Thomas Lagerman


O Homem que Brincava com Fogo
Documentário que detalha o legado e a vida do escritor sueco Stieg Larsson (1954-2004). Criador e autor da trilogia Millennium, de romances policiais que, mais tarde, foram adaptados para o cinema, Larsson, em seu trabalho como jornalista, dedicou-se de forma pioneira a combater os ativistas de extrema-direita e o neonazismo. O filme inclui entrevistas com pessoas próximas a ele, além de material de seu arquivo pessoal, encenações e imagens inéditas.
October Boy
14-year-old Thomas moves to the city. In school he meets Mads and Emma, who are interested in him for different reasons.
LasseMajas detektivbyrå - Stella Nostra
The sleepy little town Valleby is getting ready for the cafe owners Dino Panini's and Sara Bernard's wedding, and our popular young detectives Lasse and Maja stand ready to ensure that nothing will go wrong. But when the wedding couple's respective relatives arrive, they prove to belong to rival mafia families.
Beck 30 - The Hospital Murders
An elderly woman dies in a hospital in Stockholm and it turns out that she suffered from an incurable disease. Her son refuses to believe that it was the disease that was the primary cause of her death.
Annabell's Spectacularities
A magical musical adventure about Annabell Olsson and her quest for the wizard who turned himself into a glass of lemonade and drank himself. 700 years later, it appears that the enchantment is about to be broken...
Agente H - Missão Resgate
O agente especial Carl Hamilton já teve uma família. Mas as pessoas que mais amava no mundo foram tiradas dele em um ato de vingança – e agora o rapto de sua afilhada de sete anos de idade traz de volta memórias dolorosamente intensas. Quando a imagem da garota Nathalie surge na internet, começa a ficar claro que o sequestro está diretamente relacionado ao cargo de sua mãe, Ewa Tanguy, chefe do departamento de segurança do governo. Tudo indica que o responsável é um milionário saudita, que quer usar a menina como um exemplo. As autoridades permanecem passivas. Isso significa que é hora de Hamilton entrar em ação, numa perigosa (e suicida) missão de resgate.
As Jóias da Coroa
O filme conta a história de Fragância, uma menina que é presa suspeita de ter assassinado o filho do homem mais rico da cidade, Richard Persson. Fragância é interrogada e diz que é preciso contar a história da vida dela para que o investigador entenda o que aconteceu. Ela nasceu no mesmo dia que Richard, e a vida deles sempre se cruzaram, apesar de não serem amigos.
The Temptation of St. Tony
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control of his life.
Patrick, Idade 1,5
Göran and Sven have been cleared for adoption and they have a possibility to adopt a swedish orphan, Patrik 1,5. But when Patrik arrives he turns out to be someone else, not the little boy they were expecting. A comma had been misplaced, and in comes a 15-year-old homophobic with a criminal past.
All About My Bush
Allt om min buske är en sexkomedi i trädgårdsmiljö om oväntade kärleksförbindelser och avgrundsdjup svartsjuka. Det vackra och välbärgade paret Nils och Karin flyttar in med sin dotter Barbro i det exklusiva villaområdet. I huset intill med den botaniska trädgården bor systrarna Isabel och Lily. Systrarna sköter trädgården och livnär sig på att arrangera guidade turer genom den artrika floran. Mötet med systrarna blir omvälvande för Nils och Karin när deras ordnade tillvaro och noggrant formgivna livsstil ställs på ända. Någon vandaliserar plötsligt den prunkande trädgården och oanade naturkrafter frigörs när jakten på kärlek och trädgårdssabotörer tar sin början...
There is a thin line between money and loyalty. Thomas Skepphult runs an investment company, and is arrested for the murder of his business partner when his fingerprint is found on the murder weapon. When he tries to call his lawyer, the phone is answered by someone who he thought had committed suicide years ago.
Looks at the link between Guantanomo Bay and the torture methods used in Iraq. How US forces handle the task of retrieving information from the detainees. Ex detainee Mehdi from Sweden breaks his vow of silence.
27 sekundmeter snö
In 1939 ten people on an outing are caught in a mountain cabin during a snow storm together with the cabin's hostess. The first night one of them is killed, and it can not have been someone from the outside so the killer must be someone in the cabin...
Illusive Tracks
Christmas 1945. In a train from Stockholm to Berlin are a motley collection. It is the failure of the author Gunnar who wants to leave his old life and make a contribution in Berlin; physician Henry who plan to marry Marie and likewise Henry's current wife Karin, who he plans to kill during the journey, the middle-aged gay couple Pompe and Sixten, a soldier going to Uppsala but is on the wrong train: the cheerful and cynical old Margaret, and a dressed elf and a surly conductor. With the train are also a number of Baltic refugees accompanied by two nuns to be sent to Germany.
Bit by Bit
The story of J whose goal is to be world master at playing Nintendo. He struggles with his traditional Jewish family and non-Jewish girlfriend who demand that he grow up and get a job. Real problems arise when he awakes to discover that his right hand is missing.