Anthony Higgins

Anthony Higgins

Nascimento : 1947-05-09, Northampton, England


Anthony Higgins (born 9 May 1947) is an English stage, film and television actor.


Anthony Higgins
Anthony Higgins


The Enigmatic Charlotte Rampling
Self (archive footage)
Screen icon Charlotte Rampling has fascinated the world of cinema, fashion and photography with her mysterious and almost inaccessible beauty. A major figure in genre and auteur films, she is unclassifiable: between presence and absence, shyness and audacity, she's always hypnotic, magnetic and fascinating. From her film debut in the mid-1960s in England, to her unconventional career path, through the tragic loss suicide of her older sister that will irremediably mark her acting, this film is a dive into the existential quest of a complex actress, whose every facet is discovered through her roles. Through a conversation with the actress herself, along with personal archives and extracts from her films, this documentary raws a dazzling portrait of her life and career.
Paixões Unidas
Lord Kinnaird
Um grupo de jovens europeus decide reunir-se em torno de um projeto único: criar uma Federação Internacional de Futebol, que regule e promova a nível internacional a prática do futuro desporto-rei. Mais de 100 anos depois, esta instituição atravessou as maiores alterações e rupturas do século pela mão de dirigentes como Jules Rimet, João Havelange e Sepp Blatter.
The Curse of Edgar
Clyde Tolson
Based on the bestselling novel by Marc Dugain, this original docudrama weaves unique archival footage within a fictional story and sheds a new light on J. Edgar Hoover. This film reveals the FBI director's battle to retain power from the Kennedy clan. From 1960 and 1963, two ideals of America come face to face and two sets of morals clash. Clyde Tolson, Hoover's right-hand man and secret lover, is the last survivor of this psychological drama. He recounts this intense political period when America's destiny has never been as dependent on one of the most powerful and mysterious figures of the time.
Bel Ami: O Sedutor
Comte de Vaudrec
Georges Duroy viaja, através da década de 1890, em Paris, desde sótãos repletos de baratas até salões de beleza luxuosos, usando a sua inteligência e poder de sedução para subir da pobreza à riqueza, do abraço de uma prostituta aos encontros apaixonados com as mulheres mais belas e ricas, num mundo onde a política e os media disputam influência, onde o sexo é poder e ser uma celebridade é uma obsessão.
Malice in Wonderland
A modern take on the classic fairytale, Alice in Wonderland, set in South East England.An American law student in London. Knocked down by a black cab, she wakes with amnesia in a world that's a million miles from home - Wonderland. We follow her adventures as she's dragged through an underworld filled with twisted individuals and the lowest low-lifers, by the enigmatic cab driver, Whitey. She needs to find out who she is, where she's from and use what wits she has left to get back home in one piece. As her journey progresses she discovers nothing is what it seems, realizes that fate and life are terminally entwined, and finds true love lurking in the unlikeliest place.
Heroes & Villains: Napoleon
General Dugommier
Twenty Four year-old Corsican refugee Napoleon Bonaparte is a lowly artillery captain in the French army at the siege of Toulon. Destitute and relying on his success in the new and dangerous revolutionary society, his mother and siblings become embroiled in Napoleon's struggle. The opponents are the English but the enemy are the revolutionaries authorities who seek to keep him in his place. Using his astonishing tactical mind, his sheer audacity and extraordinary military bravery, Napoleon emerges victorious and sets out on a path that would one day lead him to the throne of France.
Geoffrey Wharton
Encouraged by his editor to seek 'sexy stories that sell', a reporter preys upon the private life of an erstwhile friend, with disastrous results.
Claire McKay (Julia Brendler) é uma adolescente traumatizada que é levada para a ilha de seus ancestrais, na esperança dela se recuperar da súbita morte do seu primeiro amor. Claire encontra uma excêntrica escritora, Celia (Lynn Redgrave), que lhe conta a história de outra adolescente, Silly (Kirsten Dunst), e a maldição que assombrou a ilha desde a época dos vikings. Claire reconta a história de Silly e sua grande perda, uma história que ainda não terminou. Claire então revive seu trauma e procura um final feliz para sua história.
De Bem Com a Vida
Um jovem dançarino cuja vida e arte são integralmente conectados ao seu corpo se vê passando por profundas mudanças quando confrontado com o HIV. Depois de herdar o papel principal no balé Indian Summer de seu amigo Ramon (Anthony Higgins), Tonio (Jason Flemyng) recusa todos os tratamentos que possam interferir em suas habilidades de dança, se reconectando com a vida apenas com Jack (Anthony Sher), um homem tão diferente dele quanto duas pessoas podem ser, mas que se torna seu companheiro e amante.
Moisés foi um homem comum chamado por Deus para libertar seu povo, os Israelitas. Sua missão, libertá-los da escravidão no Egito e levá-los para Canaã, a terra prometida. Quando os israelitas correram risco de captura pelo exército do Faraó, Deus dividiu o Mar Vermelho para que Moisés e os que o acompanhavam pudessem fugir. Mais tarde durante a dura jornada, Deus proferiu através de Moisés, Os Dez Mandamentos, a lei divina.
As Profecias de Nostradamus
King Henry II
A dramatic retelling of the life of Michel de Nostredame, from his early work as a plague doctor to his time at the court of Catherine de Medici, after he became famed for his prophetic almanacs. Stars Rutger Hauer and Julia Ormond.
Sweet Killing
Adam Crosse
A business man decides to kill his wife but the plan sets off a chain of weird events that cause his life to become a living hell.
Por Amor ou Por Dinheiro
Christian Hanover
Michael J. Fox interpreta o cortês gerente de um hotel de luxo, Doug Ireland, que faz de tudo para agradar os hóspedes, sonhando em um dia encontrar um que financie o seu grande sonho: montar o próprio hotel. Quando finalmente encontra alguém (Anthony Higgins) disposto a transformar o seu desejo em realidade, Doug se apaixona por Andy Hart (Gabrielle Anwar), a amante do rico empresário com quem ele conta para investir no negócio. Agora Doug terá de enfrentar um clássico dilema - ele irá escolher o amor ou o dinheiro? Esta sofisticada e espirituosa comédia, apresenta uma deliciosa história de amor com muitos risos e romance. Estrelando o astro do filme De Volta Para o Futuro, Michael J. Fox, Anthony Higgins (Os Caçadores da Arca Perdida) e Gabrielle Anwar (Perfume de Mulher).
Sherlock Holmes Returns
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes is awakened in modern times with a tale that he had invented a method of suspended animation that he had utilized on himself. Awakened by an earthquake, he is helped by Amy Winslow, who lives at 1994 Baker Street in San Francisco. There he is joined by a new group of Baker Street Irregulars led by Zapper. His battles lead him to the evil Moriarty clan led by James Moriarty Booth.
La règle du je
While preparing her next exhibition, Olivia, a young painter, tries to save her life with Simon from sinking, already cruelly tested by a first year of separation. During a trip to Majorca, she meets Alexander, an Irishman with whom she falls in love. When she returns to Paris, she chooses to leave Simon, without mentioning her romance with Alexander. But the two men meet during an exhibition.
Correndo Contra o Vento
SS Capt. Herman Gruber
Mary Linden works for the French Red Cross in Occupied France during World War II and helps allied soldiers who have been shot down to escape to the unoccupied side. Her activities are complicated by her high profile and her daughter's love affair with a German officer. Based on the true story.
The Strauss Dynasty
Johann Strauss (Vater)
The Shutter Falls
Alexander Watson
A 19th Century photographer travels to the North of Scotland to document the fishing industry, where he falls in love with one of the Gaelic-speaking fish gutting girls.
Max, Meu Amor
The wife of a British diplomat in Paris takes a chimpanzee as her lover.
Douglas Furbanks
A jovem Lucky embarca em uma aventura à la O Feiticeiro de Oz quando é engolida pelas páginas de sua revista de moda favorita, Caprice. Ao entrar neste mundo dos sonhos, Lucky atravessa os diferentes artigos da revista, uma experiência ao mesmo tempo fascinante e assustadora.
O Enigma da Pirâmide
Professor Rathe
Em 1870, na Londres vitoriana, pessoas são acometidas de alucinações em virtude de serem atingidas por um dardo, com as visões as levando à morte. É dentro deste contexto que Sherlock Holmes (Nicholas Rowe) e John Watson (Alan Cox) se conhecem, quando ainda são adolescentes e estudam em uma escola pública inglesa, sendo que nesta mesma época Holmes soluciona seu primeiro caso.
Lace 2
King Abdullah of Sydon
While in the first part, Lili searched for her mother, she now questions her mom on the identity of her father.
A Prometida
O dr. Frankenstein dedica anos de pesquisa para construir o par perfeito para sua primeira criação monstruosa. Ele cria uma mulher, Eva, para casá-la com seu primeiro monstro. Contudo, Eva decide abandonar seu noivo, que não desiste de tê-la para si.
The Cold Room
A girl visiting modern day East Germany with her estranged father begins reliving the horrifying events that happened to a young girl living there during World War II.
She'll Be Wearing Pink Pyjamas
A humorous and revealing tale of a group of eight women from varying walks of life, who have volunteered for a rugged survival course at a tough mountain school in the English lakes.
In June 1940 Italy entered the war alongside Germany. With Britain threatened by a German invasion, thousands of ordinary Italians living in the UK were arrested and thrown into internment camps.
O Contrato do Amor
Mr. Neville
Um desenhista emergente e ambicioso é empregado pela senhora de uma mansão campestre para que execute uma série de desenhos em troca de favores sexuais. Fábula sobre sexo e dominação, ambientado no fim do século XVII.
Stephan Zelli
When her husband's arrest leaves her penniless, a woman accepts an invitation to move in with a strange couple.
Indiana Jones e os Caçadores da Arca Perdida
Em 1936, o arqueólogo Indiana Jones é contratado para encontrar a Arca da Aliança, que segundo as escrituras bíblicas conteria "Os Dez Mandamentos" que Deus revelou a Moisés no Monte Horeb. Mas como a lenda diz que o exército que a possuir será invencível, Indiana Jones terá um adversário de peso na busca pela arca perdida: o próprio Adolf Hitler.
Danton's Death
Danton 's Death is arguably the most dramatic and penetrating study of revolution ever written. Georg Biichner concentrates on that moment in 1794 when the Reign of Terror, already well established, spills over into a total blood-bath. The play, adapted by director Alan Clarke and Stuart Griffiths, both highly imaginative and closely documentary, shows how the great hero of the early phase of the Revolution, Danton, sickened by the excesses of the guillotine, which he helped to create, wants to call a halt. But Robespierre and Saint-Just, the leaders of the extremists, with a ferocious puritanical zeal, spur on ' the wild horses of the Revolution.'
A Viagem dos Condenados
Seaman Heinz Berg
A luxury liner carries Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany in a desperate fight for survival.
Flávia, a Freira Muçulmana
Puglia, sul da Itália, por volta de 1400. Um convento é invadido pelo culto da Tarântula, cujos membros fanáticos e loucos profanam o lugar sagrado cometendo atos obscenos e sangrentos.
The Creditors
Gustave meets Adolph who tries to show him that Gustave’s fiancée doesn’t love him.
O Circo do Vampiro
After a spate of murders, the villagers of Schtettel kill the depraved perpetrator, Count Mitterhouse. Fifteen years later the Circus of Nights appeared in the plague-ridden village and its performers include Mitterhouse's mistress, children and cousins. They have come to Schtettel to fulfil the Count's last words, an evil, vicious curse of death and destruction on those who participated in his impaling. The children of Schtettel become the targets for a brutal and devastating revenge as the Vampire Circus rehearses for its most deadly performance.
Diabólicos Sedutores
Helmuth von Ornstein
An opportunistic young man working as a servant to a European countess uses his sexual talents to better his station in life.
O Sangue de Drácula
Paul Paxton
No exato momento da morte de Dracula (filme anterior), um homem passa pelo local e recolhe seu sangue, capa e anel com a intenção de ressuscitá-lo em um ritual satânico. Três distintos cavalheiros estão procurando por algo excitante em suas tediosas vidas. Eles entram em contato com um dos servos de Drácula e realizam uma cerimônia noturna para trazê-lo de volta à vida. Eles aceitam do Lord Courtley a missão de comprar para este o manto, o anel, e um frasco com sangue pertencente ao falecido Conde Drácula. Em troca, terão teus desejos mais secretos realizados. Numa cerimônia secreta, os cidadãos se recusam a beber uma poção feita com o sangue de Drácula, mas o Lord bebe e é espancado até a morte, como vingança, ele decide que os cavalheiros serão mortos, um a um, por seus próprios filhos.
Caminhando Com o Amor e a Morte
Robert of Loris
Attempting to evade the turmoil of France's Hundred Years' War, Parisian student Heron of Foix decides to journey to the sea. En route, he meets the pretty aristocrat Lady Claudia, and the couple begin a romance amid the intense conflict. As the struggle between peasants and noblemen rages on, Heron and Claudia take shelter at a monastery -- but even their newfound love can't completely keep the horrors of war at bay.
The Fifth Province
Timmy Sugrue is a persecuted guesthouse keeper and writer who lives with his mad mother in a very rainy part of the Irish midlands. His only consolation are his visits to Dr. Drudy, a psychiatrist whom he can tell about the love of his life - the President of Ireland. A new motorway puts Timmy's guesthouse off the map. A strange Spanish pilot named Marcel comes to visit and create havoc in the guesthouse. Timmy goes to a scriptwriters' conference where only fast, urban and up-beat stories are expected, nothing like Timmy's own story. Uneasy in any of the four provinces of Ireland, he desperately tries to reach the Fifth Province, the province of magic, of passion, of possibility.