Lee Dong-jun

Nascimento : 1967-02-05,


A Birth
Original Music Composer
"Birth" deals in depth with the patience and courage of Kim Taegon, a young man who had to create his own hope, his willingness to throw his body, and his love for God and man that he showed throughout his life.
578: Magnum
Original Music Composer
A container truck driver, Hùng, lives an idyllic life with his little daughter, An. The father and daughter become the closest companions in every journey with their orange container truck. Life goes on like that until An has to leave her father to go to school. One day, Hùng is informed that An is suffering from severe depression. Relying on his old skills in the past and finding out the truth, Hùng becomes enraged and painful to know that his little girl was kidnapped by a male stranger. Starting his lone and intense journey looking for and chasing after the unknown abuser, Hùng realizes that to hunt down that psychopath he has to counter the massive underground forces behind him.
Perhaps Love
Original Music Composer
Kim Hyun is a best-selling author who has been experiencing a writer's block for seven years. He keeps an amicable relationship with his ex-wife Mi-ae, who is now dating his best friend and publisher, as they take care of their oversensitive teenage son. To get back on his feet with his career, he decides to work on a new novel with an aspiring writer, his student, Yoo-jin, only to get his life more complicated when Yoo-jin comes out as gay and confesses his love for him.
Best Friend
Original Music Composer
Daekwon is the team leader of the surveillance team on the verge of getting a demotion. His mission is to be as an unemployed head of a household and monitor the politician's family who's been house arrested right after arrival from abroad for 24 hours a day with his team. Members of the surveillance team, who have moved into the next door disguised as a neighbor, discover secrets one by one, through monitoring all the sounds and behaviors of suspicious family members, from requests for a radio show to midnight rustling noises…
I Can Speak
Original Music Composer
A grumpy old woman befriends a young civil servant and learns English from him. She then reveals to him her shocking past.
Operação Chromite
Original Music Composer
Quando as forças conjuntas da Coreia do Sul e dos Estados Unidos parecem prestes a perder a Guerra da Coreia, o General Douglas MacArthur (Liam Neeson) se junta à guerra e, durante a Batalha de Incheon, no dia 15 de setembro de 1950, ajuda as tropas a vencer o conflito e retomar o controle sobre Seul.
Salut d'Amour
Original Music Composer
Sung-Chil works at the Jang-Soo Store which is owned by Jang-Soo. Sung-Chil is stubborn and has a bad temper, but he changes after meeting Geum-Nim. Geun-Nim runs a flower shop and her daughter Min-Jung does not like her meeting Sung-Chil.
Original Music Composer
A young woman named Yeon-hee is traveling to Pyongyang with a coach full of elderly people. As she flips through old photographs, she remembers telling her husband Min-woo that she wouldn't allow him to "cross over" to North Korea given the political situation of the day. But Min-woo left anyway and never returned home, and their marriage was torn apart by the Korean War. Now, sixty years after the division of Korea, she looks forward to reuniting with her beloved Min-woo again.
Geochang Massacre - Bloody winter
Original Music Composer
Dong-seok Cha, a documentary producer, made a documentary about 'Geochang massacre in 1951' for its 60th anniversary, but it is not selected as a broadcasting program for its lack of impact. So, PD Cha is disappointed until he meets Ji-yoon and her grandfather Lee, who was a soldier at the time of 'Geochang massacre in 1951', and has lost his memories by disease. Ji-yoon and Lee come down to Geochang to find a girl in a picture, which Lee has kept for his life. PD Cha thinks that it is a great chance to take impact on the documentary by filming him.
Miracle in Cell No. 7
Original Music Composer
Lee Yong Goo tem a mente de uma criança de seis anos, que na verdade é a idade de sua filha, Ye Sung. Um dia a filha de um chefe de polícia morre em um estranho acidente e Yong Goo é acusando e sentenciado a morte por sequestro, agressão sexual e assassinato de um menor.
My Way - Prisioneiros de Guerra
Original Music Composer
Na Seoul colonial de 1938, dois homens distintos possuem um sentimento forte de rivalidade desde quando eram jovens. Joon-sik é um coreano que sonha em seguir os passos do maratonista olímpico Sohn Kee-chung. Tatsuo é um grande maratonista japonês, viveu com Joon-sik, já que asua família trabalhava para Tatsuo como servos. Eles cresceram como rivais representando seus respectivos países.
Original Music Composer
A former jockey who became blind after losing his wife in an accident gets a second chance with the help of his daughter and an injured horse.
Deusa da Guerra
Original Music Composer
Um grupo terrorista conhecido como "Athena" e liderado pelo Mentor Diabólico Son Hyuk ameaça a Coréia do Sul e o restante do Mundo. Agora depende do agente especial Lee Jung Woo da Agencia de Segurança Nacional desbaratar esta terrível conspiração. Jo Soo Young, a filha do Presidente da Coréia do Sul, é sequestrada e escondida na Itália. Jung Woo e sua equipe são incumbidos de achá-la e trazê-la de volta.
Grand Prix
Original Music Composer
Grand Prix" covers the world of horse racing, centered around the romance between a male horse jockey and a female horse jockey. Seo Joo-Hee (Kim Tae-Hee) is an ambitious equestrian who loses her beloved horse in a racing accident and also injures her arm. Devastated she quits the sport and travels to Jeju Island. On Jeju Island, Seo Joo-Hee meets fellow equestrian Woo-Seok (Yang Dong-Kun), a former winner of the Japan Cup who is also experienced a similar slump as Seo Joo-Hee. With Woo-Seok's help, Seo Joo-Hee becomes inspired to compete for the Grand Prix Chamionship.
71 - No Meio do Fogo
Original Music Composer
Baseado em uma história real, o filme retrata delicadamente a dura batalha que jovens soldados enfrentaram para proteger a linha de defesa por conta própria. Entre um ataque de emoções e conflitos inesperados, eles experimentam uma guerra de adultos.
Punch Lady
Original Music Composer
Ha-eun, an ordinary housewife who has endured her husband's violence for 13 years, challenges her husband, who is a mixed martial arts champion, to a duel in the ring.
Lump of Sugar
The daughter of a poor rancher, Si-eun's only hope is to one day, become a jockey. With her mother passing away at her birth, her favorite horse, Chun-doong, has become not only her friend, but also a soul mate. She is devastated when Chun-doong is sold to another owner, but when they are reunited two years later they have a chance to create a miracle by teaming up in a race.
The Romance
Original Music Composer
Yoon-hee is so harassed by her husband's obsession and frantic love, that even breathing is painful to her. One day, her sudden suicide attempt is foiled when someone takes her in his arms and saves her. Hyeong-joon is a rough-looking detective. He asks nothing, but maybe he knows that for some people, just being alive is hard enough. Yoon-hee goes looking for Hyeong-joon, and from the moment she sees him, feels that he already loves her deeply. Because she knows it is totally impossible to be free from her prison of marriage, the peace and happiness she feels at Hyeong-joon's side is heartbreaking and frightening. Hyeong-joon, used to his life of loneliness and despair, loves Yoon-hee at first sight, but as he can't do anything for her, just lets her go. The only thing he can do is to offer her and himself some comfort.
My Girl and I
Original Music Composer
Su-ho is a plain high school boy, and Su-eun is a bright and beautiful girl in the same school. For some unknown reason, Su-eun has a crush on the boy, and for equally mysterious reasons she rescues Su-ho in the sea (though he doesn’t know who actually saved him).
A Irmandade da Guerra
Original Music Composer
Jin-tae, um sapateiro, trabalha incansavelmente para poder pagar a faculdade de seu irmão mais novo Jin-seok, entretanto, seus desejos e sonhos são colocados de lado quando os dois são forçados a entrar no exército contra suas vontades. No momento crucial da batalha, o destino intervém, forçando seus laços de fé, amor e confiança a serem testados diversas vezes.
Save the Green Planet!
Original Music Composer
A young man believes that his country's leaders are actually toxic reptilian aliens sent down to launch a takeover of his beloved Earth. So he decides to abduct them and force the truth out on camera in his basement that doubles as a film studio and torture chamber.
2009: Memórias Perdidas
Original Music Composer
Em 2009 a Coréia não existe mais como país, é apenas parte do grande Império Japonês do qual Seul é a terceira maior cidade. Sakamoto que tem origem coreana é um policial do JBI e é parceiro de Saigo, japonês, seu melhor amigo. Ambos são designados para investigar uma organização terrorista de origem coreana a "Confederação de Libertação da Coréia" que aparentemente pretende devolver a autonomia a Coréia. As investigações de Sakamoto acabam por gerar uma série de acontecimentos que o levam a uma incrível descoberta: A linha do tempo foi propositadamente alterada. Isso faz com que ele abandone sua lealdade aos japoneses e, a partir daí passe a ser cassado por seus antigos colegas principalmente por Saigo, seu melhor amigo, que foi enviado para detê-lo a qualquer custo.
Libera Me
An arsonist is terrorizing Seoul and the fire investigators are hot on his trail.
Phantom: The Submarine
Korea's first nuclear submarine and a crew with no record of existence embark on a do-or-die mission into the deep waters of the Pacific.
Shiri: Missão Terrorista
Um atirador de elite assassina metodicamente pessoas importantes durante uma investigação do serviço secreto Sul Coreano. O agente especial Ryu e seu parceiro Lee suspeitam de Hee, a maior detetive letal da Coréia do Norte. Quando uma brecha de segurança aponta o roubo de um líquido explosivo altamente avançado chamado CTX, pertencente às autoridades sul-coreanas, Ryu e Lee sabem que terão um grande desafio pela frente. Fraudes são reveladas, lealdades questionadas e duas nações ameaçadas neste filme com muita ação.
The Soul Guardians
Original Music Composer
When the police raid the compound of a religious cult, they discover that almost all of the members have committed suicide. The only survivor, laying on an altar in the middle of the room, is a very pregnant woman who goes into labor as the raid begins. The woman dies in the hospital, but her child survives. 20 years later, strange things are starting to happen around the child, now a grown woman. A group of religious warriors from a mix of faiths join together to try and protect her from whatever supernatural horrors are seeking her out.
Green Fish
Returning home and finding his town drastically changed, a former soldier falls in with gangsters.
The Gingko Bed
Original Music Composer
Soohyun is an artist who teaches at a college. His girlfriend Sunyoung is a surgeon. A strange and mesmerizing reincarn ated love story begins when Soohyun buys and old gingko bed at a market. In his earlier life Soohyun was a musician for the royal family one thousand years ago. He and Princess Midan Were deep ly in love. However, General Hwang, who was also in love with the princess, kills Soohyun. And Midan's spirit hides insi de the gingko bed. Midan appears in front of Soohyun after one thousand years but the spirit of General Hwang, still in love with Midan, does not allow them to meet. Soohyun's present girlfriend, Sunyoung, decides to prove the existence of the spirits by risking her own life. Midan makes her last choice in order to save Sunyoung from General Hwang.
Marriage Story 2