Gill Gayle

Gill Gayle


Gill Gayle


Free LSD
An elderly sex shop owner's attraction to a younger woman leads him to an erectile dysfunction doctor whose treatment reveals an alluring but treacherous alternate reality.
Free LSD
Production Designer
An elderly sex shop owner's attraction to a younger woman leads him to an erectile dysfunction doctor whose treatment reveals an alluring but treacherous alternate reality.
Free LSD
The Regular / The Manager
An elderly sex shop owner's attraction to a younger woman leads him to an erectile dysfunction doctor whose treatment reveals an alluring but treacherous alternate reality.
The Free Fall
Depois de tentar se matar, uma mulher deve resolver sua vida com o marido.
The Chattering
Hundreds of gremlin-like mutant creatures from a melting glacier violently descend on a survivalist cabin in the mountains where an unsuspecting circle of high school seniors are celebrating their last weekend together before college.
The Sighting
Joey Domain
A terrifying psychological thriller set near the beautiful landscape of Glacier National Park, Montana. Two high school friends, Travis and Nate, are on a road trip to Canada when they're attacked by mysterious and vicious creatures. Nate is stolen into the woods and Travis will stop at nothing to get him back. Travis recruits Nate's older brother Chris to bring an arsenal and wage war against these monsters in an effort to retrieve Nate.
The Sighting
A terrifying psychological thriller set near the beautiful landscape of Glacier National Park, Montana. Two high school friends, Travis and Nate, are on a road trip to Canada when they're attacked by mysterious and vicious creatures. Nate is stolen into the woods and Travis will stop at nothing to get him back. Travis recruits Nate's older brother Chris to bring an arsenal and wage war against these monsters in an effort to retrieve Nate.
A Revolta de Atlas: Parte III
Taggart Railroad Employee
Aproximando-se do colapso, a economia do país está rapidamente erodindo. À medida que o crime e o medo tomam conta do campo, o governo continua a exercer sua força brutal contra os mais produtivos da nação que estão desaparecendo misteriosamente - deixando para trás uma onda de desespero. Um homem tem a resposta. Uma mulher fica no caminho dele. Alguns não vão parar por nada para controlá-lo. Outros não vão parar por nada para salvá-lo. Ele jurou por sua vida. Eles juraram encontrá-lo.
Club owner
Kristabelle, still living with her Mother cuts herself to feel alive. Her Mother, addicted to plastic surgery also cuts herself trying to maintain her youth. Through the help of a pot smoking young lover, a newly sober British stand up comic and Chinese medicine they all find that love can be more than skin deep.
Sob Controle
Uma produção do mestre do cinema David Lynch. O filme conta a história de uma pequena cidade que se agita após vários assassinatos brutais. O cotidiano da delegacia local muda com a chegada dos agentes Sam Hallaway (Bill Pullman) e Elizabeth Anderson (Julia Ormond). Responsáveis por investigar estes crimes. Agora, a integridade de todos os policiais será colocada à prova e até mesmo os sobreviventes dos crimes serão suspeitas. Ninguém sairá ileso desta investigação.
O Túnel da Morte
Um sanatório abandonado, no qual cinco estudantes sexys são desafiadas a passar a noite. O que começa como uma brincadeira de mal gosto logo se transforma em um pesadelo mortal quando elas descobrem os segredos terríveis que assombram aqueles apavorantes corredores. E a única saída é pelo longo túnel da morte. Nesse sanatório de Kentucky, acredita-se que 63.000 pessoas morreram da famosa “praga branca.
Shut Yer Dirty Little Mouth
The true story of Pete and Ray, two down-and-out alcoholics living in the Haight district of San Francisco in the late '80s. Their outrageous and hilarious harangues make THE ODD COUPLE seem entirely tame by comparison. Watch as the two gentlemen imbibe mass quantities of vodka, report each other to the police and get hauled off to jail, raising the ire of all whose lives they disrupt.
Desperate But Not Serious
Guy #2
Lily is a twenty-something aspiring writer who receives an invitation to attend a wedding reception with Jonathan, a handsome entomologist who also happens to be the man of her dreams. The only problem is that she's in San Francisco and the wedding is in L.A. Lily is therefore forced to enlist the aid of her friend Frances, an unrepentant party girl who has the L.A. nightclub scene wired. Their plans are completely derailed when they inadvertently lose the all important wedding invitation. This sets in motion an evening full of near misses with Jonathan, and thrusts Lily and Frances into a swarm of offbeat encounters with the underground Hollywood crowd. Off they go from club to club, from party to party and from boy to boy in an effort to find the wedding reception.
Meus Amigos Dinossauros
A young boy and his family embark on a series of adventures when the boy finds some mysterious eggs which hatch to reveal a brood of baby dinosaurs.