Shaheen Khan

Nascimento : , Mumbai, India


The Effects of Lying
A dutiful husband and loving father whose life falls apart when decades of festering secrets are exposed and he's forced to face up to who he really is.
O Que o Amor Tem a Ver Com Isso?
Maymouna’s Mother
Zoe e Kazim, dois amigos de infância agora na casa dos 30 anos, devem decidir se seguem suas cabeças ou seus corações, uma vez que ele decida seguir o conselho de seus pais e entrar em um casamento arranjado com uma mulher que nunca conheceu no Paquistão. Zoe, uma cineasta de documentários, decide capturar sua experiência, enquanto ao mesmo tempo lida com seus próprios problemas de namoro digital, sua mãe teimosa Cath e suas famílias e amigos animados
Nene Mukyamantri
The movie will begin with a bump in the court of Chief Minister who rules the state politics. The current chief minister can not help him, but he does not want to help a star hero when he accidentally dies, and then the younger son will not be the chief minister, and the party that he does not like is the CBI ink.
The Boy with the Topknot
Aunt Sharanjit
Born to traditional Punjabi parents and growing up in Wolverhampton, Sathnam Sanghera moves to London after graduating from Cambridge University. Now in his late 20s he is planning to reveal to his family that he will defy expectations of an arranged marriage - but instead learns a painful family secret.
Tudo Tem Sua Hora
Lata Patel
Atul e Vina estão enfrentando dificuldades no casamento, pois a vida de casado está sendo mais complicada do que imaginavam. E quando a lua de mel é cancelada, eles são obrigados a enfrentar uma crise na relação ao voltarem para a casa da família.
Você vai Conhecer o Homem dos seus Sonhos
Dia's Aunt
Alfie (Anthony Hopkins) e Helena (Gemma Jones) estão casados há 40 anos, até que um dia ele resolve que precisa recuperar a juventude perdida e decide pedir o divórcio. Helena fica destroçada com a notícia e, com o apoio da filha, Sally (Naomi Watts), passa a consultar periodicamente Crystal (Pauline Collins), uma vidente. Paralelamente Sally precisa lidar com o desejo crescente por seu novo chefe, Greg (Antonio Banderas), e com a crise em seu casamento com Roy (Josh Brolin), um escritor que apenas fez sucesso em seu livro de estreia e enfrenta dificuldades em concluir seu novo trabalho. Enquanto aguarda a resposta da editora sobre seu novo livro, Roy passa a flertar com sua nova vizinha, Dia (Freida Pinto), que sempre se veste de vermelho.
Shahnaz Wahid
Sohail is an ambitious law undergraduate who signs up with MI5 and, eager to play a part in protecting British security, begins an investigation into a terrorist cell. His sister Nasima is a medical student in Leeds who becomes increasingly alienated and angered by Britain's foreign and domestic policy after witnessing at first hand the relentless targeting of her Muslim neighbours and peers. With action set in Pakistan, Eastern Europe, London and Leeds, both feature-length episodes detail a tragic sequence of events from two distinct perspectives. At the heart of this thought-provoking drama is a revealing examination of British Muslim life under current anti-terror legislation. Britz ultimately asks whether the laws we think are making us safer, are actually putting us in greater danger.
Provoked: A True Story
Provoked is the true story of Kiranjit Ahluwalia, a Punjabi woman who moved to London after her marriage with Deepak Ahluwalia. Her husband seemed caring at first but then began to beat her up. He started drinking a lot and sleeping around with other women. he also subjected her to spousal rape. After ten years and having two children with him, out of fear, she sets him on fire.
O Sabor da Magia
Jagit's Mother
Tilo (Aishwarya Rai) é uma mulher misteriosa, que é dona de uma loja de especiarias e possui o dom mágico de transformar seus ingredientes em poções para curar as pessoas. Porém há uma regra: Tilo jamais poderá provar alguma de suas receitas ou se apaixonar, caso contrário perderá seu dom.
Pink Ludoos
Mrs. Dhaliwal
Midnight Feast
As they finish yet another long shift in the kitchen, six workers discuss their aspirations and failed dreams, while the boss upstairs counts his takings.
On his wedding day, Shiva (Vijay) discovers that his cousin and bride, Aruna, has run away because she does not want to marry a cook. But he takes it lightly and moves to Chennai with the girl's brother (Shyam Ganesh) to look for a job. One night, he saves Sandya from some goons. In gratitude, she kisses him. Shiva starts to fall in love with Sandya. After several occasions where they bumped into each other, Shiva harbours hope that she too reciprocates his affections.
Driblando o Destino
Mrs. Bhamra
O sonho de Jesminder Bhamra é seguir o caminho de seu ídolo David Beckham e se tornar uma jogadora profissional de futebol. Entretanto ela enfrenta problemas em sua família, que deseja que ela siga os costumes indianos tradicionais, assim como sua irmã mais velha, Pinky. O confronto entre as partes chega ao ápice quando Jesminder é obrigada a escolher entre a tradição de seu povo e seu grande sonho.
Hollow Reed
Dr. Razmu
Following the break-up of his marriage after revealing his homosexuality, GP Martin Wyatt loses custody of his son Oliver to his now ex-wife Hannah and her new partner Frank. It is not long, however, until Oliver appears at the house of Martin and his new lover Tom claiming to have been beaten up by boys in the park. After another incident, Martin puts two and two together and comes to the conclusion that Frank has been beating Oliver without Hannah's knowledge. Martin then begins a long courtroom custody battle to win back his son.
Estate Agent
A beautiful young dentist working in a tough British prison starts to become attracted to a violent inmate after the break-up of her marriage, and embarks upon an illicit affair with him, with terrible consequences for all.
Bhaji on the Beach
A group of South Asian women try but cannot escape their problems on a day trip to a British beach resort.
My Sister-Wife
Farah is an independent young British woman who manages to reconcile her modern lifestyle with her Pakistani heritage. As a Muslim in love with a married man, she can become his second wife - especially as his first marriage to Maryam seems to exist in name only. But with all three under one roof, Farah becomes increasingly insecure.
No Limite do Ódio
Party Girl
Reuben, dispensado do Exército depois de ser condecorado por sua atuação nas Malvinas e na Irlanda do Norte, volta a Londres. Surpreso por encontrar preconceito e dificuldade em arrumar emprego, percebe que foi abandonado por seu país.
Love Birds
Barbara and Naseem are in the same hospital, having babies. They make friends. But the celebrations of their husbands, Kenny and Quereshi, 'Jimmy', lead to a headlong chase, with crazy mix-ups, collisions and brushes with the law
Farzana Khalil
Imran Khalil made it: he finally got his big break as an actor. However, after an incident at a press event goes viral and gets him fired, he is forced to return to Luton and figure out his next move.