Christian Clark

Christian Clark


Christian Clark


Border Protection Squad
Jason Dundas
Some rogue agents in Australia’s Border Protection Sqaud start to care more about the ratings of their reality show than what’s actually being smuggled into the country. So when viewing figures begin to plummett they hatch a plan to win viewers back by placing a BPS officer undercover with drug traffickers. It goes bad when he switches sides and becomes a drug traffiker. Now they need to bring him in before they are exposed or even worse, their show is cancelled.
Jakob Evans
Jakob Evans suffers an emotional breakdown after the death of his wife in a car accident. His loss and pain runs deep as he claims to have found her in bed with another man just before she died. Unable to accept her death and her infidelity, Jakob decides his only chance at closure is to find the man she was sleeping with to help him comprehend what they shared. With the help of Grace, a promiscuous and troubled girl, Jakob starts to put together the pieces of the puzzle and track down his wife's lover.
After losing their badges and crashing their Police car into a McDonald's Restaurant, two constables are given the worst duty of all, they must man the Scumbus.
Detective Bernie Sutherland
After losing their badges and crashing their Police car into a McDonald's Restaurant, two constables are given the worst duty of all, they must man the Scumbus.
Any Questions for Ben?
Três solteirões convictos saem à procura de romances rápidos nos restaurantes, bares e boates de Melbourne.
Three Australian couples stumble across an ancient curse in the Outback, and their dream holiday turns into a nightmare that may kill them all.
The Gates of Hell
Gabriel: A Vinganca de um Anjo
O anjo caído Sammael quer conquistar o mundo em nome da escuridão. Com a ajuda de seus perversos cúmplices ele está transformando tudo em escuridão, vícios, crueldade e violência. A vitória de Sammael estava garantida até a chegada de Gabriel, o último dos sete arcanjos do céu. Gabriel é jovem, forte e o mais nobre guerreiro já visto desde que Michael, seu antecessor, desapareceu. Rapidamente a coragem e os atributos de Gabriel ameaçam dizimar o mal de Sammael e redimir Jade, o anjo perdido com o coração de ouro. Mas Sammael possui uma última carta nas mangas: o segredo do seu próprio passado, um conhecimento que pode destruir Gabriel para sempre..