Andrea Zogg

Andrea Zogg

Nascimento : 1957-11-26, Chur, Switzerland


Andrea Zogg


Luchsinger and the Gods
Geri Zangger
Four Swiss pensioners spend their retirement in Bali for economic reasons. In their luggage they carry memories and unresolved conflicts that have little to do with their new surroundings. And when one of them runs out of money even in cheap exile and the other, who draws a fat pension, faces death, they decide on a bold plan: to exchange their lives.
As Confissões de Félix Krull: Cavalheiro de Indústria
Adaptação literária: um belo jovem de origem humilde ascende na sociedade por meio de suas conexões feitas como ascensorista de um hotel de luxo.
Padre di Benni
Passionate for climbing, Allegra is victim of a terrorist attack, in which her friends lose their lives. She isolates herself after crushing fear towards people and a burning desire for revenge start devouring her. Her beloved ones are helpless. In order to be able to go back enjoying her life, she will have to face her inner struggles. In doing so, Arad – a young refugee from Middle East – crosses her path. Allegra’s greatest challenge will be regaining trust, especially when the element of diversity is involved.
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the icy death
Beat Bürki
When Borchert receives an anonymous message that a certain Franz Brosi is innocent, law firm boss Dominique can hardly believe it. After all, Brosi was her first client as a public defender a few years ago and had actually confessed. The two are investigating the case.
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the dead in the lake
Beat Bürki
Thomas Borchert is already looking forward to his goddaughter Jenny, who is completing a practical semester in Albania. At the airport, as part of the baggage check, half a kilo of hashish is seized from her, which Jenny claims she did not know anything about. Borchert and Dominique Kuster want to find out who could have put the hash on her. They also have to solve the murder of an entrepreneur who was involved in crooked business.
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the murderous greed
Beat Bürki
The lawyers Borchert and Kuster are investigating a case involving a young student who has come under the crosshairs of a terrorist group.
The Working Man
After his parents' death, construction worker Sigi doesn't know what to do with his life. He can't do much with his pay, and as a working-class man, women aren't interested in him. But things start to change after a colleague advises him to start moonlighting as a private builder and he meets the beautiful Hannah.
The Reformer – Zwingli: A Life's Portrait
The life story of church reformer Ulrich Zwingli
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the last hope
Beat Bürki
Anton Schneider says goodbye to his wife Luise in tears and dies. Schneider was seriously ill with multiple sclerosis and was diagnosed by neurologist Dr. Hoffer medically treated. Luise Schneider reports the doctor and accuses him of incorrect treatment of her husband, which ultimately led to his death. The mandate against Dr. Hoffer takes over Dominique Kuster, who entrusts her employee Thomas Borchert with the investigation.
Little Mountain Boy
Um menino deve enfrentar a neve profunda do inverno para obter uma importante lembrança familiar. Antes que ele possa começar esta jornada difícil, ele deve primeiro ajudar sua família a sobreviver à ruína financeira, resgatar seu amado bode de estimação e, com seu melhor amigo, enganar um valentão malcriado que parece querer pegá-lo em cada esquina. Será que ele vai voltar para a aldeia a tempo de celebrar as férias de final de inverno de Chalandamarz?
A Historia de Kaminski, O Pintor Cego
Dr. Vögeli
O jovem jornalista Sebastian Zöllner está escrevendo um artigo sobre o biografia do pintor Manuel Kaminski, um artista esquecido que vive sozinho nos Alpes. Para levantar sua carreira, Zöllner tem o plano de publicar o livro, mas apenas quando Kaminski falecer, a fim de lucrar com as vendas.
The Drift
Robert, a former driver in illegal races, returns to his hometown Dietikon after a long period of absence. He is determined to put his past behind him and starts an apprenticeship in a repair shop. When he meets teacher Alice, his life starts to unravel.
Tutti giù
Dottor Camenish
Mary & Johnny
Set during one feverish night at the Zurich Festival in 2010. The final of the Football World Cup is approaching. Mary wants to see the game, but her boyfriend Johnny is not in the mood. He has just lost his job and is badly depressed. They start to fight and their ways part. On their journey through the night they come across shady characters and turbulent events, tragically, they miss each other again and again. An adaptation of "Casimir and Caroline" by Odon von Horvath.
Liebling, lass uns scheiden
Willi Gremlich
Let's Get Divorced, Darling! Franziska Klaus (42) wants to divorce her husband Oliver (47). He is convinced that she has another guy. As a successful business woman Franziska would have plenty of opportunities. Whereas he, Oliver, looks after the house and their children, Anna (15) and Tim (17). But Franziska is only flirting with Maik, the junior consultant in the company. While Oliver sacrificed his dreams of being a painter in favor of his wife's career. While Franziska is in London with Maik, on business, Oliver meets his French teenage love, Sophie. As an art dealer she encourages him to start painting again. By and by Oliver begins to emancipate from Franziska, and finds his old self again, the daredevil he used to be. At the same time, in London, Franziska reconsiders - Oliver is Mister Right after all! .
Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
Alpes suíços, 1975. Num remoto vilarejo montanhoso, surge uma mulher de extrema beleza. O policial Reusch é o único que decide se aproximar e investigar a origem dessa silenciosa mulher. Tudo indica que ela é proveniente de Höhenalp, uma região onde os camponeses solitários fazem coisas inimagináveis para obter uma companhia feminina. Fatos que outrora permaneceriam encobertos vêm à tona e uma história de desejo, loucura e assassinato comprometem a aparente tranquilidade do vilarejo.
Noldi Sturzenegger
Heldin der Lüfte
Gian Padrun
Cannabis - Probieren geht über Regieren
Dr. Hablützel
Ruža deixou a Sérvia, o seu país, há mais de 30 anos e vive em Zurique. O seu dia-a-dia é uma sucessão de momentos repetitivos até que, um dia, Ana chega ao lugar e perturba o mundo meticulosamente organizado de Ruža. Uma subtil amizade cresce entre estas duas mulheres determinadas.
Werner Baumberger
Hardly back from America in her home village, the young mountain guide Andrea Stamm is called to a rescue operation. The wife of the contractor Baumberger has an accident. A murder? The whole village mourns, but Andreas's father Robert Stamm can not believe in an accident. The former police officer, who was sent against his will in early retirement, is convinced that Baumberger killed his wife. After initial hesitation, Andrea gives credence to her father's suspicions and begins to investigate. The television movie Steinschlag is an exciting Swiss crime drama based on the novel by Emil Zopfi.
Der Nebelläufer
The Little Girl
lupo (wolf)
A little girl looking for directions meets the wolf, the bull and the great woman on the mountain. A short film specially commissioned to celebrate the centenary of cinema.
A Viagem da Esperança
Num vilarejo paupérrimo do interior da Turquia, as histórias de sucesso econômico de turcos que foram viver na Suíça inspiram Haydar a fazer o mesmo. Ele convence a mulher, Meryem, e assim vende o pouco que tem para poder comprar as passagens. Mas ele deverá deixar com parentes seus sete filhos. O pai de Haydar, no entanto, diz ao filho que ele precisa levar ao menos uma das crianças para estudar na Europa. Eles embarcam e tudo parece seguir tranquilamente. Mas durante a viagem eles são enganados por um homem que se diz guia, são abandonados nos Alpes e Haydar e o filho ainda se perdem de Meryem.
Les compagnons de Jenatsch
A journalist is assigned to interview an eccentric anthropologist who has exhumed the skeleton of Jörg Jenatsch, a revered freedom fighter who was mysteriously murdered in 1639. Initially disinterested, the journalist begins to uncover unflattering truths about the national hero and experiences visions in which he seems to be witnessing events that transpired over 300 years ago. As he obsessively pursues the investigation, his personal life and his grip on reality disintegrate, drawing him relentlessly toward the fatal carnival at which Jenatsch was killed.