Ashley Sidaway


Into the Rainbow
When teenagers Rachel and Grace travel inside a super-powered rainbow to China, they disturb nature's balance. Using Rachel's connection to the energy of the rainbow and with help from their new friend Xiao Cheng, they must race against time to save the Earth.
Regras da Guerra
Executive Producer
Um adolescente órfão luta contra o Exército Vermelho no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial e, em seguida, é "adotado" por um Comissário. Anos depois, ele é enviado a Londres durante a Guerra Fria para trabalhar para a KGB, onde questiona sua vida.
Dia de Ira
At the height of the Spanish Inquisition, high-ranking noblemen begin dropping like flies, with alarming frequency and unexplained violence. But can local 16th-century sheriff Ruy de Mendoza (Christopher Lambert) discern who's responsible when no one wants to cooperate? After all, before Mendoza can even identify the bodies, the crime scenes are mysteriously cleared -- and the villagers pretend the murders never happened.
Escola de sedução
Executive Producer
O monótono dia-a-dia de quatro mulheres transforma-se com a chegada à cidade de uma femme fatal italiana, Sophia Rosselini, e da sua Escola de Sedução. Para Claire, Irene e para as irmãs Kelly e Donna, a Escola de Sedução representa um absolutamente necessário corte com a actual realidade, prometendo importantes ensinamentos sobre sensualidade, sedução e controlo. No início, o curso revela-se uma experiência fantástica e as quatro mulheres aplicam as lições aprendidas na relação com os seus desprevenidos companheiros, com resultados cómicos, por vezes desconfortáveis mas muitas vezes hilariantes. Porém, o cenário é ensombrado pela chegada do hostil marido de Sophia e por uma chocante revelação.
The World of Hammer: Lands Before Time
Hammer Films remain on record as the most consistently successful and influential British film company in history. And while Hammer may be best-known for their notorious series of gory Dracula movies, bloody Frankenstein adventures and chilling, satanic epics, few films had a greater impact on the '60's than the unforgettable genre known as "Hammer Glamours." The "Hammer Glamour" epics delivered their own singular vision of history -- and especially pre-history -- with liberal doses of both flesh and fantasy. With special effects as eye-popping as the actresses, these films created puberty's essential bridge between the thrill of cool monsters and the sensation of gorgeous women. If you're a student of anthropology, this is a world you may not recognize. But if you're looking for a twisted vision of the past that only Hammer can provide, you've come to the right place. The Hammer Glamour legacy lives, and indeed the world has never been the same.