Grace Zabriskie

Grace Zabriskie

Nascimento : 1941-05-17, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA


Grace Zabriskie (born May 17, 1941) is an American actress. She has appeared in many popular American films and television series such as Twin Peaks and Big Love. ​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Grace Zabriskie


Bad Painter
Joan (voice)
Depois de ter um experiência com um criptídeo devorador de sonhos, o Baku, Lauren (Lake Bell) fica obcecada por ele e passa a procurar essa criatura mítica pelo mundo. Durante sua busca, ela tenta salvar os criptídeos (seres mitológicos como dragões, wendigos, medusas, grifos), mantendo eles numa reserva: o Cryptozoo, mas com o governo caçando eles, Lauren precisa decidir se vale mesmo apena expor essas criaturas ao mundo.
Welcome Home: Mary Reber and the Twin Peaks Palmer House
An extensive interview with Palmer house owner and one-time Twin Peaks performer Mary Reber, with newly unearthed history and information about the home, and the behind the scenes surrounding the iconic location.
I Know Catherine, The Log Lady
An authorized feature documentary about Catherine E. Coulson, best known as the Log Lady in David Lynch & Mark Frost's "Twin Peaks".
Morte Instantânea
Lena Sable
Bird Fitcher (Madelaine Petsch) é uma adolescente tímida do Ensino Médio que pode contar nos dedos aqueles que pode chamar de amigo. Mas o que ela não imaginava era que, após encontrar uma câmera Polaroid amaldiçoada, sua vida seria transformada para sempre: estranhamente, todos que aparecem em alguma foto tirada pelo dispositivo têm um fim trágico e violento.
Ballad of a Righteous Merchant
Documentário sobre o processo e os bastidores da realização de "My Son, My Son, What Have You Done", a aclamada longa-metragem de 2009 do diretor Werner Herzog, um dos pioneiros do Novo Cinema Alemão. "My Son, My Son, What Have You Done" foi inspirado na história real de um ator que cometeu o crime que deveria representar no palco: matricídio.
Um Milagre em Rosemont
Four people become trapped in the once-vibrant Rosemont Lodge during a blizzard before Christmas.
The Makings of You
Nothing happens until two people fall in love -- and then the whole world changes.
O Juiz
Mrs. Blackwell
Advogado de muito sucesso, Hank Palmer volta à cidade em que cresceu para o velório de sua mãe, que há muito não via. É recebido de forma hostil pela família e resolve ficar um pouco mais quando seu pai, veterano juiz, é apontado pela polícia como responsável pela morte de um homem que condenou há vinte anos. Mesmo não se entendendo com o pai, Hank debruça-se sobre o caso, mas os dois não conseguem conviver amigavelmente e a possibilidade de condenação aumenta a cada revelação.
Between Two Worlds
"Between Two Worlds" is a featurette included in the Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery and Twin Peaks: From Z to A Blu-ray releases. It features David Lynch interviewing Grace Zabriskie, Ray Wise and Sheryl Lee, first as their characters (Sarah Palmer, Leland Palmer, and Laura Palmer, respectively), then as themselves. The second portion of the featurette was later released in the Criterion Collection release of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. The Palmer family interview was written by Lynch.
Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces
Sarah Palmer
Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces reúne cenas inéditas de Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, juntando as peças que faltavam de todas as cenas excluídas, formando um filme, que conta com atores do elenco do filme original, incluindo Sheryl Lee, Moira Kelly, David Bowie, Chris Isaak, Harry Dean Stanton, Ray Wise, Kyle MacLachlan, e Mädchen Amick.
Moving Through Time: Fire Walk With Me Memories
Documentary about the making of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.
Blind Malice
Karen, a visually impaired teen and her grandmother make a routine visit to clean the family-owned rental property. But things become unsettling when Karen finds herself alone and childhood memories surface.
Wrong Cops
Donna (Duke's mother)
A group of bad cops look to dispose of a body that one of them accidentally shot.
Wrong Cops: Chapter 1
Duke's Mother
Duke, a crooked and music-mad cop, patrols in Los Angeles’ streets, music blasting and meets a young techno lover, David Dolores Frank. Appalled by the musical tastes of the young adolescent, Duke decides to give him a good music lesson.
My Own Private River
Alena (archive footage)
Unused footage from Gus Van Sant's 1991 film My Own Private Idaho is re-contextualized in James Franco's tribute to River Phoenix.
Meu Filho, Olha o Que Fizeste!
Mrs. McCullum
Os detetives Hank (Willem Dafoe) e Vargas (Michael Pena) foram atender um chamado da Central. O motivo era o assassinato de uma senhora e o principal suspeito, Brad (Michael Shannon) era o próprio filho dela. Mas ele fez dois reféns em sua casa e o desafio para Hanks agora não é mais sabem quem matou ou com o que, mas porquê ele fez isso, já que Brad se diz influenciado por estranhas forças.
Bob Funk
Ms. Funk
After he's fired from his job -- by his mother, no less -- Bob Funk agrees to quit drinking, see a therapist, and eventually report to a new boss, who might just be the woman of his dreams.
In a once thriving Arizona mining town, a woman starts renovating an abandoned brothel and meets the ghosts who still haunt it.
Licença para Casar
Grandma Jones
Ben Murphy (John Krasinski) e Sadie Jones (Mandy Moore) estão noivos e ansiosos para enfim se casarem. Entretanto a St. Augustine, a tradicional igreja da família de Sadie e que é comandada pelo reverendo Frank (Robin Williams), apenas realizará o casamento se ambos passarem pelo famoso curso de preparação de noivos, ministrado pelo próprio reverendo. Sem alternativa, Ben e Sadie aceitam a exigência. Entretanto o curso, que é composto de aulas ultrajantes, estranhas lições de casa e invasões de privacidade, põe em risco o relacionamento entre eles.
Império dos Sonhos
Visitor #1
Nikki, uma atriz casada, é convidada para atuar em uma produção polonesa que foi interrompida após a morte dos protagonistas. Logo ela se envolve com o ator do filme e a realidade começa a se misturar com a ficção.
Spooks & Creeps
Olga ("A Fate Foretold")
This compendium of six horror shorts starring Matthew Glave, Alice Cooper, Ewan McGregor and Rebecca Gayheart serves up a ghoulish cinematic buffet. Two pals discover the dangers of carnivals in "Freak Show"; a sea creature preys on victims in "Desserts"; a man has a "twin" who only surfaces when he sleeps in "Doppelganger"; and more. Also includes "Reducing Stanley," "Holiday on the Moon" and "A Fate Foretold."
O Grito
Emma Williams
Uma enfermeira americana que mora e trabalha em Tóquio é exposta a uma maldição misteriosa em que um espírito se apodera da pessoa, desencadeando um violento surto de raiva, antes de clamar sua vida e passar à próxima vítima.
Many years after a devastating accident that took the life of his only son and permanently injured his wife, Joe finally comes home and tries to redeem himself.
The Last Letter
Mrs. Allison
As they file into the deliberation room, 11 jurors are ready to convict the defendant of 14 counts of murder, but one holdout forces the others to reevaluate the evidence -- and their own motives -- in this tense courtroom drama. As the jurors sift through the case, more of them start to lean toward an acquittal, but could one of them have a hidden agenda? This thriller starring Yancy Butler and William Forsythe holds plenty of surprises.
Perigo na Vizinhança
Sylvia Goodstein
A newly-wed NYC couple move into a low-rent luxury apartment only to be harassed by cryptic elderly neighbors.
Sem Risco Aparente
Mrs. Quarre
Este suspense com toques de filme noir conta a história de um detetive de São Francisco, vivido por Samuel L. Jackson, que tenta ajudar uma amiga a achar sua filha desaparecida. Os acontecimentos o levam a uma complicada e perigosa trama. Durante a busca, o detetive mete-se numa fria, caindo na mão de violentos bandidos que planejam um golpe milionário. Entre eles, está o frio e calculista Tyrone e a bela e fogosa Erin.
Reflections on the Phenomenon of Twin Peaks
"Reflections on the Phenomenon of Twin Peaks" is a featurette originally released on the 2001 DVD release of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. It features various cast and crew reflecting on Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.
Mary Franklin
A psychology student invites a group of his friends and teacher to a drug and alcohol-fueled party where he plans to murder them all.
Mrs. Gage
Quando um jovem morre misteriosamente, seu irmão e uma detetive começam a investigar sua morte, percebendo que as pistas levam diretamente ao líder de um culto que criou um exército de insetos alterados geneticamente.
60 Segundos
Helen Raines
Randall "Memphis" Raines abandonou a vida criminosa há tempos, mas a visita de um amigo o força a retornar à atividade. Para salvar a vida do irmão, ele não tem outra saída senão fazer o que faz de melhor: roubar carros. É apenas uma noite, 50 carros e um contrato.
Home: The Horror Story
Grace Parkinson
Bob Parkinson, the conservative patriarch of a suburban family, thinks he's a nice guy. After a brain operation, however, his latent prejudices turn into vivid experiences in his own home and his life becomes an increasingly horrifying nightmare eventually prompting a personal transformation... or not.
Me and Will
Two women with a passion for motorcycles meet while going through rehab. When they discover they've both longed to ride Captain America's red, white, and blue chopper from Easy Rider, they escape the rehab clinic and hit the highway in search of their dream bike.
Mrs. DeMarie
Trash is a coming of age drama set amongst the poverty stricken trailer parks of the deep South. In a spiraling tale of hatred, love and loyalty, two teenage friends realize that the only way for each of them to escape their miserable futures is by forever sacrificing the other.
Um Funeral no Texas
Quando Jeremiah Sparta morreu, o espírito do Oeste Selvagem se foi com ele. Mas quando sua família é forçada a se reunir em torno do seu funeral, estará muito perto de descobrir que uma pequena parte dele ainda se mantém muito viva.
Mrs. Weiss
The life and times of escape artist/magician Harry Houdini.
Um asteroide ameaça colidir com a Terra e destruir todas as formas de vida. A solução é colocar uma bomba nuclear no interior do asteroide. Para realizar esta missão, convocam um perfurador de petróleo, e ele monta uma equipe nada convencional para os padrões do governo.
Herdeiro do Mal
Rose DeMarco
A woman's mother makes a last-minute deal with the Devil to save her daughter's life, not realizing that her daughter's life is her stake. The daughter lives but with no chance of children. 20 years later, she mysteriously becomes pregnant after meeting a dashing stranger. Yet people are dying around her...
Annie's Garden
Mrs. Barnes
In front of his 15-year-old son, a father loses his temper and strikes his younger daughter, thinking she's trying to run away from him. Jump ahead ten years: the dad is dead, the mom is gone, and the son, Luke, is raising his now grown sister, Annie. He's overprotective, and she seems blood simple, a coquette and an innocent. He runs the diner in town, and one day, Lisa, a callow writer-to-be, comes through from Manhattan, keeping a journal, looking for interesting people. She takes a shine to Annie and then to the muscular and well-read Luke. But what is their secret, how many of the townsfolk are in on it, and what will Lisa do when it all becomes clear?
Melba is a Californian trailer-park girl who is told to look for three kings by a phone psychic, and when she meets three guys - Trent, Brad and Joel traveling to Las Vegas, she decides they are those kings and joins them on their trip.
Dead Men Can't Dance
Brig. Gen. Burke
To stamp out the threat of nuclear war, a special ops team must travel to North Korea to carry out a covert mission to destroy a nuclear power plant. Everything does not go as planned. Their communications are cut off and they must remember their survival training to get them through.
George B.
After winning money gambling in Reno, George enjoys a streak of luck that brings him happiness and success. He dates a beautiful woman and works with a friend in business and then his luck changes while comedy ensues.
Psycho Sushi
Great Aunt
An American model is pursued by Yakuza gangsters when she writes a book about her experience modeling in Japan.
Marcas do Silêncio
Mãe solteira, Anney dá à luz após um acidente. Felizmente, logo conhece Lyle, que assume a pequena Bone e lhe dá outro filho. Mas ele também morre num acidente. Com o apoio da família, Anney sustenta as filhas. Sua carência, entretanto, a faz aceitar o pedido de casamento do apaixonado e tempestuoso Glen. Desde o início, a relação entre Bone e Glen não é boa e piora quando Anny perde o filho que está esperando. Perder o filho que tanto queria faz Glen tornar-se mais violento e perturbado. Bone torna-se uma vítima fácil da ira do padastro. A situação fica dramática e, mesmo preferindo não saber dos abusos e violências que a filha tem sofrido, uma hora Anny terá de acordar! E optar: entre o amor pela filha e a necessidade de um marido...
Murder at My Door
In a quiet neighborhood, a suburban family is shocked when their son is the prime suspect in the brutal murder of a neighbor's daughter.
Tudo em Família
Fazendeiro branco de meia idade descobre, quando da morte de sua mãe, ser filho, na verdade, de criada negra. Nos diários de sua mae adotiva, encontra outra grande surpresa: ele tem um meio irmão negro, que mora em Chigaco, e que decide conhecer.
Em Busca Da Verdade
Francie Harper
Em 1995, duas irmãs quarentonas decidem resgatar uma dívida do passado: desvendar o mistério que cercou a morte da irmã Carolyn, em 1955, que elas acreditam ter sido vitimada pelos maus tratos da perversa madrasta. Baseado em fatos reais.
Mother's voice
In the course of a single night, Miriam realizes that her life is worth more than the $65 price tag she puts on it.
Crazy for a Kiss
Pearl Kinross
On a hot sunny day in Kansas, 1973, Mike Kinross's parents tell him he's going on holiday to his Uncle Dan's house. But instead they drop him off at the juvenile unit of the local mental institution.
Paixões na Floresta
Desire torments a former cultist taking refuge at the home of a scantily clad woman whose husband is away.
Zona Mortal
Um criminoso consegue fugir de pára-quedas quando é transportado em um avião da polícia. Por causa disso, o agente Pete Nessip (Wesley Snipes) que o acompanhava é suspenso, mas decide procurar o preso fugitivo por conta própria. Assim, ele acaba se infiltrando no mundo dos paraquedistas profissionais e descobre o envolvimento da gangue em uma complicada trama de venda de informações secretas do governo para criminosos.
The Crew
Gloria Pierce
Still depressed over the suicide of his mother, Bill has no idea that he's in for a wild ride when he and his wife Jennifer board the yacht owned by her bigoted lawyer brother. Along for the trip: a rock musician and his wife, as well as the newly sex-changed Tim, and the woman he's smuggling into the U.S.
Desert Winds
Jackie's Mother
Jackie and Eugene are joined by a mystical wind tunnel which enables them to speak across a 500-mile desert. Believed by the Indians to be an omen of good luck, the wind inspires both characters to face their fears and follow their hearts.
Até as Vaqueiras Ficam Tristes
Mrs. Hankshaw
Sissy Hankshaw (Uma Thurman) é uma bela mulher de 29 anos que tem algo de muito diferente: ela tem polegares enormes, completamente desproporcionais. Aproveitando o seu "dom", ela decidiu que ia viver pelas estradas, pedindo carona. Modelo em Nova York, ela começa a trabalhar para a exótica Condessa (John Hurt), dona também de uma fazenda de beleza, no Oregon. Chamada para fazer um comercial de produtos de higiene íntima no tal rancho, ela acaba se aproximando da bela Bonanza Jellybean (Rain Phoenix) e entra em uma rebelião junto com as vaqueiras locais para tranformar o lugar em um santuário ecológico.
Double Deception
An ex-call girl hires private investigator Jon Kane to find her missing husband.
Os Crimes da Viúva Negra
Elizabeth Montgomery plays serial killer, churchgoer, and grandmother Blanch Taylor Moore in this, one of her last films before her untimely passing. Childhood memories of her womanizing and abusive father fill Moore with a hidden rage towards all men. Her former boyfriend, first husband and father all died of arsenic poisoning. Now her fiancé, the town's minister, is stricken the same way. Based on the true crime book Preacher's Girl: The Life and Crimes of Blanche Taylor Moore, the film is buoyed by Montgomery's startling performance, and keeps you on the edge of your seat until its final moments.
Bonds of Love
Emma Smith
A divorced woman falls in love with a mentally-disabled man, but his family objects to their relationship.
Segredos e Mentiras
Bem-sucedida repórter televisiva tem sua vida desestruturada a partir do momento em que começa a suspeitar que seu marido lhe esteja sendo infiel. Desesperada, ela passa a investigar a vida do companheiro para descobrir toda a verdade.
Twin Peaks - Os Últimos Dias de Laura Palmer
Sarah Palmer
Prelúdio para a famosa série de TV homônima. Vemos primeiramente as investigações do agente especial do FBI Chester Desmond no caso Teresa Banks. Então saltamos no tempo para uma semana antes do início da série, e acompanhamos todos os acontecimentos de Laura Palmer durante o eterno pesadelo até a hora de sua morte.
Chain of Desire
Linda Bailey
A series of unrelated amorous lovers are connected by a chain of desire.
O Despertar para a Vida
Após um grave acidente, o jovem escritor Joel García fica paraplégico e vai para um centro de reabilitação. Lá tem de decidir entre lutar e aceitar sua nova condição ou simplesmente desistir da vida. Filme estrelado por Eric Stolz, Helen Hunt e Wesley Snipes.
Ferngully - As Aventuras de Zack e Crysta na Floresta Tropical
Magi Lune (voice)
Numa floresta, criaturas mágicas pedem ajuda a um humano quando vêem a ameaça de destruição por causa de máquinas e tratores. O drama se torna maior quando uma árvore que está para ser derrubada pode libertar o espírito do mal.
Tomates Verdes Fritos
Eva Bates
Evelyn Couch visita com o marido um parente no asilo de idosos. Uma vez lá, ela encontra Ninny Threadgoode, uma mulher idosa, que a ilumina e traz uma nova perspectiva através de contos do seu passado. Evelyn ganha a confiança necessária para mudar sua própria vida para melhor.
Intimate Stranger
Dana P. Ashley
A policeman guards a barroom singer whose phone-sex sideline has put a killer on her trail.
Mrs. Merrick
Mitchell Osgood dreams of being a famous writer, but the book he has written constantly is rejected by the editors. When the psychopathic killer Albert Merrik is released from prison after 15 years, Osgood believes that writing down the history of his crimes could be his breakthrough. Although he refuses to talk to him at first, Osgood follows him around and offers him a job in his book shop. To get the right impressions for his book, he feels that he has to experience Merrik psychopathic again.
Blood Ties
The Woman
Carpathian Americans are just like any other expatriate organization, they enjoy family get together, and share business opportunities. There is just one minor difference, the Carpathian Americans seem to have a predilection for drinking human blood.
Servants of Twilight
Grace Spivey
Based on the novel by Dean R. Koontz, this action packed thriller features Bruce Greenwood as a private detective hired to protect a little boy from a fanatical religious cult that believe he is the antichrist fortold in the book of Revelations.
Garotos de Programa
Dois jovens vivem nas ruas de Portland no meio das drogas e da prostituição. Scott só quer envergonhar sua família. Mike sofre de narcolepsia e é apaixonado por Scott. Eles decidem viajar para a Itália em busca da mãe perdida de Mike.
Prison Stories: Women on the Inside
Three novels - three dramatic stories in the walls of the women's prison. The first story - a brand new, first went to prison inmates. The second - about a mother whose son has ceased to go to prison for visits. The third - about the experiences of women on the eve of its release.
Brinquedo Assassino 2
Grace Poole
O famoso brinquedo assassino, com seu sorriso satânico, volta à vida nesta nova história da assustadora luta entre o jovem Andy Baclay e o demoníaco boneco que tenta se apoderar de sua alma. A despeito de ter sido queimado em sua última fuga, Chucky renasce das cinzas depois de ser reconstruído por um funcionário da fabrica de brinquedos, para atenuar a publicidade negativa a respeito do boneco. Ressuscitado, Chucky persegue sua presa para reiniciar a caçada nessa ótima sequência do enorme sucesso popular do primeiro filme.
Coração Selvagem
Juana Durango
Depois de passar um tempo na prisão, Sailor Ripley reencontra sua namorada, Lula Fortune, e eles viajam para a Califórnia. A mãe de Lula não aceita o namoro e contrata um assassino profissional para matar Sailor.
Hometown Boy Makes Good
A med school burnout returns to his small home town, but when he decides against telling his mother that he dropped out, complications ensue.
People Like Us
Woman in Group Therapy (uncredited)
When a wealthy scriptwriter and socialite's daughter is murdered, he feels let down by the courts, and so decides to use his powerful position to enable his own form of justice.
Twin Peaks - Os Últimos Dias de Laura Palmer
Sarah Palmer
O agente do FBI Chet Desmond (Chris Isaak) e seu parceiro Sam Stanley (Kiefer Sutherland) investigam o assassinato da garçonete Teresa, em uma pequena cidade do estado de Washington. Após descobrir uma pista do misterioso crime, Chet desaparece a alguns quilômetros da cidade de Twin Peaks. Um ano depois, outra morte parece estar conectada a este acontecimento: o assassinato de Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee), uma adolescente problemática e viciada em drogas. Os últimos dias de vida da garota podem ajudar a solucionar os mistérios deste crime.
Mrs. Palinov
In the future, national boundaries have been broken down and two giant super-states remain—the bleak, oppressive, and totalitarian "Hemisphere," and the sprawling and futuristic "Megaville." Megaville has an elected president, but the entire system is rife with corruption. All forms of media are encouraged in Megaville, but this freedom has aided moral decay with the distribution of pornography and violent movies. Outside Megaville lies the Hemisphere; whereas Megaville is clean and ordered, the Hemisphere is in a state of decay. Travel from the Hemisphere to Megaville is restricted with few exceptions to the powerful. An outwardly totalitarian regime governs the daily life of civilians in the Hemisphere and the people live in fear of the "CKS" (the secret police). All forms of media are illegal in the Hemisphere. CC
Drugstore Cowboy
Bob's Mother
Bob e Dianne lideram uma gangue de viciados em drogas que percorrem os Estados Unidos assaltando farmácias para sustentar o vício e são perseguidos por um policial.
A Deadly Silence
The father of three children was killed when he left his house. This provokes a lot of sentimental emotions in the neighbourhood because the people know nothing about his dark past.
The Ryan White Story
Gloria White
The story of Ryan White, a 13-year-old haemophiliac who contracted AIDS from factor VIII, which was used to control this disorder.
Lenny Brown moves to California to find his fortune in tax shelter investments. When the federal government changes the tax laws, poor Lenny finds himself $700,000 in hock with nowhere to turn. His friend, Joel, introduces him to cocaine to give Lenny that needed "boost". What ensues next is a descent into drug addiction and insanity as Lenny tries to regain control of his life, all the while needing that extra "boost".
Fotografando a Morte
Sister Marie
"Shooter," aka Matt Thompson aka Gruwald is a photographer in 1967 Saigon, Vietnam. Working out of a news agency for a major magazine, Thompson gets involved in the lives of the soldiers he meets and "shoots." There's Ngoc, the Vietnamese photo lab tech; Klause, a German photographer swiping Buddhas; Rene, a French photographer who carries an AK-47; Stork, Matt's superstitious roommate who is also a photographer; Rizzo, the irascible editor; Lan, an American-educated Vietnamese reporter and Tracey an embassy worker who is Matt's former flame.
Trancers: City of Lost Angels
Jack Deth, the super cop from the future, has put away three centuries worth of time traveling criminals. But Deth's most dangerous collar, the ultraviolent assassin Edlin Shock, has escaped from her maximum security holding cell and won't rest until she's exacted revenge. Meanwhile, Deth is trying to make a life for himself as a private eye in 1988 Los Angeles with his hot-blooded girlfriend Lena. Relationship troubles are just the beginning of Deth's problems when he learns that Edlin Shock has followed him back in time.
My Father, My Son
When an Admiral orders the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, he has no idea the deadly consequences of his actions for his son.
Pulse Pounders
The Warden (Trancers sequence)
In this 'sequel' anthology, the film offers a TRANCERS sequel written by original creators Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo, a new Lovecraft adaptation THE EVIL CLERGYMAN, featuring Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton, and finally a sequel to THE DUNGEONMASTER.
Leonard - Parte 6
After separating from his wife, Leonard Parker (Cosby) quit the spy business and became a restaurateur. His wife refuses to speak with him, and his daughter, who changes her career more often than her clothes, has begun dating a man old enough to be Leonard's father! On top of it all, the government has asked him to come back and save the world again.
Naomi Reece
Liberal district attorney decides to seek the death penalty for a man who slaughtered a family at Christmastime, then drank their blood. He escapes, though, and starts killing again.
Acerto de Contas
Reny McSwayn, um jovem simpático e levemente corrupto policial, investiga em Nova Orleans o assassinato de um membro da Máfia local quando é interpelado pela promotora Anne Osborne, empenhada numa investigação sobre corrupção na polícia. Eles se envolvem afetiva e sexualmente, mas se opõem no plano profissional: McSwayn vê o crime como um acerto de contas entre gangues rivais, enquanto a incorruptível promotora acredita no envolvimento direto de policiais.
Cama Ardente
Flossie Hughes
Uma esposa violentamente abusada cansa de apanhar do marido. Todo lugar em que ela procura ajuda, ninguém pode faezr muito por ela. Após ser estuprada por ele, uma noite, ela coloca fogo na cama enquanto ele dorme. Baseado em uma história real.
Body Rock
Chilly's Mother
Chilly is just a guy from the streets with a talent for break-dancing. When his wicked moves catch the eye of an industry pro, Chilly finds his dreams of fame and fortune coming true, for better or for worse.
A Vida Secreta de Mamãe
Maggie Ryan
16 year old Tobi has just lost her father, whom she has been living with. She finds her mother's address in his papers. So Tobi builds up a fantasy of what her mother, Ellen Blake, must be like. But when she goes to see her, she finds out her mother is a high priced call-girl.
Nickel Mountain
Ellie Wells
Henry Soames owns a rural diner, and has befriended Willard Freud and Callie Wells. One day Willard and Callie get the news that Callie is pregnant, and Willard splits. Henry takes in Callie, and helps her through the pregnancy. They fall in love and get married. All is going well until Willard is back from the road and wants the baby.
A Canção do Carrasco
Kathryne Baker
A história de Gary Gilmore, um assassino condenado que fez lobby por sua própria execução.
Oficial e Cavalheiro
Esther Pokrifiki
Zack Mayo, um homem solitário que cresceu sozinho num bairro pobre, no meio da prostituição e da violência, decide ingressar na Academia Naval. Mayo quer ser piloto de aviões de caça da Marinha. Para isso tem de passar 13 semanas de treino árduo na academia. Reconhecendo os impulsos egoístas de Mayo, o sargento instrutor Emil Foley decide inculcar-lhe as regras básicas da disciplina e do trabalho de equipa. Entretanto, Mayo conhece Paula, uma jovem que trabalha numa fábrica perto da academia, e os dois envolvem-se.
Galáxia do Terror
Captain Trantor
No século XXIII, um grupo de astronautas vai até os confins do universo numa missão de resgaste a um sobrevivente de uma nave desaparecida. Chegando lá eles descobrem uma ameaça muito maior que começa a matar a todos.
Blinded by the Light
When teenager David Bowers renounces his home and family to run off with a quasi-religious cult, his sister, Janet, sets out to bring him back, very nearly becoming brainwashed herself.
Os Investigadores
The lord and lady of a capacious manor are killed, and the lord's ghost seems to have returned to knock off the staff one by one, causing Inspector Winship and Dr. Tart to investigate the wacky house and its inhabitants.
Freedom Road
Ruth Lait
Ex-slave and former Union soldier Gideon Jackson represents other ex-slaves at the constitutional convention, and is soon elected to the U.S. Senate despite opposition from white landowners, law enforcement and the KKK. He unites with sharecropper Abner Lait, who helps Jackson unite ex-slaves and white tenant farmers.
Concrete Cowboys
Meg Barnaby
Two Montana saddletramps head to Nashville to open up a detective agency. At first, the agency begins on a lark but, soon, they get involved in a case involving a kidnapped singer and an intricate blackmail scheme.
Norma Rae
Linette Odum
Norma Rae é uma trabalhadora têxtil do sul, empregada em uma fábrica com intoleráveis condições de trabalho. Essa preocupação com a situação dá a ela o bom senso de ser a principal associada a um organizador sindical visitante. Juntos, eles empreendem a difícil e possivelmente perigosa luta para sindicalizar sua fábrica.
They Went That-A-Way & That-A-Way
Lem's Wife
Dewey and Wallace are small-town lawmen who are ordered by the governor to go undercover as prison inmates to find out where a gang of thieves have hidden their loot. While they're undercover, however, the governor dies, and because no one else knows about the ruse Dewey and Wallace are stranded in prison.
The Million Dollar Dixie Deliverance
Widow Cummins
A Confederate officer kidnaps for a $1,000,000 ransom five well-to-do children from a Yankee boarding school; a wounded black Union soldier helps them escape after they perform the necessary surgery to remove the bullet from his leg. But they are captured again, and it takes a lucky Union army attack to save them.