Craig Wasson

Craig Wasson

Nascimento : 1954-03-15, Eugene, Oregon, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Craig Wasson (born March 15, 1954) is an American actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Craig Wasson, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Craig Wasson
Craig Wasson


Sasquatch Mountain
Travis Cralle
A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of bank robbers with a beautiful hostage, local cops, and a monster that has come down from the Arizona mountains to eat human flesh.
Prova de Fogo - Uma História de Vida
Ted Saunders
Com apenas 11 anos de idade, Akeelah tem um incrível talento com as palavras. E, apesar da oposição de sua mãe, ela não desiste do objetivo de participar de um concurso de soletração.
Ghost Rock
Cherokee Bill
Set in 1882, John Slaughter and his sidekick Savannah Starr return to a town where an almost forgotten massacre took place 20 years ago. They are determined to find the man responsible.
Puerto Vallarta Squeeze
Danny Pastor
.Em Puerto Vallarta, as vidas cruzam-se no Malecon, o colorido passeio à beira-mar, recheado de turistas, vendedores e mariachis. Mas, numa tarde aparentemente tranquila, muitas vidas vão mudar para sempre. Uma rajada de tiros deixa dois homens mortos. Um deles é oficial da Marinha americana. 0 criminoso é um veterano usado pela CIA, Clayton Price (Scott Glenn), um atirador sem escrúpulos que pisou a linha ao abater um homem não autorizado pelo seu elemento de ligação com a Agência, Walter McGrane (Harvey Keitel). Acreditando que Danny (Craig Wasson), um escritor americano em crise que ali vive com a namorada, Luz (Glovanna Zacarias) o pode identificar como o assassino, Clayton oferece-lhe dinheiro para se calar. Mas McGrane e o seu associado Neal Weatherford (Jonathan Brandis) estão determinados em apanhar Clayton, pedindo ajuda ao chefe da polícia, o Coronel Rivera (Miguel Sandoval), antes que ele fuja para a selva do México, tendo em vista atingir a fronteira dos Estados Unidos.
Terror em Alcatraz
Warden Fred Riley
Como resultado de um acidente de perfuração, uma jibóia gigante comedora de gente é solta em uma prisão de segurança máxima na Antártica.
Portal Da Morte
Uma gigantesca onda sísmica abala a Terra colocando em pânico todos seus habitantes. Kasia Czaban (Stephanie Niznik) a Conselheira de Ciências dos Estados Unidos recruta Mason Rand (David Keith), um especialista em tecnologia para investigar. Com toda a vida na Terra correndo perigo, Kasia e Rand voam para a Ásia para se juntar à força-tarefa composta por oficiais e cientistas e descobrem TORUS - uma enorme massa sem forma definida que paira alguns metros do solo em uma atitude fria, ameaçadora e silenciosa, sem nenhuma entrada ou saída aparente, uma estrutura assustadora e enigmática. Mas, quando eles descobrem seu segredo uma coisa fica clara, o planeta Terra e seus habitantes estão em extremo perigo. Tem início uma corrida contra o tempo e Rand luta para salvar o mundo de sua catástrofe derradeira
Alta Pressão
Elgin Bates
Desaparecida há anos, a lendária estátua de Artemis objeto de desejo dos colecionadores - finalmente é encontrada. Seguindo para a Grécia, um exército fortemente armado mantém a salvo o tesouro a bordo do navio Argo Thesis. Porém, o que seria uma viagem de rotina torna-se uma batalha pela sobrevivência quando o submarino de Elgin Bates, um multimilionário aproxima-se sorrateiramente. Sob o comando de Hans Schuls, inicia-se o assalto e a tomada do navio. Mas, o plano infalível para roubar a estátua acaba danificando seriamente o navio, que começa a afundar. A pressão aumenta. Agora, não há espaço para fraquezas, nem tempo para falhas. E se ainda há alguém a bordo que não sabe o que fazer, é melhor prender a respiração...
The Pornographer
A socially inept man's amateur porn film wins him a contract with a small-time pornography distribution company, where he faces a series of moral crises and is forced to face his own porn addiction.
The Last Best Sunday
Deputy Sheriff Bennett
A Hispanic teenager hides out from the law in the home of a good-natured, but rebellious, Caucasian teenage girl after killing two rednecks whom beat him up and left him for dead, leading to a collision of cultures between the two youths.
Velocity Trap
John Dawson, RMC Corp.
In a desolate and treachorous region of space known as the Velocity Run, a heavily armored ship passes every six months. It carries billions of Universal Dollars between the colonies and the Central Bank on Earth. Hard currency has returned due to rampant electronic crime. Now a team of highly trained mercenaries are about to commit the perfect crime in a place where evidence and witnesses have no chance of survival. In this deadly corridor of space, a single man must stop them.
Back to Even
When an expert counterfeiter finds himself in debt to a dangerous bookie and on the run from the mob, he races to clear his name and settle the score.
Seed: A Love Story
Julia Noble is a tough cop with a ticking biological clock. When she decides to have a baby through artificial insemination, she's shocked to learn that the donor may be a suspect on one of her cases.
Deep Family Secrets
A tale of hidden family scandals. A young woman journeys back to her birthplace and discovers that much of what she had always taken for granted concerning her family life was a lie.
I Shot a Man in Vegas
Radio Caller (voice)
Friends flash back to a fight between pals that left one dead earlier that night in Las Vegas.
The Tomorrow Man
Dr. Galloway
The android Kent is programmed to travel back in time and save humanity from its future. His way leads to earth, which is going to be destroyed by a great rocket-disaster. As he wants to prohibit this, a mad scientist is in his way. But there are more problems: He has to act as a human. Computer-expert Jonathan Driscoll becomes his mentor and tries to help and repair him.
The Sister-in-Law
Andy Warner
A man finally meets his daughter-in-law for the first time when his son tragically dies. He and the rest of the family like her, but she has a deadly secret.
Trapped in Space
After an accident during a routine trip to Venus, a spaceship has only enough oxygen left for three people... out of five on board.
Ex-con attempting to go straight runs across serious problems. His girlfriend gets arrested for dealing crack to an undercover police officer. In a desperate attempt to get the charges dropped against his woman, he strikes deal with weapons cop to turn in local gun dealers. How ever, the D.A. is not satisfied with the results, resulting in some serious game playing and double crossing.
Malcolm X
TV Host
Uma homenagem ao controverso ativista negro e líder da luta pela liberação negra. Ele chegou ao fundo do poço durante seu encarceramento nos anos 50, tornou-se um muçulmano negro e, mais tarde, líder da Nação do Islã. Seu assassinato em 1965 deixou um legado de autodeterminação e orgulho racial.
Midnight Fear
A sheriff tracks down a killer who skinned a woman alive.
Midnight Fear
A sheriff tracks down a killer who skinned a woman alive.
A More Perfect Union
James Madison
Become an eyewitness to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. This stirring 2-hour film will bring the Founding Fathers to life as you witness the struggles and the miracles that produced the Constitution of the United States and the freest nation on earth. Filmed on location at Independence Hall; Williamsburg, Virginia; and other historical sites, it dramatically chronicles how America became a nation. It is exciting drama of the best kind-fact, rather than fiction. "It brings the history books to life," writes one reviewer. "Dramatically moving, and visually handsome," says another. Officially recognized by the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, who cited the film as being "of exceptional merit."
Bum Rap
Paul Colson
Paul Colson is a New York cabdriver and struggling actor. When he learns that he has about three days left to live due to a rare blood disorder, he goes through all five stages of loss and grief in a darkly comedic way.
Bush Shrink
Dr. Martin Cypher
In an unstable African country, US psychiatrist Martin Cypher teams up with a street-smart poacher to save his patient and her uncle Kingsley, who runs a diamond mine, from some rebels led by white mercenaries, who took them for ransom.
A Hora do Pesadelo 3: Os Guerreiros dos Sonhos
Neil Gordon
Os últimos dos garotos da Rua Elm agora estão num hospital psiquiátrico, onde Freddy assombra seus sonhos com horrores indescritíveis. Sua única esperança é a pesquisadora do sono e igualmente sobrevivente de Freddy, Nancy Thompson. É ela quem vai os ajudar a lutar contra o psicopata sobrenatural em seu próprio território infernal.
The Geezenstacks
Sam Hummel
Sam Hummel notices eerie parallels between events in the life of his own family, and events in the lives of his daughter Audrey's dolls, the Geezenstacks.
Clube dos Homens
Seven men have a group session and share their feelings on women, love, life and work.
Dublê de Corpo
Jake Scully
Após flagrar a namorada com outro homem, Jake Scully (Craig Wasson) precisa encontrar um novo lugar para morar. Em sua nova casa, o jovem ator descobre uma vizinha que tira a roupa, em frente a janela, todas as noites. Jake fica cada vez mais obcecado pela misteriosa mulher e começa a investigar a sua vida, se envolvendo em uma trama perigosa.
Por Quê Eu?
Brian Harmon
An Air Force nurse about to leave the service is badly disfigured about her face in a car accident in which she also loses her baby.
Second Thoughts
Lawyer Amy finds herself courted by two very different men: her client, a roguish street musician named Will, and her ex John Michael. A curious triangle develops as Amy gets pregnant by Will and both men vie for her affections
História de Fantasmas
Don Wanderley / David Wanderley
Numa pequena cidade, quatro envelhecidos amigos de infância participam de um grupo em que contam histórias fantasmagóricas. Mas um fantasma verdadeiro, vindo diretamente do passado dos quatro senhores, ressurge para assombrá-los e também à nova geração: seus filhos.
Amigos Para Sempre
A young immigrant comes to America in the 60s and is caught up in the counterculture movement which tests his bonds of friendship and love.
Capt. Busher
The story of James Thornwell, whose accusation that the U.S. Army used mind control drugs on him to force him to confess to stealing secret documents while stationed in Orleans, France, in 1961, led Congress to award him $625,000 in damages nearly 20 years later.
Nights at O'Rears
Max Corely
Young Mildred, a carhop waitress at O'Rear's Drive-In Theater, falls for Max, an egotistical bitter once-popular local high school football star.
When Dr. Peter Fales's patients start getting annihilated by an unknown serial killer, he and his daughter Alison both come under suspicion. Julie, a syndicated “Dear Abby”-style columnist, is in one of Dr. Fales's therapy groups. After she receives several ominous letters she not only wonders if Dr. Fales might be behind the killings, she also starts to suspect her estranged husband.
O Estranho
Michael Flaherty
Craig Wasson é Michael Flaherty, um veterano da Guerra do Vietnã que vive sua vida confortável em Detroit para lutar pelo IRA na Irlanda, apenas para descobrir que sua decisão de fazê-lo pode ter sido enganada de maneira importante.
O Circo da Morte
Tired of being a small-town waitress, Donna departs with the latest carnival show, living with entertainers Frankie and Patch in a tense, emotional triangle.
David Skagska
Pete "Skag" Skagska is a 56-year-old union foreman of a Pittsburgh steel mill until a crippling stroke forces him to stay home and try to put his life back together and deal with family problems.
Mrs. R's Daughter
Andy Webb
A small-town teen is raped while on an outing with a group of men. The local authorities mishandle the case, leading to the the acquittal of the accused rapist. The teen's mother then sets on a course of revenge which also threatens to tear the family apart.
Russell Parkinson
Events in the lives of the Parkinsons, a middle-class American family: Rea, a very attractive 40-year-old housewife and mother who worries about growing old and being a drudge; Ben, her candid and indifferent husband, a dentist who collects butterflies; and her grown sons, Adam and Russell. Based on the British TV series of the same title.
Go Tell the Spartans
Cpl. Courcey
Go Tell the Spartans is a 1978 American war film based on Daniel Ford's 1967 novel "Incident at Muc Wa." It tells the story about U.S. Army military advisers during the early part of the Vietnam War. Led my Major Asa Barker, these advisers and their South Vietnamese counterparts defend the village of Muc Wa against multiple attacks by Viet-Cong guerrillas.
Os Rapazes da Companhia C
Pvt. Dave Bisbee
Disheartened by futile combat, appalled by the corruption of their South Vietnamese ally, and constantly endangered by the incompetence of their own company commander, the young men find a possible way out of the war. They are told that if they purposely lose a soccer game against a South Vietnamese team, they can spend the rest of their tour playing exhibition games behind the lines.
Terror na Montanha-Russa
Hippie Boy
Um chantagista ameaça sabotar montanhas-russas em vários parques de diversões americanos se ele não receber um grande resgate.
The Silence
A cadet at West Point is subjected to "internal exile," which means that other students refuse to talk to him or acknowledge his existence, after he is accused of violating the school's code of honor.