Karen Hines


Fire and Fury
Montreal, 1734. A tragic event forever changes the life of a slave and of the entire city. A mystery where love, secrets and betrayal collide.
Um Sequestro de Natal
Trudie decide sequestrar David para levá-lo a casa da sua família no Natal. Enquanto David simula ser o namorado perfeito, ele entra em contato com a sua verdadeira namorada e pede ajuda, sem imaginar que a magia do Natal unirá a todos.
Candidato Aloprado
Alison McAndrews
Tom Dobbs é um apresentador de um programa político, acostumado a falar o que pensa. Depois de comentar que ele seria um melhor presidente do que o líder atual na Casa Branca, Tom se candidata ao cargo e, para surpresa geral, acaba ganhando as eleições. Agora, ele enfrenta a difícil escolha de assumir a presidência ou permanecer atrás do microfone.
Comeback Season
Health Care Worker
First Down. Second Chance. Skylar is a star quarterback of his football team. He's got the skills, the looks, and the girls. His next-door neighbor, Walter is a loving husband, good father and all-round decent family man. When their worlds start to crumble they find themselves in jail together and suddenly these former enemies must rely on each other to rebuild their lives...
Escape from the Newsroom
It's a strange movie that you have to watch beginning to end, or you'll find yourself completely lost. Based on the Toronto-made TV series "Newsroom," this made-for-TV movie has many well-recognized Canadian actors and comedians. It's a modest comedy that has its "short chuckle of laughter" moments, but the real highlight is similar to the highlight of 12 Angry Men. They obviously endeavoured to make the acting look as real and natural as possible when making this show, and most of the entertainment comes from listening in on their conversations and being convinced by the good acting. This is the similarity to 12 Angry Men.
Hedwig: Rock, Amor e Traição
Tommy's Publicist
Hedwig é uma cantora de rock que nasceu homem, na Alemanha Oriental, e se chamava Hansel. Criado ouvindo uma rádio norte-americana, Hansel só tinha duas certezas na vida: de que seria uma estrela de rock e que um dia encontraria sua alma gêmea. Quando conhece Luther, recruta americano que promete casar-se e levá-lo para os Estados Unidos, Hansel pensa que chegou sua vez de ser feliz. Contudo, para que seu sonho se realize, é obrigado a submeter-se a uma cirurgia de troca de sexo. Hansel torna-se Hedwig, muda-se para a América e forma uma banda de rock. Mas este é apenas o primeiro capítulo de uma história ao mesmo tempo dramática e engraçada, permeada por amores arrebatadores, amargas desilusões e rock do bom.
Mudança de Comportamento
As adolescentes Alex, introvertida e feiosa, que foi desprezada pelo garoto mais cobiçado da escola, e Janine, uma top model que não aguenta mais as restrições alimentares que sua mãe impõe, se encontram num evento de moda. A semelhança faz com que tenham a ideia de trocar de identidade por uma semana, o que cria situações muito divertidas para ambas.
Married Life: The Movie
This satiric comedy concerns a documentary filmmaker (Ken Finkleman) who has brought a camera crew into the home of a typical couple (Robert Cait and Karen Hines) to record the drama of their daily lives. However, the filmmaker soon discovers their daily lives aren't especially interesting, and soon he finds himself deliberately throwing chaos into their path in hopes of making for a more exciting movie. Married Life: The Movie was originally produced as a weekly television series, with four episodes re-edited into this feature; the show's director and star, Ken Finkleman, later went on to create the award-winning Canadian sitcom The Newsroom.
The Events Leading Up to My Death
Golf balls, watermelons and lawn furniture all play a role in one eventful evening for a suburban family in crisis. Of the adult Snack siblings - Lindsay, Angus and Katy - Angus is the only one to have "escaped" the repressed life with their parents, by moving out of the family's suburban Toronto home. Theirs is a dysfunctional family where no one truly communicates with each other, no one seems happy, but each who funnels their energy elsewhere.
Food of the Gods II
A growth hormone experiment gets out of hand, when the the resulting giant man-eating rats escape, reaking havoc on the unsuspecting campus. Much blood-letting follows.