Michael Muhlfriedel


Original Music Composer
A psychology student invites a group of his friends and teacher to a drug and alcohol-fueled party where he plans to murder them all.
The Natural History of the Chicken
Through interviews and reenactments, The Natural History of the Chicken investigates the role of the chicken in American life and tells several remarkable stories. A Maine farmer says she found a chicken frozen stiff, but was able to resuscitate it. Colorado natives tell a story of the chicken who lost its head-- and went on living. A Virginia farmer tells about (and demonstrates) the benefits of raising chickens for his own consumption. Perhaps most surprising is the case of the Florida woman: she bathes her pet bird, and takes it both swimming and shopping. Through these and other stories, this documentary illuminates the role that chickens play in (some of) our lives.
Five Aces
Chris Martin has a problem: his impending marriage. Like any other man about to enter into the holy vows of matrimony, Chris has begun to second guess himself. Is married life what he really wants? While his bride-to-be takes care of the wedding plans, Chris returns to the neighborhood of his youth to consider his married future and to spend one last week of bachelorhood with his four high school buddies: Ray, Ash, Todd and Sean. Together, the reunited "Five Aces" enjoy a funny bittersweet week reminiscing about a time when they had all the answers... only nothing turned out the way they planned. As the week's events unfold, the Five Aces begin to realize exactly what life and friends mean to each other.
Meu Pai Herói
Original Music Composer
De férias nas Bahamas, Nicole (Katherine Heigl) é uma mimada adolescente que viaja com o pai, André (Gérard Depardieu), para uma ilha tropical. Ela acha tudo muito chato e monótono, até conhecer Ben (Dalton James), um jovem charmoso que tem mais ou menos a sua idade e tem espírito aventureiro, porém certamente inconsequente. Para atrair sua atenção ela inventa uma história infeliz, na qual seu pai é um amante violento e espião internacional. Desejando ver a filha feliz, André, mesmo contra sua própria vontade, embarca nas invenções dela, mas talvez tenha que encarar as consequências de sua escolha.
Abismo do Terror
A tripulação de uma base nuclear subaquática experimental é forçada a lutar por suas vidas quando suas explorações perturbam uma criatura que ameaça destruir sua base.
An intelligent pulse of electricity moves from house to house, terrorizing occupants through their own appliances. Having already destroyed one household in a quiet neighborhood, the pulse finds itself in the home of a boy and his divorced father.