Martin Rapold

Martin Rapold

Nascimento : 1973-08-23, Schaffhausen, Switzerland


Martin Rapold


Reto Bieler
Weglaufen geht nicht
Marco Bosshard
The clever 21 year old Elodie lives with her parents and brother near Zürich. She has finished her training as a children's educator. Before she starts her new job she wants to fulfill a long awaited dream of four week hiking tour in Scotland. However, on the way to the airport she is hit by an car. The doctors tell her that she will live the rest of her life in a wheelchair. A friend of the family tells them she needs a goal in life to really live, and so she starts to train with a trainer who has her own issues in life that she needs to come to terms with.
Sr. Moll e a Fábrica de Chocolate
Mr. Moll & The Chocolate Factory é uma comédia que se passa em um final de semana quando o Sr. Moll precisa cuidar das crianças ao mesmo tempo em que coordena a produção na fábrica de chocolate.
Blue My Mind
Gianna's Father
15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, Mia is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than she is.
Katie Fforde: Die Frau an seiner Seite
Eric Turner
Little Mountain Boy
Um menino deve enfrentar a neve profunda do inverno para obter uma importante lembrança familiar. Antes que ele possa começar esta jornada difícil, ele deve primeiro ajudar sua família a sobreviver à ruína financeira, resgatar seu amado bode de estimação e, com seu melhor amigo, enganar um valentão malcriado que parece querer pegá-lo em cada esquina. Será que ele vai voltar para a aldeia a tempo de celebrar as férias de final de inverno de Chalandamarz?
Der Kotzbrocken
Sophie Brand is overwhelmed: as a single mother with two jobs no wonder. A mountain of unpaid traffic tickets takes her to the judge, who buzzes her 300 social hours in a home for the disabled. In addition, he puts her on his own brother: Georg, a dreaded patient in the home, who sits in a wheelchair since an accident and only bitterness for his environment left. But Sophie can not rausekeln. So it happens that something special develops out of initial antipathy: trust, friendship, love. The emotional tragicomedy knows how to implement a supposed taboo subject sensitively.
Katie Fforde: Geschenkte Jahre
Jake Carlyle
Plötzlich Deutsch
Hans Ziegler
Ready, Steady, Ommm!
Alex and his girlfriend Anna have a problem: Anna couldn't be more pregnant, and neither can find an affordable flat. The only one who can help is Anna's father, Commander Reiker, a sweet but screwy military man who owns an empty house. Reiker, however, to whom the Swiss Army means everything, has problems of his own: how can Switzerland, nation of fabled warriors that even exports its troops to protect the Pope, maintain its fear-inspiring reputation with all the cost-cutting measures? The Army is being forced to save, to restructure, and to take itself seriously. To prevent his ramshackle troops from being axed, Reiker urgently needs help. And just about anyone will do. Like his future son-in-law Alex, the least capable man one could imagine. As a yoga teacher, house-husband and pacifist, Alex has what it takes to be discharged, not put in charge. The pact he concludes with Reiker will not only shake up the Swiss Army, but also Alex's relationship with Anna...
The Swiss Miss Massacre
Jasmin ( Meryl Valerie ) is crowned the new Miss Zurich because the real winner is decapitated in an unexpected way. To mourn the dead Miss does not remain much time, because shortly afterwards the remaining beauties have in a Missen-Camp, which takes place on an island in Tanga Atoll. What begins in paradise ends in hell - a masked killer brings a Miss at a time. Quick is clear: The murderer is among them. While superior to the one Miss contestants how to outwit and kill the murderer, the other run for their lives. The jungle turns into a battlefield. Now the girls must remain calm. However, this is easier said than done. Candidates freak out and can not really look different from the face of death. Jasmin, who appears among the candidates to be the only normal to be in love, meanwhile the photographer Serge ( Patrick Rapold ). Together they try to escape the killer. Can they escape the fearsome killer, or they face an ugly death?
Farmer Jürg can't believe it: His wife Fränzi has had enough and takes off for two weeks, leaving him to look after their farm, the children and his forgetful father Karli all by himself. Jürg has no choice but to take things in hand. He soon realizes that his wife is right, his father isn't just 'forgetting on a bit' - he has Alzheimer. Faced with the challenge of a lifetime Jürg comes up with all sorts of ideas to get his father to do his part.
Das große Comeback
Vater, unser Wille geschehe
Eduard Aebi
O Dia do Gato
Gato (David Cardoso) é um ladrão experiente que invade a casa de um médico com seus dois comparsas para um plano complicado: "vender" a Mercedes do sujeito para vários compradores, como se o carro fosse seu, e embolsar os milhares de dólares que os "compradores" dão como entrada. Ao longo do dia, os bandidos mantêm como reféns todos os integrantes da família. Mas logo os comparsas começam a ficar ambiciosos.
Cargo - O Espaço é Gelado
Samuel Decker
O cargueiro do espaço Kassandra, está na rota para a distante Estação 42. Somente Laura, uma jovem médica, desperta a bordo. Seus companheiros de equipe estão todos dormindo, congelado. Quando a exploração do espaço por uma nave de carga fria dá errada, toda a tripulação deve ser congelada. Faltam mais quatro meses para que Laura chegue ao fim de sua missão. Durante a sua ronda de inspeção diária através da nave vazia e quieta, Laura tem um pressentimento de que não esta sozinha a bordo. Ao ouvir estranhos ruídos decide finalmente acordar o capitão Lacroix. Algo ou alguém parece estar escondido nos compartimentos de carga. Um jogo de gato e rato começa, em que nada é o que parece ser...
Kathy is a single mother who is reluctant to have her 17-year-old autistic son Jimmie return to a home. She takes him in, even though everyone dissuades her from doing so. She is forced to accept that her proximity to Jimmie does not have the desired effect for his progress. On the contrary, his reactions to the unfamiliar situation are fierce, taking her to her limits time and again. The only thing that makes Jimmie feel comfortable is swimming: his greatest passion. When the swim coach discovers his talent, new prospects seem to open for him.
Du gehörst mir
Melanie und Wolf lernen sich bei einer Party kennen. Der sympathische Anwalt erobert Melanies Herz im Sturm. Für beide steht schon nach kurzer Zeit fest, dass sie keinen besseren Lebenspartner hätten finden können. Die Zeit ist reif, und so einigt man sich schnell auf den Termin für die Hochzeit. Im Familien- und Freundeskreis ist man zwar etwas irritiert, doch die bedingungslose Liebe der beiden scheint über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Melanie zieht in Wolfs Wohnung am Rande der Stadt. Doch bald schon schleicht sich in Melanies neues Leben ein Unbehagen...
Love Made Easy
Agent Philip
Pellini is too small, Mobo a paraplegic, Gilbert a klutz and Gus a loser. But they are about to put an end to this! Gus has fallen in love and his friends are willing to do anything to help him. However, the venture proves to be a lot harder than expected. Not only do they not have a clue about women, they soon find themselves dealing with strippers, babies, secret agents and the Mafia.
Tod eines Keilers
Robert Manz
A crime comedy directed by Urs Egger.
Snow White
The life of 20-year-old Nico from upper class Zurich is all party, sex and drugs when she meets Paco, the front man of a rap band. She finds herself drawn to his independent, creative and profound way of life, so different from her own. With naiveté and infinite self-confidence, she tries to adopt his lifestyle - without anticipating the consequences.
Anjas Engel
Albin "Albi" Koller
Lücken im Gesetz
Michael Krattiger
Dann kamst du
Frank Jonas
Why We Try
Argentinian biology student Miro falls madly in love with young actress Mercedes, but is without a clue as to how to win her love. Then, a series of misunderstandings put him in the hot seat as a famous film director. Miro grabs his chance to shoot a film with Mercedes as his leading lady, hoping that she will fall for him. Whilst his plan is crazy, it is simple enough and Cupid is on his side. But Miro hasn't reckoned with film students Peter and Luigi who wish to shoot a “making-of” documentary of the great Argentinian “director”at work.
David spends the last of his money on a room at the luxury hotel Waldhaus, where he plans to commit suicide. As part of his final act he invites his unsuspecting brother Gian along, ostensibly to spend his last days with him. Unexpectedly, Gian comes along with his girlfriend Valeria. David’s decision to end his life is constantly with them, and as the trio float through the days at the hotel, they come face to face with their past, unfulfilled dreams and an almost unbearable present. Eventually, Valeria becomes so captivated by David’s suicidal romanticism that the three of them end up in a ménage à trois – either their salvation or the end for each of them.
David spends the last of his money on a room at the luxury hotel Waldhaus, where he plans to commit suicide. As part of his final act he invites his unsuspecting brother Gian along, ostensibly to spend his last days with him. Unexpectedly, Gian comes along with his girlfriend Valeria. David’s decision to end his life is constantly with them, and as the trio float through the days at the hotel, they come face to face with their past, unfulfilled dreams and an almost unbearable present. Eventually, Valeria becomes so captivated by David’s suicidal romanticism that the three of them end up in a ménage à trois – either their salvation or the end for each of them.
Spital in Angst
Bundespolizist Hermann
Marianne Brunner, a 39-year old housewife, lives with her husband Paul and their daughter Yvonne in a middle-class suburb of Switzerland. Everyday routines govern their lives – until the day Marianne wins 2.9 million Swiss Francs in the lottery. Initially, the family try to keep their luck a secret from friends and neighbours, but as the temptation to spend the cash becomes too big, news of their luck spreads and throws the family into a vortex of envy and malice. The Brunners' quiet life is thrown off course, never to be the same again.
Ready, Steady, Charlie!
In a Swiss church, Antonio Carrera is getting married to the pretty daughter of an Italian Mafioso, when army police officers march in and take him to the 15 week compulsory Swiss military training.
Mike Bärtschi
The wife of the publisher of the tabloid newspaper EXKLUSIV is shot in front of the editors building. The journaIist Mike Baertschi, employee of EXKLUSlV and his photographer Bernhard Kauter are witnesses of this attack.