Portraitmaler (voice)
A princesa Rose é amaldiçoada por uma bruxa ao nascer. De acordo com a magia, ela vai espetar o dedo e todo o castelo vai cair em sono profundo, a não ser que um beijo verdadeiro a desperte. Sete anões descobrem sobre o feitiço e parte em busca de Jack, namorado de Rose, para salvá-la. Mas eles não chegam a tempo: Rose espeta o dedo e todos dormem, menos os sete anões. Agora eles devem descobrir sozinhos uma maneira de salvar a todos.
A sad story of love between German soldier Franz and Russian girl Polina.
Soldat Hunter
1877, the tribe of the Nez Percés Indians are driven into the reservation by a white cavalry force. So that they can not escape, their horses are requisitioned. Sub-chief "White Feather" has no choice but to make a scout with the cavalry and retrieve the stolen horses through his life.
Wolfgang Rellim
South America at the beginning of the 1980s. A man is on the run from a group of armed pursuers. He does not manage to escape and is shot down mercilessly. Young Maria witnesses the cruel event and asks her friend, the journalist Oswaldo, to find out about the backgrounds of this case. The police also start to investigate the case and find out that a mysterious German farm is involved in the shooting. But the farm lies in an exterritorial area, thus the police officers cannot investigate any further.