John Duxbury, a fifty-year-old man disappointed by his life, sees his wife die from a fatal fall while they are on vacation together. And while an accident is initially thought to be the cause of death, suspicions soon turn to John... especially since a witness claims to have seen him push his wife.
It's peak season at Morzine-Avoriaz ski resort. French high mountain state police officer Constance Vivier and Swiss cop Andreas Meyer investigate the suspect death of a teenager, found freezing on a slope after an alcohol coma.
Alongside his impertinent puppet, ventriloquist Jeff Panacloc celebrates Christmas with humour, surrounded by personalities from music, cinema and TV hosts.
Órfão, o pequeno Paul é adotado por uma família de trabalhadores rurais. Um dia ele conhece o caçador Totoche e os dois formam uma inesperada amizade. Passando os dias com o velho na floresta, Paul aprende sobre a vida da melhor forma possível: vivendo.
Discover how a war criminal escaped justice for decades before finally facing trial. It's 1972, and Franck Jourdan (Laurent Gerra), a reporter in a French news magazine, is getting obsessed in its investigation. Its objective: to bring Paul Touvier (François Morel) to trial for crimes against humanity. During his quest, Jourdan discovers how Touvier remained hidden from the authorities all those years.
Em maio de 1940 as tropas alemãs invadem a França. Assustados com o progresso do inimigo, os habitantes da pequena vila de Pas-de-Calais decidem sobre as recomendações da prefeitura, desistem de tudo e fogem para a costa. Entre eles há Paul, o prefeito da aldeia. Ele lidera o grupo e procura manter um mínimo de ordem e espírito republicano nesta vida nômade. Mado, sua esposa, toca música tentando manter a fragrância dos que tiveram lugar em seu café na aldeia. Música do filme - a obra-prima 'A la recherche de la paix' - composta, orquestrada e dirigida pelo ilustre compositor, arranjador e maestro italiano Ennio Morricone.
A meek, mild-mannered man begins to suspect that his beautiful wife is poisoning him after he realizes that his acute stomach aches occur only after he eats at home. As a result, he investigates the death of his predecessor-- his wife's first husband.