Clu Gulager

Clu Gulager

Nascimento : 1928-11-16, Holdenville, Oklahoma, USA

Morte : 2022-08-06


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Clu Gulager  (born November 16, 1928) was an American television and film actor. He is particularly noted for his co-starring role as William H. Bonney (Billy The Kid) in the 1960–62 NBC TV series The Tall Man and for his role in the later NBC series The Virginian. He also appeared in the racing film Winning (1969), with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, and was the protagonist, Burt, in the horror movie The Return of the Living Dead (1985). Description above from the Wikipedia article Clu Gulager, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Clu Gulager
Clu Gulager


Merry F*cking Christmas: the making of Tangerine
A feature length documentary going behind-the-scenes on the making of the 2015 film Tangerine.
Era Uma Vez em… Hollywood
Book Store Man
Los Angeles, 1969. Rick Dalton é um ator de TV que, juntamente com seu dublê, está decidido a fazer o nome em Hollywood. Para tanto, ele conhece muitas pessoas influentes na indústria cinematográfica, o que os acaba levando aos assassinatos realizados por Charles Manson na época, entre eles o da atriz Sharon Tate, que na época estava grávida do diretor Roman Polanski.
Scream, Queen! - A Hora do Meu Pesadelo
A retrospective look at A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) and the life of its lead actor, Mark Patton.
Colheita Maldita: Fugitivos
Ruth, uma jovem grávida, escapa de um culto de crianças assassinas em uma cidadezinha no interior dos Estados Unidos. Ela passa a década seguinte vivendo no anonimato, tentando poupar seu filho dos horrores que experimentou quando criança. Ela chega à pequena cidade de Oklahoma… mas algo a está seguindo. Agora, ela deve enfrentar este mal ou perderá a criança.
Blue Jay
Quando estão retonando para sua pequena cidade natal na Califórnia, dois ex-namorados (Mark Duplass e Sarah Paulson) do ensino médio se encontram por um acaso. Os dois lembram do passado que compartilharam e passam a refletir sobre ele, levando em conta suas vidas atuais, que parecem não serem satisfatórias para eles.
The Cherokee
Na véspera de Natal, a prostituta transsexual Sin-Dee Rella se encontra com sua amiga, também prostituta transsexual, Alexandra no Donut Time. Ao descobrir que está sendo traída pelo seu namorado e cafetão Chester com uma mulher branca, Sin-Dee sai imediatamente à procura dos dois.
Director's Commentary: Terror Of Frankenstein
Gavin Merrill (voice)
'Terror of Frankenstein' is an exercise in extreme meta-fictional tragicomedy. Presented as the commentary track of a rushed reissue of a forgotten (but 100% genuine) Frankenstein film's DVD (because of unspecified 'recent events'), this project transforms the film into an entirely new, very human horror story. Featuring Clu Gulager as the director of the 1977 original who is happily exploiting the unmentioned tragedy linked to the film, the recording session unravels a mystery as he clashes with the screenwriter (Zack Brown) and, ultimately, its star (Leon Vitali from Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and Barry Lyndon, playing himself.) 'Terror of Frankenstein' is Mystery Science Theater 3000 by way of Sartre, an icy satire of the monsters onscreen, behind the camera, and in the audience.
Out of Print
A documentary exploring the importance of revival cinema and 35mm exhibition - seen through the lens of the patrons of the New Beverly Cinema - a unique and independent revival cinema in Los Angeles.
Piranha XXL
No passado recente um acidente geológico nas produndezas da água despertou uma espécie de piranha extinta há milhões de anos. Depois do ataque no lago de uma pacata cidade, que ficou lotada de jovens durante um feriado, os terríveis animais carnívoros invadem um parque aquático no meio da temporada de verão. Agora, tudo indica que as águas ficarão bem vermelhas em Big Wet Water Park.
More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead
Retrospective documentary about the making of the horror cult classic "The Return of the Living Dead."
Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy
For decades, Freddy Krueger has slashed his way through the dreams of countless youngsters, scaring up over half a billion dollars at the box office across eight terrifying, spectacular films.
Feast III: The Happy Finish
The survivors are saved by the mysterious prophet Shot Bus Gus, who seemingly has the ability to control the beasts. He leads them into the sewers as they travel to the big city. Along the way they get help from karate expert Jean-Claude Seagal and learn that the beasts originate from a place called The Hive. Armed with this knowledge, they decide to fight back and destroy the beasts.
Meet the Gulagers
The cast and crew of Feast II: Sloppy Seconds discuss the three generations of the Gulager family that worked on the film.
Feast II: Sloppy Seconds
The monsters have made it into a small neighboring town in the middle of nowhere and the locals have to band with the survivors of the bar' slaughter to figure out how to survive.
Chronicles a few days in the life of Vic Reeves, a down-on-his-luck Los Angeles actor in his seventies. Haunted by memories of his former glory days in Hollywood, his dreams of returning to the limelight are revived by a late night telephone call that holds the promise of a major new role.
Banquete no Inferno
Tudo vai bem naquele bar decadente localizado no meio do nada. Os clientes, todos com um passado de crimes e contravenções, bebem sem nenhuma preocupação, até que descobrem que estão cercados por estranhas e furiosas criaturas que, famintas, não pensam duas vezes antes de atacar. Elas estraçalham os corpos que passam em suas frentes.
Jacqueline Hyde
Strip Club Bouncer (uncredited)
A lonely and shy young woman, inherits a house and stumbles upon a secret formula that enables her to transform her body in any way she wants.
The Killing Device
United States senators are being murdered by mind-controlled assassins, while a newspaper reporter attempts to stop the killings.
Uncle Buck Peters, Owner Bar 20 Ranch
One foggy night The Kid (Carradine), a down at the heals singer, arrives at a seemingly abandoned salon where he meets a stranger in a dark duster (Sheen). The Kid notices the Stranger's unusual leather gloves and asks about their origin. The Stranger proceeds to tell him the legend of the gloves, a story which revolves around the rivalry and jealousy of two men, lightning fast shot Hopalong Cassidy and his nemesis, the mysterious man in black Tex. Their feuding finally results in a duel, can Cassidy prove that he is still the fastest draw in the West?
Palmer's Pick Up
Telegraph Operator
Two dimwit owners of a struggling hauling company are approached about hauling a huge, mysterious box across country at the end of the century. The cargo has religious significance and may be an attempt to release Satan in the Devil's Triangle to start the next century. En route, many step out to try to stop their delivery...
Bonecos em Guerra: O Capítulo Final
Man #1
Nesta quinta parte da série, o jovem cientista Rick Myers e os sobreviventes do filme anterior lutam contra demônios vindos de uma dimensão paralela, ajudados pelos bonecos assassinos, agora bonzinhos, e pelo espírito do "mestre dos brinquedos" Toulon.
In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco
McLennan County Sheriff
Religious fanatics are barricaded in a building, and surrounded by police. But they're not going to surrender, they prefer to die.
Eddie Presley
An Elvis impersonator with a wounded psyche, unflinching in his quest to keep the King's spirit alive bets it all on one night of glory, a headlining spot at dingy Tinseltown dive.
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
Dark Glasses
H.D. Dalton is a champion rodeo rider whose career is ruined after being gored by a bull. He returns home to discover things have drastically changed -- the family farm has been abandoned, his old girlfriend Jolie is a now a widowed mother, and his sister Cheryl has put his father in a nursing home.
The Willies
Greeley Principal
Two brothers camping with their cousin try to frighten each other by telling stories. They start with urban legends, but then there are two main narrations: one involves strange happenings at an elementary school; the other, a teenage boy with a peculiar interest.
The Raven Red Kiss-Off
Straight to video movie featuring the private detective Dan Turner, based on the pulp magazine character created by Robert Leslie Bellem.
Vou Te Pegar Otário
Lt. Baker
Após a misteriosa morte de seu irmão, Jack Spade (Ivory Wayans) retorna para a sua velha e violenta vizinhança após passar 10 anos nas Forças Armadas. Ao ver a situação em que se encontra o bairro em que cresceu, Spade decide declarar guerra ao crime e, para isso, ele planeja acabar com o reinado do temido Mr. Big (Vernon), o criminoso que comanda tudo. Mas, para isso, ele precisa reunir um verdadeiro exército de valentes homens determinados a limparem o bairro. E, para montar tal exército, Spade convoca o ex-policial John Slade (Casey), seu ídolo de infância e grande nome do combate ao crime dos anos 70. Agora, os criminosos devem ter medo, pois uma improvável equipe de heróis está na área.
Tapeheads-Uma Dupla Muito Louca
Norman Mart
The story of Ivan and Josh, two dim witted ex-security guards who love music videos. Out of work, with no job prospects, they form a music video production company. They soon learn the in's and out's of the business in LA and with some help from Mo Fuzz, they soon become hot property. But not all goes smoothly when they try to resurrect the career of their favorite R&B duo, the Swanky Modes.
Sem Convite
A sinister corporation loses control of a house cat infected with a genetically-engineered virus. The death-toll rises during the mutant feline's rampage, and eventually, it finds its way on board a ship of a criminal king-pin.
Teen Vamp
The Reverend
An unimpressive, boring high-school geek is bitten and contracts vampirical symptoms, transforming him into a confident coolio.
O Escondido
Lt. Ed Flynn
Nas ruas de Los Angeles, um terrível assassino fã de rock pesado, carros velozes e armas enormes está deixando uma trilha de sangue inocente. A polícia tenta detê-lo antes que faça a sua próxima vítima. É quando surge o misterioso agente do FBI Gallagher com a terrível verdade: o assassino é um alienígena capaz de trocar de corpo sempre que necessita de um novo hospedeiro, e que pode estar em qualquer lugar e ser qualquer um.
Do Sussurro ao Grito
Stanley Burnside
The uncle of an executed murderess relates four stories of his hometown, Oldfield, to a reporter. In the first, an elderly man pursues a romance with a younger woman, even to the grave and beyond. In the second, a wounded man on the run from creditors is rescued by a backwoods hermit who holds the secret to eternal life. In the third, a glass-eating carny pays the ultimate price for looking for love on the outside. And in the fourth, a group of Civil War soldiers are held captive by a household of orphans with strange intentions for them.
Summer Heat
Will Stanton
The young wife of a tobacco farmer falls in love with their handsome hired hand.
Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors
Actors, directors and special effects technicians are interviewed at a horror-film convention.
Hunter's Blood
Mason Rand
Five "city boys" travel to the country to relax by doing some hunting, drinking Bud, and generally having good time. However, the local inbred backwoods psychos turn the hunters to be the hunted, and they need all the ammo and wits they have to get out of the woods alive.
Terror na Ponte de Londres
Chief Peter 'Pete' Dawson
London Bridge, London, England, 1888: Jack the Ripper dies in the Thames river. London Bridge, Lake Havasu, Arizona, 1985: the last original stone used to rebuild London Bridge is laid and all the city is happy...but then some strange murders start happening. Policeman Don Gregory has some suspects, but when he develops a theory that Jack the Ripper has been resurrected, no one believes him.
A Hora do Pesadelo 2: A Vingança de Freddy
Ken Walsh
Cinco anos se passaram desde que Freddy Krueger foi enviado de volta ao inferno. Mas agora, um garoto novo na Rua Elm é quem tem sido assombrado todas as noites por horríveis visões deste ser maligno. E se sua alma perturbada finalmente conseguir possuir o corpo do garoto, Freddy retornará dos mortos para dar continuidade aos sangrentos assassinatos e descarregar sua ira e violência sobre toda a cidade.
A Volta dos Mortos Vivos
Burt Wilson
Dois empregados de um armazém de medicamentos encontram no subsolo do estabelecimento barris do exército, lacrados e acidentalmente liberam um gás mortal no ar. Esse gás acaba re-animando os Mortos de um cemitério próximo, que vão querer apenas uma coisa dos vivos: seus miolos.
Prime Risk
Paul Minsky
While siphoning bank funds, computer-wise lovers spot a plot to sink the Federal Reserve.
Um Romance Muito Perigoso
Federal Agent
Um marido, Ed Okin (Jeff Goldblum), que não consegue dormir enfrenta problemas conjugais e acha o emprego monótono. Ao dirigir através de Los Angeles ele socorre Diana (Michelle Pfeiffer), que está sendo perseguida por quatro iranianos que desejam 6 esmeraldas de valor inestimável.
Dwight Fairchild
Uma jovem está entrando em uma fraternidade de moças. O trote será passar uma noite numa enorme e escura loja de departamentos. Ali, um psicopata misterioso vai fazer a festa com os jovens que só pensam em transar ou entrar sozinhos em locais escuros.
Trancers: O Policial do Futuro
Mall Security Guard
Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson) é uma espécie de policial/caçador na sombria Los Angeles do futuro. Ele se tornou obcecado perseguindo criminosos malignos que usam poderes hipnóticos poderosos para converter as pessoas numa espécie de zumbi, criaturas conhecidas como trancers. Um desses criminosos conseguiu escapar através do tempo e está solto em 1980. Mas Deth está no seu encalço.
Chattanooga Choo Choo
The owner of a professional football team must restore the titular train and run it from Tennessee to NYC in 24 hours if he is to inherit $1 million in this comedy.
Doctor Bartlett
Struggling actress accepts high paying job to play a rich heiress committed in a lunatic asylum, not knowing she's really being set up as a surrogate for the real girl who'd been murdered.
Living Proof: The Hank Williams, Jr. Story
J.R. Smith
TV movie based on the singer's life, under his mother's thumb, competing with the ghost of one of the most famous singers in C&W music history, and aspiring to rise above it all.
Liberdade nos Céus
Steve Ward
Billie Dupree is a flight instructor at an old Texas airport. When a young girl in a wheelchair finds the airport by watching gliders fly, she decides she wants to learn how to fly. Dupree teaches her to fly with some special controls compensating for her handicap. Koup Trenton runs an aircraft repair service and is trying desperately to get an old airplane back in the air. The three, together, put the young girl and the old plane up in the air.
Touched by Love
Don Fielder
A teenager with cerebral palsy attempts to become pen pals with her idol, Elvis Presley.
The Gambler
Rufe Bennett
This Western adventure, inspired by Kenny Rogers' hit song, tells how fictional gambler Brady Hawkes, going in search of a young son he never knew he had, teams up with an impetuous young admirer and a shady lady on his journey, which also involves him with an arrogant railroad owner and a gang of villains.
Força Destruidora
Uma das melhores equipes de agentes da delegacia de narcóticos, segue a pista de uma operação multimilionária, quando misteriosamente as coisas começam a ficar muito perigosas. Um a um, os componentes do esquadrão são eliminados por um assassino mestre no karatê. Para ajudar a descobrir a identidade do assassino, a policia convoca o campeão Matt Logan, um perito nas artes marciais disposto a lutar e enfrentar os perigos dessa investigação.
Joe Welch
A truck-stop waitress, determined to make a better life for her young children after being abandoned by her husband, leaves hash-slinging behind her to embark on a new career as a trucker in the rig her late father used to drive.
Lawman Without a Gun
Marvin Tayman
During the 1960s' civil rights movement, a black civil rights worker returns to his small Southern town and runs for sheriff against the incumbent, a popular segregationist.
A Question of Love
Mike Guettner
A lesbian mother fights to keep her son when a custody suit is brought by her ex-husband.
Stickin' Together
Cuda Weber
Five orphans must convince a cantankerous Hawaiian beach bum to pretend to be their uncle, or be split up and sent to foster homes.
Ski Lift to Death
Marv Gilman
A sports promoter tries to matchmake for a pair of ski champions and, as a result, they end up trapped in a derailed ski-lift car along with a gangster and the hitman sent to kill him.
Charlie Cobb: Nice Night for a Hanging
Charlie Cobb
A California rancher hires a private detective to deliver the rancher's long-lost daughter to him. However, several people, including the rancher's new wife, his foreman and a crooked sheriff, don't want the girl--who would inherit the rancher's large spread if he died--to make it to the ranch alive.
O Outro Lado da Meia-Noite
Bill Fraser
When French beauty Noelle Page falls in love with American pilot Larry Douglas, she believes he'll marry her. Instead, he returns to the U.S and marries the sweet but naive Catherine. Even though Noelle has found a new lover, an affluent Greek named Constantin, and has started a great career as an actress, she vows revenge on her onetime lover. But once her plan is in motion, she and Larry fall in love and plot Catherine's death.
The Killer Who Wouldn't Die
Harry Keller
After his wife is killed in a mysterious bomb explosion, a cop leaves the department and starts a charter boat service. When an undercover agent who is a close friend is killed, he is asked to look into it, and discovers a web of espionage and murder.
A Stranger Came by Train
Glenn Mortenson
An American gangster of Swedish origins returns to his homeland to set up shop as a morality crusader, much in the manner of the later phenomenon of televangelists. While indulging in behind-the-scene shenanigans including rape and murder, the gangster (played by American Clu Gulagher) preaches to large audiences, using mass hypnotism and show-biz razzmatazz to get his message across. The film also features a brief performance by Per Oscarsson, following his highly publicized "retirement" from screen acting.
Hit Lady
At a Texas barbecue, a pretty woman chats up a wealthy rancher, and soon they're off on a horseback ride. Before she shoots him on an isolated road, she gives him a minute to reflect on who he might have offended on his rise to the top. She's Angela de Vries, a contract killer based in L.A. She wants this to have been her last job; her contractor wants one more death, a national union leader, made to look like an accident. She starts her homework on this mark. Meanwhile, in her private life, she's in love with a budding photographer. Is there any way that she can get out of the game and have a full love life?
Houston, We've Got a Problem
Lou Matthews
NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in jeopardy.
Sorria, Jenny, Você Está Morta
Det. Milt Bosworth
Harry Orwell has been retired from the force ever since he caught a bullet that lodged inoperably in his back. But that doesn’t mean the man called Harry O is out of the action. Moonlighting as a private sleuth, fighting off daily back pain and typically traveling by public bus instead of his own car (“It gives a man a chance to think”), he’s on the trail of the lowlife who murdered his pal’s son-in-law. It won’t be the only time the killer strikes before Harry closes in. David Janssen (The Fugitive) portrays dogged detective Harry in the telefilm that was the second of two pilots preceding his memorable Harry O series. Among the highlights: young Jodie Foster as Liberty, the wise-beyond-her-years homeless waif Harry befriends.
McQ - Um Detetive Acima da Lei
McQ é um veterano da polícia de Seattle, um tenente que poderia ser capitão, mas seu jeito "duro" com a bandidagem atrapalha sua carreira. Ele e seu amigo e parceiro investigam o traficante Santiago, até que o parceiro é morto. McQ de imediato quer ir atrás de Santiago, mas seus superiores não lhe dão o caso. McQ então pede demissão e passa a agir como detetive particular.
A Chant of Silence
A murdering skyjacker parachutes to safety and poses as a novice monk in an isolated New Mexico monastery.
Call to Danger
A federal agent recruits a computer whiz to try to free a Mafia witness who has been kidnapped and held in a heavily fortified compound.
The Mystery in Dracula's Castle
Keith Raynor
Two brothers and a stray dog stumble upon some jewel thieves in a lighthouse.
Molly and Lawless John
Deputy Tom Clements
Molly, the shy, romance-starved wife of an arrogant frontier sheriff, finds herself drawn to a prisoner in her husband's jail. This prisoner, a handsome young man named Johnny, plays on Molly's sympathy and convinces her to help him escape. Molly then accompanies Johnny on his cross-country flight but soon learns he's simply been using her. Molly makes the best of the situation, however, and by the time the sheriff's posse catches up with them, Molly shows that she's learned how to assert herself.
Jonas Kane
A football coach is hired by a small college to shape up its football team, and he finds himself in trouble with local gamblers who don't want the team to improve.
Chumbo Quente
Deputy Emmett Ryker
Estamos na época do desbravamento do Oeste, dos grandes rebanhos de gado que cortam cidades, dos homens armados dispostos a matar para se defender ou pelo simples prazer de matar! Ben Justin (Charles Bronson) é um desses rancheiros: amargurado, temperamental e desconfiado. Vive em confronto com seus vizinhos que fazem parte de uma associação liderada por homens poderosos. Mas, ele está preparado para lutar e defender sua família. Em sua fazenda, o ódio e a vontade de vencer povoam sua mente a todo instante. Tiros, pancadaria, traições, ambição e muito arame farpado fazem deste filme um dos mais explosivos do gênero.
O Sistema
Brian Courtland
Um professor condenado por homicídio por ter se vingado de homem que feriu sua esposa em atropelamento e um guarda idealista vão iniciar o primeiro dia deles na prisão.
A Última Sessão de Cinema
O amadurecimento de um jovem chamado Sonny em uma pequena cidade do Texas nos anos 50.
Aeroporto Internacional de San Francisco
Bob Hatten
This pilot for the TV series stars Pernell Roberts as Jim Conrad, who runs an airport, much to the chagrin of his boss, "his way." In this, two plots run - a kid whose parents are splitting up decides to take off in a little red prop plane (and Conrad talks him down), and thieves played by the handsome Tab Hunter and his truly ugly sidekicks try to steal a money shipment. Roberts was replaced by Lloyd Bridges when the show went to series.
Company of Killers
Frank Quinn
A gunman working for a crime ring is hunted by both the police and his employers after a cop is murdered.
500 Milhas
Frank Capua is a rising star on the race circuit who dreams of winning the big one - the Indianapolis 500. But to get there he runs the risk of losing his wife Elora to his rival, Luther Erding, and strains the relationship with his stepson.
A Day with the Boys
A group of elementary school boys goes for a walk on the outskirts of a big city. The ominous atmosphere of fun begins when they pull in a man they met by chance.
A Day with the Boys
A group of elementary school boys goes for a walk on the outskirts of a big city. The ominous atmosphere of fun begins when they pull in a man they met by chance.
A Day with the Boys
A group of elementary school boys goes for a walk on the outskirts of a big city. The ominous atmosphere of fun begins when they pull in a man they met by chance.
Sullivan's Empire
Juan Clemente
Three grown brothers journey to Brazil to rescue their plane-wrecked father who has been kidnapped by a revolutionary guerrilla.
And Now Miguel
A boy longs to be a shepherd in New Mexico but is repeatedly told he is too young.
Os Assassinos
Dois assassinos profissionais são contratados para matar um piloto de corrida. Para surpresa de ambos, o piloto não reage e se deixa assassinar sem tentar escapar. Ao investigarem a razão para essa atitude, descobrem que a vítima estava envolvida em um grande assalto.
Five Fingers : The Temple of the Swinging Doll
Larry Dane
An edited version of an episode of the television series, Five Fingers released in theaters.
Bang the Drum Slowly
A pitcher of a major-league baseball team finds out that his teammate and pal is desperately trying to hide that he is dying of a terminal disease so the owner won't find out and fire him.