Richard Marner

Richard Marner

Nascimento : 1921-03-27, Petrograd, Russia (now St. Petersburg, Russia)

Morte : 2004-03-18


Richard Marner


A Soma de Todos os Medos
President Zorkin
A Guerra Fria americana é revivida, depois que o presidente da Rússia morre e é sucedido por um homem de passado obscuro. Mas as tensões Ocidente-Oriente vêm à tona, quando a CIA suspeita que cientistas russos renegados estão desenvolvendo mais armas nucleares. Acionado pelo diretor William Cabot, Jack Ryan percorre uma trilha perigosa até uma chocante conclusão: terroristas planejam provocar a guerra, detonando uma bomba nuclear durante um jogo do campeonato de futebol.
The House
Count Von Eisen
Set in 1884, and based on the assumption that Britain is one of the Baltic states between Russia and Latvia, making it part of Europe instead of an off-shore island. It is winter 1884. To gain access to the sea, England has declared war on Latvia and believes herself to be winning. But Russia has sided with Latvia and England is doomed. The action takes place on New Year’s Eve in a country house on the Anglo-Latvian border. The guests are a cross section of the ruling classes.
A Russian ballet dancer defects from the USSR, emigrates to England, and joins a ballet company run by a powerful, wealthy lady (Joan Collins).
The Last Horror Film
Screening Room Jury
A New York taxi driver stalks a beautiful actress attending the Cannes Film Festival, which coincides with a series of violent killings of the lady's friends.
Birth of the Beatles
Club Boss
The early days of the Fab Four are traced from their bleakest hours as unknowns on Penny Lane in Liverpool to their triumph on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
Soviet Embassy Official
A village in Cheshire. A deserted cinema. A poet murdered by Stalin. A blown fuse. Victor Silvester. Pickets on trial. Trimmers and fishwires. These are some of the elements of Tony Perrin's play.
Os Meninos do Brasil
O ensandecido médico Joseph Mengele (Gregory Peck), que fez milhares de experiências genéticas com judeus (inclusive crianças), vive no Paraguai e planeja o nascimento do 4º Reich. Para obter tal objetivo, faz 94 clones de Hitler quando ele era um garoto. Mas isto não basta, pois diversas variáveis necessitam serem criadas para traçar o perfil psicológico de Hitler. Entretanto Ezra Lieberman (Laurence Olivier), um judeu que é um caçador de nazistas, descobre a trama e tenta impedir que tal plano se concretize.
Alternative 3
Dr. Carl Gerstein
Purporting to be an investigation into the UK's contemporary "brain drain", Alternative 3 uncovered a plan to make the Moon and Mars habitable in the event of climate change and a terminal environmental catastrophe on Earth.
In freier Landschaft
A Garota de Petrovka
Kremlin Press Official
A beautiful Russian ballerina falls in love with an American news correspondent. The KGB is most displeased and does everything it can to break them up.
Tiffany Jones
Light-hearted and occasionally unclothed adaptation of a British comic strip in the over-the-top, on-beyond-Bond spy fantasy vein. Based on the Daily Mail comic strip.
O Silencioso
Quem é Anton Haliakov, que acaba de ser sequestrado pelo MI 5 em Londres? Um cientista soviético aparentemente. Mas dezesseis anos antes o homem tinha outra identidade, Clément Tibère, e outra nacionalidade, francesa. Então, o que o levou a se tornar russo e mudar a identidade? E por que os serviços secretos britânicos estão interessados nele? (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Western journalists visit Moscow to interview Adrian Harris, a former controller in British intelligence who was also a double agent for the USSR. Harris believes in both Communism and Englishness, believing himself to have betrayed his class, but not his country. The press find these beliefs incompatible, and want to find out why he became a ‘traitor’. Harris is plagued by anxieties over both his actions and his upper-class childhood, and drinks to a state of collapse
Os Doze Condenados
German Sentry at Chateau (uncredited)
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um comandante do exército norte-americano tem a missão de treinar e liderar um grupo de doze condenados pela corte marcial em uma missão que envolve a morte de oficiais alemães. Se eles sobreviverem à missão suicida, terão suas penas relaxadas.
Onde os Espiões Estão
A local doctor is recruited as a cold war spy to fulfill a very important secret mission in the Middle East, only to experience that his mission is complicated by a sexy female double agent.
O Espião que Veio do Frio
Vopo Captain
Alec Leamas, um espião britânico vai para a Alemanha Oriental supostamente para desertar, mas na verdade, vai para semear a desinformação. À medida que surgem mais reviravoltas na trama, Leamas fica mais convencido de que seu próprio lado o vê apenas como mais uma engrenagem. Sua luta contra a desumanização torna-se o foco final da história.
Ring of Spies
Colonel Monat
The film is based on the actual events of the Portland Spy Ring trial in the U.K. A disgruntled Navy Clerk is transferred to a secret research establishment and is subsequently black-mailed/paid by Czech intelligence to procure secrets for them. He seduces the secretary who controls the most secret documents, and they enjoy the fruits of their treachery until the British authorities begin to close in on them.
O Rato na Lua
Russian Air Force General
Sequel to The Mouse that Roared; The Tiny Country of Grand Fenwick has a hot water problem in the castle. To get the money necessary to put in a new set of plumbing, they request foreign aid from the U.S. for Space Research. The Russians then send aid as well to show that they too are for the internationalization of space. While the grand Duke is dreaming of hot baths, their one scientist is slapping together a rocket. The U.S. and Soviets get wind of the impending launch and try and beat them to the moon.
The Password Is Courage
Sergeant-Major Charles Coward, a brave British soldier is captured by German forces during World War II. When he's thrown into a prisoner of war camp, he immediately plans his escape. Masquerading as a wounded German soldier, he makes it as far as the medical tent, where the deceived enemy forces award him the Iron Cross. Though he is ultimately discovered, he goes on to courageously pursue his freedom with a whimsical and undying audacity.
The Pursuers
A group of former concentration camp prisoners has formed an underground network to hunt Nazi leaders, who are still on the loose. At a secret meeting in Paris they discuss what to do with the former Auschwitz commandant Karl Brochmann, who since 12 years lives in London under the false identity of Karl Luther. They decide to take the law in their own hands, and send their member David to London. He starts his commission by scaring Luther, to see his reactions. Luther is already nervous, because the newspapers are writing about the capture of Eichmann. When he finds out that somebody has broken into his apartment and painted a swastika on his mirror, he gets terrified. He empties his bank account, packs a bag with all his cash and runs away, followed by David.
Quase Um Criminoso
Russian Officer Cornered by Max Easton (uncredited)
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he has defected to the Soviets taking important Naval secrets from his job at the Admiralty and to return and sue the newspapers for slander. Not everything goes as planned for Commander Easton.
Sob o Sol da África
German Guard
Durante a WW2 na África do Norte, uma Unidade de Campo Médica deve atravessar o deserto em sua ambulância a fim de alcançar as linhas britânicas em Alexandria. Um grupo de militares e enfermeiras tentam uma perigosa e árdua viagem através dos desertos do Norte de África durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O líder da equipe sonha com uma cerveja gelada quando chegar em Alexandria, mas os problemas simplesmente não desaparecem.
Tank Force!
German Colonel
During World War II, members of a British tank unit in northern Africa are captured and held prisoners by Germans.
Águia Fugitiva
German Prisoner
Based on the true story of Oberleutnant Franz von Werra, the only german prisoner of war captured in Britain to escape back to Germany during the Second World War.
Perigo nas Sombras
German Officer with Gen. Breuer
Led by British officers, partisans on Crete plan to kidnap the island's German commander and smuggle him to Cairo to embarrass the occupiers.
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Aide to Prime Minister (uncredited)
Pouco antes de morrer, um espião inglês conta para o doutor Ben McKenna e sua esposa Jo, dois turistas inocentes, algum segredo que os envolve em um caso internacional de espionagem. Seu filho é seqüestrado e, sem saber em quem confiar, eles tem de lutar para recuperá-lo. Remake em widescreen e Technicolor do filme de 1934 do próprio Hitchcock.
Oh... Rosalinda!!
Col. Lebotov
In post-war Vienna, Rosalinda and her husband become embroiled in a series of complicated escapades that puts their marital bliss at risk.
The Master Plan
Man (uncredited)
Following WW II, a U.S. army officer stationed in West Germany is assigned with keeping classified information away from the Communists. Unfortunately, Red spies know that he suffers from sudden black-outs and use this to hypnotise him, and make it appear that he is a traitor.
Mask of Dust
Hans Brecht, racer
An idol of auto-racing fans attempts a comeback after serving in the Air Force. When his former rival lies dying in the hospital he must decide whether to continue in the Grand Prix, or make peace with his adversary. Featuring race car greats Stirling Moss, Reg Parnell, John Cooper, Alan Brown, Geoffrey Taylor and Leslie Marr.
Nunca Me Deixes Ir
Toasting Russian Officer (uncredited)
An American reporter falls in love with a Russian ballet dancer.
Era Uma Vez um Espião
Russian Sentry
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Uma Aventura na Africa
Second Officer of Shona
O African Queen é o pequeno, mas estimado, barco de Charlie (Humphrey Bogart). Durante a Primeira Guerra, na selvagem África, ele assume a responsabilidade de levar a irmã do recém-falecido reverendo Samuel, Rose (Katharine Hepburn), para a civilização, através do rio, utilizando o barco. Mas existem dois problemas: Rose e Charlie não combinam em nada e as margens do rio estão cheias de alemães.
Appointment with Venus
2nd German Corporal
At the outbreak of WWII the British realise they can't prevent the invasion of the Channel Islands. However, someone realises that a prize cow is on the islands and the Nazis mustn't get hold of her. This is the intrepid story of the cow-napping from under the noses of the Nazis.
Lilli Marlene
SS Colonel
Lilli Marlene, a French girl working as a bar maid in her uncle's café in Benghazi, Libya, turns out to be the girl that the popular German wartime song Lili Marleen had been written for before the war, so both the British and the Germans try to use her for propaganda purposes - especially as it turns out that she can sing as well. When the Germans kidnap her in Cairo and she starts appearing in radio broadcasts from Berlin, her British soldier friends think that she's joined the enemy. They couldn't be more wrong, because after the war it turns out that her songs over the radio contained secret messages to London from British agents in Berlin.
Missão nos Balcãs
Soldier on Train (uncredited)
A US newsman and a British entomologist spy on germ-warfare research in a mythical country.
Segredo de Estado
Second Officer at Billin Police Headquarters
Visiting in England, an American surgeon Doctor John Marlowe is decoyed to a middle European country, and discovers the operation he is to perform is on the Vosnian dictator. When the latter dies, he is replaced by a look-alike, but Marlowe then becomes the object of a shoot-to-kill, vicious pursuit by the secret police of Vosnia since it is vital to Vosnia that the dictator's death does not become known. Fleeing, he seeks help from an actress, Lisa Robinson, and the two are harried across the countryside.