Sebastian Blomberg

Sebastian Blomberg

Nascimento : 1972-05-24, Bergisch-Gladbach - North Rhine-Westphalia - Germany


Sebastian Blomberg


Although he already has searched Iraq unsuccessfully for weapons of mass destruction as a member of a UN mission, German bio-weapons expert Arndt Wolf is still obsessed with the idea that Saddam Hussein is hiding something. Nobody around him is interested in this topic any more. This changes abruptly when an Iraqi asylum seeker claims to have been involved in the manufacture of chemical weapons. The German Federal Intelligence Service summons Dr. Wolf to ascertain the legitimacy of the claims made by the informant, who has been given the code name “Curveball”.
Maximilian and Marie De Bourgogne
Jan Coppenhole
In 1477 Charles the Bold dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule without a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.
Wellness für Paare
Thomas Leber
A wellness hotel in a small German castle specializes in well-off couples, offering a wide range of services, including one some partners feel trapped into : relational therapy. It's truth time, for some liberating, forcing others to face their secrets of dysfunctional relationship.
Heart of Stone
Peter and Lisbeth are two young but unfortunate lovers living in a rigid rural community in the Black Forest. She comes from a wealthy family of glassblowers; he is a poor coal worker on the lower end of society. To become rich and respected, Peter makes a pact with a devil named Dutch Michael, who rips out his heart and replaces it with a stone. Robbed of all warmth and feeling, Peter becomes a cold-hearted go-getter who rapidly achieves his goals. Ruthlessly he strives for money and power.
The People Vs. Fritz Bauer
Ulrich Kreidler
12 anos após o fim da era nazista, tudo o que a maioria dos cidadãos da Alemanha deseja é deixar para trás os horrores vividos. Mas, o procurador geral Fritz Bauer se comprometeu a detectar o paradeiro do criminoso nazista Adolf Eichmann. Bauer tenta trazer o criminoso à justiça, porém é impedido várias vezes, sendo sabotado por pessoas envolvidas na política.
The Culpable
Jakob, Dominik and Oliver are best friends, they play soccer and work as priests. They are united in their belief that the catholic church can make the world a better place. But when Dominik is confronted with allegations that he abused a boy, Jakob's world collapses. Torn between his beliefs and the friendship to Dominik, he's committed to finding the truth.
Berlin Troika
Gregor Hansen
During a stormy night of grave political crisis, an expert interpreter suffers a nervous breakdown. Young diplomat Konrad Gelb is recruited to step in and interpret between the two conflicting superpower leaders, who seem to hold the fate of humanity in their hands - an absurd responsibility, which by extension rests on the shoulders of the young interpreter. He must balance the oversized egos in the room and maneuver the world's destiny to either peaceful resolution or total annihilation.
Age of Cannibals
Kai Niederländer
Öllers and Niederländer have everything under control. For the past six years, the two successful business consultants have been traveling through some of the seediest countries around the world in order to satisfy their clients greed. They have achieved almost everything, but there is one career move left: to finally become a partner in the company! When they find out that their team colleague Hellinger made the cut, they are at their wits end. Up or Out is the name of the game. The fact that Hellinger falls from an office window for no explainable reason doesnt seem to help the situation. Of all people, the young and ambitious Bianca steps in for Hellinger. Öllers and Niederländer are irritated, sarcasm spreads, neuroses break out. The fight for survival within the company takes its toll the AGE OF CANNIBALS dawns.
Os Homens do Emden
Hellmuth von Mücke
Primeira Guerra Mundial. Cerca de 50 alemães estão em uma missão em uma ilha do Oceano Índico, quando sua busca é vítima da destruição. Agora deverão atravessar mar e deserto cheios de obstáculos e inimigos para voltar a seu país.
Berlin Telegram
Leila is a singer-songwriter who lives in Brussels. When Antoine, the man she is in love with, suddenly walks out on her for another woman, she leaves for Berlin to start a new life.
Lullaby Ride
Life could be wonderful for Livia and Marco: good-looking, young, and Tim's parents. Tim is nine months old. His screaming every night drives his parents around the bend, although he was supposed to cement their relationship. But instead of slumber and sex, it's the same every night: jump out of bed and into the wobbly old Golf whose engine sound is the only thing that calms Tim down. One night, the unbelievable happens…
Hotel Lux
Karl-Heinz Müller
In 1938 Hans Zeisig, an apolitical comedian, impersonator and cabaret actor, flees with a Russian passport (instead of American, which he would have preferred) from Nazi-Berlin, and finds himself in the legendary Hotel Lux, the 'lost paradise' of the Comintern, in Moscow. Everyone believes that Zeisig is a man named Hansen, Hitler's personal astrologer. But Zeisig quickly realizes that he's gone from the frying pan into the fire. In the Hotel Lux he meets his friends Frida and later Meyer again, still passionate communists. For the three idealists an adventure between love and death begins to run his course.
Se Não Nós, Quem?
Klaus Roehler
Alemanha Ocidental, início dos anos 60. Bernward Vesper (August Diehl) e Gudrun Ensslin (Lena Lauzemis) são colegas de faculdade que iniciam um relacionamento amoroso. Apaixonados pela palavra escrita, eles resolvem fundar uma editora. A primeira publicação é um antigo trabalho do pai de Bernward, um polêmico autor nazista. O livro logo é atacado, mas Bernward defende a habilidade como escritor do pai, mesmo com o peso de seu passado. Não demora muito para que ele passe a também questionar a participação do pai no Terceiro Reich de Adolf Hitler.
The Coming Days
Welcome to 2020: The European Union has collapsed following the fourth Gulf War and massive barricades keep illegal immigrants out of cities that are barely functioning. In the middle of this highly volatile environment is the family of Walter Kuper, an energy conglomerate executive. Walter’s daughter, Cecilia, has joined the Black Storm terrorist group. Her sister Laura must choose between motherhood and the man she loves; their brother Philip has been called into fight for Germany in a hopeless war to secure the last remaining oil fields. Starring leading actors Daniel Brühl, Johanna Wokalek and Jürgen Vogel, "The Days to Come" asks provocative questions about the current state of things as it depicts personal and political realities in a scarily believable near–future.
The Silence
David Jahn
13-year-old Sinikka vanishes on a hot summer night. Her bicycle is found in the exact place where a girl was killed 23 years ago. The dramatic present forces those involved in the original case to face their past.
A Condessa
Dominic Vizakna
Kingdom of Hungary, 17th century. As she gets older, powerful Countess Erzsébet Báthory (1560-1614), blinded by the passion that she feels for a younger man, succumbs to the mad delusion that blood will keep her young and beautiful forever.
Palermo Shooting
Finn é um famoso fotógrafo atormentado por visões mórbidas. Depois de quase morrer devido ao seu estilo de vida desenfreado, ele decide fazer uma pausa e ir para Palermo, na Sicília, mas seu mundo vira de cabeça para baixo. Salvo por uma mulher bela e misteriosa, ele acaba por confrontar a Morte.
10 Sekunden
No overview found.
O Grupo Baader Meinhof
Rudi Dutschke
A ascensão e o declínio do notório grupo terrorista alemão, a Fração do Exército Vermelho – um grupo de radicais que organizou bombardeios, roubos, sequestros e assassinatos no final dos anos 1960 e 1970, trazendo o caos à Alemanha do pós-guerra. Baseado no best-seller de não ficção de Stefan Aust.
Guten Morgen, Herr Grothe
Michael Grothe
3° kälter
Til Knop
Adapted from Eduard von Keyserling’s 1911 novel of the same title, Waves depicts both the lives and loves of an aristocratic German family during a summer holiday on the Baltic coast of what is now Lithuania, as well as the twilight of a social order and its mores in a world soon to be plunged into the cataclysm of world war.
Go for Zucker
Germany director Dani Levy filmed this comedy about Jewish life in today’s Germany along side the familiar east-west conflict. With it great success this film is a joyful comedy of humor and knowledge.
I'm The Father
Marco Krieger
Marco and Melanie, a young married couple, are living a life of passion, chaos, and all the little frustrations of everyday existence. Their love for each other seems like a beacon on heavy seas. But career pressure, burned toast, and dirty laundry are eroding all tenderness, and they never seem to find enough time for their six-year-old son, Benny, either. Their world is about to fall apart when Melanie moves out, taking Benny with her. She files for divorce, and Marco makes a decision that is not only going to change his own life. He suddenly discovers his own unique way of being a father … I’m the Father is a modern portrait of a generation which appears to fail its own ambitions: After all, how do you combine a job, children, love and all the other challenges of everyday life – without giving yourself up in the process? And then what happens when positions become entrenched and a divorce seems inevitable?
Olga's Summer
A 16 years old Olga is dreaming about leaving house when suddenly she meets a mysterious man who is ready to join her.
O Que Fazer em Caso de Incêndio
Na década de 80 seis amigos ocuparam um prédio na Alemanha, desafiando as autoridades locais. 15 anos depois eles mudaram bastante, com alguns nem lembrando seu passado de anarquia. Porém, quando uma bomba caseira por eles colocada em uma mansão abandonada em 1987 apenas agora explode, eles precisam se reunir novamente para evitar que a polícia local descubram que são eles os responsáveis pelo ato.
Himmlische Helden
É Hora de Relaxar
Johan é um ladrão gay, que conquista homens mais velhos para roubá-los. Max, é um segurança que se sente atraído por Anna, uma inteligente funcionária numa companhia de seguros. Os três vivem em Berlin, uma sociedade que se redefine depois da guerra fria, e, por circunstâncias do acaso, eles se cruzam num triângulo onde compartilham amor, afeto, corpos, e ansiedades, no apartamento de Anna…
Estudante de medicina, ao reconhecer um corpo sendo usado em um dos estudos, investiga a faculdade e descobre uma sociedade que trabalha de modo ilícito. Passa a ser perseguida.
Tommy Dunckel