Ichiro Nagai

Ichiro Nagai

Nascimento : 1931-05-10, Osaka, Japan

Morte : 2014-01-27


Ichiro Nagai (永井 一郎 Nagai Ichirō, May 10, 1931 – January 27, 2014) was a Japanese voice actor from Ikeda, Osaka. He was previously affiliated by Tokyo Actor's Consumer's Cooperative Society, and was affiliated with Aoni Production at the time of his death. On January 27, 2014, while recording narration for a program in Hiroshima, Nagai suffered a bout of myocardial infarction and was found by a hotel employee. He was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead; Nagai was 82 years old at the time of his death.


Ichiro Nagai
Ichiro Nagai


Detective Conan: The Story of Ai Haibara: Black Iron Mystery Train
Jirokichi Suzuki (voice)
Ai Haibara (autonym Shiho Miyano a.k.a. Sherry). A woman with three identities, who boldly faces her destiny. Shiho Miyano (code name: Sherry), a scientist and a member of the Black Organization. The organization was the one that developed a mysterious poison APTX (Apotoxin) 4869, the drug that turned Shinichi Kudo into a little boy! However, when Sherry realizes that the Black Organization has murdered her sister Akemi, she betrays the Black Organization and decides to take APTX4869. The drug turns her into a little girl, and she decides to call herself Ai Haibara in order to hide from the Black Organization. Yet slowly but surely, the Black Organization begins to cast its shadow over her.
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Film And Live The Final - A Mon Seul Desir
Syam Vist
The final chapter of the event "Mobile Suit Gundam UC Film & Live" held at Pacifico Yokohama in July 2014 comes out on Blu-ray. Features performance of music used in "Mobile Suit Gundam UC" by Hiroyuki Sawano, reading of the scenario (written by Harutoshi Fukui) read by orginal voice cast, and more.
Hunter x Hunter: A Última Missão
Isaac Netero (voice)
Em meio à Batalha Olímpia, torneio que reúne os mestres de andar da Arena Celestial para decidir quem ficará no topo, surge uma nova ameaça. Os descendentes de um grupo que era a face oculta da Associação Hunter tomam a Arena Celestial e exigem a publicação de todas as missões secretas executadas por eles sob ordens da Associação. Seu líder, um velho conhecido do Presidente, quer o fim de todos os Hunters e conta com um poder contrário ao Nen e que se pensava estar extinto, o On.
Lupin III: Registo de Observações do Oriente - Outra Página
Musashibō Benkei the 22nd (voice)
Lupin tornou-se o suspeito número 1 do assassinato do professor chamado Theo Argent. O professor acabara de descobrir a página que faltava no diário de viagem Marco Polo, Observações do Oriente. Como Lupin está a ser perseguido pela polícia, ele acaba por receber a ajuda improvável da neta de Theo Argent, Lisa.
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie - The Flying Ghost Ship
Baseball Mask (Voice)
The Gokaigers embark on a quest to find the ghost ship that harbors the legendary God Eye, which grants any wish to whoever wields it. During their adventure, they must face Los Dark, the captain of the ghost ship, and a host of revived enemies of the previous Super Sentai teams such as Agent Abrella and Baseball Mask.
Detetive Conan: O Navio Perdido no Céu
Suzuki Jirokichi
Um grupo terrorista invade um laboratório contendo uma bactéria mortal e destrói o laboratório com uma explosão. Posteriormente, eles anunciaram pela internet que tomaram posse da bactéria e se declararam os Red Siamese Cats, um grupo terrorista que foi erradicado há uma década.
O Mundo Encantado de Gigi
Goblin Elder (voice)
Gigi ganha uma roupa de pinguim do seu pai. Convencida de que pode voar um dia, ela só sai de casa vestida com a fantasia. As outras crianças da vizinhança dão risada de Gigi. Mas um dia, ela parte para uma aventura e descobre uma vila de duendes, lá no céu. Os duendes se convencem de que ela é um “pássaro sem asas” que um dia vai salvá-los. Nesta aventura, Gigi ainda vai enfrentar Boukkha-Boo, uma criatura terrível.
Patrulha Estelar - Renascimento
Sakezo Sado
Conta a história da fuga dos humanos, 20 e poucos anos depois da batalha do Yamato contra o Planeta Aquarius, de um buraco negro móvel que ameaça não só a Terra, mas todo o Sistema Solar. Para liderar uma das frotas, O capitão Kodai lidera o novo Yamato no resgate, enfrentando uma aliança galáctica que quer dar fim aos planos de imigração humana para outro planeta!
Guerras de Verão
Mansuke Jinnouchi (voice)
A história centra-se no colegial Koiso Kenji, um garoto prodígio em matemática que passa o seu tempo trabalhando em Oz, um mundo virtual. Kenji é um gênio com números, mas mal adepto socialmente. Ele tem uma paixão secreta por Shinohara Natsuki, mas não tem coragem de dizer a ela. No início de suas férias de verão, ele é convidado por Natsuki para ajudar na celebração do 90º aniversário da sua avó. Embora Kenji não conheça os detalhes do plano, ele concorda e vai com Natsuki a casa da sua avó em Ueda, Nagano. Para grande surpresa de Kenji, ele é apresentado na casa da família Shinohara como noivo de Natsuki.
Engine Sentai Go-onger vs. Gekiranger
Master Sha Fu (voice)
The story begins when Geki Red battles Nunchaku Banki after returning from his trip around the world for Natsume's birthday, with Geki Yellow and Geki Blue arriving to provide backup. After sending the Gekirangers into another dimension, the Go-ongers arrive before the Savage Machine Beast departs after his quarry. After clearing a misunderstanding with Geki Violet and Geki Chopper, the two bring them to SCRTC to see Master Xia Fu, with Hant revealing he met Miki at one of his past jobs at the Kyoryuya Curry Shop.
Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger
Master Xia Fu (voice)
The team-up movie between Juken Sentai Gekiranger and GoGo Sentai Boukenger. Gekirangers are visited by Boukengers when someone from space with ultimate power threatens the existence of Earth
Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle
Master Xia Fu (voice)
While in the middle of fighting, the Gekirangers and Mere are teleported to Hong Kong, along with Rio and various other martial artists around the world. Just as Rio and Jyan were about to fight, they meet the mysterious Lao Fan before seeing others brought to the island as well.
Lupin III: Táticas de Anjo
Jingorō Higashi (voice)
Roubado da famosa base "secreta" da Força Aérea, Área 51, o tesouro mais recentemente roubado por Lupin guarda um segredo. Quatro "Bloody Angels", as mulheres mais duros que Lupin já enfrentou e que querem o tesouro para os seus propósitos terroristas. Enquanto isso, Zenigata une-se a uma policia para caçar Lupin e os terroristas.
One Piece Filme 04: Aventura Mortal!
Biera (voice)
Desesperados por dinheiro, os Chapéus de Palha entram numa corrida secreta entre tripulações piratas conhecidos como o Concurso beco sem saída. Lá, eles devem lutar contra os poderosos, incluindo um Ex-Marinheiro que se Tornou um Pirata, (Capitão Gasparde), e o caçador de recompensas que quer matá-lo. No entanto, com o esquema mortal de Gasparde, todos os seus adversários foram condenados desde o início?
Lupin III: Episódio 0 - Primeiro Contato
Detective George McFly (voice)
Lupin está atrás do tesouro mais precioso do chefe da máfia Galvez: o Clam of Helmeth, um cilindro verde feito de metal inquebrável, guardado pelo pistoleiro Jigen. Também purista do Clam está um colega ladrão chamado Brad e seu parceiro, Fujiko. Enquanto isso, o inspetor Zenigata, emparelhado com um detetive americano, foi despachado pela polícia japonesa para caçar e prender Fujiko. Do outro lado do mundo, o samurai Goemon procura uma espada digna de suas habilidades: uma que esteja misteriosamente conectada ao tesouro no cofre de Galvez. Em breve, cada grupo estará reunido em uma aventura épica que conta como a gangue Lupin se conheceu!
Grievance of a Starmaker
A boy is frustrated by the lack of bright stars in the sky. To reconcile the problem, he pays a visit to the Starmaker, a man whose lost faith in the world below him is restored by the boy's ardent devotion to cleaning the dirty stars.
Doraemon: Nobita and the Winged Braves
After watching a televised showing about supposedly humanoid birds spotted in Africa, Nobita dreams of being able to fly with wings. He builds wooden wings after Doraemon refuses to help him, though he repeatedly fails to fly using them. While helping Shizuka to reclaim her pet canary, they witness a portal opens in the sky and a humanoid bird riding an airplane coming out. He introduces himself as Gusuke, a humanoid bird who lives in "Birdopia". Doraemon, Nobita, and Shizuka help Gusuke fix his airplane, where Nobita becomes fast friends with him. As Gusuke departs to his home, Gian and Suneo catch him and grab his plane. The other three follow them through the porta
Tia arrives on the island of Marcleida with her trusted sword 'Grandeek,' which holds a spirit within that helps her on her quests. She is soon turned away however. Determined to get on the island, Tia searches for a way past the fences that guard the entrance, as another stranger arrives on the island to take on a mysterious job. Someone has been killing the inhabitants of the island and has the ability to appear and disappear at will. Seems the sword 'Aihorn' has been stolen and the spirit that resides within it seeks vengenance on those who killed its master 50 years before.
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
D's Left Hand (voice)
Em um futuro distante, os vampiros dominam a noite, mas sua população está diminuindo, devido ao alto valor das recompensas oferecidas por suas cabeças. Caçadores de recompensas, ávidos por dinheiro, são os principais responsáveis pelo extermínio destes vampiros. Um destes caçadores é diferente dos demais: ele é um "Dunpeal". Meio-humano, meio-vampiro, em guerra com sua própria consciência e temido por todos, este caçador possui a alma atormentada e leva uma existência solitária. Seu nome é D.
Kujira no Chouyaku
Old Man
O tempo parou. Uma baleia surge de um oceano cristalino e fica metade de um dia graciosamente suspensa no ar. O que faz deste trabalho algo de extraordinário foi a decisão do artista em usar transparência e efeitos visuais 3D feitos em computador apenas nas partes sem movimento do oceano e dos glaciares. As personagens, a baleia e os barcos foram todos desenhados à mão, e com este contraste, o espectador é convidado para um mundo completamente diferente. Trata-se de um poema escrito na forma de animação, a criação de uma verdadeira fantasia. Este anime foi considerado pela crítica como arrebatador e os resultados são magníficos.
Henogee (voice)
The story involves a boy and his younger sister whose dog Papadoll is missing. They find out that he has been abducted by anthropomorphic cats to be brought to a world called Banapal Witt, which is built on top of a giant sleeping cat. There the sun turns poor Papadoll into a bizarre giant monster. He becomes the weapon and beloved pet of a spoiled Princess who turns everything she touches into balloons. She plans to use Papadoll and a giant inflatable mouse to control the sleeping cat and thus Banapal Witt itself.
Yawara! Atlanta Special
Yawara Inokuma competes for Japan in the Atlanta Olympic Games as she meets with several familiar faces throughout the tournament.
Dragon Ball Z: O Ataque do Dragão
Rubbernecker (voice)
Hirudegarn é um dêmonio que foi criado pelos magos negros de uma galáxia muito distante. Criado a partir de uma estátua com esse nome, Hildegarn tem somente um objetivo: destruir todas as galáxias que existem. Para impedir seus objetivos, Tapion, Minoshia e seu pai lutaram bravamente para aprisionar o mostro. O vilão foi dividido em duas partes durante o aprisionamento cada parte foi selada em um oráculo.
Ninja Scroll: O Filme
Tudo começa com o extermínio da população da vila Shimoda, aparentemente dizimada por uma peste fulminante. Alguns membros da elite suspeitam que a peste possa ter sido causada de propósito e, por esta razão, a equipe Ninja Koga é recrutada para investigar o problema e descobrir o que realmente aconteceu na Vila Shimoda. Durante esta investigação, um encontro com sanguinários e demoníacos assassinos causa um verdadeiro massacre entre os membros da equipe Koga. Enquanto isto, o protagonista da história, o ninja mercenário Jubei Kibagami, acaba de cumprir com sucesso mais uma de suas missões. Após se perder durante a viagem, Jubei resolve pedir informações a um indivíduo nada amigável e de aparência assustadora. Os eventos que se seguem envolvem Jubei em uma trama que atinge os mais altos escalões do poder japonês, à época em que o Xogunato Tokugawa acabara de se instalar no país.
Ursa Minor Blue
Old Astronomer
Esta é uma curta história de um rapaz chamado Yuri e do seu avô, que tem lugar na Via Láctea Cósmica, local onde vivem os Peixes-Estrela. Conta-nos a sua jornada na procura das razões que levaram ao desaparecimento das estrelas.
Weird Volunteers
Yoichi Yamamoto (voice)
A film produced and paid for by Kitakyushu City's Board of Education and Council for the Promotion of Outcast Issue Awareness. The story follows two second-year junior high girls who discover an old lady collapsed outside her home in rural Japan. After assisting her back inside, the two hear the old lady's harrowing life story and discover that she is illiterate. Shocked by this, the girls vow to volunteer their time to teach the old woman to read and write each day.
Yawara! Go Get 'Em, Wimpy Kids!!
Yawara helps a group of timid grade school kids overcome their fears and compete in a judo competition.
Crying Freeman 4: A Taste of Revenge
Naiji Kumaga (voice)
Naitai, the evil head of the Great Bear God religion, hatches a plot to destroy the 108 Dragons. His henchman, Oshu Togoku, the world wrestling champion, squeezes Ron Tayan unconscious in a match; the ambulance taking Ron to hospital is actually driven by Kimie, one of Ron's old enemies. She takes him to Naitai's stronghold where he has prepared a clone of Ron whom he intends to send, like a Trojan horse, onto the yacht of the 108 Dragons. Can Ron foil the plot? Will Fu recognize the clone or be fooled? What of Oshu Togoku, can anyone defeat him? And who, or what, can stand up to Naitai's sorcery?
Horror News
For reasons unknown to him, Rei receives the Kyoufu Shinbun every morning, a newspaper which foresees deaths and catastrophes... Based on Tsunoda Jirou's classic horror manga "Kyoufu Shinbun", serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion.
Dragon Ball Z: Uma Vingança Para Freeza
Karin (voice)
Cooler, irmão mais velho de Freeza, deseja matar Goku para exterminar todos os Saiyajins e vingar a morte de seu irmão.
Memórias de Ontem
Torahige (voice)
Conta a história de Taeko Okajima, uma mulher de 27 anos e ainda solteira, com um trabalho burocrático num escritório em Tokyo, cidade na qual nasceu e cresceu. Quando criança, Taeko morria de inveja das amigas que podiam ir para o campo e visitar os parentes no período de férias. Por não possuir parentes no interior, Taeko tinha de permanecer em Tokyo o tempo todo, sonhando com o dia em que, finalmente, poderia realizar seu desejo de conhecer o campo.
Urusei Yatsura: Terror of Girly-Eyes Measles
Cherry (voice)
Ten gives Ataru an alien disease, the contagious "Girl Measles," (which makes the victim's eyes turn big and twinkly, like the eyes of young girls in much of manga and anime), and when Ataru's girl-hunting spreads the virus all over Tomobiki Town, chaos ensues!
The Sensualist
A story of a man’s erotic experiences since the age of seven, based on the seventeenth-century novel “Koushoko Ichidai Otoko” by Saikaku Ihara.
Theatrical anime movie created from the OVA 'Gosenzosama Banbanzai', written and directed by Mamoru Oshii.
Devido a um mau funcionamento da espaçonave, o terráqueo Ryu e seu companheiro robótico MOS-01 aterrissam no planeta Gdleen. Ryu conhece uma bela fada Euredonian chamada Fana e os dois logo se envolvem na longa guerra entre as tribos dos monstruosos Babaress e dos feiticeiros Miyorl.
Gall Force: Earth Chapter
Dominov (voice)
After the completion of Operation Exodus,the Earth-based forces must survive long enough for the Mars re-inforcements. During this time, Sandy Newman and her squad face a challenge to their military training in the form of a quasi-religious group called Geo Chris which endeavours to make the Earth green once more. Unknown to them, the plans Mars have drawn up will kill the machines and the forces fighting against them.
Urusei Yatsura: Goat and Cheese
Cherry (voice)
Mendou recounts an old story that warns, “Don’t take pictures in front of the statue of Great-Grandfather’s Goat, or terrible things will happen!” When his father does just that, only Sakura and Onsen-mark the Teacher can ward off the horrifying consequences of an ancient family curse… or can they?
Assemble Insert
Ryouhei Shimokoube
A criminal group known as Demon Seed terrorizes Tokyo with its vast armies of mecha. The local police is afraid to confront them, but one person stands in their way: Maron Namikaze, a 13-year-old idol singer with a catchy voice and unbelievable superhuman strength.
Hyper Psychic Geo Garaga
The year is 2755. As a result of a system malfunction, the cargo ship XeBeC goes off-course in a warp gate and ends up within the orbit of the distant planet Garaga. After crashing on Garaga's surface, the crew must find ways to survive from hideous monsters, rabid ape soldiers, and a race of mysterious psychics.
The Tale of Osamu Tezuka: I'm Son-Goku
Narrator (voice)
A semi-autobiography of Tezuka Osamu combined with a 30 minute science-fiction setting of Journey to the West.
Red Fang: Blue Sonnet
Dr. Melekess
Sonnet is a cyborg/esper from a harsh background and now trained to be the ultimate warrior and most powerful weapon in the world. She is sent to Japan to watch Komatsuzaki Lan, who is thought to be controlled by the rage of the esper Akai Kiba (Crimson Fang). Lan is a quiet girl who knows she's different from everybody else and starts to show signs of Crimson Fang after coming into contact with Sonnet. In the course of fighting with Lan, Sonnet starts to rediscover her humanity. At the same time Lan has to fight to retain her humanity and control the Crimson Fang.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam's Counterattack
Shou Gundam (voice)
The first theatrically release of the SD Gundam series. Contains two shorts, "The Storm-Calling School Festival" and "The Tale of the SD Warring States: The Chapter of the Violent Final Sky Castle".
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk II
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk. II delivers with more tongue-in-cheek humor than the first series. In "The Rolling Colony Affair," a colony is hosting a cabaret show featuring the girls of Gundam. But the show turns disastrous when men and mobile suits go crazy over the girls, sending the colony rolling out of control. A parody of the videogame RPG genre, "Gundam Legend" has Amuro, Kamille and Judau sent on a perilous quest to rescue the princess of the Zeta Kingdom from Char Aznable and his vicious Zeon MS forces.
Rhea Gall Force
Dominov (voice)
The last remaining human soldiers of a devastated Earth fight against the machines for one last chance for their species to escape and survive.
Goku: Midnight Eye
Dr. Yamazaki (voice)
In the near future, Goku, a former police detective turned private, is investigating a mysterious string of apparent suicides of a special police unit investigating a ruthless weapons merchant. In his aggressive style, Goku almost joins that list, but he mysteriously survives and receives a cybernetic eye by parties unknown that can literally control any computer in the world. Now, he has a score to settle and is armed with what he needs to accomplish that
The Five Star Stories
Grand Duke Juba
"The Five Star Stories" is a well created Japanese anime film.Among the 5 star systems known as the Joker Systems, there are many kingdoms. There are knights within the kingdoms and these knights who control giant robots, Mortar Heads, are called Headliners. Bound to the knights are fatimas. Human in appearance and mind, the fatimas (mostly female) possess expanded physical capabilities and make it possible for a Headliner to control a Mortar Head. Fatimas cannot reproduce. All this is overseen by Emperor Amaterasu and his Mirage Knights.
Baoh: The Visitor
Dr. Kasuminome (voice)
Doress, a Japanese "black projects" organization, has been gathering psionics and making biological weapons to "make Japan superior". When one of the biological experiments, BAOH, escapes with a young girl, Doress will do anything to get the boy and girl back. For BAOH is a parasite living in its host's brain, altering the host into a living death machine in order to keep it alive. When Doress sends assassins after the boy and girl, BAOH "awakens" to its "Armed Defense Phenomenons", giving the boy acid-tipped claws, bio-regeneration, and super-strength. But Doress takes the girl, and BAOH must fight an army of commandos and a psionic to get her back
One Pound Gospel
Coach Mukaida (voice)
Hatanaka Kosaku is a young boxer who has a major flaw, he can't stop eating. That weakness puts him into into heavier weight classes that put him against stronger boxers and even worse, he's prone to throw up when he gets a body blow, which drives potential opponents away. His coach is at his wit's end as he struggles to get this idiot to show some discipline in his training. The matter is complicated when a young nun feeds the "starving" boy after she finds him fainted on the streets during his enforced fast. She learns of her mistake and she tries to help him get ready for a fight, but his weakness for food and the odd relationship they share don't makes things easy.
Demon City Shinjuku
Master Rai (voice)
Rebi Ra tenta abrir um portal que permitiria a entrada de demônios que dominariam o planeta, em um pacto para ter grande poder, porém entra em confronto com Genichiro, um antigo amigo que tenta impedi-lo, mas acaba morrendo. A batalha causa a destruição da cidade de Shinjuku, mas o pacto não foi completado. Rebi Ra retorna dez anos depois para novamente selar o pacto com os demônios. Desta vez cabe ao filho de Genichiro, Izayoi Kyoya, que ainda não tem os poderes desenvolvidos, impedir o plano de Rebi Ra.
What's Michael? 2
Michael the tabby cat returns for another series of vignettes. The sketches this time include a send-up of The Fugitive — Richard Kimble is now a veterinarian on the lam. Despite the danger, he must intervene whenever he sees a cat (always Michael) suffering; after treating the patient, he plays a trick on the cat and runs away. Another sketch draws parallels between wandering husbands and wandering house cats, who seem to have similar proclivities. Two more point out what happens when a cat's instincts run up against the requirements of baseball or pro wrestling.
Dragon Ball: Uma Aventura Mística
Crane hermit (voice) / Karin (voice)
Goku e Kuririn estão treinando para um Torneio de Artes Marciais que acontecerá no país Mifan. O Imperador de Mifan, Chaos, está tentando encontrar sua perdida “Lan Lan”. O ministro, Mestre Tsuru, faz Pilaf e sua gangue construírem um Radar do Dragão Global, o pegam dele e está a usando para encontrar as Esferas do Dragão. Ministro Tsuru e o General Tao Pai Pai dizem que usarão o desejo de Shenlong para localizar Lan Lan, mas na verdade estão planejando, com a ajuda de Tenshinhan, matar Chaos e dominar o país. Tenente Blue diz que o único lugar que eles não procuraram por ela foi no quarto do Ministro Tsuru, e portanto ela está lá, mas Blue é morto por Tao Pai Pai. Bora e Upa têm a última Esfera do Dragão e a levam para Mifan para usá-la para pedir ao Exército Mifan que saiam da Terra Sagrada de Karin.
Tatakae!! Ramenman (Movie)
Theatrical film of the anime series Tatakae!! Ramenman, based on the manga chapter "Strike the Darkness".
Mobile Suit SD Gundam
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
Urusei Yatsura 5: O Capítulo Final
Cherry (voice)
It seems that Lum's grandfather made an agreement that should he have a daughter, she would be married to a traveling merchant that he met. Now, the merchant has come to collect due. Ataru is tricked into thinking that Lum wants to leave, and so, in a moment of anger, says he hates her. Arguments erupt, and Lum decides that she must know the truth of Atarus feelings. As for all the questions of importance for the Onis, a game of tag begins, one that Ataru can win simply by telling Lum I Love You. However, in the end his pride may end up dooming him. So begins the series of events that will at long last decide the future and fate of Ataru and Lum.
Relic Armor Legaciam
Eruzebu (voice)
The planet Libertia was once known as “the planet of death”, until humanity built three giant mirrors and created what seemed like an ideal land. It is on this planet that Professor Grace and his granddaughter Alcia live peacefully… until their home is attacked by Guild soldiers looking for the professor and for Legaciam – a special Armor that can resist extreme heat, allowing it to go to areas where humans would not survive normally. Alcia, who was at the time piloting Legaciam in order to help her grandfather with the testing, manages to get away… barely. But the Guild is determined to get Legaciam by any means necessary...
Crystal Triangle: The Forbidden Revelation
In times of olde, God gave mankind the ten commandments, and a message that has been lost to the centuries. In the present, Koichiro Kamishiro is a modern day Indiana Jones who scours (and often destroys) ruins for hints of the past, until one day he runs across a box filled with two crystal triangles. Having inadvertently run across the key to God's lost message, Kamishiro suddenly has a lot to deal with including assassination attempts by the KGB and the CIA, aliens hell-bent on destroying the Earth and the love of several women!
Urusei Yatsura: Inaba a Sonhadora
It is summertime, and Shinobu laments not having a boyfriend. She then happens upon a young man weak from hunger, and wearing a rabbit costume. She gives him a carrot, he expresses his gratitude by hitting on her... and she hits back. The young man leaves behind a key to another dimension where everybody's possible futures exist. Lum and Ataru join Shinobu to find the bunny boy, and happy futures for themselves.
TWD Express: Rolling Takeoff
Otto Lenz Godam (voice)
A crew of space cargo workers rescue a beautiful android and land themselves in trouble thereby.
Magia Negra M-66
Dr. Matthew
A freelance reporter stumbles on a desperate military operation. An army chopper has crashed and its cargo has been activated. Now there are two killer androids running loose in the wilderness and have the daughter of their inventor as their target. Can the army stop them or can the reporter reach the little girl before the droids do?
Wicked City
Guiseppe Maiyart
Há a Terra, nosso mundo familiar, e então há o Mundo Negro, uma dimensão paralela que muito poucas pessoas estão cientes. Durante séculos, um pacto entre os dois mundos tem sido observado para manter a paz, e os termos devem ser negociados e renovados em breve para continuar a harmonia relativa. Desta vez, há uma facção militante que não vai parar em nada para impedir a assinatura de um novo tratado de paz interdimensional. Dois agentes da organização de elite conhecida como os guardas negros - defensores do equilíbrio entre os dois mundos - são encarregados de assegurar o sucesso do tratado.
Dream Dimension Gentleman
Dr. Tomino (voice)
When a strange group of men attempt to kidnap Atsuko Fukune, a dancer at a club, she seeks the help of Mamiya Mugen, a famous detective - who also happens to be a child. When it turns out that other girls have gone missing, Mamiya, with the help of his butler Alucard, springs into action to solve the mystery.
The Red Spectacles
Billiards Man
Summer 1995. With the arrival of the "Age of Cats", the former Kerberos police unit is now disbanded. However one member remains, a stray dog who returns to his old roost after a three-years exile. This wild dog no longer has a master, but now the "Young Lady of Fate" will guide him on his journey.
O Castelo no Céu
Shogun Mouro (voice)
A vida do órfão Pazu é mudada quando um dia a bela Sheeta cai literalmente do céu. À volta do pescoço ela traz um cristal brilhante, uma relíquia das poderosas Pedras de Levitação que em tempos mantiveram cidades a flutuar no ar. Apanhados numa corrida entre piratas do céu e sinistros agentes do governo, Pazu e Sheeta vão em busca de Laputa, o último dos lendários castelos no céu.
Terror em Love City
Rai Ro Chin (voice)
No futuro, garota dotada de poderes extra-sensoriais foge com cyborg, para escapar de inimigos que querem tê-la como aliada a fim de tirar proveito de sua extraordinária capacidade.
Piralu (voice)
In a land filled with magic and mystery, two rival kingdoms are readying for war: Isa, the beautiful water-laden city, and Paro, the industrialized wasteland. Windaria follows the tale of two sets of lovers: Marin and Izu, a young pair of farmers who are devoted to one another, and Ahanas and Jill, princess and prince of the rival kingdoms. With war approaching, these star-crossed lovers will experience the true depth of tragedy as they struggle to survive.
Amon Saga
Set in a world of fantasy and adventure, Amon is a young warrior embarking on a quest to avenge the death of his mother. When the hunt leads him ultimately to the kingdom of Valhiss, Amon enlists in the ranks of the Emperor's army in order to gain an opportunity to exact his revenge. However, a chance encounter with the Princess Lichia, being held captive by the Emperor in an effort to ransom a map away from his main rival, King Darai-Sem, Amon must decide whether to follow his path of revenge or to help rescue the Princess in an effort to save a lost kingdom.
Spooky Kitaro: The Strongest Ghost Army! Landing in Japan!!
Spooky Kitaro: The Great Yokai War
Konaki Jijii (voice)
The second movie based on the 1985 TV anime.
Urusei Yatsura 4: Lum a Imortal
Sakuranbou (voice)
While performing in a student film, Ataru cuts down Tarozakura, a large, ancient cherry tree. Strange things begin to happen all across Tomobiki: a mountain appears out of nowhere, spring changes to winter, and Lum loses her powers, while those around her act as if she doesn't exist.
Spooky Kitaro
Konakijiji (voice)
Movie based on the 1985 TV anime.
Vampire Hunter D
Left Hand / Narrator (voice)
10.000 anos no futuro, o mundo se tornou um lugar muito diferente; os monstros vagam livremente pela terra e as pessoas, embora equipadas com armas de alta tecnologia e cavalos cibernéticos, vivem uma vida humilde mais adequada aos séculos passados. A história se concentra em uma pequena aldeia atormentada por ataques de monstros e vivendo sob a sombra do governo do conde Magnus Lee, um poderoso lorde vampiro que governou a terra por milhares de anos. Quando uma jovem é mordida pelo Conde e escolhida como seu brinquedo, ela procura a ajuda de um silencioso e estranho nômade, D. Acontece que D é um dos melhores caçadores de vampiros do mundo e ele decide exterminar os muitos lacaios de Magnus Lee e pôr fim ao domínio do Conde.
What's Michael?
Michael is a cat - with a difference. He lives with a cartoonist and his wife and does his best to keep his cool amid the trials of everyday life in suburbia, like fussing human girls, the local tough cat Nyazilla - just like big grey lizard, a foe too fearsome to take risks with - and the females of his own species.
Twinkle Nora Rock Me!
Fūchuro (voice)
Nora Scholar is now an interstellar bounty hunter, pursuing a powerful psychic on the desolate mining planet, Dazzle. There she befriends a would-be dancer named Max. Together, they take on the ESPer, Fuuchino, and his oversized bruiser of a brother, Touchino.
Urusei Yatsura: Festa do Chá em setembro da Ryoko
Cherry (voice)
Ryoko throws a tea party for her friends. Flashbacks reveal the pasts of Ryoko's various guests.
Urusei Yatsura 3: Lembra-te Meu Amor
Cherry (voice)
The third film finds Ataru transformed into a pink hippopotamus, which sends Lum chasing after the wicked magician responsible, with catastrophic results. With Lum gone, her friends decide that there is no reason to remain, and so Tomobiki slowly returns to normal. The highlight of the film is a high speed chase scene with an angry Lum flying after the mysterious Ruu through the city at night and into a hall of mirrors (and illusion ). Ataru's true feelings for Lum are probably more obvious in this film than any of the others.
Professor Dougherty (voice)
Nora is on vacation in a "Holiday Inn" space station. When the artificial gravity fails, the whole space resort becomes chaotic but she helps solve the problem.
A Adaga de Kamui
Andô Shouzan (voice)
O jovem Jiro encontra sua mãe e irmã assassinadas em casa; falsamente acusado, ele foge para uma nova vida e treina para ser um assassino.
Bao Luzen
Life on apocalypse Aqualoid proceeds humorously and grandiosely; Nam's new sword starts attracting aggressive Inorganics, however, endangering him, Rasa, friends and the whole planet.
Nine: Final
Director Nakao (voice)
The Nine saga comes to a close with the third installment
Kenya Boy
Von Goerrhin (voice)
This cartoon, based on a popular manga, centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful native girl, and the adventure begins, a sort of Young Indy Jones meets Tarzan. Written by Rob Richardson
Urusei Yatsura 2: Linda Sonhadora
Sakuranbô (Cherry)
As the perpetually lecherous Ataru and his friends prepare for a carnival at Tomobiki High School, they gradually realize the days are literally repeating themselves. Any effort to break the pattern dumps them back where they started.
Rain Boy
Azuki-arai (voice)
A lonely kid who lives in the countryside meets a strange boy who has a ragged umbrella over his head and there is always rain pouring over him. The rain boy is dazzled by the other kid's boots and offers three wishes in exchange for them.
Doctor Mambo & Kaitou Jibako: Uchuu yori Ai wo Komete
The dashing Dr. Mambo and his unlikely sidekick, Jibako the thief, help Princess Laura, former ruler of Eden, to regain her birthright from the usurping president Capo.
Unico in the Island of Magic
Yamaneko/Melvin the Magnificat (voice)
Based on "Unico and the Kingdom of the Sun," which was newly written as a theater version, this animated film features a battle between the wizard Kukuruku and Unico. Kukuruku builds a castle using dolls transformed from men as building parts. The story revolves around the sorrow and terror of men who have been transfigured into dolls, and a girl named Cherry who wishes to recover the kindness in her brother, who is a student of Kukuruku. This work reminds us of the fact that "transformation" or "transfiguration" --- favorite themes of Tezuka Osamu --- involves not only material aspects, but also man's immaterial heart [Taken from AniDB]
Patrulha Estelar - O Final do Yamato
Dr. Sakezo Sado
O Império Galman foi destruído, mas o planeta Galmania não, por uma colisão casual de galáxias. Os mundos da Federação Bolar, incluindo o Planeta Bolar, são destruídos. O Yamato, de volta ao comando do Capitão Okita, encontra o planeta Denguil tarde demais para salvar sua civilização humanoide de ser inundada pelo planeta aquático Aquário. O sobrevivente Denguil, uma raça de guerreiros que acredita que apenas os fortes devem sobreviver, planeja usar Aquarius para inundar a Terra e destruir a humanidade, a fim de criar um novo lar para sua raça.
Zambi (voice)
From the depths of space he is coming... Ancient beyond understanding, his power is immeasurable. He has destroyed half the universe and is on his way here. He is… Genma. Only two people are aware of the imminent catastrophe: Princess Luna, a modern day prophetess and Vega, a cybernetic crusader from a world long since ravaged by Genma. Determined to spare the Earth from a similar fate, Luna and Vega must try to mobilize the most potent psychics in the world. Together, this army of fledging psychic warriors must succeed where billions have tried... and failed. But will they be able to gather their champions in time? Genma’s agents are already on Earth to ensure that their master meets with no opposition!
Urusei Yatsura 1: Só Tu
Ataru, aos seis anos de idade, pisa a sombra da Elle durante um jogo – na cultura dela, isto é visto como uma proposta de casamento. Onze anos mais tarde, ela volta à terra para casar com o Ataru — altura em que não só ele se esqueceu dos eventos da sua infância, como também estava envolvido com a Lum. O filme consiste nas tentativas da Lum de evitar o casamento.
I Am A Dog: Don Matsugorou's Life
Mr. Matsuzawa is a novelist who lives in Chiba Prefecture. Only his daughter Kazuko knows that the family dog, Don Matsugorou, can talk. Don is wounded in a fight with the neighbors' dog, King, a nouveau-riche mongrel with ideas above his station. At the vet, however, he falls in love with a little patchwork puppy called Chotaro. (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)
Queen Millennia
Professor Amamori (voice)
The planet LaMetal is on a collision (and conquering) course with the Earth, and the only one who can stop the forthcoming catastrophe is Queen Millennia, a former princess of La-Metal who has made Earth her home.
Grandfather (voice)
Up in Heaven, Yuki’s grandparents decide that, having turned thirteen years old, she must go down to Earth to a village that is torn by bandits and intervene to save its people. However if she does not succeed within one year she will become as insubstantial as the wind. Down in the village, Yuki is befriended by a group of orphans whose parents have all been killed by the bandits and who now subsist by begging. Yuki amazes them by taming the wild horse Blizzard. She is instrumental in getting the orphans and farmers to stand up to first the warring bandits and then Goemon, the greedy lord that owns the region. But Yuki must face her greatest challenge yet when the displeased Demon God that lives in the volcano emerges to destroy those who live beneath.
Monster of Frankenstein
Grandfather (voice)
The film centers around the life of Victor Frankenstein. After creating the monster together with his partner Zuckel, the monster attacks the assistant and falls from a cliff. Assuming the monster is dead, Victor returns to his wife Elizabeth and daughter Emily. A police inspector named Bellbeau investigates some mysterious mutilations killings, and Victor is blackmailed by his former assistant, who lost an eye in his fight with the monster.
Arsênio Lupin contra Sherlock Holmes
Inspector Justin Ganimard (voice)
Uma valiosa escrivaninha que pertencera ao famoso violinista, Sr. Stradivarius, e mais tarde a Napoleão, é roubada pelo notório criminoso Arsênio Lupin. O que o ladrão não sabe é que dentro da valiosa peça há um bilhete de loteria premiado com 1.000.000 de francos. Sherlock Holmes, junto com seu assistente Watson, é contratado por um rico barão, que pretende prender o criminoso já que inúmeros assaltos estão sendo realizados em Paris que preocupam cada vez mais toda a cidade.
Jarinko Chie
Shocho (voice)
A história do longa acontece em um dos momentos mais difíceis da família. Yoshie tomou uma dura decisão para tentar consertar seu esposo bagunceiro: ela fugiu de casa e só planeja retornar quando Tetsu estiver pelo menos trabalhando e se comportando como um pai digno. Chie não gosta de ficar longe da mãe, mas concordou com o plano. No entanto, os problemas aumentaram com a ausência da mãe, e ela agora tem que se desdobrar para sustentar a casa e cuidar do rebelde Tetsu.
The Fantastic Adventures of Unico
God 1 (voice)
Unico the Unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. Whether it's because of his personality or the powers of his horn, no one knows. However, the gods become jealous of Unico, thinking that only they should be able to decide or allow people to be happy. Unico is banished to the Hill of Oblivion, and the West Wind is ordered to take him there. She can't stand giving this fate to Unico, so Unico's adventures begin, as the West Wind takes him from one place and time to the next, in a neverending journey to escape the wrath of the gods.
Cyborg 009: Legend of the Super Galaxy
Dr. Cosmo (voice)
Durante uma época em que os ciborgues não estão mais na ativa e estão vivendo uma vida normal, uma nave espacial misteriosa aterrissa na Terra. O único sobrevivente a bordo da nave avisa que um conquistador do mal chamado Zoa deseja a dominação de todo o universo. Com Terra em mira, o grupo de ciborgues voltam à ação.
Notarin (voice)
Nuclear testing has resulted in the abrupt evolution of the Fumoon, a tiny but highly intelligent humanoid race on a small island, who are detected by Dr. Yamadano. Except for a few witnesses including the detective Shinsaku Ban, and the young men Rock and Kenichi and Kenichi’s sister Pichi (Pinoko), no one believes him. The Fumoon are kidnapping animals from around the world to bring with them as they use their space ships to evacuate the earth, because they know Earth is shortly to be destroyed by an enveloping cloud of black gas created by a stellar explosion. The Fumoon intend to abandon mankind, but one Fumoon, Rokoko, who becomes good friends with Kenichi, tries to help Dr. Yamadano and the others to develop a space ship to allow a few humans to escape, with the help of Dr. Ochanomizu and Dr. Frankenstein.
The Legend of Marine Snow
This little-known and poorly documented Leiji Matsumoto TV movie, tells the story of the revolution of the people of the ocean which are being invaded by the humans from the surface.
Patrulha Estelar - Eterno Yamato
Sakezou Sado (voice)
A Terra é atacada pelo povo da Nebulosa Negra, o Império Golba, os mesmos que atacaram Iscandar no filme Nova Viagem. A Patrulha Estelar, junto com a filha de Starsha (que tem crescimento acelerado), precisa alcançar o planeta mãe do inimigo para evitar que este detone uma bomba que eliminaria a vida na Terra.
Tanuki (voice)
Based on Soseki Natume's 1906 novel, which was one of Japan's best-selling books. The novel included autobiographical elements: Natsume once taught in Matsuyama, where Uranari comes to teach.
Twelve Months
A young queen requests a bouquet of snowdrop flowers for New Year's Day in exchange for a reward. One greedy woman sends her stepdaughter, whom she does not like, to look for the flowers in a cold forest, knowing the task will be impossible for her. The girl almost freezes to death in the forest, but she is rescued by the spirits of the Twelve Months, who create spring around her. The girl is able to deliver the bouquet to the queen, but others want a share of the reward.
Lupin III: O Castelo de Cagliostro
Jodo (voice)
Lupin é um famoso ladrão e, após um roubo bem sucedido, percebe que foi enganado e roubou notas falsas. Disposto a encontrar a origem do dinheiro falso, ele descobre que ele vem de um país distante e esquecido, já famoso pela fabricação de dinheiro falso no mundo todo e encontra Clarisse, a herdeira da Família Real de Cagliostro. Clarisse está em perigo devido ao segredo que sua família esconde.
Age of the Great Dinosaurs
Magician (voice)
A UFO transports three children back to the prehistoric. Three kids who have heard a mysterious call from advanced beings whom are about to take them in a journey of self discovery through the ages learning from love and friendship but also hate in a world of dinosaurs.
The Tale of Jean Valjean
Gillenormand (voice)
In 19th century France, an escaped convict seeks redemption while caring for a young woman whose mother he once protected, and aligning himself with a band of student revolutionaries.
Conan, the Boy in Future
Captain Dyce
In the aftermath of a war fought by magnetic weapons which caused massive earthquakes, a young and spunky boy naned Conan gets involved in a grand adventure. Conan lives in a world that is mostly oceans; the major land masses having been destroyed by the weapons of the great war. He meets a young girl named Lana, and they eventually foil the plans of the city-state of Industria which wants to regain the lethal weapons.
Patrulha Estelar - Nova Viagem
Dr. Sakezo Sado
O filme televisivo Patrulha Estelar - Nova Viagem, introduz um novo inimigo, o império da nebulosa negra. A história inicia no final do ano de 2201. Neste filme, depois modificado para se tornar um filme de cinema, Desslar vê o seu planeta natal Gamilas, destruído pelos alienígenas de pele cinzenta, e os dois planetas gêmeos Iscandar próximos a linha de invasão. Desslar se alia interessadamente com o Yamato, que se encontra em uma missão de treinamento com o seu novo capitão estreante - Kodai.
As Aventuras de um Rato Ultrajante
Uma figura de cerâmica de um rato azul com orelhas compridas, pernas grossas e sem cauda de repente ganha vida. Ele é um "Rato Ultrajante", como é conhecido na lenda. Como ele é novo neste mundo, sua curiosidade destemida o leva a conhecer um casal de rãs, um falcão aviador, um tigre vira-lata e uma garota. Embora ele aprenda sobre seu destino final - ser comido por um "Gato Ultrajante" - ele decide enfrentar este gato e desafiar seu destino.
Patrulha Estelar - Cometa Império
Sakezo Sado / Hikozaemon Tokugawa
Em uma outra galáxia, um enorme cometa branco viajava a uma grande velocidade, destruindo tudo em seu caminho e conquistando vários planetas: o Cometa Império, uma gigantesca cidade-fortaleza que possuía o maior e mais poderoso exército do universo. Seu próximo objetivo: conquistar a Via Láctea, mais especificamente, a Terra. Assim, sob o comando de seu líder, o Imperador Zordar, o Cometa Império, junto com suas tropas, segue rumo à Terra, visando a sua dominação. Então, com o intuito de investigar o que estaria acontecendo nos arredores da galáxia, o Yamato parte novamente para o espaço, em direção a Telezart. Porém, este era justamente o plano do inimigo. Uma nova e terrível batalha estava prestes a começar.
Die Biene Maja - Ihre schönsten Abenteuer
Patrulha Estrelar
Dr. Sado Sakezô / Hikozaemon Tokugawa / Fisherman / Ghetto (voice)
Ano 2199. A Terra foi transformada em um deserto radioativo pelos pesados ​​bombardeios do império alienígena de Gamilas. A humanidade refugiou-se sob a superfície da Terra, mas os cientistas preveem apenas um ano de sobrevivência. Nestes dias de desespero, chega uma mensagem das profundezas siderais da Rainha Starsha de Iscandar, que oferece aos terráqueos um dispositivo capaz de trazer a vida de volta à Terra. Mas para recuperar o dispositivo é necessário ir até o planeta Iscandar, uma jornada de 296.000 anos-luz a ser completada em 363 dias enfrentando toda a frota de Gamilas. A última esperança da Terra é confiada ao couraçado espacial Yamato e sua jovem tripulação.
The Little Mermaid
Whistler (voice)
Andersen Douwa: Ningyo Hime é um anime baseado no conto de fadas de Hans Christian Andersen do mesmo nome, lançado em 1975 pela Toei Animation. Ao contrário da Walt Disney Pictures, que mais tarde fez uma adaptação para o cinema lançado 14 anos depois, esse anime está mais perto de história original de Andersen, nomeadamente na sua preservação do final original. Marina, a sereia mais jovem e mais bonita da família real, é curiosa sobre o mundo humano. Tanto que ela sempre tenta ir até a superfície com suas irmãs mais velhas, mas é proibida porque ela não tem a idade certa. Um dia, ao explorar um navio afundado, ela descobre uma estátua de um garoto humano e começa a sonhar acordada. Ela decide que está pronta para ver o mundo da superfície e, ignorando os desejos de sua família, ela foge com seu melhor amigo, Fritz, um golfinho.
Little Wansa
Megane (voice)
The hero of Wansa-kun was Wansa, a husky puppy who is sold for a pittance, then escapes, and spends much time looking for his mother. During his adventures on the street he meets friends, enemies and his beloved girlfriend. This OVA reunites the complete series aired on TV.
The Panda's Great Adventure
A young panda prince is found unworthy by his mother the Queen, and expelled from the forest. In his journey, he battles dangerous enemies and gets captures and forced to work in a circus.
Mazinger Z vs. Devilman
Mazinger Z vs. Devilman is a 1973 animated movie that crossed over two then-popular Anime series, both of which were created by Manga artist Go Nagai. While fighting with some of his enemies Mazinger Z inadvertently knocks them into a volcano, where they crash into the prison of the Satan race and release Phoenix Jenny! Dr. Hell, learning of this, frees the rest of the Satan race and teams up with them to defeat Mazinger Z, and their ability to fly proves to be too much for our hero. Meanwhile, Devilman is also individually fighting the members of the Satan race, but their combined power is too much for him as well; can Mazinger and Devilman put aside their differences and team up to defeat Dr. Hell and the Satan race?
Ali Babá e os 40 Ladrões
Um rapaz que é descendente do líder dos ladrões que se encontra um destino terrível nas 1001 Noites juntamente com 38 gatos e um rato para obter de volta o seu legítimo tesouro de Ali Babá XXXIII, descendente de Ali Babá, que agora governa o reino com mão de ferro.
Animal Treasure Island
Pirate Meeting Chairman (voice)
A Japanese adaption of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, featuring animals as the majority of the cast. By chance Jim comes upon a map of Treasure Island. He leaves the port accompanied by Glan, the rat and Bub, the baby on a strange looking boat of his own make to look for the island. Pirates soon find him and adventure ensues.
O Navio Fantasma Voador
A cidade onde Hayato vive é devastada por um robô gigante, e seus pais são mortos no massacre. O único amigo que lhe resta é seu cachorro Jack, as únicas coisas deixadas são o sapato da mãe e uma foto de um homem e uma mulher que, como seu pai lhe diz em seu leito de morte, são seus pais verdadeiros. Agora Hayato quer se vingar de quem se diz ter enviado o robô: o terrível Navio Fantasma, que ameaça navios e há rumores de que pretendem exterminar tudo.
O Túmulo do Sol
É uma história da violência que aborda a delinquência juvenil nas ruas mais marginais de um bairro pobre de Tóquio. O grupo vai diminuindo devido a suicídios, assassinatos, guerrilha entre gangues e acidentes ocorridos quando do seu envolvimento em fogo oposto e tiroteios. Atormentados por problemas de álcool, comércio de sangue humano e drogas, os membros do grupo entram numa viagem sem retorno de desespero e de morte certa.