Vera Bommer


Anna, Francesco and the eight years old Giorgio can't afford a fancy holiday. Afraid of losing their reputation, they decide to fake the vacation. They hide in their own house and they post on social medias photoshopped pictures of the family at the Bahamas. Inebriated by likes and folowers, the parents forget their son's needs.
The small swiss village of Mitholz got destroyed in 1947 after an Ammunition depots of the Swiss Army exploded. After decades of secrecy, the population learned in 2018 that the danger had not been averted yet and that the residents need to leave their homes. A story about the abuse of trust and the mistakes of a government whose citizens pay the price for.
wacked..! tells the story of Michael and his friends Mani and Dani. All three of them are patients in a psychiatric institution with the same goal: they want out! The lively interplay between the characters sets the scene and provides insight into the manic-depressive protagonist's inner world. A serious topic, portrayed in an entertaining and direct manner.
Ruža deixou a Sérvia, o seu país, há mais de 30 anos e vive em Zurique. O seu dia-a-dia é uma sucessão de momentos repetitivos até que, um dia, Ana chega ao lugar e perturba o mundo meticulosamente organizado de Ruža. Uma subtil amizade cresce entre estas duas mulheres determinadas.