Gustaf Skarsgård

Gustaf Skarsgård

Nascimento : 1980-11-12, Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden


Gustaf Skarsgård (born 12 November 1980) is a Swedish film and television actor, best known for playing Floki on History Channel's television series "Vikings". He's the son of actor Stellan Skarsgård and brother of actors Bill, Valter and Alexander Skarsgård.


Gustaf Skarsgård
Gustaf Skarsgård
Gustaf Skarsgård
Gustaf Skarsgård
Gustaf Skarsgård
Gustaf Skarsgård


La Snob
Set in 1542, Marguerite de La Rocque was judged and labeled by the French aristocracy as a snob, but after she is stranded on The Isle of Demons, Marguerite breaks free of the stereotypes that have defined her. Based on a real woman who became a legend.
Hans Bethe
A história do físico americano J. Robert Oppenheimer, seu papel no Projeto Manhattan e no desenvolvimento da bomba atômica durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, e o quanto isso mudaria a história do mundo para sempre.
Air: A História Por Trás do Logo
Horst Dassler
A história do esforço da Nike para contratar o astro do basquete em ascensão Michael Jordan para sua empresa de calçados em meados da década de 1980, um endosso que parecia impossível na época, mas que, graças ao vendedor de tênis independente Sonny Vaccarro, se tornaria o relacionamento mais significativo entre uma marca atlética e um atleta de todos os tempos.
What Remains
Sigge Storm / Mads Lake
During the 1990s, at a Scandinavian psychiatric hospital, a man known as Mads Lake confessed to multiple murders and was convicted. However, the uneasy triumvirate of Mads, therapist Anna Rudebeck and policeman Soren Rank, all have a vested interest in unearthing the truth, and a deepening co-dependency threatens to consume them all.
Soul of a Man
His Majesty
Adapted from the Edgar Allen Poe short story called “Bon-Bon”. The film is a dark comedy about a man intoxicated on wine and his own ideas on the meaning of the soul. It is in this state that he is visited by the Devil, and a philosophical discussion about the soul ensues.
Widow Chloe travels to Japan for work where she is welcomed by an old friend, Toshi. Sliding between the melancholy of loss and the awe of perspectives changed, Chloe wanders an unfamiliar landscape where love has carved all the guiding grooves.
The Emigrants
Baseado no livro de Vilhelm Moberg (publicado em 1949), retrata a história de emigrantes da Suécia para os Estados Unidos no século XIX. Remake do filme de mesmo nome produzido em 1971 e que na época foi estrelado por Max von Sydow e Liv Ullmann.
438 Dias
Martin Schibbye
Na véspera de 28 de junho de 2011, os jornalistas suecos Martin Schibbye e Johan Persson colocaram tudo em risco ao cruzar ilegalmente a fronteira da Somália com a Etiópia. Eles queriam relatar como a busca implacável por petróleo afetou a população da região de Ogaden isolada e cheia de conflitos. Cinco dias depois, eles ficaram feridos na areia do deserto, baleados e capturados pelo exército etíope. Mas quando o relatório inicial os dá como mortos, outra história começa. Após um julgamento kafkiano, foram condenados a onze anos de prisão por terrorismo. Eles foram perdoados e soltos após 438 dias - esta é sua história de 438 dias de terror.
Little Match Girl
Scandinavia, 1846. A poor young girl forced to sell matchsticks desperately lights one match to survive the winter night. She is drawn into a dream world where the flames of fire give her hope for a better life, while the cold creeps closer. Based on H.C. Andersen's short story.
The moving love story of a dancer on the rollercoaster ride of her life, a drama about the rise and fall of a modern woman as she summons the courage to face her greatest trial.
The Wizard's Daughter
Rejoining the orphan Charlie in this stand alone film. Now he has a family with Gerda and Kurre. But when Gerda gets a child of her own, Charlies happiness feels threaten. A fair is in town and the family visits it, Charlie meets a wizard who shows her the tricks to a new world, but the wizards holds more darker secrets up his sleeve.
The Galapagos Affair: Satan Came to Eden
Rolf Blomberg
Darwin meets Hitchcock in this documentary. Directors Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine have created a parable about the search for paradise, set in the brutal yet alluring landscape of the Galapagos Islands, which interweaves an unsolved 1930s murder mystery with stories of present day Galapagos pioneers. A gripping tale of idealistic dreams gone awry, featuring voice-over performances by Cate Blanchett, Diane Kruger, and Gustaf Skarsgard.
The Fat and the Angry
The FBI and Interpol are looking into a big case of credit card fraud and a local bum is brought in for interrogation. A complicated story from the dark side of Göteborg unfolds.
Autumn Blood
The Butcher
No alto das montanhas, uma mãe viúva morreu, deixando as suas duas crianças órfãs. Temendo serem separados mantêm a morte de sua mãe em segredo. Eles sobrevivem até os moradores destruirem a sua inocência quando brutalmente violam a menina. Agora, os irmãos devem crescer para se proteger e sobreviverem.
This is a story of Ida and Krister. It's about a relationship that goes to hell. They are both crazy in love but manage to strangle the supply of oxygen and adapt to each other in a way that will lead to catastrophic consequences.
Expedição Kon Tiki
Bengt Danielsson
Este drama, inspirado na história real de Thor Heyerdahl, mostra a expedição Kon-Tiki. Em 1947, este pesquisador tinha uma tese ousada para a época: ele acreditava que a Polinésia tinha sido ocupada primeiro pelos povos da América do Sul, e não pelos povos do oeste, como diziam os livros de História. Para comprovar que essa versão da história era possível, Thor decidiu construir uma pequena jangada, com os mesmos materiais de séculos atrás, e chamou cinco tripulantes inexperientes para partir com ele em uma viagem de três meses, considerada por todos como uma aventura suicida. Enquanto flutuam pelo oceano Pacífico, torcendo para serem levados à direção correta, os homens enfrentam problemas com tempestades, tubarões, baleias, recifes de corais e com a própria jangada, que corre o risco de se desfazer a qualquer momento.
Happy End
They are people who have important significance for each other, but are not honest with each other. They live in a shadow world of lies and half truths and just waiting for the truth to come forward so they can continue their lives in a new direction.
People with No Significance
In a media world where hungry people are anguished over the demand to "be somebody", Magnus is nobody.
People with No Significance
In a media world where hungry people are anguished over the demand to "be somebody", Magnus is nobody.
Caminho da Liberdade
Andrejs Voss
Denunciado por sua esposa em 1939 como um possível espião, Janusz encontra-se em um campo de trabalho da Sibéria. Vivendo em condições brutais, ele está determinado a escapar e uma nevasca lhe fornece a oportunidade perfeita e, junto a um pequeno grupo de prisioneiros, fogem. A fuga, porém, é a parte mais fácil, pois Janusz e seus companheiros têm pela frente uma caminhada de 6.500 quilômetros a pé pelo Himalaia congelado, antes que possam ser verdadeiramente livres.
Trust Me
A comical fresco on human misdemeanors and betrayals... A film about our right to not be perfect.
Patrick, Idade 1,5
Göran Skoogh
Göran and Sven have been cleared for adoption and they have a possibility to adopt a swedish orphan, Patrik 1,5. But when Patrik arrives he turns out to be someone else, not the little boy they were expecting. A comma had been misplaced, and in comes a 15-year-old homophobic with a criminal past.
Arn: O Reino ao Final da Jornada
Kung Knut
O ano é 1192. Depois de vinte anos como templário, Arn Magnusson volta para sua casa, na província nórdica de Götaland Ocidental. Leva consigo conhecimentos e imigrantes que darão início a um novo tempo para toda a Europa. E a partir de uma pequena província de camponeses, a Götaland Ocidental, será criado um novo reino, a Suécia.
A doctor is pulled into Stockholm's underbelly after his brother gets caught up in a botched drug deal.
Between 11 and 12
A common day in Stockholm some people face major changes. The owner of a fur shop meets an animal rights activist. A priest has restrictions on Saint Lucy's Day. An old woman evicts and a young man disappoints his father.
Arn - The Full Story
Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. This is the international cut of the two movies Arn: The Knight Templar and Arn: The Kingdom at Road's End. The movie is cut to fit a higher tempo, but lacks some of the details and depth of the original story.
Arn - O Cavaleiro Templário
Knut Eriksson
Baseado na triologia épica 'As Cruzadas' de Jan Guillou, lançada inclusive no Brasil. Arn Magnussson nasceu em 1150 na fazenda Arnas, em West Gothia (atual Suécia). Ele cresce em um mosteiro até se tornar um jovem educado e um qualificado guerreiro. É quando encontra Cecilia, o amor de sua vida. Mas um mundo cruel e invejoso os forçam a se separarem. Cecilia é presa em um convento e Arn é enviado para a Terra Santa, onde ferve a guerra entre cristãos e muçulmanos, e lá se torna um temido Cavaleiro Templário.
The Pyramid
Wallander 24
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.
Kidz in da Hood
Kidz in da Hood is the gripping and warm story of Amina, who came to Sweden with her grandfather three years ago. Amina has not yet received her residency permit and when her grandfather dies everything seems to fall apart. She temporarily hides out with pierced and tattooed rocker Johan, who lives in a worn-down suburb. The wild girl Mirre lives on the same floor as Amina and together they begin fighting for Amina to stay in Sweden and live with Johan.
The Babylon Syndrome
When Maja's boyfriend travels to India for a couple of months, she is left with no place to stay. She begins lodging with Mattias, a young unemployed man with a group of slacker friends and a 'seize the day' attitude to life. At first terrified by their irresponsibility, she soon finds herself drawn into their orbit.
The Color of Milk
The Stranger
Selma's mother died giving birth to her, and Selma's step aunt is living proof that men only cause trouble. So the 11 year old girl makes a deal with her best friends that they will stay away from boys and dedicate their lives to science. And by the way, Selma was probably born on another planet and not meant to fall in love with anyone. But what happens when her friends break the pact, and she actually meets a boy who's not like the rest?
Bo Swedenhielm
A tv movie based on the play Swedenhielms by Hjalmar Bergmans play from 1923.
Daniel (old)
Emma, a young author, goes to see Erik, the publishing editor whom she's sent her debut novel. Their meeting leads to a love affair. The middle-aged Erik leaves his wife. What Erik doesn't know is that Emma recently began a relationship with the dramatist Stefan, whose play is also being published by Erik's company. One day Stefan overdoses and is brought to the emergency ward where Erik's wife Ann works as a doctor. These incident is the start of the story about how four people's lives are crossed during ten years, until the four of them finally end up in the same loneliness they started.
Evil - Raízes do mal
Otto Silverhielm
Erik Ponti (Andreas Wilson) é um adolescente de 16 anos que tem uma vida em meio à violência. Acostumado a tratar todos com brutalidade, devido aos maus tratos de seu padastro, é expulso da escola onde estudava e transferido para Stjärnberg, um famoso colégio privado. Sabendo que pode ser sua última oportunidade, Erik tenta mudar seu estilo de vida e enfrentar as novas opressões que começam a sofrer na nova escola.
O Invisível
Depois de uma agressão, Nicklas vai para o limbo, invisível para os vivos e perto da morte. Mas ele descobre que a única pessoa que pode ajudá-lo e seu agressor.
Between Summers
Torun and Mikael have been married for a few years. When vacationing on the Danish coast, their young son Melker accidentally drowns. Torun initially blames her sister, who was supposed to supervise her children. Later she turns her anger and grief against her husband. Since none of them know what to do with their feelings, they start to drift apart.
Prima ballerina
A little girl's three wishes, which is not exactly what her mother had expected.
Code Name Coq Rouge
Erik Hamilton
His name is Carl Hamilton from a Swedish noble family - trained by the CIA and a army SEAL. When a group of terrorists based in Sweden threatens to initiate their diabolic plans - the Coq Rouge Carl Hamilton is activated.