Frankie Ng Chi-Hung

Frankie Ng Chi-Hung

Nascimento : 1953-12-25, Enping,Jiangmen,Guangdong,China


Frankie Ng Chi-Hung


Siping's Young and Dangerous vs Brother Hao
Brother Bee
Hong Kong's three notorious thieves who have never met one another before appear in the same restaurant. This leads to a rumour that they are joining forces to pull off something big before the Handover, though this is not something that any of them.
The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2
Wu Da-lang
O rico e poderoso Simon Qing foi educado nas maneiras sexuais por seu pai viril, mas ainda é virgem. Isto é, até que ele conhece seu primeiro amor, Violetta, que se diverte com ele por toda a propriedade de seu pai. O amor deles não dura, então Simon embarca em uma jornada. No caminho, ele conhece a graciosa freira Moon, com quem Simon deflora e depois se casa. Ele então fica apaixonado por Lótus Dourado, mas ela é casada com o anão Wu Da-Lang.
The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks
Wu Da-lang
Baseado no clássico romance chinês "Jin Ping Mei", escrito durante a dinastia Ming. O romance em si é o primeiro trabalho ficcional chinês completo, a representar a sexualidade de maneira explícita. O filme (e também o romance) acontece durante o período de 1111 a 1127 e gira em torno de Ximen Quing, um oportunista corrupto e um comerciante lascivo, que é rico o suficiente para se casar com um grupo de esposas e concubinas.
Vingança implacável
Uncle Tiger
Poderoso líder de uma organização de tráfico humano, Night (Terence Yin) é preso após uma ação policial em Hong Kong, liderada por Sam (Leon Lai). No tribunal, o criminoso é processado pela noiva de Sam, a promotora Ann (Asaka Seto) e agora jura vingança ao casal. Uma assassina contratada segue de perto todos os passos de Sam e Ann. Durante esta perseguição, ela se apaixona por Sam e decide matar apenas Ann. Arrasado com a morte de sua noiva, Sam deixa tudo para trás e começa uma nova vida até que You, uma turista, chama sua atenção, pois ela é idêntica a Ann. Mas uma reviravolta está para acontecer: Night sai da prisão e, ao descobrir que Sam está vivo, vai atrás dele para concluir sua vingança. Enquanto isso, Sam encontra fotos e um vídeo da viagem que fez com Ann e assim descobre a verdadeira identidade de You: a assassina de sua ex-noiva.
You Shoot, I Shoot
Brother B
A hired killer pairs up with an amateur filmmaker to provide clients with satisfying footage of enemies getting whacked in this black comedy. Business is down, so hit man Bart is thrilled when Mrs. Ma hires him to kill her enemies and film the murders. But Bart's first video killing stinks, so he hires filmmaker Chuen. Although business subsequently picks up, their notoriety creates complications.
Master Q 2001
Mr Ling
"Master Q" is a popular comic book series character in Hong Kong. Each comic book is usually made up of many different situational stories, with 8 frmaes making up a story in 1 page. In short, it is like the newspaper comics that you see in America but in a book form. The movie is about how Master Q and his 2 friends Mr. Chung and Potato are out looking for jobs but accidentally cause an traffic accident for Mandy (Cecilia Cheung) and Fred (Nicholas Tse). As a result, both have lost their memories and due to circumstances, they have become enemies... but then, true love will eventually reunite (with a lot of help from Master Q and Potato).
Referee for underground boxing
Brought up in a small walled village of Hong Kong, three friends are street fighters thirsty for great fame in the triad society.
The Duel
Hawk Brother Six
The sword saint requests a duel with god of sword at the apex of the forbidden city to determine the worlds best. As the date of the duel nears troubles befall the imperial town until everything is revealed at the climactic fight.
The Tricky Master
Prison guard
Undercover cop Leung Foon is having trouble taking down the illegal trading operation headed by crime boss Ferrari. So to accomplish his mission, he asks for help from the renowned Master Wong, an expert in gambling tricks.
Um Homem Chamado Herói
Moon Gate God
Na década de 20, o homem chamado Hero Hua, portador da mortal Espada Vermelha, é obrigado a fugir para os EUA depois de ter matado os assassinos de sua família. Dezesseis anos depois de sua fuga, sua esposa e seu filho viajam até Nova York para procurar Hero, atraindo uma série de problemas
Young and Dangerous: The Prequel
Brother Bee
Showcasing the earlier years of Chan Ho Nam (Nicholas Tse) and Chicken (Sam Lee), this prequel tells of their time during their willingness to follow Hung Hing's "Uncle Bee". The film co-stars Shu Qi and Daniel Wu.
Portland Street Blues
Boss B
This spin-off movie provides a different contrast to the familiar Young and Dangerous films with greater character development. This time, the story's focus is on a female character - Sister 13 of the Hung Hing triad. In a triad underworld dominated by men, the film tells the story of how she faces trials and tribulations of rising to become the branch leader of Portland Street. The story shows the reasons she became a lesbian. The film also gives more details about the Tung Sing triad, and how the relationship between Sister 13 and Ben Hon develops.
Alerta Total
Passports seller
Police Inspector Pao is trying to catch Mak Kwan, a gang member who is first arrested, but then escapes from the prison. By chance, Pao realizes that the target of Kwan's gang is the H.K. Jockey Club
God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage
Mo Kau
Following Ko Chun's earlier years as he battles for the position he was destined for: The God of Gamblers.
Best of the Best
Tung Tung just graduated from the police academy, encountering a Vietnamnese assassin on his first day on work. Tung in order to break through obstacle in his mind decides to join SDU. Among the teammates, Coolman feels resentment toward Tung, which he doesn't understand. Later he discovers Coolman is actually his step brother. Tung actively tries to get close to Coolman, but is rejected. When training reaches its last stage, Coolman and Tung's team reencounters the Vietnamnese assassin on a deserted island.
Young and Dangerous
Uncle Bee
Five young hoodlums sing karaoke, murder, joke around, get beaten up, win and lose women, and learn the value of blind loyalty.
War of the Underworld
When the son of a gang leader manages to insult the son of a rival gang leader, total war erupts between the rival gangs, and the young hero is forced to do terrible things in order to maintain order and honor.
Prisioneiro do Inferno 2
Blind Snake
Ching escapa da prisão para ver seu filho, que foi colocado em um orfanato. Ele entrega-se às autoridades, mas o chefe vingativo de segurança, Zau, organiza tudo para Ching ser colocado nos olhos da quadrilha continental, liderado por Pong Fai-Long, conhecido como Dragão.
The Iceman Cometh
Robber bossing San
During the Ming dynasty, Yuen Biao is a royal guard charged to capture a dangerous criminal. The battle which opposes them will make them fall into ice. Three centuries later, nowdays, the archaeologists give them again the life. Only a black jade Buddha and a temporal wheel would be able to make them return in their time. The battle would start again.
Prisioneiro do Inferno
Blind Snake
Dentro de uma prisão chinesa dois detentos formam uma amizade e enfrentam a dificuldade que é viver lá dentro.