Evi Romen


Why Not You
Mario, a young dancer living in a small village has to face the loss of his beloved best friend Lenz, victim of an attack in a gay club.
Why Not You
Mario, a young dancer living in a small village has to face the loss of his beloved best friend Lenz, victim of an attack in a gay club.
Two policemen find themselves in obscure situation during their nightly duty on the Hoehenstrasse in Vienna
Kästner and Little Tuesday
Germany, 1931. The youth novel "Emil and the Detectives" is being filmed, which will make its author, Erich Kästner, world famous. An unusual friendship begins between the childless author and fatherless Hans, the 9-year-old playing the character Little Tuesday. Their friendship is put to the ultimate test in the Third Reich when Kästner's books are banned and little Hans becomes a Hitler Youth. Based on a true story.
Life Eternal
Brenner returns to Graz, the city where he grew up. When confronted with his old friends, his former girlfriend and the major sin he committed when he was young, murders and a fateful gunshot to the head result. After Brenner comes out of a coma, he begins to search for the person who tried to kill him - however, everybody claims that he himself is responsible. In the beginning Brenner was at the end of his rope, but he could face a new beginning in the end.
Variações de Casanova
Giacomo Girolamo Casanova nasceu em Veneza (Itália), em 1725. Célebre pela sua existência libertina, foi um sedutor e amante instigado por um desejo de aventura e conhecimento que nunca o abandonou, nem na velhice. De espírito temerário, passou grande parte da vida em viagens pela Europa, onde foi encontrando algumas das mais importantes personalidades do seu tempo, como Mozart, Voltaire ou Rousseau. Mais tarde, já de idade avançada, dedica-se à escrita de "História da Minha Vida", uma longuíssima obra biográfica onde confessa as suas aventuras e que, desde a sua publicação, constitui um importante testemunho do pensamento do século XVIII. Neste "Variações de Casanova", o protagonista, já idoso, recebe a visita de Elisa van der Recke, uma bela e misteriosa mulher que o fará recordar o passado, as suas paixões e, sobretudo, o seu constante medo da morte.
O Assassino da Floresta
Uma jovem detetive é designada para um caso de assassinato brutal em sua cidade natal. Quando o irmão dela se torna o principal suspeito, ela é forçada a enfrentar os demônios de seu passado
O Silêncio da Montanha
Itália, 1915. Os jovens Andreas (William Moseley) e Francesca (Eugenia Costantini) se conhecem no casamento da irmã dele e logo se apaixonam perdidamente. Na mesma época, a Itália declara guerra a Áustria-Hungria e a Primeira Guerra Mundial eclode. Andreas é chamado a lutar no fronte, nas montanhas Dolomitri, localizadas no norte da Itália, mas deixa com Francesca um sinalizador para que ela acenda caso esteja em perigo. Quando o conflito se agrava, o batalhão do rapaz descobre que o seu vilarejo está sendo atacado, e no momento em que a moça pede ajuda, ele precisa decidir entre lutar pelo seu país ou por sua amada.
The Bone Man
Mais uma vez, algo aconteceu. Um homem pelo nome de Horvath desapareceu, e a única pista que leva ao restaurante Löschenkohl, uma hospedaria conhecida especializada em frango assado. O investigator Brenner vai tentar resolver o caso...
A man who accused a catholic bishop of abusing him when he was a child dies in the Austrian city Salzburg. Everyone except his widow and the eccentrical detective Simon Brenner keeps silent and believes that the man killed himself.
Come Sweet Death
Ex-detetive Brenner quer manter-se longe de problemas, mas vários casos de assassinato e sua ex-namorada Klara finalmente acabam por envolvê-lo. Mas a tomada de decisões não é um de seus pontos fortes.
Kaliber Deluxe
Tells the story of a group of gangsters hiding out in a vacation-bungalow who get more than they bargained for.
Die Nichte und der Tod
The 3 Postal Robbers
Two rival children groups are trying to find a three postal robbers who kidnapped a young girl.
Helden in Tirol
Helden, a village in a secluded, forgotten valley in Tyol. A place where the world is still a happy place, where a simple poache named Max loves poor Emma. However, he doesn't want to stand in the way of her being happy by marrying the greedy mayor's rich son. Time stands still in Helden, where Father Johannes is still able to stir up the parish with his sermons, where the oldest resident has already celebrated his 300th birthday, and where the village idiot reads Marcel Proust. One day, this idyll is threatened when the mayor plans to turn the village into a tourist trap. The heroic Max is ready to fight this decision and do battle against injustice. It's no surprise that Emma sides with him, and after staving off the evil menace, he can marry his beloved as a reward.
After the last concert of a long tour, Dr. Kurt Ostbahn retires to his favorite café to relax. He is suddenly dragged into a bizarre criminal case. His vacation then fills with vice, perversion and murder. Of course, this is not just a story; Dr. Kurt Ostbahn experienced everything himself! The characters are not inventions; they are personal acquaintances of Dr. Ostbahn. Only the names and details have been changed so as to make them barely recognizable. And the story is more exciting than real life.
Es war doch Liebe
Jan, a freelance journalist, and Sabine, the mother of his two children and a textile designer, have no money. Sabine is abandoned by her husband and then gets caught up in the bureaucracy. A sober psychogram of a woman who is fighting and hoping for her life and everyday life.
Der Taxichauffeur
During the course of his 36 years of service as a Viennese taxi driver. Mr. Joschi has covered over 1.5 million kilometres in Vienna...using the same car all these years. Now he is retiring, and with him a piece of Viennese history is disappearing, irretrievably. The film accompanies him on his last journey.
Attwenger Film
A portrait of Attwenger, the duo from Upper Austria (Markus Binder and Hans-Peter Falkner). The attempt to unite the worlds of Austrian folk music and hip-hop has already succeeded in the music of Attwenger.
Aktion K
"Aktion K" is a documentary about the greatest mass exodus from a nazi concentration camp, which took place at the upper Austrian hills, in 1945. The following hunting is still known there under the cynical title "Mühlviertler Hasenjagd" - "The Mühlviertel's hare hunting".
Run for the Roses
There are favorites in every race - those who are not permitted to lose again - and outsiders - who are unable to lose again.
Männer wissen warum
Three young soldiers in a car have twelve hours to spare and only one thing on their minds: WOMEN. They are accompanied on their journey by the music of Freddy Quinn: "Destiny strikes aimlessly; today it's you, tomorrow me".
All are waiting everywhere
All are waiting everywhere
Die Täuschung des Auges durch das Ohr
A documentary look behind the scenes at dubbing voices and sound effects. A scene is filmed and then copied three times with different sound effects and dialogues, thereby telling thre different stories.