Annibale Ninchi
Nascimento : 1887-11-20, Bologna, Italy
Morte : 1967-01-15
Guido's Father
Prestes a rodar sua próxima obra, o cineasta Guido Anselmi (Marcello Mastroianni) ainda não tem idéia de como será o filme. Mergulhado em uma crise existencial e pressionado pelo produtor, pela mulher, pela amante e pelos amigos, ele se interna em uma estação de águas e passa a misturar o passado com o presente, ficção com realidade.
Il principe Nikiev
Sergio of Tula goes to Dubno to free Princess Mascia, who is prisoner of Queen Jassa, but he is seduced by the latter, who stirs his ambition by putting her army at his service to take King Stephen's throne.
Un soir sur la plage is relatively interesting; the cast includes highly talented Jean Dessailly, Martine Carol, a cast against type Michel Galabru as the cop.The biggest surprise is sixties starlet Daliah Lavi as a simple-minded nymphomaniac girl who is murdered on the beach. The story is essentially a whodunit: in Martine Carol's house, there are many people (too many people actually) and they all have a reason to get rid of her.
Em 303 d.C., Constantino proclama o Edito de Milão ao se tornar o imperador de Gaul. Comandando seus soldados, derrota as legiões romanas, assegurando liberdade de culto aos cristãos. Filmado em locações na Itália, este grande épico possui incríveis cenas de batalhas e grandes atuações do elenco. O ator norte-americano Cornel Wilde dá credibilidade internacional à trama no papel do Imperador Constantino. A obra possui todas as características tão apreciadas de um grande épico: longas batalhas, traições, cristãos sendo jogados aos leões e mulheres bonitas, entre elas, Belinda Lee, a belíssima atriz inglesa no papel de Fausta, esposa de Constantino.
Dr. Severin
Abandoned by her lover Philippe, Michèle, a Parisian fashion designer, tries to kill herself. She is saved by her doctor and Ann, a young American nurse, who takes up residence in Michèle's apartment to keep an eye on her patient.
Marcello's father
Roma, início dos anos 60. O jornalista Marcello (Marcello Mastroianni em desempenho memorável) vive entre as celebridades, ricos e fotógrafos que lotam a badalada Via Veneto. Neste mundo marcado pelas aparências e por um vazio existencial, frequenta festas, conhece os tipos mais extravagantes e descobre um novo sentido para a vida.
Marquis Macri
Antonio Spagara, a young Sicilian worker, has been assigned by the Mafia to murder a nobleman, Marquis Macri. But at the last minute Antonio reneges on his commitment and instead of killing the father, he flees to Palermo with Grazia, his daughter. Life is not a bed of roses in the Sicilian capital, as the young man must impose himself to face his godfather and Grazia's despotic sister Dorotea. To make matters worse, the Mafia is not going to tolerate Antonio's desertion...
While her new husband is away looking for work, the wife loses the child she was expecting and uses another woman's baby as a substitute so she won't have to upset her spouse when he returns.
Publis Cornelius Scipio
A story of the Second Punic Wars, beginning with Scipio's futile pleas to the Roman Senate to build an army to battle Hannibal, that climaxes with the battle of Zama.
Pisa, 11th century. Spina, a young priestess daughter of Peter, is devoted to keeping a flame burning that illuminates the way back for those returning from the Crusade. But the Florentine knight Lamberto falls in love with her and the two young men fail in the vow of chastity that Spina committed. The shame for having betrayed the promise of purity made pushes Spina to suicide and Lamberto kills himself with her.