Douglas Newell

Douglas Newell


Douglas Newell


Ataque das Loiras
As patricinhas e melhores amigas, Dee Twiddle e Dawn St. Dom estão no lugar errado e na hora errada quando testemunham um crime da máfia. Devido a uma série de cômicas coincidências, dois mafiosos as confundem com um dupla das melhores assassinas do mundo. Depois de informarem seu chefe, os mafiosos decidem que as duas podem ser perfeitas para seu próximo ataque e oferecem a elas uma quantia absurda de dinheiro para completarem o trabalho.
Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying
A passenger of a hijacked airliner who happens to be an airplane engineer works to deactivate a chemical weapons bomb after the hijackers kill the pilot and threaten to kill all the passengers on the plane.
Polícia Desmontada
Bank President
Polícia Desmontada segue os hilariantes atos de bravura do dedicado mas desastrado policial da guarda montada (Brendan Fraser), enquanto luta contra o malvado Snidely Whiplash (Alfred Molina). Snidely está tramando o golpe do século, o maior desde a corrida do ouro, o garimpeiro Kim J. Darling (Eric Idle) é um tolo que acaba ajudando o milionário inescrupuloso a dominar a cidade que tem o mesmo nome do vilão, Whiplash City. Cabe ao doce e ingênuo Dudley liderar o ataque, destruir o vilão, ganhar o coração da bela Nell Fenwick (Sarah Jessica Parker) e trazer a paz de volta ao vale semi-feliz. Felizmente, ele não vai arruinar tudo.
As Férias do Diretor
Math Teacher
Adolescente dá tantas dores de cabeça ao diretor de sua escola que este obtém licença. O garoto consegue que tome o lugar do diretor um andarilho.
Moment of Truth: Into the Arms of Danger
Bus Station Clerk
A teenage girl runs away from home after her mother's fiance attempts to molest her. On her own in the city, she is taken in by a man who convinces her to work as an exotic dancer. After discovering what led her daughter to run away, her mother begins a frantic mission to save her daughter.
Street Chemist
When shrimp from Mexico, tainted with Cholera, is served to people on a plane bound for LA, an outbreak ensues. A doctor sets out to find the source and contain it before it turns into an epidemic. And if things weren't bad enough, a drug mule from the plane, who was smuggling cocaine in his stomach, infects the drugs, which will be on the streets soon. And to top things off, her husband who is on a camping trip with their two children is sick but did not show any symptoms until they were isolated from the rest of the world. Can she get to them in time?
For Hope
Dr. White
The life and death of a young woman who suffered from scleroderma, and how she and her family coped.
Um Maluco no Golfe
Starter #4 - Pro-Am
Happy Gilmore quer ser um jogador profissional de hóquei, mas acaba descobrindo que tem um talento muito especial para jogar golfe. O satírico e desbocado atleta acaba ganhando dinheiro suficiente para poder ajudar a sua avó, que está prestes a perder a casa por falta de pagamento de impostos. O problema é que esse maluco se torna um herói improvável para o esporte, o que desagrada bastante os golfistas, tão educados e elegantes.
Ernest - O Rei do Basquete
Head Guard
Ernest se torna uma estrela do basquete, depois que um anjo lhe dá um parque de tênis mágicos.
André - Uma Foca em Minha Casa
Um comandante da zona portuária da cidade de Rockport adota uma adorável foca recém-nascida, o André. Ele vira o xodó da família e, em especial, da precoce garotinha Toni que, com muita esperteza, tentará impedir que ele vire atração de circo
Paul and Kathy Plunk buy a small motel in a lonesome mountain region in Oregon. Their newfound tranquility is broken by a pair of guests who turn out to be wanted criminals on run from the police. They need money, so they assault the Plunks, force them to withdraw all their money from the bank. But the nightmare just begins as they take the Plunks and their baby with them as hostages.
And the Sea Will Tell
A wealthy couple (James Brolin and Deidre Hall) are killed on their yacht off the coast of a secluded South American island called Palmyra. The suspects are a hippyish pair (Hart Bochner and Rachel Ward) whom the rich folks had befriended. It’s fairly clear that the hippies were involved in the crime: The question is, did the man do it while the girl looked on helplessly, or was she a willing accomplice?
Terminal City Ricochet
Welcome to Terminal City, a decaying world where the citizens wallow amidst a mind-boggling profusion of discarded consumer goods; a ruthless world where television is exploited to its fullest to sell yet more needless junk to eager consumers; a bewildering land where the unreal is real and the real, unreal. Alex Stevens is hurled into this bedlam where he finds himself pitted against the maniacal Ross Gilmore, Mayor of Terminal City, and the evil Bruce Coddle, agent of Gilmore's Social Peace Enforcement Unit.
Os Donos do Poder / Jogos de Poder
David Garber
Pete St. John is a powerful and successful political consultant, with clients spread around the country. When his long-time friend and client Ohio senator Sam Hastings decides to quit politics, he is rapidly drafted to help with the campaign of the man destined to succeed him, unknown and mysterious businessman Jerome Cade...