Linda Stone
Quando Andy, de dezesseis anos, herda o pomar de seu avô e se torna protegida por sua tia na cidade, ela deve trilhar o caminho para seu futuro a partir de uma pequena cidade onde jovens mulheres nunca tiveram liberdade e opção de escolha.
The survivors are saved by the mysterious prophet Shot Bus Gus, who seemingly has the ability to control the beasts. He leads them into the sewers as they travel to the big city. Along the way they get help from karate expert Jean-Claude Seagal and learn that the beasts originate from a place called The Hive. Armed with this knowledge, they decide to fight back and destroy the beasts.
The monsters have made it into a small neighboring town in the middle of nowhere and the locals have to band with the survivors of the bar' slaughter to figure out how to survive.