Conheça curtas de animação como "Phil’s Dance Party" e "Binky Nelson sem Chupeta" nesta compilação de curtas da mesma produtora da franquia Meu Malvado Favorito.
They are stubborn and arguable and have messy hair and hairy bodies. They live in the Prairie of Prax. Varieties of Zax include a North-Going Zax and a South-Going-Zax.
O Grinch é um ser verde que não suporta o Natal e, todo ano, precisa impedir que os habitantes da cidade vizinha de Quemlândia comemorem a data. Decidido a acabar com a festa, ele resolve invadir os lares dos vizinhos e roubar tudo o que está relacionado ao Natal.
Determined to scare The Once-ler out of Truffula Valley, The Lorax decides to create the illusion of ominous forces of nature.
The barbaloots are told by the Once-Ler that they can sit on the wagon and that it had better not move. They and the donkey nod in agreement. The barbaloots try to get the donkey to move. He won't move. The small barbaloot taunts the donkey with what looks like an apple in front of him on a long pole the he's off. Did they get the wagon back in time? Yes, but what transpired from start to finish?
O menino Ted (Zac Efron) descobriu que o sonho de sua paixão, a bela Audrey (Taylor Swift), é ver uma árvore de verdade, algo em extinção. Disposto a realizar este desejo, ele embarca numa aventura por uma terra desconhecida, cheia de cor, natureza e árvores. É lá que conhece também o simpático e ao mesmo tempo rabugento Lorax (Danny DeVito), uma criatura curiosa preocupada com o futuro de seu próprio mundo.
Um elefante com muita imaginação chamado Horton ouve um sumido pedido de ajuda vindo de um grãozinho de pó que flutua pelo ar. Horton suspeita que pode haver vida naquele pedacinho de pó e apesar da sua comunidade achar que ele perdeu o juízo, ele está determinado a salvar a pequena partícula. Afinal o grãozinho é na verdade um planeta minúsculo, onde há uma cidade chamada "Quem Vila" habitada por seres de tamanho microscópico conhecidos por os "Quem". Os "Quem" pedem a Horton (cujos habitantes o elefante não consegue ver, embora os consiga ouvir bastante bem, por causa da sua audição extraordinária) que os proteja do mal, ao qual Horton alegremente acede. Ao fazer isso ele é ridicularizado e maltratado pelos outros animais da selva, por acreditar em algo que eles não conseguem ver nem ouvir. Horton conta aos "Quem" que eles necessitam fazer-se ouvir aos outros animais.
Conrad e Sally são dois irmãos que, num dia chuvoso, estão em casa sem ter nada para fazer. A única diversão da dupla é ficar brincando com o animal de estimação deles, um peixe. Até que surge um gato travesso, de cartola vermelha e branca, que leva a dupla a um incrível mundo de imaginação.
Um Grinch que odeia o Natal resolve criar um plano para impedir que os habitantes da pequena cidade de Quemlândia possam comemorar a data festiva. Para tanto, na véspera do grande dia, o Grinch resolve invadir as casas das pessoas e furtivamente roubar delas tudo o que esteja relacionado ao Natal.
Animator Chuck Jones collaborated with Theodor Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) to bring his classic children's book to life. Embittered, green-haired hermit the Grinch (voiced by Boris Karloff) lives in the mountains above the village of Whoville. The Whos love Christmas, and the Grinch hates the Whos, so he conspires to keep Christmas from coming. How the Grinch Stole Christmas is enjoyable on every level. This all-time classic now has Horton Hears a Who! on the same video for a great double bill.
Daisy-Head Mayzie wakes up one morning to find a daisy has sprouted from the top of her head. Facing her classmates' taunts and her parents' dismay, Mayzie triumphs at last with the hard-won knowledge that love is more important than fame!
This short video features illustrations from the Dr Seuss story book with narration by Walter Matthau. A hermit known as the Grinch hates Christmas and is tired of the Whos of Who-ville celebrating it. This year, he plans to steal it from them. Video also includes the story If I Ran The Zoo.
Executive Producer
The Zooks and the Yooks are at war over the butter and bread - on which side should one spread?
The Zooks and the Yooks are at war over the butter and bread - on which side should one spread?
Original Story
No one will argue that fashion is a terrible force. But it’s bad when people follow it blindly, turning their appearance into a cult.
A friendly moose lets an insect hitch a ride on his antlers. But the moose is soon taken advantage of, as more and more forest creatures (including a bear!) take up residence in his antlers. How can the moose get rid of these unwanted guests? Based on a Dr. Seuss story.
An animated short-form adaptation of Dr. Seuss' "The Cat in the Hat" by Alexei Karaev.
The Cat in the Hat is all set for a lovely picnic, but the evil Grinch changes his plans by inventing a contraption that captures noise and makes it sound ferocious. The Cat has to save the world from the clutches of the Grinch and the only way to do it is to reach Grinch's soft spot.
The Cat in the Hat is all set for a lovely picnic, but the evil Grinch changes his plans by inventing a contraption that captures noise and makes it sound ferocious. The Cat has to save the world from the clutches of the Grinch and the only way to do it is to reach Grinch's soft spot.
A young man wishes he could get away and his wish is granted in a globetrotting, song singing way.
When the sour-sweet wind starts blowing again, the Whos retreat to their homes because they know the Grinch will soon be a'prowlin. Young Eukariah Who has to make a trip to the Euphemism (outhouse), when the wind blows him away to a confrontation with the gruesome Grinch. Eukariah decides that the Grinch must be stopped, so he faces his fears and confronts the Grinch and his spooks.
When the sour-sweet wind starts blowing again, the Whos retreat to their homes because they know the Grinch will soon be a'prowlin. Young Eukariah Who has to make a trip to the Euphemism (outhouse), when the wind blows him away to a confrontation with the gruesome Grinch. Eukariah decides that the Grinch must be stopped, so he faces his fears and confronts the Grinch and his spooks.
The Hoober-Bloob Highway is an animated musical special written by Dr. Seuss. Visit the magical island where Mr. Hoober-Bloob sends babies to Earth in his own musical way.
The pressure to conform, the inevitability of change, and the resistance to trying something new form the basis for the usual madcap adventures associated with the creative mind of Dr. Seuss. "Dr. Seuss on the Loose" builds upon three short stories - "The Sneetches," "The Zax" and "Green Eggs and Ham" - to create a thematic trio that explores the often fickle and flexible world of attitudes.
Um menino vai ao encontro de um industrial arruinado chamado de LER Uma vez em um deserto sem árvores e ouvir o seu conto sobre o que aconteceu com ele. Seus documentos trágica história de como ele começou um negócio de sucesso na produção de um produto de moda desnecessário, mas versátil chamado de Thneed derivada das "árvores Truffula" nativos da terra. Como booms de seus negócios, a floresta e seus habitantes sofrem como ele desenfreadamente desmatamentos sem levar em conta as advertências de uma criatura velho sábio chamado The Lorax sobre as terríveis consequências da sua ambição.
Um menino vai ao encontro de um industrial arruinado chamado de LER Uma vez em um deserto sem árvores e ouvir o seu conto sobre o que aconteceu com ele. Seus documentos trágica história de como ele começou um negócio de sucesso na produção de um produto de moda desnecessário, mas versátil chamado de Thneed derivada das "árvores Truffula" nativos da terra. Como booms de seus negócios, a floresta e seus habitantes sofrem como ele desenfreadamente desmatamentos sem levar em conta as advertências de uma criatura velho sábio chamado The Lorax sobre as terríveis consequências da sua ambição.
In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they're all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they - and you - will never forget!
In this story, Horton discovers there is a microscopic community of intelligent beings called the Who's living on a plant that only he can hear. Recognising the dangers they face, he resolves to keep them safe. However, the other animals around him think Horton has gone crazy thinking that there are such beings.
Esta obra idealizada pelo famoso Dr.Seuss, apresenta-nos o infame Grinch, um ser amargurado e irritadiço que tem um coração com apenas metade do tamanho normal. A este ser, surge-lhe uma ideia, acabar com o Natal de uma vez por todas. Assim que chega disfarçado a Whoville, uma cidade que fica perto da sua cabana, conhece a pequena Cindy Lou Who, a única dos Who que tem as suas próprias dúvidas sobre o Natal. Juntos vão revolucionar a tranquila cidade de Whoville e o próprio Natal.
While meeting a new friend, Gerald is abducted by aliens and whisked to the planet Moo. The king of Moo mistakenly thinks that all Earthlings - like Gerald - speak only in sound effects, and he attempts to converse with Gerald. Hoping to lure Earth tourism to his planet, the king brings the boy back to Earth in the hope of establishing good relations, but Earth diplomats are puzzled by the king's unusual language
Gerald's parents, frustrated at his inability to talk, call in various experts (including the world's greatest voice professor) to teach their boy to speak in words instead of sound effects. They all fail until, by chance, Gerald tries to phone home.
Gerald McBoing Boing, a little boy who can't talk but can imitate any sound, is working as a one-man sound effects department for a radio station. When a scheduled symphony orchestra does not show up, Gerald replaces them. He is doing fine until he mixes up the score with the sound effects script, and creates an original symphony. He is fired, but the critics hail his work as that of a genius.
Bart tem um único inimigo: seu professor de piano, Dr. Terwilliker. Dr. T. tem o maluco plano de forçar 500 garotos a praticar no seu piano gigante 24h por dia. Bart é o único que pode salvar as crianças.
Bart tem um único inimigo: seu professor de piano, Dr. Terwilliker. Dr. T. tem o maluco plano de forçar 500 garotos a praticar no seu piano gigante 24h por dia. Bart é o único que pode salvar as crianças.
Bart tem um único inimigo: seu professor de piano, Dr. Terwilliker. Dr. T. tem o maluco plano de forçar 500 garotos a praticar no seu piano gigante 24h por dia. Bart é o único que pode salvar as crianças.
The story of a little boy who would only talk in sound effects. With story by Dr. Seuss (and Bill Scott of Rocky and Bullwinkle fame) this cartoon won the Oscar for best short subject (animated) for 1950.
Public service featurette shown in connection with the 1947-1949 biannual nation-wide tour of the Foundation Freedom Train, a government-endorsed campaign to "re-sell Americanism to Americans."
Documentary Feature winner "Design for Death" (1947) examines Japanese culture and how it led to Japan's role in WWII.
Private Snafu (Situation Normal All Fucked Up) presents his brother Tarfu (Things Are Really Fucked Up) who was a carrier pigeon keeper and has joined the Navy
Private Snafu steals secret Japanese war plans, is captured and tried. He escapes and rows out to sea.
Private Snafu is stranded on a tiny island with a Japanese officer; he must depend on his wits to defend himself against his sword-wielding foe.
As the Devil watches Pvt. Snafu and his unit stationed in Iran, he talks about the hazards of working in the heat.
A haggard mosquito complains how tough life is with the military taking the proper precautions against malaria infection.
Your Job In Germany is a short film made for the United States War Department in 1945 just before Victory in Europe Day (VE). It was shown to US soldiers about to go on occupation duty in Germany. The film was made by the military film unit commanded by Frank Capra and was written by Theodor Geisel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss.
Private Snafu learns about fear
A humourous look at the Aleutian Islands and their strategic value.
Our Job in Japan was a United States military training film made in 1945, shortly after World War II. It is the companion to the more famous Your Job In Germany. The film was aimed at American troops about to go to Japan to participate in the 1945–1952 Allied occupation, and presents the problem of turning the militarist state into a peaceful democracy. The film focused on the Japanese military officials who had used the traditional religion of Shinto, as well as the educational system, to take over power, control the populace, and wage aggressive war.
An armada of malaria-laden mosquitoes seeks human targets and finds Private Snafu, who fails to protect himself adequately against their onslaught.
Dissatisfied with being assigned to shoe consignment detail, Snafu learns about the true value of his responsibilities
Technical Fairy First Class shows Snafu the consequences of frittering away his pay.
Snafu has an object lesson on the value of complete and accurate regular reports when he discovers and reports evidence of the enemy's presence at his assigned area.
1944 animated short film by George Pal, based on the book by Dr. Seuss.
Supervising Producer
Private Snafu wants to tell his sweetheart, Sally Lou, that he thinks his unit will be sent to the South Pacific. But every effort he makes to get his letter through uncensored is thwarted by a resourceful (and unseen) censor with an array of contraptions and booby traps. Not even Snafu's carrier pigeon can avoid the censor -- not when he has a hawk for an assistant. Technical Fairy, First Class, comes to the rescue and agrees to deliver the letter -- but he has good reason to say that he'll hate himself in the morning.
Private Snafu wants to tell his sweetheart, Sally Lou, that he thinks his unit will be sent to the South Pacific. But every effort he makes to get his letter through uncensored is thwarted by a resourceful (and unseen) censor with an array of contraptions and booby traps. Not even Snafu's carrier pigeon can avoid the censor -- not when he has a hawk for an assistant. Technical Fairy, First Class, comes to the rescue and agrees to deliver the letter -- but he has good reason to say that he'll hate himself in the morning.
Supervising Producer
Snafu learns of the folly of hoarding and wasting military food supplies.
Snafu learns of the folly of hoarding and wasting military food supplies.
Supervising Producer
Snafu learns the need of keeping his gas mask at hand when he is attacked by anthropomorphic gas cloud.
Snafu learns the need of keeping his gas mask at hand when he is attacked by anthropomorphic gas cloud.
Supervising Producer
Using Snafu as an example, Techanical Fairy First Class teaches the methods of effective camouflage.
Using Snafu as an example, Techanical Fairy First Class teaches the methods of effective camouflage.
Supervising Producer
Snafu learns hard way the consequences of not protecting himself from malaria infection.
Supervising Producer
Pvt. Snafu becomes a superhero, only for him to become the world's dumbest one because he won't study his field manuals.
Pvt. Snafu becomes a superhero, only for him to become the world's dumbest one because he won't study his field manuals.
Snafu learns hard way the consequences of not protecting himself from malaria infection.
Private Snafu learns about inflation
Supervising Producer
Pvt. Snafu thinks he's too smart to get caught by an enemy booby trap, but he soon finds that the traps are alluring and that he is every bit the booby.
Pvt. Snafu thinks he's too smart to get caught by an enemy booby trap, but he soon finds that the traps are alluring and that he is every bit the booby.
Pvt. Snafu's unit suffers the consequences of blabbing military secrets while on leave at home.
Supervising Producer
Snafu inadvertantly starts a panic on his base when he begins a mistaken rumour that the base is about to be bombed.
Snafu inadvertantly starts a panic on his base when he begins a mistaken rumour that the base is about to be bombed.
Supervising Producer
A homesick Pvt. Snafu learns that his family are almost as commited to the war efforts as himself.
A homesick Pvt. Snafu learns that his family are almost as commited to the war efforts as himself.
Supervising Producer
Pvt. Snafu suffers the consequences of not keeping his equipment and weapons properly maintained.
Supervising Producer
A fairy encourages Snafu to duck out of his training regime for his own reasons.
A fairy encourages Snafu to duck out of his training regime for his own reasons.
Pvt. Snafu complains about being assigned to the infantry only to learn that other branches have their own problems.
Supervising Producer
The doltish but self-confident and self-congratulatory Private Snafu is in possession of a military secret during World War II. Over the course of the day, spouting rhymed couplets, he divulges the secret a little at a time to listening Axis spies. He tells his mom some of the secret when he calls her from a phone booth; the rest he spills to a dolly dolly spy who plies him with liquor. Snafu's loose lips put himself at risk.
The doltish but self-confident and self-congratulatory Private Snafu is in possession of a military secret during World War II. Over the course of the day, spouting rhymed couplets, he divulges the secret a little at a time to listening Axis spies. He tells his mom some of the secret when he calls her from a phone booth; the rest he spills to a dolly dolly spy who plies him with liquor. Snafu's loose lips put himself at risk.
Supervising Producer
Private Snafu learns the hard way about the need for military dicipline and procedures to maintain an effective army.
Private Snafu learns the hard way about the need for military dicipline and procedures to maintain an effective army.
Supervising Producer
Introducing Private Snafu, the nation's worst soldier and his various versions in different branches of the armed forces. The cartoon, ironic and humorous in tone, was created during World War II and it was designed to instruct service personnel about security, proper sanitation habits, booby traps and other military subjects, and also to improve troop morale.
The main character's name is a play on the military slang acronym SNAFU, "Situation Normal: All Fouled Up."
Introducing Private Snafu, the nation's worst soldier and his various versions in different branches of the armed forces. The cartoon, ironic and humorous in tone, was created during World War II and it was designed to instruct service personnel about security, proper sanitation habits, booby traps and other military subjects, and also to improve troop morale.
The main character's name is a play on the military slang acronym SNAFU, "Situation Normal: All Fouled Up."
Bartholomew Cubbins has SO MANY HATS. Every time he removes one in the presence of the King, it is replaced magically with another. This enrages the King, who brings him to trial, and to the ultimate sentence.
Horton the elephant agrees to watch over lazy Maisie bird's egg while she vacations. Much later, after...
A kid who seeks a lifetime of adventure