Seana McKenna

Seana McKenna


Seana McKenna


Muito Perto para o Natal
Judy Barnett
Hayley viaja com o intuito de passar o Natal ao lado da irmã Amy e a família de seu cunhado. Para sua surpresa, Paul, o cara que ela culpa pelo fim do seu último relacionamento, também está no local. O clima fica estranho, mas uma improvável conexão logo nasce entre eles.
RSC Live: Romeo and Juliet
The Nurse
What if your first true love was someone you’d been told you must hate? Set in a world very like our own, this Romeo and Juliet is about a generation of young people born into violence and ripped apart by the bitter divisions of their parents. The most famous story of love at first sight explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change, but leads all too quickly to heartbreaking consequences. Erica Whyman directs, with students from our Associate Schools playing the Chorus, alongside the professional cast.
Romeo and Juliet
A long-simmering animosity between two families of Verona, the Montague's and the Capulet's, has recently boiled over, with members of the rival households brawling in the streets. One night, Romeo, a Montague, crashes a party given by the Capulet's in order to meet up with a young woman called Rosaline, with whom he is infatuated. Thoughts of her vanish from his mind, however, when he catches sight of Juliet, daughter of the head of the Capulet household. Juliet is equally smitten with Romeo, but her father already has other plans for her.
A ghostly visitor with a shocking secret, a daughter devastated by loss, a deadly duel – and the most famous question in all of drama. Just some of the reasons why Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy will hold you spellbound.
Stratford Festival: King John
When the King of France (Peter Hutt) demands that John (Tom McCamus) relinquish his crown in favor of his nephew, the young Prince Arthur, war is the inevitable result. Excommunication, attempted atrocity, rebellion and assassination all contribute to a political turmoil and personal grief for a mother who has lost her son.
An aging couple hire a young actor to temporarily take the place of their deceased daughter.
No Balanço do Amor 2
Após o namorado Derek ir para longe estudar, Sara junta-se a Julliard, em Nova Iorque para realizar seu sonho e sua mãe de se tornar a primeira bailarina da escola. Ela é amiga de suas colegas de quarto, Zoe e Miles, que lecionam aulas de hip-hop. Ela tem aulas de balé com a rígida e famosos Monique Delacroix que ela idolatra - Monique exige total empenho, disciplina e trabalho duro de seus alunos. Quando Miles, que é um compositor, convida Sara para ajudá-lo a compor a música para a paixão da dança uma coreografia de Sara para o bananap-hop é incentivada e ela também se apaixona por Miles. Quando ela é atribuída a execução Giselle em um evento importante, ela se sente dividida entre a técnica do balé e do trabalho criativo oferecido por Miles.
The Hanging Garden
William, a once obese and troubled teen, goes back to his family's home after being gone, without word, for ten years and finds it (and his family) haunted with his past. He had moved to the city and become a fit, well-adjusted gay man, but during his visit home, he becomes unhinged as the newly remembered reasons for his miserable adolescence come to life in each of their presents.