Van Broughton Ramsey


O Regresso para Bountiful
Costume Design
Carrie Watts vive com o filho, Ludie, e com a pretensiosa nora, Jessie Mae. Sem poder conduzir mais e proibida de viajar sozinha, ela anseia por liberdade e implora ao filho para levá-la a visitar a sua cidade natal, Bountiful.
A Night in Old Mexico
Costume Design
Forced to give up his land and home, Texas rancher Red Bovie isn't about to retire quietly in a dismal trailer park. Instead he hops in his Cadillac and hits the road with his estranged grandson for one last wild adventure filled with guns, women and booze. It’s just another night in Old Mexico.
Até o Fim
Costume Design
Um navegador experimente viaja sozinho em seu veleiro pelo Oceano Índico. Porém, a embarcação se choca contra um contêiner abandonado e sofre terríveis danos. Agora ele terá que se esforçar para sobreviver no meio de uma tempestade e com cada vez com menos recursos.
The Time Being
Costume Design
Um artista encontra um benfeitor misterioso e rico e descobre que ele não é o que parece ser.
Paul Rodriguez & Friends: Comedy Rehab
Costume Design
Stand-up comedian Paul Rodriguez with Gene Pompa, Shayla Rivera & Manny Maldonado together for a comedy performance. Filmed in Santa Fe.
Paul Rodriguez & Friends: Comedy Rehab
Production Design
Stand-up comedian Paul Rodriguez with Gene Pompa, Shayla Rivera & Manny Maldonado together for a comedy performance. Filmed in Santa Fe.
Chrissa: Uma Lição de Força
Costume Design
Quando Chrissa e sua família se mudam para Minnesota, ela tem que entrar na escola bem no meio do período letivo. Desde o primeiro dia de aula ela tem que enfrentar 3 garotas más que tornam impossível a vida de todos na escola.
Material Girls
Costume Design
As irmãs Marchetta são milionárias herdeiras de um império da indústria de cosméticos. Elas vivem num mundo onde o que conta é a aparência, até receberem uma notícia pra lá de desanimadora: estão quebradas. Sem dinheiro, sem roupas, deslocadas, terão que dar a volta por cima numa comédia muito engraçada sobre meninas que tem que cair na real. Mas até lá vão ter que ralar muito!
Sarah, Plain and Tall: Winter's End
Costume Design
The third installment of the Sarah trilogy provides a glorious and touching story of a family drawn together by adversity. On a cold winter day a stranger shows up at the farm. He is slow to reveal his identity. When they find out he is Jacobs father, John Witting, thought long ago dead, hard questions about the past are difficult to get answered.
Fúria da Tempestade
Costume Design
A aventura, a fantasia e a magia se unem neste épico único original. Adaptado do clássico A Tempestade, de William Shakespeare, Fúria da Tempestade mostra a saga de Gideon Prosper (Peter Fonda). Traído pelo seu próprio irmão, o ganancioso Anthony (John Glover), ele é forçado a abandonar suas terras e fugir através dos pântanos do Mississipi. Durante anos, Gideon, sua filha Miranda (Katherine Heigl), e o ex-escravo Ariel (Haold Perrineu Jr.) enfrentam os horrores da fuga, das privações, e da Guerra Civil, numa aventura repleta de emoção, magia negra e efeitos especiais.
The Christmas Tree
Costume Design
A story about a forming friendship between an elderly nun, Sister Anthony, and New York's Rockefeller Center's head landscape architect Richard Reilly, who wants to fell a tree she's been growing for decades and move it to New York for Christmas display.
Marcas do Silêncio
Costume Design
Mãe solteira, Anney dá à luz após um acidente. Felizmente, logo conhece Lyle, que assume a pequena Bone e lhe dá outro filho. Mas ele também morre num acidente. Com o apoio da família, Anney sustenta as filhas. Sua carência, entretanto, a faz aceitar o pedido de casamento do apaixonado e tempestuoso Glen. Desde o início, a relação entre Bone e Glen não é boa e piora quando Anny perde o filho que está esperando. Perder o filho que tanto queria faz Glen tornar-se mais violento e perturbado. Bone torna-se uma vítima fácil da ira do padastro. A situação fica dramática e, mesmo preferindo não saber dos abusos e violências que a filha tem sofrido, uma hora Anny terá de acordar! E optar: entre o amor pela filha e a necessidade de um marido...
Spring Awakening
Costume Design
The failing economic fortunes of a small turn-of-the-century Nebraska town interrupt a blossoming romance between a pair of star-crossed lovers.
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
Costume Design
Lucy married at the turn of the last century, when she was fifteen and her husband was fifty. If Colonel William Marsden was a veteran of the "War for Southern Independence", Lucy became a "veteran of the veteran" with a unique perspective on Southern history and Southern manhood. Her story encompasses everything from the tragic death of a Confederate boy soldier to the feisty narrator's daily battles in the Home--complete with visits from a mohawk-coiffed candy-striper.
A Sombra de um Passado
Costume Design
Casal que não consegue superar o desaparecimento do filho, sequestrado há 15 anos, espera um novo bebê. As coisas começam a mudar quando a mulher, que trabalha como professora, conhece um adolescente rebelde, que vive à beira da marginalidade.
O Segredo
Costume Design
Mostly on account of a pride struggle, Mike Dunmore has lived his whole life keeping a secret which he believed would only cause shame if it came to light. Personal relationships with his son Patrick have been strained as a result. The only ones who ever knew anything about it were his deceased wife and his best friend, Thurgood who he works with, who both agreed to help keep it covered up for him as long as they could. However, when his treasured grandson begins experiencing the same problems, Mike realizes that he can't hide his secret any longer, or if he tried to, it would be most difficult. Even more so when he is endorsed and volunteers to run as a candidate for local election.
A Caminho das Terras Bravias
Costume Design
A bounty hunter searches the west for a wanted outlaw named Red Roundtree.
Nossos Filhos
Costume Design
When James admits to his mother that he is gay it strains her liberal attitude. A San Diego businesswoman, Audrey believes she is a modern, open-minded mother, but the news sends her reeling. However, the real shock comes when James asks her to travel to Arkansas and inform his lover's estranged mom, Luanne, that her son has AIDS. As Audrey and Luanne learn to put aside their prejudice toward each other, they soon discover how to share their thoughts, hopes and fears for their sons.
Costume Design
18-year-old John Dakota is running from his past: his hateful father blames him for the tragic death of his brother. On his own now, Dakota winds up in trouble in a small Texas town and finds work at the Diamond Thoroughbred Horse Ranch. Although out of his element, he begins to build a life for himself. He comes to know the Lechners: Walt, a horseman of unexpected wisdom; Molly, a spirited and independent girl who captures Dakota's heart; and Casey, a persistent 12-year-old boy who stirs memories he would rather ignore. When his past inexorably catches up with him, Dakota must choose to keep on running, or face his enemies with the beautiful woman he has come to love.
On Valentine's Day
Costume Design
Elizabeth defies her wealthy parents by running off and marrying a young man of humble prospects, and her parents have not spoken to her since - even though the couple lives in a rooming house nearby, they are struggling financially, and she is pregnant. The story of unselfish love between a man and a woman and the abiding love within a family, this American classic explores the enduring themes of human existence.
Costume Design
It's 1918, the height of United States involvement in World War I - Liberty Bonds are sold, German immigrants are suspected as traitors or saboteurs, young men everywhere succumb to the patriotism and propaganda and enlist. In a small Texas town, Horace Robedaux feels the pressure - he doesn't want to leave his young wife Elizabeth and their young child Jenny - but Elizabeth's can't-do-anything-right little brother is constantly talking about the war, and Elizabeth's stern father, who opposed the marriage initially, now has plans to take care of his daughter and the child so Horace can fight for his country. But the influenza epidemic sweeping the town (and the nation) may change everyone's plans.