Duas amigas de longa data se reencontram em um funeral e decidem se vingar do viúvo que as prejudicou décadas antes.
Uma exploração do poder das imagens como forma de promover a igualdade racial, econômica e social vista pelas lentes do fotógrafo Gordon Parks. O filme acompanha a carreira dele ao mostrar a geração de jovens fotógrafos e ativistas que ele inspirou.
Rachel, a concerned researcher, and her team have set out to sea to prove that the disappearance of a family and crew from a merchant ship was for reasons having to do with the supernatural. Her theory that those on the Mary Celeste vanished into a "rift" between dimensions proves true as the boat breaks down and her crew begins to vanish one by one.
M'Dear e suas irmãs tentam reatar o grupo de canto para participar de um concurso. O avô ensina uma lição valiosa para as crianças.
John Shaft, Sr.
Após a morte suspeita de um amigo, John Shaft Jr. (Jessie T. Usher) resolve pedir ajuda a seu pai, Shaft (Samuel L. Jackson), para resolver o caso. Ele aceita deixar a aposentadoria para iniciar a investigação, apesar dos problemas existentes com o próprio filho.
Skip Davis
Uma mulher (Taraji P. Henson) é excluída pelos agentes esportivos masculinos em sua profissão, mas ganha uma vantagem inesperada para contratar a próxima estrela da NBA quando desenvolve a capacidade de ouvir os pensamentos dos homens.
Alonzo Sparks
While his life begins to crumble, TJ Williams's fast fading future is bartered for political gain by his former best friend and boss, a mayor with her eye on a Senate seat and an ambitious activist reverend.
Django é um escravo negro alforriado que, sob a tutela de um caçador de recompensas alemão, se torna num mercenário e parte para encontrar e libertar a sua esposa, ainda escrava, das garras de Calvin Candie, um inescrupuloso proprietário de uma plantação no Mississíppi onde escravas são negociadas como objetos sexuais e escravos são colocados para lutar até à morte.
Inspired by war films from the 1950's, Retreat! tells the story of nine U.S. Soldiers who were forced to retreat into unknown territories deep in the heart of Korea.
The feature weaves an intricate tale about childhood best-friends that have an unusually strong bond and a more intriguing secret. Both young men are on the right path to promising futures, a first round NFL draft pick, and a talented art major on a full scholarship. A complicated web of lies, gambling, murder and a pact between friends sends an innocent friend to prison and the other to fame. After spending eleven years in prison, the innocent comes to collect a debt and is determined to have the life he was promised... by any means necessary.
Theodore Wolf
Whatever She Wants is the story about one woman s determination to rediscover who she really is... Vivian Wolf (Vivica A. Fox) has suffered one heartbreak too many and has no room left for unfulfilling relationships. Now she has come up with the solution to every woman s problem, a private club called Whatever She Wants where men have to qualify to get in.
Lou Bailey
Ocean (Monica Calhoun), a 27-year-old highly-motivated mother has found her calling in managing a neighborhood apartment building along with the residents and the problems found within. As she struggles with a new job, a new home, her own children, a difficult niece, and the issues of other tenants, all within learn something about taking action and using compassion in their own lives.
Four troubled, inner city kids get a western-style shot at redemption when a cowboy pastor invites them to his country ranch and offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Korina, Rey, Anthony, and Marcus all grew up on the streets. Every decision they make in that volatile environment could affect the rest of their lives. Pastor John Gunn (John Schneider) runs the Power Company Kids' ministry, an organization dedicated to giving at-risk kids the tools they need to build brighter futures. He's convinced that the four teens would benefit from going back to the basics and experiencing the cowboy lifestyle, and with a little help from ranch owners Randy and Heidi Gunn, Pastor Gunn shows the kids that there's much more to life than hustling on the streets. Though reluctant to participate at first, the kids quickly adjust to their new surroundings as their eyes are opened to a whole new world of opportunity.
When three women are asked to refurbish a house for their church, they find that they must break down their own self-perception in order to build something together.
Gary Markash
Especialista em resgatar reféns do FBI, o agente Jack Bender foi demitido por não saber trabalhar em equipe. Meses mais tarde, ele encontra-se como um refém a bordo de um avião que foi tomado por um grupo de terroristas bem armados que ameaçam detonar uma arma nuclear. Agora Bender terá que usar todas as suas habilidades para salvar o jato que se dirige a Los Angeles.
Ben Burns
Speed Racer (Emile Hirsch) é um jovem extremamente rápido nas pistas de corrida. Nascido para competir, Speed é agressivo, instintivo e destemido ao volante. O único oponente à sua altura é a lembrança de seu falecido irmão, o lendário Rex Racer, o qual idolatrava. Quando Speed dispensa uma lucrativa e tentadora oferta da empresa Royalton Industries, deixa o dono da companhia, Royalton (Roger Allam), furioso. Logo, Speed faz uma importante descoberta: Os resultados de algumas das corridas mais importantes da temporada são pré-determinadas por um grupo de magnatas impiedosos, que manipulam os principais corredores para aumentar seus lucros. Com isso, a única maneira de Speed salvar os negócios da família é derrotando Royalton em seu próprio jogo. Para tanto, ele recebe a ajuda de Trixie (Christina Ricci), sua fiel namorada, e se junta ao seu antigo rival, o Corredor X (Matthew Fox), para enfrentar o mortal rally, que tirou a vida de seu irmão tempos atrás.
Miles Porter
Um casal se muda com o filho pequeno para um condomínio na Califórnia em busca de segurança, depois do trauma de ter sido atacado por um ladrão. Eles são bem recebidos por seu novo vizinho, mas a amizade logo se transforma em obsessão.
Assistant V.P. Trueman
O adolescente Brendan Frye (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) entra para um grupo de jovens criminosos com o objetivo de começar uma perigosa investigação para tentar encontrar os culpados pela morte de sua ex-namorada, Emily. Depois de aceito pelo grupo, ele começará a conhecer o sub-mundo das drogas e aprenderá, como consequência, a se conhecer melhor.
Lee Marvin
In this darkly karmic vision of Arizona, a man who breathes nothing but ill will begins a noxious domino effect as quickly as an uncontrollable virus kills. As he exits Arizona State Penn after twenty-one long years, Wilson has only one thing on the brain, leveling the score with career criminal, Mackey Willis.
Colonel Watts
Quando Jane Browing (Emmanuelle Vaugier) fica exposta a uma arma bioquímica que altera seus genes, ela ganha poderes de auto-cura e extraordinárias habilidades físicas e mentais. Agora, fugindo de uma organização sinistra determinada a replicar seus poderes – ou destruí-los -, Jane junta forças com alguns improváveis aliados para se tornar uma agente ultra-secreta na luta contra o crime. Tate Donavan (da série The O.C.) é Graham Knight, um professor PhD que ajuda Jane com suas novas habilidades. Richard Roundtree (Shaft) co-estrela como Coronel Watts, seu chefe e mentor. Baseado na famosa série em quadrinhos, Painkiller Jane é a super-heroína do novo milênio.
A former kickboxer returns to his fighting ways when he encounters a gang in Guam.
Rick Apping
A series of brutal murders at several top nightclubs have left the Las Vegas police department baffled. But when they discover that the killers are a group of bloodsucking vampires led by Q (Alex Wilkinson), it's everything they can do to prevent the information from reaching the public.
The future has never looked better for Derrick Reed. Bachelorhood is great, he has a group of guys he can really call friends, and he's the publisher of a magazine that he named after his philosophy of life, Happily Single. Little does Derrick know, appearing on Atlanta's hottest radio station morning talk show to promote his new magazine, he is about to go on a whirl-wind ride, which will eventually take him to the heart of a woman who will change his life forever. He finds the perfect woman and the perfect reason to stop womanizing and make a commitment. This mystery woman is about to have a lasting impact on Derrick's life by changing the way he thinks and feels about women and relationships.
Felicia's Dad
Após romper com Felicia (Vivica A. Fox), sua noiva, Jerry (Cuba Gooding Jr.) entra em depressão. Tentando animar o amigo, Nick (Horatio Sanz) sugere que ambos façam um cruzeiro para solteiros, na intenção de conhecer novas mulheres. Porém, quando ambos já estão em alto mar percebem que algo está errado: ao invés de mulheres lindas e disponíveis o navio está repleto de homens, sendo que um deles, Lloyd (Roger Moore), está encantado com Nick.
With archive film clips and interviews, this brief look at a frequently overlooked historical period of filmmaking acts as an introduction rather than a complete record. It features interviews with some of the genre's biggest stars, like Fred Williamson, Pam Grier, and Richard Roundtree. Director Melvin Van Peebles discusses the historical importance of his landmark film Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. For a contemporary perspective, the excitable Quentin Tarantino offers his spirited commentary and author/critic bell hooks provides some scholarly social analysis.
Three Englishmen working as waiters on a cruise ship in 1927 are given a chance to work for the Al Capone gang.
Jack Blackburn
True story of boxers Joe Louis and Max Schmeling and their enduring friendship.
A romantic drama/detective story about big-time copyright fraud and a bigger-time crush. A complicated love triangle plays out to a dramatic climax, taking us from a strip mall somewhere in the glaring dust of Los Angeles County to a dark forest in Germany.
Howard Shuster
O ingênuo e trapalhão Corky Romano, a ovelha negra de um chefão mafioso, é recrutado pela sua família para se infiltrar no FBI e roubar quaisquer, e todas as provas que podem colocar seu pai rabugento na cadeia.
Lyle Barton
Milo (Ryan Phillippe) é um jovem gênio da informática, que namora uma artista (Claire Forlani) e tem um futuro brilhante pela frente. Ele está prestes a abrir uma nova empresa juntamente com seu amigo Teddy, até que recebe uma proposta irrecusável para trabalhar na empresa de seu ídolo, Gary Winston (Tim Robbins). Milo aceita a oferta, mas logo descobre que a empresa em que agora está trabalhando tem sérias implicações com a lei antitruste americana.
"Uncle" John Shaft
John Shaft (Samuel L. Jackson) um policial que precisa lutar contra o racismo e o tráfico de drogas em uma comunidade local. Quando um conhecido líder da comunidade negra assassinado por um racista filho de um rico e poderoso empresário, Shaft começa a investigar o caso e busca de todas as maneiras conseguir provas que o incriminem e o condenem perante a Justiça.
Uncle Joe
When a renegade military reject puts new superweapons in dangerous hands, John Henry Irons becomes Steel. Wearing body armor, wielding a fearsome electrohammer and riding a gadget-packed motorcycle, he's ready to wage war... if he can fix the untimely glitches in his untested gear.
Grupo de gorilas adota criança abandonada na selva após acidente com seus pais. Apesar de ser totalmente atrapalhado, o garoto cresce e torna-se o rei dos animais, levando uma vida calma e monótona, até conhecer a linda Úrsula, a primeira mulher de carne e osso que vê em sua vida. Apaixona-se imediatamente, e resolve acompanhá-la até São Francisco, para aprender os costumes e a cultura do homem branco. Pronto! A confusão está armada.
Gil Oberman
Jake Travor (Jim Brown), boxeador famoso, retornou a sua cidade natal e encontrou os lugares de sua infância completamente destruídos pela violência, e seu pai no hospital depois de levar um tiro de uma gangue local. A primeira proposta de Jake é um acordo entre as gangues e a comunidade, a ideia de paz é chacinada com mais mortes. “Hot City” é a história de uma comunidade obrigada a tomar uma decisão, uma cruel e audaciosa decisão, resgatar uma vida pacífica através das armas ou viver para sempre numa verdadeira zona de guerra.
This film relates the story of a tightly connected Afro-American community informally called Colored Town where the inhabitants live and depend on each other in a world where racist oppression is everywhere, as told by a boy called Cliff who spent his childhood there. Despite this, we see the life of the community in all its joys and sorrows, of those that live there while others decide to leave for a better life north. For those remaining, things come to a serious situation when one prominent businessman is being muscled out by a white competitor using racist intimidation. In response, the community must make the decision of whether to submit meekly like they always have, or finally fight for their rights.
Commissioner Lynch
Num futuro onde os dinossauros foram recriados por engenharia genética, e convivem pacificamente com os humanos, policial durona se vê em apuros quando descobre que seu novo parceiro chama-se Theodore Rex e pesa três toneladas.
Dist. Atty. Martin Talbot
Somerset é um detective a uma semana da reforma. Mills é um detective jovem e ansioso por tomar o seu lugar. No entanto, ambos vão acabar juntos a resolver o caso de um «serial killer» meticuloso que mata as suas vítimas de acordo com os sete pecados mortais.
Jesse Gavin is an undercover cop, part of an elite police team and highly skilled in lethal martial arts! She is suspended from the force after a witness that she was supposed to protect is killed. She must now find out what happened and clear up her name.
After a rogue band of Pinkerton detectives led by ruthless Charley Siringo bushwhacks reformed outlaw Frank James, he seeks sanctuary on the Ponderosa with the next generation of Cartwrights and his former Civil War compatriots. Will Frank's comrades come to his aid or turn their backs on him? Richard Roundtree also stars in this made-for-TV sequel to the popular Western series.
A woman is torn between her love for a gentle man, and her secret passion for his dangerous brother.
Frank Webb
Two former exotic dancers devise a plot to expose a physciatrist as the murderer of their friend.
Jack Nietsche is a hardened ex-con who now works for an P.I. firm, run by Ted Quincy. Quincy's ex-lover is Roxie, now wife to godfather Tony Falcone. In a huge mix-up/double-cross, Roxie plots with Jack to get rid of Falcone and Quincy, one an abusive husband, the other a demented role playing ex-lover, and run away with Jack. But the double crossings don't end there
Jacob Briscoe
A man with a grudge against the late Little Joe seeks revenge on the Cartwrights and attempts to take over the Ponderosa.
O fotógrafo de arte Keyes Terry (Ross Partridge) estranhamente ganha um espelho de um mendigo que encontra na rua. Porém o objeto, inofensivo à primeira vista, está possuído pelo espírito maligno de Franklin Bonner (Jack Orend), pai de Keyes e que assassinara sua família, tornando-se autor de uma das muitas mortes misteriosas que aconteceram na sinistra Amityville, uma casa mal assombrada por forças demoníacas.
Agent Peterson
A physicist involved in classified military research meets a woman who he begins to suspect is a spy. Her sister is involved with the mob and one of the spies is working with the mob. He unwillingly helps the FBI figure this all out.
Harry Reams
A successful psychiatrist has his world turned upside-down by the appearance of a mystery woman who cannot recall her own past...
Elizabeth é a estrela de um programa de culinária de sucesso e autora de vários livros de culinária. Alexander, seu empresário, vê um heróico guarda-florestal chamado Jefferson no noticiário da televisão dizendo que perdeu sua cabana em um incêndio e deseja poder fazer um jantar de Natal caseiro. Alexander, então, organiza um show ao vivo especial no Natal onde Elizabeth irá cozinhar um jantar de Natal para Jefferson. O problema é que, na realidade, ela não é a melhor das cozinheiras…
Samuel Stark
Don Wilson returns to the screen as a man unjustly accused of a brutal crime. Within the prison he must fight for survival, freedom and justice.
Captain Ralph Phipps
A female photographer teams up with a policeman to try to bring down a corrupt police officer who framed her for drug possession and during her investigation, finds that not everything, or everyone, is what they appear to be.
Dr. Carlson
Vanna White is a stripper who falls for a stunt pilot who develops amnesia after a crash.
A cowpoke buys Billy the Kid's horse and, upon riding it, becomes an incorrigible outlaw himself.
High-priced prostitutes are being systematically murdered, their corpses mutilated, and a bizarre South American symbol painted in blood is found at the scene. The cop investigating is out to solve the crime before his ex wife, a reporter, becomes the next victim.
Lt. Johnson
Rick and Melissa are a pair of young lovers hoping to get out of the slums for good and escape the poverty and crime their families and friends have gotten involved in. All this comes to an end when Rick feels he must rejoin his old gang to avenge the killing of his brother by a rival gang. In the course of getting even, Rick is arrested, leaving Melissa without anyone to protect her. She falls in with a crack dealer and quickly becomes addicted to the drug. When she gets sold to a drug kingpin by a minor dealer to pay off a debt, only Rick can save her.
Captain Crane
Um jovem garoto, Billy, tem como costume contar histórias frutos de sua imaginação. Ninguém parece acreditar nele quando conta aos amigos que sua bela vizinha é uma mundana. Mas ao acordar a noite com um grito, presencia um assassinato igual a muitos que estão aterrorizando a cidade, mas ninguém acredita nele, apenas seu professor.
Richard Roundtree takes on thugs on the streets of Miami.
Lt. Doniger
Ex-prostituta e agora fotógrafa, Angel reencontra sua mãe depois de anos. Esta lhe conta que sua irmã corre perigo e morre assassinada logo depois. Para tirar a irmã das mãos de traficantes de escravas brancas, Angel volta à vida de prostituição.
Captain Barnes
Detetive e promotora tentam desvendar brutais assassinatos de homens. Todos eles foram mortos depois que marcaram um encontro com uma mulher, atavés de um serviço telefônico para pessoas solitárias.
After being betrayed by a fellow Marine and spending five years in a POW camp, homeless Vietnam vet Roy Evans reunites with his commander, Dundee, and is tasked by the FBI to find his betrayer, Slisko, who is suspected of slaying several women. Slisko has also become an arms dealer, and Evans and Dundee endure the trauma of returning to Southeast Asia to apprehend their old comrade
Commissioner Pike
Um criminoso misterioso inicia uma onda de assassinatos em Nova York, testemunhas afirmam se tratar de um policial, um Policial Maníaco! Logo a cidade enfrenta um caos com o povo desrespeitando e querendo linxar a polícia. Cabe ao experiente detetive Frank McCrae, resolver esse caso e descobrir quem é o policial maníaco, antes que um jovem policial leve a culpa por esses crimes.
Chip Williams
The coach of a college tennis team is given an ultimatum: put together a winning team, or else.
Um grupo de soldados de elite, incluindo uma mulher, se inscrevem para sua última missão de treinamento. Eles são enviados até uma ilha, desarmados, com a missão é chegar à zona segura antes que a "força inimiga" os capture. Mas a missão, que era para ser um simples treinamento, sai do controle quando o comandante do "pelotão inimigo" revela-se um sádico torturador. Humilhados e agredidos, os soldados devem aplicar seus conhecimentos militares para sobreviver.
Cmdr. Frederick Bryce
The crew of a Polaris submarine, on a training mission simulating an attack on Russia, is stricken by toxic poisoning. One of the poison's effects is to make its victims hallucinate, and the sub's captain imagines that he has been given an order to actually attack Russia. He prepares to do exactly that.
Dehl Swift
Kansas de 1933, tempo da lei seca. Um policial pouco ortodoxo e um detetive particular de poucos escrúpulos juntam-se numa Operação Limpeza a uma cidade corrupta. O bicho vai pegar e essa cidade vai arder.
Agent Bill Bryant
An L.A. cop investigating the rape and murder of his wife traces the crime to a psycho biker gang that smuggles guns. He teams up with an FBI agent to stop them and catch his wife's killers.
Sergeant John Austin
After a young woman is gang raped and murdered in a California college town, her brother takes up arms by night with a gang of like-minded vigilantes from his fraternity, brutally punishing any miscreants they catch in a criminal act.
A narcotics detective, played by Fred Williamson, lets nothing stand in the way of his bringing down a major drug dealer. After a bust gone awry, he's accused of stealing a lost briefcase filled with money and both the mob and the police are looking for him. A ruthless hit man, played by Bruce Glover, will stop at nothing to get what his boss wants; the money!
A pair of tough cops go after the mob who jinxed the martial arts tournament and injured their buddy.
New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?
Sgt. Augustus Henderson
A noisy and absurd re-telling of the great 1950 invasion of Inchon during the Korean War which was masterminded by General Douglas MacArthur.
Capt. Stevens
Sean Kane (Chuck Norris) se aposenta da polícia de São Francisco após o assassinato de seu parceiro, passando a enfrentar o crime por conta própria, o que o leva a investigar uma rede de tráfico de drogas
Gideon Marunga
The South African businessman David Swansey is delivering illegal German helicopters to Rhodesia. That makes the patriot Gideon Marunga an angry man.
Treasure hunters from around the world race to Mexico after a Middle Eastern luxury yacht explodes, sending a Shah's fortune and mysterious document to the bottom of the ocean.
Nat Judson
During the World War II, the prisoners of a German camp in a Greek island are trying to escape. They not only want their freedom, but also seek an ineffable treasure hidden in a monastery at the summit of the island's mountain.
Coco Morrell
A professional hitman is hired to kill a brain surgeon. However, it turns out that not only are he and the surgeon old friends, but they are both in love with the same woman.
Charles Hodgson is a British aristocrat who decides to become a thief as a way of getting at his twin brother, Earl, a security expert who has built a supposedly impregnable vault in Tel Aviv, which holds a cache of diamonds. For the caper, Charles enlists Archie, a heist expert, and Sally. He also becomes acquainted with an American woman, Zelda Shapiro, who is in Israel looking for a new husband.
Englishman Robinson Crusoe, stranded alone on an island for years, is overjoyed to find a fellow man, a black islander whom he names Friday. But Crusoe cannot overcome the shackles of his own heritage and upbringing and is incapable of seeing Friday as anything other than a savage who needs Crusoe's brand of cultural and religious enlightenment. Friday attempts to share his own more generous and unashamed culture, but ultimately realizes that Crusoe can never see him as anything but an inferior being. With that awareness, Friday sets out to turn the tables on Crusoe.
Miles Quade
Um jovem sismologista, usando os ensinamentos de um especialista, prevê um tremor de ampla magnitude em Los Angeles, mas ninguém lhe dá a devida atenção. A vida das pessoas e de todos os moradores da cidade será tragicamente atingida pelo maior terremoto que a cidade já viu e, apesar de pequenos tremores prenunciarem a catástrofe, a população não pressente a tragédia que está para acontecer.
John Shaft
Mais um desafio para o famoso detective privado sempre em frente. Espanquem, droguem, raptem e deixem John Shaft semi-despido num buraco malcheiroso sem problemas. Se quiserem recrutar este duro detective de Manhattan para uma missão fora do país, é melhor utilizar uma linguagem à sua altura. Uma que ofereça uma boa quantia à cabeça. E de preferência um bom rabo de saias como cúmplice. O indomável Shaft, disfarça-se de escravo, desmascara o líder de um cartel de tráfico de escravos de África para a Europa e, como complemento, mistura negócios com prazer envolvendo-se com uma lindíssima princesa.
The Black Man
A black Union Army deserter and his crippled American Indian hostage form a strained partnership in the interests of surviving the advancing threats of a racist bounty hunter and neighboring bandits.
Shelly Forsythe
Conflict erupts within a close-knit engine company of a big-city fire department when a black recruit and a bigoted white veteran clash during a wave of suspected arson in the ghetto. Pilot to the short-lived series that began a run in January 1974.
A report on the National Black Political Convention held in Gary, Indiana, in 1972, a historic event that gathered Black voices from across the political spectrum, among them Jesse Jackson, Dick Gregory, Coretta Scott King, Richard Hatcher, Amiri Baraka, Charles Diggs, and H. Carl McCall.
John Shaft
John Shaft is back as the lady-loved black detective cop on the search for the murderer of a client.
Dick Shannon
A KGB assassin infiltrates the American embassy in Beirut in an attempt to eliminate a Russian defector being protected by the CIA.
John Shaft
John Shaft , um investigador durão, é contratado para localizar uma jovem adolescente que foi seqüestrada, mas acaba no meio de uma guerra entre traficantes. A produção foi premiada com um Oscar de Melhor Canção Original.
A behind the scenes look at the filming of the movie Shaft (1971). The movie's director, Gordon Parks is seen directing a couple of fight scenes which he wants to get in as few takes as possible due to the set-up time and the danger involved in the stunt work. He is also seen speaking to the composer of the film score, 'Isaac Hayes', about the overlaying of the music over one of those fight scenes, and what he wants musically for another scene involving the lead character, John Shaft, moving through Times Square. The latter would eventually become the movie's iconic theme music. Being a frenetically paced action movie, he also works closely with the film's editor, Hugh A. Robertson.
Interracial Couple
Candid Camera's Allen Funt secretely tapes people's reactions to unexpected encounters with nudity in unusual situations, such as when a naked young woman casually exits an elevator in an office building, or when the nude male art model breaks the wall between artist and model and has off-the-cuff conversations with the clothed women artists. Funt also secretly tapes the test audience watching the preview film and their responses to it, from outright indignation to warm hearted-praise.
Deceived by a phone scammer pretending to be her grandson, a 90-year-old woman sets out on a quest to reclaim what was taken from her.