Philipp Manning

Philipp Manning

Nascimento : 1869-11-23, Lewisham, London, England, UK

Morte : 1951-04-09


Philipp Manning


Carl Peters
Sir Anthony Cerry
National-Socialist propaganda film that serves to memorialize one of the early representatives of colonialism: the German philologist Carl Peters. He is, at the end of the 1900′s, a noted advocate of the establishment of a German colony. Without support from Germany, he struggles on his own account against the English in East Africa. Later he is named Reichskommissar and promotes the expansion of a German colony. But Jewish and Social-Democrat opponents order him back to Germany and force him to resign.
Robert Koch, der Bekämpfer des Todes
Mitglied der Berliner Fakultät
Country Dr. Robert Koch is desperate: a tuberculosis epidemic is decimating the children in his district and no one is able to do anything about it. Every fourth child is already sick and the parents must helplessly watch as their young ones die. Now Koch is undertaking to find the cause of the tuberculosis --- something he has already been working on for years --- which has been causing this plague of illness. His work is made more difficult by envy; for example, that of his teacher, who was wounded defending his honor. But his greatest obstacle is the famous Berliner scientist and Reichstag deputy, Privy Councilor Rudolf Virchow: He is extraordinarily skeptical of Koch's theory, that the cause for tuberculosis is a bacteria.
Stjenka Rasin
Zar Alexey Michailowitsch
Eine Nacht an der Donau
Familie Schimek
Der Justizrat
For three difficult orphans living by her aunt the former employee of the family searches a new premouth; he releases with it a result of tumultuous involvements. - Humble-entertaining mistake farce, completely fitted on Hans Moser.
Inheritance in Pretoria
Admiral Wiethaus
Miss Liselott
Osterloh, Marions Vormund
Aimless Bohemians are encouraged to find their salvation in Arbeit (Work) in this propagandistic Nazi era German production.
An Invisible Man Goes Through the City
A taxi driver, (Piel), finds an odd contraption on the back seat that renders him invisible, but his friend steals the device to rob a bank. An inventive comedy.
K 1 greift ein
Konrad Stephan
Film by Heuberger.
Ship's Doctor
Urged by famous airman Ellissen the Lennartz Company puts into reality the project proposed by his friend Droste: F.P.1, a huge floating platform in the Atlantic that makes long-distance flights viable. Ellissen is in love with company heiress Claire, but when he returns from his adventures to save the endangered F.P.1 he finds out that he has lost her to Droste. English version of F.P.1 antwortet nicht with Conrad Veidt replacing Hans Albers as the jaded pilot Ellissen.
F.P.1 Doesn't Answer
F.P.1 is a huge airplane landing dock in the Atlantic where pilots making the transatlantic flight can stop. Yet a saboteur tries to sink the technical wonder in this classic German science fiction film from 1932. The film was also created with English and French speaking actors at the same time.
Marshal Forward
Bürgermeister von Leipzig
The White Demon
When Albers takes his drug-addicted opera star sister Gerda to a sanitarium, they both become targets of slimy dope peddler Peter Lorre, who fears that Gerda will blow the whistle on him. Lorre kidnaps the woman, leading Albers on a frantic chase.
Barbarina, the King's Dancer
Congress Dances
King of Saxony
In 1815, Tsar Alexander I romances a working-class glove seller, while his double takes his place at the Vienna Congress. English-language version of Der Kongreß tanzt.
The adventure in Tunisia
Henry Bertell
The Devil's Brother (Brother Devil)
A sympathetic bandit chief supports the cause of freedom in Naples against the Bourbon King Ferdinand.
Woman in the Jungle
Marooned on a rubber plantation in the East Indies, Leslie turns to Geoffrey for the love and diversion that she does not find with her husband.
Father and Son
About the wealthy Mr Markurell and his son, Johan, who is closing in on his graduation, and their life in the city of Wadköping. German language version.
A boy song from Heidelberg
Police Spy 77
Untersuchungsrichter Desbarreaux
An elderly survivor of World War 1 is fed up with the situation in Germany so he tries to take it down. But he can't do it alone.
Trust der Diebe
Napoleon at St. Helena
Lord Holland
Napoleon at Saint Helena (German: Napoleon auf Sankt Helena) is a 1929 German silent historical film directed by Lupu Pick and starring Werner Krauss, Hanna Ralph and Albert Bassermann. The film depicts the final years of Napoleon between 1815 and 1821 during his period of exile on the British Atlantic island of Saint Helena following his defeat at Waterloo.
Geschminkte Jugend
(as Dr. Philipp Manning)
Based on the real life events of the 1927 Steglitzer Schülertragödie, in which several high school students planned murder-suicides.
Wolga Wolga
Seine stärkste Waffe
Al Kinley
"His Best Force" - Harry Petersen has just made a big invention: the lamp without electrical supply. In American businessman Al Kinley, Harry hopes to find a financier for his idea, but Kinley does not show any interest.
Man Against Man
Following World War I, after a long imprisonment, two German prisoner-of-war soldiers escape from a Siberian lead-mine. Karl manages to reach Germany before Richard, and is sheltered by Anna, wife of Richard. While Richard is still on his homeward trek, Karl and Anna fall in love. And then Richard comes home.
Die Dame und ihr Chauffeur
Rechtsanwalt Liemann
Hast Du geliebt am schönen Rhein?
Weingutsbesitzer Günther
Eva and the Grasshopper
Mary and Eva are best friends, although they couldn't be more different. Armand, Mary's fiancee, falls in love with the seductive Eva, who is busy becoming a revue star. When Eva fails and loses her money, Armand tries to help her out.
German Women - German Faithfulness
Major Stürmer
Superfluous People
Bürgermeister Duboff
Directed by Aleksandr Razumnyj.
Wie einst im Mai
Kammergerichtsrat Schönlein
Schatten der Weltstadt
Schiff in Not
Ole Hansen
Christian Boos
The Tower of Silence
Eva lives in the sinister Tower with her father, a mad inventor, and her grandfather. The aviator Wilfred Durian and his lovely wife live nearby in the town. But Durian's famous flight across the Australian desert was not all it seems... and when his 'dead' partner Arved Holl is rescued by Eva and comes to claim his former fiancée's hand, the whole house of cards is about to come tumbling down. Meanwhile, Eva's own family history is not quite as she had always believed...
Lena Warnstetten
Baron von Warnstetten
Cold Heart
Dudu, a Human Destiny
Die Buddenbrooks
Four-generation story-saga dealing with the decline of a middle-class Lübeck family. The first adaptation of a Thomas Mann book was also Gerhard Lamprecht’s first major film.
Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend
In his film version, Curt Goetz shifts the focus away from the poetic output towards the young Friedrich Schiller himself: on the misery of his soul whilst a pupil of the ducal military academy, his opposition to the strict physical drill and the narrow intellectual confines of the "Karlsschule", his juvenile passion for the works of Shakespeare, Klopstock and Lessing, his anger at unjust authorities, his devotion to women, and finally his inability to cope with financial matters
Der Herzog von Aleria
Prälat Ruspoli
Lucrezia Borgia
Diener Cesares
Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, has three adult children: Juan, who is virtuous and has a sweetheart who is a woman of the people, Lucrezia, who is virtuous and wants to marry Alfonso, and Cesare, who is wicked and lusts after Lucrezia, Juan's girlfriend, and probably others. Cesare has vowed to kill any suitor for Lucrezia's love, and he has three thugs to carry out his wishes. Bodies fall into the Tiber, into the Colosseum (with lions prowling), and onto the Vatican floors.
Zirkus des Lebens