Joey Cramer

Joey Cramer

Nascimento : 1973-08-23, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Joey Cramer was born on August 23, 1973 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada as Deleriyes August Joe Fisher Cramer. His debut was in the Sci-Fi movie Runaway (1984), directed by Jurassic Park (1993)'s writer, Michael Crichton. 1986 was his most successful year after having a brief role as young Broud, in The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986), as the son of Scott Bakula in the Disney TV movie Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color: I-Man (1986), and being the main star in another Sci-Fi movie, Flight of the Navigator (1986), directed by Randal Kleiser (Grease (1978)'s director), at the same time that he appeared in a double episode from the TV series Murder, She Wrote (1984). In 1987, after appearing in Stone Fox (1987), he ceased acting in order to continue his studies. Eventually he back to cinema in 1996, in a brief and uncredited role in It's My Party (1996).


Joey Cramer
Joey Cramer
Joey Cramer


Altered Perceptions
A psychological thriller that probes the neurology of identity and the age old problem of mind and brain. What happens when the human brain becomes toxic? When thinking becomes hallucinatory in intensity. When we appear to have lost the emotional, the concrete, the personal aspects of functioning. When our sense of reality is virtually destroyed.
Life After The Navigator
A feature that not only celebrates the 1986 classic "Flight of the Navigator", but also looks at the life of its child star, Joey Cramer, and his roller-coaster life since that breakthrough role.
Barry Fritado
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
A Última Festa
Party Guest (uncredited)
Nick, a gay, HIV-positive architect, begins to display severe symptoms of AIDS and makes preparations to kill himself before he is unable to function normally. He arranges a party to reconnect and say goodbye to his closest friends and his confused parents. But when his ex-partner, Brandon, a television director who left Nick when he was diagnosed with HIV, shows up, what was supposed to be a celebratory event becomes much more difficult for everyone.
Stone Fox
Little Willy must win a dog sled race in order to save his grandfather's cattle ranch.
O Vôo do Navegador
David Scott Freeman
Um garoto é sequestrado por alienígenas e só volta para casa seis anos depois (mesmo que, para ele, só tenham se passado quatro horas). No entanto, como não envelheceu sequer um dia, isso causa estranheza a todos.
I-Man: O Homem Indestrutível
Eric Wilder
Ao tentar socorrer o motorista de um veículo da NASA, que havia se acidentado, Jeff Wilder é exposto a ação de um gás que estava sendo transportado e vazou. A partir deste momento, ele se torna um homem indestrutível e, de motorista de taxi passa a ser I-Man, uma espécie de super-herói, encarregado de deter um louco que havia sequestrado veículos militares e ameaçava a todos com destruição.
A Tribo da Caverna do Urso
Young Broud
Tribo de Neandertais encontra a menina Ayla (Daryl Hannah), uma Cro-Magnon órfã.Iza (Pamela reed) e Creb (James Remar), o curandeiro e sábio da Tribo da Caverna do Urso, praticamente adotam Ayla e a educam como uma Neandertal, apesar das objeções de outros membros. Ayla cresce diferenciada de todos, hábil, inteligente e determinada, o que incomoda Broud (Thomas G. Waites), futuro líder da tribo. Cabe a ela agora, defender sua identidade e encontrar seu espaço. Baseado em best-seller de Jean M. Auel.
Runaway: Fora de Controle
Bobby Ramsay
Num futuro distante, a população vive em paz, mas controlada por máquinas. Até que surge um homem mentalmente perturbado que decide reprogramar os computadores, o que faz ressurgir a violência.