The Dowager
A Dowager prepares for her birthday party. A young couple are on the run. A mysterious man in black watches from the shadows. Four rooms. One evening. Nothing is quite as it seems.
A portmanteau exploration of disparate characters scattered across London, many of whose lives intersect unpredictably. A refreshing take on the complexities, contradictions and compromises of modern living in the greatest City on Earth.
The film is set in the year 2000 following not only Helga and Traudi's journeys but the next two generations and how Beth, Helga's daughter and Emily her granddaughter are confronted with the long-term effects of Traudi's leaving. When Helga receives a letter telling her that Traudi is close to death, it is Emily with whom Helga shares the truth. Emily volunteers to accompany her to Vienna to meet the great-grandmother she thought was dead, and experience the unraveling of the darkest of family secrets.
Hamlet captures the Almeida Theatre's 2017 acclaimed production of William Shakespeare's great play, recorded as-live in its West End transfer on the stage of London's Harold Pinter Theatre. Robert Icke's innovative modern-dress production, featuring Andrew Scott, Juliet Stevenson, Angus Wright and Jessica Brown Findlay, has been widely acclaimed as a dazzlingly intelligent, forcefully contemporary staging. The Evening Standard hailed Andrew Scott's 'career-defining performance... he makes the most famous speeches feel fresh and unpredictable.'
A very personal and dynamic meditation on the current global refugee crisis through the eyes and voices of campaigners, specially children, where past and present establish a dialogue. A reflection on the importance of human rights.
Herself - Narrator (voice)
Russia, 1917. After the abdication of Czar Nicholas II Romanov, the struggle for power confronts allies, enemies, factions and ideas; a ruthless battle between democracy and authoritarianism that will end with the takeover of the government by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
Vida and Arthur come from vastly different backgrounds. Sensitive and touching, sometimes quirky and tragic, always uncompromisingly truthful, a fresh look how conflicting family ties challenge love in a modern day Romeo and Juliet tale.
Herself - Narrator
Drama-Documentary in which historian Dan Snow explores the political intrigues and family betrayals between Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Normans that led to the Battle of Hastings.
Uma mãe e seu filho vão ao sul da França passar uma semana em uma casa de verão que estão tentando vender. Neste cenário, a desintegração da família toma forma e as coisas tornam-se mais complicadas com a entrada de um enigmático rapaz na vida dos dois.
Mother Teresa
O filme conta a história de Madre Teresa de Calcutá e o nascimento da ordem religiosa por ela fundada. As dúvidas, os conflitos, a sensação de não mais ouvir a Deus em seu interior, tudo é apresentado em uma série de cartas enviadas ao diretor espiritual, que lê mais tarde para um sacerdote nomeado pelo Vaticano para completar o dossiê de beatificação.
The latest in British documentary filmmaker Phil Grabsky's In Search Of series, looking at the life of Polish pianist and composer: Frédéric François Chopin, whose grave in Paris remains a place of pilgrimage and whose music continues to sell out concert halls worldwide.
Laura Burrell
The film examines some complex dilemmas within three generations of one family. Through the painting of a portrait we are asked to consider: Is it ever better not to know some things than to know them? Does secrecy protect or damage those we love? Can all things be forgiven and forgotten?
Who is the new Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, or Gogol waiting to be discovered by the English-speaking world? Hosted by actor, author, and activist Stephen Fry, focuses on six authors whose vibrant, idiosyncratic work continues to gain traction with a global audience: Dmitry Bykov, Mariam Petrosyan, Zakhar Prilepin, Anna Starobinets, Vladimir Sorokin, and Lyudmila Ultiskaya. With contributions from their literary critics, publishers, and peers, the film features extensive interviews with each author.
Leonora is no ordinary orangutan, she is a pioneer. With her three year old son in her arms, she is about to set off on an epic journey back to the wild - the great ape escape. It is a long way from what she is used to. After being orphaned as a baby, she has spent the majority of her life in a rescue centre. She is leaving behind 600 other orangutans, all of whom are relying on her for their chance at freedom. If Leonora can make it, they could too.
Prestes a se divorciar de Charles, a princesa Diana (Naomi Watts) divide seu tempo entre a solidão da vida no palácio em que vive e os compromissos que possui com diversas entidades beneficentes. Um dia, ao saber que um amigo foi operado às pressas, ela vai até o hospital em que está internado e lá conhece o doutor Hasnat Khan (Naveen Andrews). Diana logo fica encantada pelo fato dele não a tratar como uma princesa, apesar de saber quem ela é. Não demora muito para que iniciem um relacionamento, mantido às escondidas devido ao desejo de Hasnat em ter uma vida reservada.
Narrator (voice)
In his lifetime Haydn achieved a degree of fame that easily surpassed that of Mozart and Beethoven. In Search of Haydn is an intricate portrait of Haydn's life told through performances and interviews from today's most admired classical musicians.
Mark e David são experientes fotojornalistas de guerra que buscam imagens no Curdistão, uma região considerada muito perigosa. Mark decide ficar mais alguns dias no campo de guerra, em busca de uma foto exclusiva, enquanto David só quer voltar para casa e reencontrar sua esposa. Alguns dias depois, quando Mark retorna ferido para sua casa, ele fica chocado ao ouvir que David nunca chegou em casa. Cansado, confuso, obcecado pelos fantasmas da guerra e incapaz de voltar a sua antiga vida, com sua esposa Elena (Paz Vega), Mark preocupa a todos e tenta descobrir o que realmente aconteceu com seu amigo David.
Julia Reynolds
When Julia Reynolds talks her husband into a family vacation in Malta she has a secret agenda: a date made twenty-five years earlier with her first love.
Waris Dirie (Soraya Omar-Scego / Liya Kebede) nasceu em uma família de criadores de gado nômades, na Somália. Aos 13 anos, para fugir de um casamento arranjado, ela atravessou o deserto por dias até chegar em Mogadishu, capital do país. Seus parentes a enviaram para Londres, onde trabalhou como empregada na embaixada da Somália. Ela passa toda a adolescência sem ser alfabetizada. Quando vê a chance de retornar ao país, ela descobre que é ilegal da Somália e não tem mais para onde ir. Com a ajuda de Marylin (Sally Hawkins), uma descontraída vendedora, Waris consegue um abrigo. Ela passa a trabalhar em um restaurante fast food, onde é descoberta pelo famoso fotógrafo Terry Donaldson (Timothy Spall). Através da ambiciosa Lucinda (Juliet Stevenson), sua agente, Waris torna-se modelo. Só que, apesar da vida de sucesso, ela ainda sofre com as lembranças de um segredo de infância.
Narrator (voice)
In Search of Beethoven offers a comprehensive documentary about the life and works of the great composer. Over 65 performances by the world's finest musicians were recorded and 100 interviews conducted in the making of this beautifully crafted film. Eleven interviews are included in the Extras and Six complete movements.
The film follows the story of young teen April whose troubled life began in a dustbin - a new born baby, abandoned and alone, not celebrated, not wanted but discarded and left like so much rubbish in an industrial bin behind a pizza parlour. On the morning of her fourteenth birthday April has a devastating row with her foster mother, Marion and leaves the house determined to find out where she really comes from, who she really is and maybe, just maybe, find her real mother. Telling no-one what she's up to or where she's going, April skips school and begins the search she's dreamed about all her life. It's a blur of social workers, children's homes and special schools as April revisits and recalls the key scenes of her fragmented past. It's a painful journey, sometimes frightening but there's also friendship and love and laughter. And now she's started, there's no going back - April must find her mother.
Miss Heliotrope
Quando o pai de Maria Merryweather (Dakota Blue Richards) morre, deixando a garota de apenas 13 anos órfã, ela é forçada a deixar sua vida luxuosa em Londres para ir morar com Sir Benjamin (Ioan Gruffudd), um tio excêntrico que ela não sabia da existência, na misteriosa mansão em Moonacre. Não demora muito e Maria se vê em um mundo sombrio e cheio de disputas de interesse e poder entre o tio e a sinistra família de Coeur De Noir. A jovem também descobre que ela é o centro de tudo, uma vez que é a última princesa herdeira da linhagem. Maria, agora, será guiada por uma legião de estranhos aliados, na tentativa de manter a honra de sua família e evitar que Moonacre desapareça para sempre.
Dorjee Sun, a young Australian Entrepreneur, believes there's money to be made from protecting rainforests in Indonesia, saving the orangutan from extinction and making a real impact on climate change. Armed with a laptop and a backpack, he sets out across the globe to find investors in his carbon trading scheme. It is a battle against time. Achmadi, the palm oil farmer is ready to set fire to his land to plant more palm oil, and Lone's orangutan centre has reached crisis point with over 600 orangutans rescued from the fires. The Burning Season is an eco-thriller about a young man not afraid to confront the biggest challenge of our time.
Kim Morrison
Apesar de sempre terem tido um relacionamento complicado, a descoberta de um câncer faz com que um poeta resolva se reconciliar com seu pai. Porém para isso, ele precisará enfrentar memórias conflitantes que viajam entre os anos 50, 60 e o fim dos anos 80.
Documentary about internationally-renowned author Ariel Dorfman, the third generation of his family to know exile. His father's leftwing beliefs saw the family uprooted from both Argentina and the US, before settling in Chile. When Allende came to power, Ariel was a prominent member of his circle, but the bloody 1973 coup saw many of his friends and colleagues killed or disappeared and Ariel forced into exile again. Peter Raymont journeys with Ariel as he looks back on his life. (Storyville)
Narrator (voice)
On January 7th 2005, 29 year old Rick Rodriguez murdered his former nanny and then killed himself on a lonely desert highway. Hours earlier he had videoed his suicide note and this final message provided a remarkable insight into a deeply damaged life. It also lifted the lid on one of the most notorious religious cults to emerge out of the 1960s counter culture: The Children of God sect.
Will (Jude Law) e Sandy (Martin Freeman) possuem uma próspera firma de arquitetura paisagística. Recentemente eles se mudaram para a região de King's Cross, o centro da mais ambiciosa regeneração urbana da Europa. Seu escritório, repleto com a tecnologia mais avançada, é alvo constante de ladrões. Cansado desta situação, um dia Will segue Miro (Rafi Gavron), um dos integrantes da quadrilha que assalta sua empresa. Will o segue até o apartamento em que Miro mora com sua mãe, Amira (Juliette Binoche), uma refugiada bósnia. Na intenção de investigar o roubo, Miro torna-se amigo de Amira. Porém ela logo descobre suas verdadeiras intenções e passa a chantageá-lo para proteger seu filho.
Diana Vreeland
O escritor Truman Capote (Toby Jones) realiza uma pesquisa para escrever seu 1º livro não-ficcional, "A Sangue Frio", baseado no assassinato de 4 pessoas ocorrido numa pequena cidade do Kansas. Para tanto ele mantém contato com os assassinos Perry Smith (Daniel Craig) e Dick Hickock (Lee Pace), que estão presos à espera de julgamento.
Gerda's Mother
Gerda tem um novo amigo: o garoto Kay. Mas esta recente amizade é interrompida bruscamente, quando numa fria noite de inverno, pedaços de gelo entram nos olhos de Kay, deixando seu coração congelado e sem emoções. Sob o encanto da Rainha da Neve, ele parte repentinamente numa carruagem pela cintilante paisagem rumo ao gélido palácio real. Gerda embarca numa mágica e perigosa jornada para encontrar e resgatar Kay, que finalmente chega ao imponente Palácio de Gelo, onde terá que superar os incríveis poderes da Rainha da Neve.
Annie Pierrepoint
Albert Pierrepoint (Timothy Spall) tentou evitar, mas terminou seguindo os passos de seu pai e tornou-se carrasco em 1934. Aos poucos seu conceito cresce, devido ao uso sofisticado e frio de seus métodos, o que o faz ser o mais respeitado e temido carrasco da Inglaterra. Quando abandonou a profissão, em 1956, Pierrepoint tinha mais de 600 execuções em seu currículo.
Endeavors to reveal who the reclusive writer John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris was, through interviews with colleagues, flatmates, family friends and scientists. His life, as can best be constructed, is revealed and his body of work, once settling on the name John Wyndham, is analyzed and discussed. An actor portrays him by quoting things he wrote that have survived, and the only piece of footage ever recorded of him is examined. The emphasis is on what his personality may have been, the scientific ramifications of his themes, and the influence of his writings and the film adaptations of those, on later generations.
Sofia Warburton
Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion.
Julia Lambert is a true diva: beautiful, talented, weathly and famous. She has it all - including a devoted husband who has mastermined her brilliant career - but after years of shining in the spotlight she begins to suffer from a severe case of boredom and longs for something new and exciting to put the twinkle back in her eye. Julia finds exactly what she's looking for in a handsome young American fan, but it isn't long before the novelty fling adds a few more sparks than she was hoping for. Fortuately for her, this surprise twist in the plot will thrust her back into the greatest role of her life.
Herself (voice)
The discovery of human body parts behind a pub in Camden over Christmas 2002 triggered one of the Metropolitan Police's largest man hunts and shocked the nation. The revelations that followed, about a man's brutal murder of three London women shocked a nation. But the story of the search for Anthony Hardy also revealed some painful truths about the anonymity of a city, and the complex challenges facing mental health units charged with protecting both the public and their patients.
Amanda Armstrong
Katharine Watson (Julia Roberts) é uma recém-graduada professora que consegue emprego no conceituado colégio Wellesley, para lecionar aulas de História da Arte. Incomodada com o conservadorismo da sociedade e do próprio colégio em que trabalha, Katharine decide lutar contra estas normas e acaba inspirando suas alunas a enfrentarem os desafios da vida.
Christine Shields
The four-year-old Nicolas Shield leads a brash and peaceful life. An annual unpleasant day has arrived: he has to visit the doctor to get an injection against mumps, measles and rubella. This goes without any problem, because Nicolas - also called Nicky - is a good guy. However, after a few months, Nicolas's behavior begins to change. Mother Christine does everything to get the boy back on the right track. But then comes the dreaded diagnosis: Nicky suffers from autism.
Mrs. Squeers
Depois da morte do patriarca da família, o jovem Nicholas Nickleby e sua família são deixados sem nada para sobreviver. A família é forçada a se dividir e Nicholas acaba em uma escola dirigida pelo cruel diretor Wackford Squeers. Eventualmente, Nicholas fica amigo de Smike, um garoto órfão, e os dois conseguem se libertar. Nicholas se une à sua família, mas sabendo que agora deve defender sua irmã dos amigos investidores do tio.
Narrator (Voice)
Documentary charting the Derek and Clive phenomenon. The two foul-mouthed toilet attendants were the creations of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore and were responsible for some of the filthiest comedy to come out of Britain. Despite being banned from radio and television the duo achieved great success and a cult status, but the act broke up one of the greatest comedy partnerships of recent years. Featuring excerpts from the actual records and video footage of Cook and Moore.
Gus Harte
A pair of young lovers, one depressed, decide to end their lives together in a suicide pact.
Paula Paxton
O sonho de Jesminder Bhamra é seguir o caminho de seu ídolo David Beckham e se tornar uma jogadora profissional de futebol. Entretanto ela enfrenta problemas em sua família, que deseja que ela siga os costumes indianos tradicionais, assim como sua irmã mais velha, Pinky. O confronto entre as partes chega ao ápice quando Jesminder é obrigada a escolher entre a tradição de seu povo e seu grande sonho.
A young girl comes of age in the Australian bush amid natural disaster and family tragedy.
Pamela Porterfield
Paul, um belo e talentoso estudante de música, tem um emprego como virador de páginas num dos concertos de piano de Kennington, um dos mais famosos pianistas do mundo, em São Francisco. Paul não é apenas diligente mas também extremamente atraente, um fato que não deixa Kennington nem o seu agente Mansourian, dois homens no topo das carreiras que escolheram, indiferentes. Kennington e Paul reencontram-se em Barcelona, onde o rapaz está de férias com a sua mãe, ocasionando implicações bem diferentes para cada um deles.
Mrs. Cratchit / Mother Gimlet (voice)
Boston, 1857. Charles Dickens encontra-se perante uma audiência que o vai ouvir ler a sua história Um Conto de Natal. O súbito aparecimento de um rato na sala leva-o a iniciar o relato, que começa num hospital gerido em benefício dos pobres e necessitados. Mas as elevadas dívidas da instituição levam o seu único médico a ser preso, deixando a sua amada Belle entregue a si própria. As dívidas estão agora na mão de Ebeneezer Scrooge, de quem Belle esteve há muito noiva. Desprovido do espírito de amor e da humanidade que outrora possuiu, Scrooge é hoje um homem mau e cruel, sem quaquer espírito de Natalício. Na véspera de Natal é visitado pelo espírito de um seu antigo parceiro de negócios, Jacob Marley, que o avisa que caso não mude a sua atitude o espera a miséria eterna, e que Scrooge irá ser visitado por três espíritos, o Espírito do Passado, o Espírito do Presente e o Espírito do Futuro.
Gwenyth Moore
Matthew Barnes is a young exec on the move up who finds himself a pawn in corporate in-fighting when he's sent to London to oversee a merger
2nd Woman
The land is filled with people in urns chattering at top speed, but only to themselves, not to one another. The focus goes to three people: a man, his mistress and his wife.
Helen West
Juliet Stevenson stars as prosecutor Helen West from the popular crime novels by Frances Fyfield. Helen and her significant other, Chief Superintendent Geoffrey Bailey (Jim Carter), have recently moved to a sedate London suburb only to face a shocking murder. Bailey thinks he has the case wrapped up, but Helen punches holes in the evidence and his ego, and then proceeds to track down the real killer.
Annie Lee
Made by Carlton Television for ITV (UK) , this adaptation of Laurie Lee's autobiographical novel follows a young man's maturation in the country town of Gloucestershire near the end of World War I. As young Laurie (Dashiell Reece) comes of age under the protective eye of his mother (Juliet Stevenson), he learns to live with an eccentric collection of friends, neighbours, and relatives. As he enters his teenage years, Laurie (now played by Joe Roberts) discovers women, specifically Rosie Burdock (Lia Barrow). Veteran screenwriter John Mortimer adapted Lee's book, with Lee narrating.
Documentary revealing the true character of those working behind and in front of the camera on Blue Peter - Britain's longest continuously running children's programme.
Jim Hawkins races to beat Long John Silver to the riches awaiting on Treasure Island. An animated retelling of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel, featured the main characters as animals.
A história secreta do corpo de Evita Peron
Jean moves to a riverside cottage in an effort to escape her violent husband. There she meets Redfern, a married stonemason, with whom she forms a relationship.
Mrs. Elton
Emma Woodhouse, uma jovem bonita, inteligente e encantadora, está decidida a jamais se casar. Ela já possui toda a fortuna e independência de que precisa e sente-se perfeitamente satisfeita com sua situação, o que não a impede de se divertir planejando casamentos entre as pessoas que a cercam. Ao conhecer Harriet Smith, uma moça de status social mais baixo, Emma decide ajudá-la a encontrar um pretendente que seja um verdadeiro cavalheiro. Porém, a jovem descobre que interferir demais na vida dos outros pode por em risco a própria felicidade…
Narrator (voice)
Women (many of them lesbian) artists, writers, photographers, designers, and adventurers settled in Paris between the wars. They embraced France, some developed an ex-pat culture, and most cherished a way of life quite different than the one left behind.
Isobel Coleridge
Upon her father's death, a woman comes into emotional and psychological conflict with her young lover, her overbearing sister and her alcoholic stepmother.
Narrator (voice)
Cinco das mais populares histórias de Eric Carle ganham vida com o auxílio de animações coloridas e música suave, por forma a levar as crianças numa mágica e incrível viagem.
Fraulein Burstner
Joseph K. awakes one morning, to find two strange men in his room, telling him he has been arrested. Joseph is not told what he is charged with, and despite being "arrested," is allowed to remain free and go to work. But despite the strange nature of his arrest, Joseph soon learns that his trial, however odd, is very real, and tries desperately to spare himself from the court's judgement.
Nora Helmer
One of Ibsen's best known plays, A Dolls House caused a sensation when first published, as it provided a critique on the conventions of Victorian marriage. Nora Helmer feels suffocated and belittled in her marriage to banker Torvald. When faced with blackmail as a result of an attempt to save her husband's life, Nora decides that the only way to discover the real world is to step outside the illusions within her doll's house.
A white Mercedes, the English countryside, a cathedral city, a haunted figure at the wheel with an overnight bag in the boot. Frank Summers has run away from a career as a fabulously successful rock promoter and an anguished private life. Now he's facing the hardest of all moral choices - a life or death decision which is to have a shattering impact on the lives of new friends who offer shelter, and on the new arrival on the seemingly tranquil scene.
A socially awkward young English boy deals with his fears about his unemployed artist father, his pregnant mother, and his asthma, with the help of his favorite doll, a stuffed dinosaur named Dog.
Nina is totally heartbroken at the death of her boyfriend Jamie, but is even more unprepared for his return as a ghost. At first it's almost as good as it used to be - hey, even the rats that infested her house have disappeared. But Jamie starts bringing ghostly friends home and behaving more and more oddly.
Clare Fitzgerald
A group of several thousand Africans migrate westward across northern Africa and sail across the Strait of Gibraltar to Europe. Their message is: "We are poor because you are rich."
Alice Howard
An escaped convict, pursued by an obsessive policeman, hides out in a travelling circus
Cissie Colpitts 2
Cansada das traições do marido, Cissie Colpitts (Joan Plowright) afoga-o. Suas filhas (Juliet Stevenson e Joely Richardson), também insatisfeitas em seus casamentos, seguem o "exemplo" da mãe e assassinam seus maridos da mesma maneira. O legista local, que nutre uma paixão pelas mulheres da família Colpitts, impede que os crimes sejam descobertos.
The shy, hard-working farmer Thomas Price, whose life is dominated by his father Emrys, is strongly attracted to the independent Englishwoman Ruth and they become drawn into a passionate love affair.
Hilda Carline
The controversial English artist Stanley Spencer scandalised the art world when he painted the Resurrection taking place in the churchyard of Cookham, his home village by the River Thames; and further scandalised the village when he decided that to nourish his imagination he needed two wives.
Rosalind Franklin
A história de rivalidade das duas equipes de cientistas que tentam descobrir a estrutura do DNA . Francis Crick e James D. Watson na Universidade de Cambridge, e Maurice Wilkins e Rosalind Franklin na King's College London.
In a final battle for the control of Thebes, Oedipus's two sons kill each other. Creon issues an order that no one is to bury Polynices upon pain of death. But Antigone is determined that her brother's body will have the proper rites of burial.
Oedipus's wanderings come to an end when he finds his final resting place, as foretold by the gods. But his brother-in-law and his son each try to take him away.
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Barbara Mallen
The fourth and final instalment of the Mallen family saga. Barbara, rejected by Michael, enters into a loveless marriage with a son of the Benshams, who now own Squire Thomas' former home, High Banks. Meanwhile, Mr Bensham proposes to Anna Brigmore, Barbara's former governess, who has a burning ambition to become mistress of the house.
Ceres tells the story of a daughter seeking refuge from her emotionally abusive partner at the home of her estranged mother. It follows their attempt to reconnect, and move forward, despite the knowledge that their time together is limited; bound in a knot of silent agreement to the changing of the seasons.