Guillaume Gallienne

Guillaume Gallienne

Nascimento : 1972-02-08, Neuilly-sur-Seine - France


Guillaume Gallienne


The Edge of the Blade
In 1887, at a time when duels are in vogue in Paris, Clément Lacaze and Marie-Rose Astié meet. He's a charismatic master of arms; she's a feminist, far ahead of her time. Clément gets caught in a spiral of violence and decides to initiate Marie-Rose in the art of dueling. The two must work together to save face. How far will they go to defend their honor?
Le soir où j'ai reçu le César
A Crônica Francesa
Mr. B
Na França pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, um jornal americano dá vida a uma coleção de histórias publicadas na revista "The French Dispatch".
Saddle Up For Revenge
Claude Marquinnier
Parody of the acclaimed Australian series of the 80s, Return to Eden. Wealthy heiress Stephanie Harper marries athlete Craig Danners, without suspecting that he only wants her money and is having an affair with her best friend, Crystal. Craig and Crystal have a plan to get rid of Stephanie and steal her fortune by making her suffer a terrible accident, which leaves her face disfigured. She is saved by the handsome Doctor Danley, who performed a plastic surgery on Stephanie that turned her into a completely different and beautiful woman. Stephanie starts plotting her revenge against Craig and Crystal, who believe that she died in the accident.
Kaamelott: Parte 1
Após o fim da aclamada série de TV, o Rei Arthur se oporá ao exército de Lancelot para obter o trono de volta após sua fuga para Roma.
Canal+ Replay
SAV des émissions
Mr. Replay hosts a TV special where more than 30 French comedians "replay" iconic Canal+ original programmings.
The Fool
Pontagnac, a married man, tries to seduce Victoire, the wife of his good friend. Little does he know, Victoire has plans of her own to punish her cheating husband. The would-be fling ignites a dizzying spell of complications as characters arrange trysts, attempt to expose each other’s deceits, and are ultimately forced to come clean.
The Fool
Édouard Pontagnac
Pontagnac, a married man, tries to seduce Victoire, the wife of his good friend. Little does he know, Victoire has plans of her own to punish her cheating husband. The would-be fling ignites a dizzying spell of complications as characters arrange trysts, attempt to expose each other’s deceits, and are ultimately forced to come clean.
Rossini: La Cenerentola
Stage Director
Divested of its traditional attributes – glass slipper and pumpkin carriage – and dominated by a tyrannical stepfather instead of a cruel stepmother, Rossini’s la Cenerentola plays with these most conventional of fairy‑tale characters. Nonetheless Cinderella lives in a closed world devoid of tenderness and under the yoke of the tormentor whom she protects. Deep beneath her goodness smoulders a fire that her encounter with the prince will set free… Guillaume Gallienne subtly highlights the halftones of this dramma giocoso, somewhere between opera buffa and opera seria, and ranging from sombre melancholy to the burlesque.
A wannabe actress follows her dreams and moves to Paris.
A wannabe actress follows her dreams and moves to Paris.
Ilia Ilitch Oblomov
Vitalium, Valentine !
Cézanne e eu
Paul Cézanne
A história de amizade é rivalidade entre o pintor Paul Cézanne e o escritor Émile Zola.
Down by Love
Baseado numa história verídica, o amor impossível entre um diretor de prisão e uma de suas presidiárias.
Divine Comédie, des planches à l'écran
Bolshoi Ballet: Lost Illusions
Lucien, a young composer, sets out to conquer the Parisian scene in search of glory. His success soon blinds him, and he betrays his friends and his love. Lost Illusions is a new ballet created in Moscow in 2011 by Alexei Ratmansky with dramaturgical advice from Guillaume Gallienne. This stylised adaptation of Honoré de Balzac’s novel features thwarted love, ambition, and disillusionment, with 19th century Paris as its backdrop.
Yves Saint Laurent
Pierre Bergé
Paris, 1957. Com apenas 21 anos, Yves Saint-Laurent (Pierre Niney) é chamado para cuidar do futuro da prestigiosa grife de alta costura fundada por Christian Dior - falecido recentemente. Depois de seu primeiro desfile triunfal, ele vai conhecer Pierre Bergé (Guillaume Gallienne) e este encontro irá abalar sua vida. Amantes e parceiros de trabalho, os dois se associam a fim de criar a grife Yves Saint Laurent. Apesar de suas obsessões e demônios interiores, Saint Laurent vai revolucionar o mundo da moda com sua abordagem moderna e iconoclasta.
Le Débarquement 2
Various Characters
Eu, Mamãe e os Meninos
Guillaume (Guillaume Gallienne) tem uma história de vida curiosa: quando era criança, sua mãe autoritária sempre pensou que ele fosse diferente dos irmãos, e decidiu criá-lo como uma garota. Anos depois, já adulto, ele relata a relação complicada que tinha com o pai, os maus-tratos dos colegas de escola e seus primeiros amores. Depois de várias confusões e histórias engraçadas, Guillaume decide fazer uma peça de teatro para contar como consegui finalmente fazer as pazes com a sua sexualidade.
Eu, Mamãe e os Meninos
Guillaume (Guillaume Gallienne) tem uma história de vida curiosa: quando era criança, sua mãe autoritária sempre pensou que ele fosse diferente dos irmãos, e decidiu criá-lo como uma garota. Anos depois, já adulto, ele relata a relação complicada que tinha com o pai, os maus-tratos dos colegas de escola e seus primeiros amores. Depois de várias confusões e histórias engraçadas, Guillaume decide fazer uma peça de teatro para contar como consegui finalmente fazer as pazes com a sua sexualidade.
Eu, Mamãe e os Meninos
Guillaume (Guillaume Gallienne) tem uma história de vida curiosa: quando era criança, sua mãe autoritária sempre pensou que ele fosse diferente dos irmãos, e decidiu criá-lo como uma garota. Anos depois, já adulto, ele relata a relação complicada que tinha com o pai, os maus-tratos dos colegas de escola e seus primeiros amores. Depois de várias confusões e histórias engraçadas, Guillaume decide fazer uma peça de teatro para contar como consegui finalmente fazer as pazes com a sua sexualidade.
Eu, Mamãe e os Meninos
Theatre Play
Guillaume (Guillaume Gallienne) tem uma história de vida curiosa: quando era criança, sua mãe autoritária sempre pensou que ele fosse diferente dos irmãos, e decidiu criá-lo como uma garota. Anos depois, já adulto, ele relata a relação complicada que tinha com o pai, os maus-tratos dos colegas de escola e seus primeiros amores. Depois de várias confusões e histórias engraçadas, Guillaume decide fazer uma peça de teatro para contar como consegui finalmente fazer as pazes com a sua sexualidade.
Louis de Funès Forever
A moving and very funny portrait of the personal and professional life of the magnificent French comedian Louis de Funès (1914-83), as well as a detailed analysis of his masterful acting technique.
Astérix e Obélix: A Serviço de sua Majestade
Asterix e Obelix voltam em uma nova aventura. 50 anos A.C. Júlio César tem um enorme desejo de conquista e a frente de suas legiões gloriosas, ele decide invadir a Grã-Bretanha, e em pouco tempo domina todo o território, faltando apenas a pequena aldeia de Breton. Seu povo resiste bravamente, mas vai enfraquecendo e eles, então, decidem buscar a ajuda de Asterix, Obelix e seu barril de poção mágica.
Confissões de um Jovem Apaixonado
Paris, 1830: Octave, betrayed by his mistress, sinks into despair and debauchery. His father's death leads him to the country where he meets Brigitte, a widow who is ten years his elder. Octave falls in love passionately, but will he have the courage to believe in it?
The Italian
Dino Fabrizzi is the number one seller of the Maserati dealership in Nice. At 42, he arrives at a turning point in his life, the position of director is openly proposed and his companion for a year, Helen, has the firm intention to marry her. For Dino, life is great, except that this perfect life was built on a lie. Dino is actually called Mourad Ben Saoud. Neither his boss nor Helen and even less his parents are aware of this false identity. In ten days begins Ramadan and Mourad who passes every year will this time assume the promise made to his sick father. Taking part in Ramadan, For Dino - the Italian - it will not be easy.
A Very Very Beautiful Love Story
Dorothée and Nicolas fall in love at first sight. Together, they’re going to live a very beautiful love story... they know it. But life always finds a way to compromise the best resolutions, the best script, and nothing will happen as expected. Nicolas and Dorothée will be carried into a stormy comedy as crazy as their passion for each other…
O Concerto
À época de Brejnev, Andrei Filipov era o maior maestro da União Soviética e dirigia a célebre Orquestra do Bolshoi. Mas, após recusar se separar de seus músicos judeus, entre os quais estava o seu melhor amigo, Sacha, Andrei foi demitido em plena glória. Trinta anos depois, ele continua a trabalhar no Bolshoi... como faxineiro. Uma noite em que Andrei fica até mais tarde, para polir a escrivaninha do diretor, ele se depara com um fax encaminhado à direção do Teatro: trata-se de uma mensagem do Teatro de Châtelet, convidando a orquestra do Bolshoi para tocar em Paris. Subitamente, Andrei tem uma ideia louca: por que não reunir seus antigos companheiros músicos, que vivem hoje de pequenos biscates, e ir com eles a Paris, fazendo-se passar pelo Bolshoi? Enfim, a ocasião tão esperada de ter a sua revanche.
Adieu De Gaulle, Adieu
Bernard Tricot
Musée haut, musée bas
Max Perdelli
Un conservateur terrorisé par les plantes vertes, une mère plastifiée pour être exposée, un ballet de Saintes Vierges, des gardiens épuisés par Rodin, un ministre perdu dans une exposition de sexes, une voiture disparue au parking Rembrandt, des provinciaux amoureux des Impressionnistes, touristes galopins galopant d'une salle à l'autre, passager clandestin dans l'art premier, Picasso, Gauguin, Warhol, ils sont tous là dans ce petit monde qui ressemble au grand, dans ce musée pas si imaginaire que ça, valsant la comédie humaine jusqu'au burlesque.
The Candidate
Monsieur Max
Max Jacob jeune
Portrait of a homosexual bohemian who converted from Judaism to Catholicism and was captured by the Gestapo in the 1940s.
Meu Coronel
Le sous-préfet
Um 'Coronel Reformado' é encontrado morto em Paris, algumas décadas depois de a Argélia ter vencido a luta pela independência da França. O tenente Galois é encarregado da investigação deste assassinato. Ela recebe o diário do tenente Guy Rossi, que serviu sob o comando do Coronel na Argélia em 1956, e foi relatado como desaparecido em ação desde 1957. As revelações encontradas no diário de Rossi vão muito além das ações do Coronel na Argélia e dão uma ideia de como A guerra da Argélia para a Independência estava realmente suja. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Lazare Wéwé
Since her parents passed away, Princess Mona lives by herself in a castle with two hideous, ghastly characters, Goomi and His Lordship. One day her sobs draw the attention of a unicorn, called U, who wants to comfort and protect Mona for as long as she needs. U becomes Mona's companion, her confidant and her inseparable friend. While Mona grows into a beautiful princess, a group of charming, peaceful and fanciful Yeah-Yeah’s settles in the neighboring forest. They have no particular special powers, yet they soon bring about major changes in everyone's lives, especially in Kulka, the dreamy musician.
The Jungle
Mathias Warkhevytch
Vincent and Mathias are two friends, in their thirties, who live off Vincent’s father. One day, during a meal where the wine and talk both flow a little too freely, Vincent’s father offers the two friends a bet. If they can survive seven days and seven nights in Paris with just seven Euros in their pocket, he will pay off all of their debts. If not, they will have to learn to fend for themselves. Confident of their abilities to survive in the jungle that is Paris, Vincent and Mathias willingly accept the offer, but soon regret doing so...
Maria Antonieta
Charles Gravier, Count of Vergennes
A princesa austríaca Maria Antonieta (Kirsten Dunst) é enviada ainda adolescente à França para se casar com o príncipe Luis XVI (Jason Schwartzman), como parte de um acordo entre os países. Na corte de Versalles ela é envolvida em rígidas regras de etiqueta, ferrenhas disputas familiares e fofocas insuportáveis, mundo em que nunca se sentiu confortável. Praticamente exilada, decide criar um universo à parte dentro daquela corte, no qual pode se divertir e aproveitar sua juventude. Só que, fora das paredes do palácio, a revolução não pode mais esperar para explodir.
Um Lugar na Platéia
Jessica (Cécile de France) é uma jovem que nasceu e foi criada no interior da França. Ela se muda para Paris determinada a conseguir um emprego no famoso hotel Ritz. No entanto, a garota não consegue o almejado sonho. Por isso, contenta-se com um emprego como garçonete num café na Avenue Montaigne. O fato do estabelecimento estar situado próximo a um teatro faz com que Jessica frequentemente sirva artistas que agitam o local de trabalho da protagonista.
Tu vas rire, mais je te quitte
The complicated life of a wannabe actress who meets an older writer in the midst of a crisis.
Samuel Pupkin
Gustave Klopp suffers from narcolepsy, he can fall asleep everwhere at anytime whithout warning. Living a simple life with his wife Pam and his best friend Lenny Bar, Gus decides to undergo therapy sessions and finds out that he can make incredible comics from his dreams.
Tudo Pela Honra
La Houlette
Em meados do século XVIII, as mulheres são fáceis e os homens dedicam-se ao seu esporte predilecto: a guerra. Fanfan (Vincent Perez) é um belo rapaz, ingênuo e sensível, que se engaja no exército de Luís XV. Adelle (Penélope Cruz), filha de um sargento, prediz que o futuro de Fanfan será glorioso. Durante as batalhas na Aquitânia, Fanfan salva uma carruagem real do ataque de uma horda: nela estão Madame Pompadour e Henriette, filha do soberano. Tem início o cumprimento da profecia de Adelle...
Monsieur Ibrahim
The Car Salesman
Paris, 1960s. Momo, a resolute and independent Jewish teenager who lives with his father, a sullen and depressed man, in a working-class neighborhood, develops a close friendship with Monsieur Ibrahim, an elderly Muslim who owns a small grocery store.
The Beast of Gevaudan
Abbé Pourcher
A new tell about the most famous legend in France.
Les frangines
After the death of her father, the model Alix Castelac discovers that she must share the will, and the family property, with a half-sister hidden by the name of Noémie Boileau, a truck driver.
Le cœur sur la main
Le snob
House for sale...
Jet Set
In the working-class Paris suburb of Montreuil, Jimmy's restaurant, the Bombay Bar, is on the verge of being closed down by creditors. Jimmy is despondent -- the fact that his wife is about to have a baby isn't helping matters -- when he and his business partner Fifi find unlikely inspiration in the form of "Riches et Sympas," a TV show dedicated to the lives of the rich and famous. Figuring that getting the "right" people to frequent their business will ensure its reputation, Jimmy and Fifi persuade Jimmy's friend, the laid-back, unemployed Mike, to pose as a nobleman and lure his moneyed associates to the Bombay Bar. Mike agrees, and after crashing a posh charity ball, he finds himself being taken in by the likes of society fixture Arthus de Poulignac and Evrard, the latter of whom ensconces Mike in his private mansion. Unfortunately, Mike soon becomes a little too fond of his newly-acquired lifestyle, leaving Jimmy to wonder what to do with the monster he unwittingly created.
The Dancer
Unicorn artist
A mute female dancer who wows audiences in club competitions but can't get Broadway jobs because of her handicap, develops a "voice" when a young scientist invents a device that allows her to make music via her dance movements.
One 4 All
L'agent immobilier
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
Monsieur Naphtali
Monsieur Naphtali is a good-natured but somewhat feeble older man turned away from the rest home where he lives. In search of a place to stay, he finds his way to Paris, where a woman taking surveys takes pity on him and brings him home for a meal and a bed for the night. Naphtali finds himself spending the evening with the survey woman, her brother who works in publishing, his lovely but unhappy wife, an alcoholic doctor, and his wife, an ill-tempered judge. In a simple and unpretentious manner, Naphtali forces them all to open up about themselves and discuss elements of their lives that they usually prefer to avoid.
The Tango Lesson
Pablo's Friend
On a trip to Paris Sally meets Pablo, a tango dancer. He starts teaching her to dance then she returns to London to work on some "projects". She visits Buenos Aires and learns more from Pablo's friends. Sally and Pablo meet again but this time their relationship changes, she realises they want different things from each other. On a trip to Buenos Aires they cement their friendship.
A Saturday on Earth
Apprenti bijoutier
A series of seemingly unconnected events and 50 important speaking parts make this film a jigsaw puzzle to be solved by the viewer. Martin and Claire were separated in childhood, and are brought together by a series of coincidences. A tragic car crash is central to the story, but seemingly unimportant events can hold great significance. Through a montage of different film stock and techniques director Diane Bertrand creates pieces of a puzzle, from which the viewer has to piece together a story. That's the premise of the film, and it is solvable. You just have to work a bit...
Sabrina é filha do chofer da rica família Larrabee. Ela passa dois anos em Paris e volta como uma mulher sofisticada, atraindo a atenção de David, o caçula dos Larrabee, por quem sempre foi apaixonada. Linus, o mais velho, tenta impedir o romance.
Tableau d'honneur
Handsome Jules has problems with school and girls. His domineering dad doesn't make matters easier, although his mom is supportive of her only child. Contemplating an extramarital affair, Claude Jade attempts to discreetly shop for condoms, a cute twist on what is traditionally a teenage boy's awkward ordeal.
Cyrano is a cat with a snout so large and ungainly that he comes to resemble a dog. A musketeer in the company of the Cadets of Gascony who has mastered the art of poetry, he is in love with his cousin, the beautiful and gentle Roxane, an immaculate feline; but she has fallen in love with Christian, a cheeky Cavalier King Charles who has just joined the Cadets, much to Cyrano's displeasure. Roxane asks Cyrano to act as a messenger to talk to Christian. Torn but resigned, Cyrano agrees. Christian is handsome but lacks Cyrano's word, so Cyrano proposes a pact: he will be his fighting spirit, Christian will remain the charming body. Will the two of them manage to seduce Roxane?
Cyrano is a cat with a snout so large and ungainly that he comes to resemble a dog. A musketeer in the company of the Cadets of Gascony who has mastered the art of poetry, he is in love with his cousin, the beautiful and gentle Roxane, an immaculate feline; but she has fallen in love with Christian, a cheeky Cavalier King Charles who has just joined the Cadets, much to Cyrano's displeasure. Roxane asks Cyrano to act as a messenger to talk to Christian. Torn but resigned, Cyrano agrees. Christian is handsome but lacks Cyrano's word, so Cyrano proposes a pact: he will be his fighting spirit, Christian will remain the charming body. Will the two of them manage to seduce Roxane?