolved mysteries and untold treasures. Prague just full of ghosts and phantoms. Let us slightly lift the veil that hides the secrets and little to satisfy your curiosity, get acquainted with some legends of Prague.
The End of a Priest
Original Music Composer
A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.
The Limping Devil
Original Music Composer
A baleful limping man walks through Prague. He is Asmodeus (Juraj Herz), the fiend of lustfulness, entertaining himself by putting together by magic couples of lovers. He only fails at the swimming pool. Zuzana (Jana Sulcová), the good-looking blonde, ignores the men whom the devil foists off onto her. She loves Honza (Václav Neckár) and the boy shares her feelings. The fiend is annoyed by the couple and tries to provoke a row. He sends heavy rain to force them into a hotel and then warns Zuzana's father by phone, but the young lovers manage to get out in time. Then the obstinate Asmodeus takes Honza in his sleep to the Institute for Emotional Disorders, where he shows him the ugly sides of love - hysteria, voyeurism, fetishism, suicide attempts...
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
An animated Gothic tale based on Gérard de Nerval’s short story about a young man crossed in love, who asks the wizard Gonin for help and suffers the consequences.
Láska jako trám
Original Music Composer
The End of August at the Hotel Ozone
Original Music Composer
Uma trupe de mulheres jovens na terra pós-apocalíptica são conduzidas para todo o lado por uma amante nascida antes da guerra, acabando por vir a terminar na companhia de um velho solitário.
Os Mártires do Amor
Original Music Composer
Esta balada em três partes, que muitas vezes usa a música para substituir o diálogo, continua a ser a forma de realização mais perfeita da visão de Nemec de um mundo de filmes independentes da realidade. Montando uma defesa de indivíduos tímidos, inibidos, desajeitadas, e mal sucedidas, os três protagonistas são uma antítese completa dos heróis industriosos de estética socialista. Os Mártires do Amor consolidou a reputação de Nemec como o tipo desenfreado não-conformista do estabelecimento Comunista considerado o mais perigoso para a sua ideologia.
Os Mártires do Amor
Esta balada em três partes, que muitas vezes usa a música para substituir o diálogo, continua a ser a forma de realização mais perfeita da visão de Nemec de um mundo de filmes independentes da realidade. Montando uma defesa de indivíduos tímidos, inibidos, desajeitadas, e mal sucedidas, os três protagonistas são uma antítese completa dos heróis industriosos de estética socialista. Os Mártires do Amor consolidou a reputação de Nemec como o tipo desenfreado não-conformista do estabelecimento Comunista considerado o mais perigoso para a sua ideologia.
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Original Music Composer
O engenheiro Jan Sebek (Jan Kacer) está em tratamento num manicómio depois de sua tentativa frustrada de cometer suicídio. A sua terapeuta, através de discussões tanto com o paciente como com as pessoas que o conhecem, tenta descobrir o que fez o jovem e aparentemente satisfeito decidir terminar sua própria vida. A bela esposa de Jan, Jana (Jana Brejchová), afirma não saber de nada, mas ela está a viver um caso com um amigo da família, quase publicamente, e com a bênção de seus pais.
A Festa e os Convidados
Na fábula surreal de Jan Němec, um piquenique é grosseiramente transformado numa lição de hierarquia política quando um punhado de figuras de autoridade misteriosa aparecem. Esta alegoria sobre opressão e conformidade foi banida no país de origem, mas tornou-se um sucesso internacional depois de estrear no Festival de Cinema de Nova York.
As Pequenas Margaridas
Young Gentleman
Utilizando-se de avançados efeitos especiais para a época, Vera Chytilová dirigiu esta obra surrealista que conta a história de duas garotas chamadas Marie, que decidem se adequar ao mundo como ele está: sendo depravadas. Portanto, ambas partem para uma série de encontros forjados e travessuras, desconstruindo o mundo ao seu redor.
Original Music Composer
A leading director of the Czech film renaissance provides a philosophical meditation on life and death, set amidst complex hospital apparatus and the sadness, hope, or resignation of the patients. Existentialist rather than optimist, the approach is one of humanistic atheism, accepting death as part of life. Interviews with doctors and nurses explore their outlook; all speak of death as a fact, without either sentimentality or religiosity. The studied objectivity of the film only imperfectly hides an intense emotionality.
Original Music Composer
Michal's father and his friends are stigmatized by their war experience and the post-war social deformations in which they took part either directly, or watched them cowardly and in silence. They are trying to repress their feelings of guilt and justify their behavior to the young generation with memories of their heroic war feats. Michal, however, does not want to have anything to do with their problems. He subconsciously perceives the unpleasant atmosphere in the family as well as his father's hypocrisy. After one of many quarrels with his father, he runs away from home, determined to go his own way.
Pearls of the Deep
Original Music Composer
A manifesto of sorts for the Czech New Wave, this five-part anthology shows off the breadth of expression and the versatility of the movement’s directors. Based on stories by the legendary writer Bohumil Hrabal, the shorts range from the surreally chilling to the caustically observant to the casually romantic, but all have a cutting, wily view of the world.
Original Music Composer
It is the depths of winter and in the middle of a desolate landscape on a snowy slope stands a log cabin, inhabited by an old man. The man puts his last log into his stove and the warmth of the fire visibly delights him. He rocks his rocking chair energetically and sings merrily. The flames die away and the old man looks around for something to put on the fire. In the end he sacrifices the chair, but soon that too is burnt up. The man tears the remnants of posters from the walls, gathers various rags and throws everything into the stove. Then he takes an axe and gradually chops up the wooden walls of his house, although it is obvious that he cannot win this duel with cruel nature. The fire gradually eats up the planks and beams until the cabin entirely collapses. The man wants to get warm, and so runs around the dying flames. (https://www.filmovyprehled.cz/en/film/396670/the-log-cabin)
Courage for Every Day
Original Music Composer
A passionate communist worker is discouraged by the changing political climate and the failure of his peers to live up to his ideals.
The Cry
Original Music Composer
While a woman is in the hospital preparing to deliver her child, her husband has all day to reflect upon his wife and their relationship. As he tends to his job as a television repairman, Slavek fondly remembers how he first met Ivana and the days they spent getting to know one another. Slavek also grows increasingly aware of the environment that surrounds him and questions the society his new child will be entering. Loaded with a repeated plea for social change, this is the first feature from Czech writer/director Jaromil Jires.
Original Music Composer
A short documentary about the work of railwaymen and life on the railway.
Original Music Composer
The young Marta has made a break in her medical education to fully invest in her career as a model. We follow her for a day in her life, almost completely without hearing her voice. It is seldom that Marta gets the space to speak, instead she is mostly subject to the voice of others.
Jejich den
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
In a rare instance of literary adaptation, Chytilová was inspired by Franz Kafka’s writings. Mr. K stashes stolen jewelry away at home and seldom allows his wife to wear it. A nosy neighbour, Mr. B, drops in. A cat observes it all.
Monte Cristo
Original Music Composer
This epic adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo was directed by Henri Fescourt, and stars Jean Angelo, Lil Dagover, Pierre Batcheff, the beautiful Marie Glory, and Bernhard Goetzke as the Abbé Faria.